"Oh boy we're trapped inside this big mansion for a few days maybe we can have some fun! Like drain my whole fucking body of blood!"
Jarred said in a high pitched mocking voice.
"I never said it was fun."
"It would be a good time to do it. . . no one will suspect anything you know?"
Jason added.
"You're seriously going to help with this?"
"She's my wife. Besides it was my idea."
Jason replied simply, his voice had no tone of emotion.
Jarred on the other hand you could tell was quite mortified.
"I refuse to participate."
He looked away.
"Then don't."
I said softly, hoping it would make him feel bad and he'd say yes.
Instead, he only shook his head and headed for the door.
"You didn't seem to have a problem last time."
Jason spoke up, I tensed as I knew what he meant.
As Jarred reached for the doorknob he also froze, his expression blank, but he said nothing and eventually opened the door and left.
"I want to clarify this. I will not allow you to be the one to do it either."
I stood up and walked around the desk and looked up at him.
"Then who's supposed to? You?"
Jason scoffed.
"Kaidan is the one who caused this and he will be the one to fix this"
Jason watched me closely as if he were trying to see if I was joking.
"Are you sure about this?"
His jaw tightened, but eventually he nodded.
"If that is what you wish, that is who it shall be."
He leaned his head down and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips.
"I'll go get him and bring him to the training room, sound good?"
I nodded and he placed a quick kiss on my forehead and quickly flashed out of the room.
As much as I wanted him to not be in such a hurry to do this I knew we had limited time to work with.
I made my way to the room quickly and quietly and shut the door. I sucked in a deep breath of the room, the smell of the water, flowers and sage filled my nose. This was definitely the most relaxing room in the house, when it wasn't being used for training of course. Even then however, it managed to have a certain. . .peace to it. Quickly I grabbed a few towels and put my hair back in a ponytail and grabbed on of the old wooden chair and brought it to the center of the room.
"I'm surprised she decided so quickly to be honest, though I am still more so shocked by the effects."
I heard Kaidan's sudden deep voice approach the large room and the door opened.
"So you're just going to let the blood fill this poor room then? Good thing Jason brought a large tub"
Kaidan seemed not bothered by the situation he was now being put in.
Jason shook his head and placed the old bloodied tub next to the chair.
"Lovely to see you're comfortable with this idea. . ." I mumbled.
"Well it seems there was no choice my dear, so how do we do this then?"
"You either cut it off or rip it off."
Kaidan looked at me surprised.
"Must it be so barbaric?"
"Unfortunately yes, ripping it off is much easier though, but since you are not at your strongest cutting it will have to do, doing both legs is the quickest"
I pointed over to the rack which held an array of weapons.
"Both?" Jason questioned.
"We're on lock down I'm sure there will be no need for me to run. . ."
"Alright Jason, you should leave the room now"
Kaidan interrupted.
"Excuse me?" Jason snapped.
"I agree with him, I don't want you to see this okay?"
I said softly as I looked over at him.
He clenched his jaw, but finally nodded and placed a small kiss on my forehead.
"I'll see you in a few days. . ."
He looked over at Kaidan and watched him carefully for a moment before leaving the room and locking it.
"Well,we've got some time in front of us"
Kaidan said as he walked towards the rack picking up a long sword with a golden handle and he closely inspected it before walking over to me with it in hand.
"You ready?"
I was surprised that he sounded genuinely concerned.
"As ready as I can be."
I closed my eyes and sat in the chair behind me and tried my best to relax.
As Quickly as I became relaxed it was replaced with a sharp pain as I felt the cold metal cut through my left leg and a sudden feeling of numbness and chill. I heard a thud and almost a sloppy slap sound from my arm falling off onto the floor.
"One more"I quickly said keeping my eyes squeezed shut and focusing on keeping myself from self healing.
"Are you sure?"
I was shivering and although I wanted this to be done with I knew it would be easier if I chopped off one more part.
"Just cut off my right leg."
For a second I thought he might hesitate, but just as I thought that I was reminded of the same sharp pain from my arm in my leg as everything became numb.
I let out a raspy breath of air as my eyes flew open as my jaw clenched. In front of me Kaidan was watching me carefully and ran his finger down the side of the sword covering it in blood.
"How do you feel?"
The smell of my blood started to fill my nose and I slumped down in my chair more unable to barely move, my thoughts of even speaking were starting to fade.
"Cold. . .very,cold."
He put back the sword on the rack and came over and covered me up with the towels Jason had brought and started to clean me up.
"So now what do we do?"
My eyes grew heavy as I continued to feel every drop of blood slowly seep from my body and my eyes caught a small glimpse of what used to be my leg.
"Wait. . .just wait till it all goes. . .behind the gold door is a shower and a small guest room if you need it"
I heard him start to talk, but I had been focusing so much in my mind to turn off my body from healing I had slipped into darkness.
It was quiet in my thoughts for a while before I could regain my composure and come out of my head. My eyes fluttered open and Kaidan was close to me as if he were waiting for me to die instead of wake up.
"You've been in your head for an hour, thought Jason was about to rip through the door"
He scoffed.
I smiled a little.
"No don't worry it's quite normal, my brain becomes so overwhelmed from keeping my body from healing that it turns off in order to regain it's strength"
My body had finally numbed itself, but I could still faintly feel the blood leaving my body.
It was like each drip a part of my soul and mind were leaving me and just pooling below me.
"Will you be okay if I rest for a while?"
"To be honest,I would be fine alone, the only reason you're here the whole time is because Jason's brother refused and I didn't want Jason to see this"
He nodded his head.
