Would you look at that? We made it to the end of this book! Honestly, this story has changed so much from when I first started writing it. I also didn't think I would end up creating three parts or having so many people loving and enjoying this story as much as yall do. I absolutely love it when y'all get so emotional about Kai and his funny little life I've created.
imma be honest I suck at expressing my emotions through words so sorry if this seems a bit weird. You guys are amazing and I hope you continue to enjoy Kai’s silly little life.
I ass as mentioned in a status post I thought it would be nice to do a Q and A it can be questions about the next book or realy anything regiardong the story or if you wanna ask me questions that’s cool too!
also there will still be updates over the next few weeks of Kai’s after high school so don’t in bookmark it yet!