AHHHH as I said we would do something different for 20k sooo here we are! First of thank you guys so much! I'm really happy that you guys seem to be enjoying this rollercoaster of a story and are still involved even though there are like 150+ letters on this thing. I really hope you look forward to the rest and see if some of your theories are correct (no matter how absurd) and just to watch Kai and his "flower gang" get old and wrinkly.
Anywho, this is a commission from someone different this time! My friend hooked me up with this artist and he was hella great to work with! I really hope yall like how Daffi turned out because I think he looks great!
Priv account:https://www.instagram.com/real_rahulian/
Art account:https://www.instagram.com/mr.arty.indian/
Though if you guys are interested in commissioning him to try to reach him on the art account first. Though if you don't get a response dm him on the priv one