Daffi: plain yellow shirt and faded blue jeans
Me: Black cargo pants and black skivvy with transparent sleeves
Me: Welcome, Dear Daisy fans! Thank you for tuning into the Mira Show! The place where we take your favourite characters and ask them your burning questions. Now it's no surprise but today our guest is one of our most popular characters in the series Daffodil! Please welcome him with a round of applause.
Daffi walks in waving slightly confused
Daffi: Oh, hello random people!
Me: It's great to meet you in person finally. Is it okay for me to call you Daffi or do you prefer Daffodil?
Daffi: Oh really whatever you prefer.
Me: Okay then I'll just call you Daffi then. Have you ever been told the nickname is exactly like Daffi the duck?
Daffi: Way too many times. But that's one of the reasons I chose it. I've always really liked ducks. I really want one as a pet one day.
Me: Oh well I guess you already answered one of your questions. Though are there any other pets you would like?
Daffi: Nope. Just a duck. They are the best animals. They are the cutest as well.
Me: Just a duck? Alright then, since we seem to have started here's your next question, what is your favourite food?
Daffi: Oh burgers from Yo My Goodness. They are to die for, then have yofro after it just hits the spot. My fav one is the Howler it's really hot but that just makes it better. It's funny watching people's faces as I devour it because they never expect me to be able to eat spicy food.
Me: I personally prefer the Bergurk... Though I have to admit you seem fun to eat with. Next up is something I'm going to need proof for, can you whistle? One of your fans doesn't think you can.
Daffi: Then they would be incorrect. I can whistle. Just really really badly. Like, don't ask me to whistle you a song unless you want your ears to bleed.826Please respect copyright.PENANAVuhEzHbKIB
Me: Do show us.
Daffi stands up and whistles
Me: I see, it wasn't too horrible. Well if you ever want to teach someone how to whistle I know someone who would love to learn. Okay, this was actually asked more than I thought. How's life mate?
Daffi: It's complicated? There are good and bad things happening right now but it's not bad. Can you please ask the next one?
Me: What would you say is your favourite flower?
Daffi: Orchids. I think they are just really pretty. I actually made my comic have a character with that name since I like them so much!
Me: So you draw comics? Is that also something you want to do in the future?
Daffi: Oh yep! I want to become a comic artist but since it's not that stable of a job I would also like to take on digital drawing commissions.
Me: Gosh if you actually existed you would make my life 10x easier.
Daff: Sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear because you mumbled.
Me: Haha don't worry! If you did hear that it would put you in an existential crisis and we can't have that because your mental health would just deteriorate more. Though how is your mental health at the moment?
Daffi: Uhm, okay then. My mental state is actually pretty bad at the moment (nervous laughs) it's like if one more bad thing happens in my life I'm going to break down and run away from everything.
Me: Would you like a therapist? We have one person willing to give out free ones for you.
Daffi: Oh no that's okay! I've already got one. She's been helping me since I was nine, so leaving her would feel wrong. Shout out to Gabby my therapist. They are the best.
Me: Fair Enough. So here we have some slightly odd questions. Let's start with one, I'm sure this person didn't mean it in a rude way but are you a vampire?
Daffi: Is it because I don't sleep much or how pale I am? Either way no. I don't think I ever could because I faint at the sight of blood. It grosses me out. I also don't think they exist.
Me: I never actually thought you would faint over blood. Okay keeping on the really weird theme, can you talk to daffodils?
Daffi: Huh? No? Though I should ask my friend Zinnia I feel like they could. They like doing all this witchcraft stuff so I'll ask them instead.
Me: Zinnia is into witchcraft? How could I not know that...well moving on! Do you believe dolls are alive?
Daffi: Yes. Only specific ones though. There was this girl that was my friend or well I thought she was but turned out she wasn't anyways she collected all these dolls and whenever I went to her house I would feel them staring at me. Other dolls aren't alive though.
Me: I don't believe I've heard about this friend of yours. Do you ever plan on opening up about it?
Daffi: Maybe?
Me: I'm sorry that wasn't on the questions list let's get back to that. Where do you work?
Daffi: Ohh at the moment I have three jobs. There's making my comic, a part-time job at Kmart and then I also take shifts at a local florist! I'm surprised I still have time for life things honestly.
Me: Haa I get that. Now I'm going to move on to questions about your life and Kai.
Daffi: Okay, shoot.