"Yell if you need me then, I should be able to keep a hold of Ben's body for now."
He bowed his head down to me and then headed for the golden door.
I listened to the quite sounds of the small waterfall and the slow drippings of y blood as it left my weakening body. Although it may not have hurt anymore the feeling of my mind feeling almost compressed was the most uncomfortable.
After a few hours my head began to feel like it was throbbing from trying to keep so many things in focus like the calming sounds around me, carefully listening for anyone coming in and out of the house, and finally keeping Zadicus still out of my head. This was my body's second time going through this kind of trauma and although I had felt it would be much easier I was wrong.
My vision started pounding and became distorted and noises did the same. Louder then suddenly almost a whisper.
As I slowly started to calm myself back into darkness with calming myself enough I had seemed to finally let complete control of my mind and body. I couldn't think about doing anything. I couldn't think. I was floating in a void.
Some more time had passed and it was still empty, but suddenly I started hearing a whisper.
"Luna cara mia what's wrong?" Zadicus's voice slowly filled my head.
I thought to myself.
I tried to use any strength I had left bring myself back to reality.
Weakly I raised my voice as loud as I could.
I coughed violently as I felt my throat tighten and I coughed up blood and slipped to the floor right before my body slipped back into darkness.
There was a loud crash of what sounded like glass breaking although I was still in the dark I heard the things around me now. And quickly after that a familiar taste filled my mouth and I knew it was blood.
"Come on wake up my sweet. . ." I heard Zadicus's soothing voice coo as I began to drink and I opened my eyes a little.
He moved his wrist away from my mouth and I struggled against him as he held me on his lap and I finally struggled my way out of his grip and slipped back onto the floor.
Stupid you can't run away with only half your body.
"Relax, just sit and drink and you'll heal faster"
Zadicus quickly scooped me up and put me back on his lap. I was covered in blood and I'm sure he was by now too.
"I don't-"
I coughed up for blood and I saw it splatter onto his soft skin with dark crimson specks.
"My blood will heal you faster you know that-"
"Leave me be." I cut him off.
"Get the fuck away from her and out of this house! I recall we're on lock down from everyone I believe that means you as well"
Jason's voice was commanding and filled with anger and I worried to look over at him, I was certain his normally warm eyes were now cloaked with black and I could smell his dominance in the air from his prescence.
"I rule over you, you know that very well; why was she left here like this? What caused this?"
Jason quickly flashed in front of us and yanked me from Zadicus's grip. My body stayed limp in his arms as I was snatched. My body ached from being yanked as if Jason were gripping me so tight I were bruising, but I doubt I had enough blood to bruise.
"She wanted to see what would happen, she told me not to worry and bother her so I had no choice, but to do it."
"She needs me right now, not you; besides leave a Queen in this condition?"
Zadicus dropped his gaze to me and I met his and looked into his confused and hurt eyes. I knew that he was right, that he could heal me faster, but I knew this would put Jason in an uncomfortable situation.
"Your blood is working now leave me be-"
Before I could finish I was suddenly picked up by Zadicus and he was already running us out of the house. There was yelling and a few things thrown maybe even, but we were long gone out of the house.
I couldn't squirm out of his grip as he continued running so fast I couldn't tell where he was going, but even faster we had come into a house and he had quickly ran me up to the top floor of the house and placed me on a small full sized bed.
"You cannot just fucking kidnap me! How dare you!" I screamed at him as loud as I could as I tried to scoot myself up higher on the bed as he stood watching me.
"Forgive me for actually finally being able to feel a part of you and then feel you slipping in and out of the dark, and then not just leaving you after I find you with a severed legs."
"I said I was fine and to leave me." I said through my teeth.
"After you have healed I will be more than willing to let you go back,but until then you will stay here."
He started to walk towards the door, which shocked me because I would have thought he would force me to be with him during this process.
"Wait. . ." I said softly.
He stopped instantly and looked back at me, his grey eyes were still sad looking, but also very serious.
"Where are we?. . ."
And that's all he said before he left the room, he didn't shut or lock the door just simply left.
Either he had complete trust in me or he knew that if I were going to leave he'd have no way of stopping me. I looked at the room around me and as I did I noticed it was quite similar to my old room I grew up in except more furnished and brighter walls. The sheets were white and the bed made neatly it felt soft as I ran my hand down it. Unfortunately because my arm and leg were still growing back I was unable to crawl under the covers, I was no longer shaking from the cold anymore, but I was feeling very weak still.
I managed to curl myself up into a ball and tried to relax.
What am I going to do? I can't walk out, he can hear any contact I make with Jason. . .
I thought to myself.
I laid there for not too long before Zadicus came back.
"May I come in?"
I nodded weakly closing my eyes and I heard his footsteps quietly move across the carpeted floor before the bed sank beside me.
"You know, I can also hear your thoughts too, not just his to you. . ." he said softly.
He didn't sound angry at all though, more as if he were just reminding me. I was gently moved and I almost protested once I opened my eyes, but he was simply trying to put me under the covers. I managed to slightly roll over so I could face him.
"Why are you taking care of me?"
"You mean why am I not angry with you? Because I care about you. You are mine, and the very rare times I get to take care of you I will."
He paused.
"But if you wish for me to take you back I will"
"Must you read through my every thought?" I gritted my teeth.
"I'm sorry I'm not used to hearing them. I haven't heard them in a very long time. . ."
"Yes well, don't get used to it."
His blood thankfully was healing me enough for my head to be able to control itself again.