Dear Daisy,
It keeps hitting me that school is so close to finished. The fact is starting to set in more now that Daffi and I have really started moving stuff into our new place. We decided by term four it would be best if we were already living in the apartment together. So we are actually going to start cohabitating (that makes us sound really weird) during the term three holidays. Which is crazy because there’s only three weeks left. That also reminds me. We learnt that Iris’s birthday will be over the holidays, but so will Zinna. There’s only a one-year and a day difference. Zinnia’s birthday is on the 23rd of September and Iris’s is the 24th. We’re going to combine the dates and have the party at Zinnia’s house. I’m excited because we will actually see where Zinna lives. But for now I need to focus on revision and getting work. It’s been a bit of a slow month. I’ve only hadd about two jobs per week. I really hope it speeds up since I’m going to have to start paying bills soon. Maybe I’ll look into getting an actual job at a photogrpahy company.