Me: So do you plan on keeping in contact with Kai after you graduate?
Daffi: I mean it would be weird if I'm not considering we are going to live together, hopefully.
Me: True. I slightly forgot about that. What's your opinion on Kai and do you want him to be happy?
Daffi: Kai. He's one of the best people in my life and I treasure him so much. I love how he's still able to keep going after everything that's happened to him and of course I want him to be happy! I would be a worse friend if I didn't want that for him.
Me: Worse? Mate what have you done to say that? You are a great friend to Kai. Moving on, how do you feel about all of Kai's new friends?
Daffi: Like Iris and Dhalia? Well, I really like Iris. He's a blast to hang out with and is overall a fun person and I'm just going to shut up about Dhalia.
Me: You sure?
Daffi: If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it just write it down and burn it.
Me: The readers are gonna be mad...
Daffi: Sorry but for a host, you mumble an awful lot. Would you like my mic instead?
Me: Oh aha that's fine I just like talking to myself. Have you ever been bullied by Lee and his friends?826Please respect copyright.PENANACxiqrrdzKf
Daffi: Yep. When I was trying to warn Kai they bullied me quite a lot. Most of it was cyber but I did get punched a few times. Luckily I'm good with makeup so no one noticed.
Me: Something else I didn't know. You really are quite talented. Last question for this bit, did you know Daisy?826Please respect copyright.PENANANvxg4ClGG7
Daffi: Sadly no, she passed before I moved to this school but she had some friends at my old school so I saw her once or twice. I wish I did get to know her though. She seemed like a wonderful person.
Me: That's sweet of you. Okay, our next segment is about your feelings and relationship as well as his relationship.
Daffi: Oh, yay...
Me: Sorry, but it's better to talk about this anyways. What do you think about Kai's girlfriend?826Please respect copyright.PENANAZVHMhVCKmR
Daffi: I don't like her at all but he's happy so I'm happy for him. If I had the choice it would be me instead of her.
Me: Ohh teaaa. Our next question will be shown in the form of a meme. (you need to click the link it just displays how I edited it since I couldn't seem to get it as an image here meme) This was also a very asked question but it was worded the best this way.826Please respect copyright.PENANADgNk3CGpVu
Daffi: PFFT- First off the editing is so bad.
Me: I'm hurt. I'm sorry I can't edit stuff. Wow.
Daffi: But *interrupted by laughing*yes. I've liked him for a while.
Me: I knew it! Or well I know it. But okay now I'm going to stop showing that and ask you the next question, what's stopping you from confessing?
Daffi: Oh, fear of rejection. As well as possibly losing my best friend to feelings. Me confessing and him thinking I'm disgusting. Kai thinking I'm only friends with him because I like him. So many things.
Me: That's kinda deep. Wow. Okay next is what do you think might make you less afraid to confess?
Daffi: Kai confessing first? I don't know. I've had a lot of bad and scarring experiences with confessions. So I doubt I ever will.
Me: I think I know the answer but are you ready to fight for Kai's affection?
Daffi: I would prefer to stay in the shadows admiring him if I'm being honest. Even if we never get together as a couple I think I would be okay with that.
Me: Now I feel sad. You remind me too much of myself, dude. We are gonna move away from this and have some more fun questions.826Please respect copyright.PENANAKKe5NvQpuk
Daffi: Do you need a hug? Also, that would be great.
Me: I'll take the hug after this interview since we are on a time limit aha but yes. So ahem when is your birthday?
Daffi: Oh a super easy one! It's on the 9th of June!
Me: Oh so it's soon it's like three months for you then!
Daffi: Yeah it is and I'll finally be legal and stuff.826Please respect copyright.PENANAUgeKFwmzL4
Me: That's awesome! Okay second last question for tonight, do you believe in Kangaroos?
Daffi: What type of question is that- uhh yes? I used to live in the outback and we saw them all the time! I'm sorry but who asked this?
Me: Uhh someone like BB.
Daffi: Oh okay that checks out.
Me: Yeah...okay LAST AND BEST ONE BECAUSE IT COMES WITH FOOD! We got these cookies mailed to us with a question. I think they are homemade but I have no idea. So would you like a cookie? They are from a dude named Cheeto.
Daffi: These are delicious. Tell that dude I said thank you.
Me: Okay well that concludes our interview! I hope you loved it and had your questions answered!