Dear Daisy,
You know how in movies there are those scenes where those two characters sit in bed and say really deep stuff? That happened, except I’m not in a movie or even a book. This is somehow real life.
Daffi told me what I can assume is everything. I asked him about it during our normal night conversations. We talked about how we both failed at making popcorn and the events of the day. There was also the dude on the train who played harmonica. Then I asked about Daffi’s phone. He went quiet for a few seconds, then tried to change to topic. I had to explain that I just wanted to know what was going on. He went quiet again but maybe after three minutes of us sitting in silence, he started telling me everything. She was messaging him before we even got together. Asking for dates or trying to flirt with him. Then when we got together it calmed down, that was until a few weeks before we broke up. Most of it was me listening to Daffi explaining the entire situation. I’m not exactly sure how I feel about it but I would like to talk to Dahlia. I’m grateful he let me know about it. I think he was feeling guilty. But I don’t feel mad at him, I feel betrayed, mostly by Dahlia but a small bit by Daffi. Did he not trust me enough to tell me? Did I make him feel bad? I can’t help but wonder, if I didn’t bring it up would he have ever told me?
I feel the same as when Lee left me, there are just too many emotions for me to process. I think I should sleep on it and then bring it up. Dahlia is still part of the friend group after all. She may be the third worst person I know but I shouldn’t let my dumb decisions fuck everyone else's relationships up.
I audioafied this so if you wanna listen lmk and I'll set up a folder