Dear Daisy,
Tomorrow is our games and movie night. I decided to stay over at Daffi’s house for an extra night so we could catch up a bit. We also talked about the GAT and just all the tests. On the way home Daffi complained about almost everything in the test but that’s fine. I did too. When we got home. Or we got to Daffi’s house, Daffi’s mom made this slow-cooked stew meat thing for dinner. I forgot the name but it was possibly the best thing ever. Sometimes I wish I could live in Daffi’s house forever with Aunt Mel. It still feels weird saying that. Daffi’s mom asked me to call her Melissa but that just felt wrong. I don’t even call my mom her name. So we settled for Aunt Mel instead. It feels nice. Then Daffi’s dad felt like he was missing out so now I call him Uncle Dan now. I forgot to mention but Nick was there. AGAIN! I don’t think he ever leaves the house. He just lives there, all the time, with Darren. It’s crazy I swear. After dinner, Daffi and I just watched this horror movie called Hereditary which just freaked me out so we stayed up a little while more just talking. I decided to use it as an opportunity to say when he said back since I guess that’s what we do as friends now. A bit like you and me. So just before we went to sleep I said “I love you too bro.”
Do the quiz, please! I've decided the winner gets to choose the next prize! I'll be posting answers on Thursday arvo AEST TIME