As the weeks had passed, something within Jason and I was growing darker. We argued like constant. Avoided being at the same meetings even. Although we would end up being in the same room every night we were still being hateful.
Although I was not so sure why this was going on. . .
"Pay them hundred and fifty dollars each time they donate, they can still donate more than once as long as it's safe."
Everyone nodded, but Zadicus appeared confused.
"Is paying them for this service so needed?" he spoke.
We've been paying them for years, and those who came to the meeting for him, surely told him why right?
"Don't get me wrong there's some that would gladly offer it up, but they can be risky, so having a paying donation makes it better." I stated.
"What was wrong with the old way?"
"Did you not read any of the notes you were given for the past five hundred years?"
It was so tedious catching him up on everything, but when I had made a bloody mess at the ball I had killed half of the council. . . Leaving only Jason, Zadicus, Eric, Beth and I.
"I assumed you had it all under control after the first ten years so I stopped." He shrugged leaning back in his chair playing with his pen.
I heard some brief talking coming outside of the room before the door opened and Jason walked in.
"You know what, never mind."
I opened my mouth to speak, but he had already left with a slam of the door.
Everyone was looking at me.
"As I was saying. . . listen the old way is somewhat fine, but we also need this way."
I paused.
"I also recall you allowing me to keep this position I'm assuming because of how well I do."
I said proudly.
"Even if I did want someone else you would probably just kill them again. . ." he mumbled.
"I'm sorry I didn't catch that fully,what was that?"I gave a malevolent smile.
His eyes grew dark with anger and he waved me on seeming to want to avoid any arguments.
"As for everyone's question on how to handle what happened at the ball still, nothing needs to be said. I'm sure Zadicus can agree with that too."
I looked over to him.
"I would agree that it shouldn't be of discussion."
He was tense as he leaned his head on his hand.
"We'll have a ceremony for the new members next month. Zadicus and I will have the list for you sometime next week, are we clear?"
They all said yes in unison.
Eric raised his hand pulling his chair up more to the table.
"Yes, Eric?"
"If I may, will the King be joining us by then? Or are we continuing the separate meetings?"
He spoke softly as if he were unsure whether he could speak, but fear coated his words much more than uncertainty.
"This meeting is over." Zadicus spoke loudly making it clear that he wanted no such words to trouble me and he let out a growl warning to be quick.
They both quickly scrambled their folders together and hurried out.
I tensed when I realized Zadicus was still in the room and I blinked my eyes to refocus.
"Things aren't going so well are they?" he finally spoke, breaking the silence.
"It's none of your business or concern." I tried to stop the conversation.
I got up putting my folder together and suddenly he grabbed my arm.
It wasn't by force though it was just strong enough to hold me for a second.
"You're right, for the most part I did tell you to live your life."
He let go as he spoke softly if it weren't for my hearing I wouldn't have heard him probably.
"Though, I can and do care for you. You aren't yourself even I can see that. . ."
I yanked my arm away from him and glared.
"Tu non mi conosci. Come sto agendo hmm così diverso?"
(You don't know me. How am I acting so different hmm?)
I spoke bitterly.
"Perché perché ho strappato che poveretta hai chiamato un cuore?"
(Why because I ripped out that poor little thing you called a heart?)
I spat, I saw him wince.
"No, you slaughtered almost everyone. That isn't like you. . ."
He looked at me with concern and confusion.
I didn't feel I was particularly different lately. Truthfully I thought Jason was more so. Maybe this was part of the problem. . .
Was I that sinister to kill them all?
Was I okay?
"If I want to talk I know where to find you, until then make sure you make the list for them."
I walked passed him shoving into his shoulder and walked out of the meeting room.
"Joshua make sure you show Zadicus out." I snapped as I walked passed.
Joshua nodded and I made my way upstairs to my room.
"I heard yelling is everything okay?"
I jumped as I heard Jason's soft voice once I opened the door and walked in shutting it.
"Yes, everything is fine. Just had a disagreement is all. . ."
I hadn't noticed earlier, but he looked a mess. . . his hair was unkempt and wasn't like it's normal silky looking state. His eyes looked tired and worn.
"Jason, what's wrong?"
I suddenly spoke up.
"I just. . . I don't know, I needed you."
He sighed before walking out onto the balcony.
I followed him and looked at him as he looked up at the night sky.
"Jason?. . ." I asked softly.
"I just, we don't talk plans out anymore, you just do them. They aren't small things either which is a problem. . ."
I looked at him confused.
Such sudden and harsh conversations were very unlike him. . . And even more rare with me.
"I don't understand, they weren't that-"
"You fed off of Kaiden, on multiple occasions, he has fed from you as well. You have made a promise between the two of you. Then to follow up you killed a handful of people at the ball. . .Lastly, I am stranger in our own home"
Since when was he against me making Kaiden more on our side?
"I'm not against it, but your blood is a very special thing to me and you know that." He responded to my thought.
He took my hands into his and looked me in the eyes.
"If it weren't for you, and it weren't for it, I wouldn't still be with you here today, but it is because of that, that I do not wish to share it unless certain problems call for it. . ."
He paused and I watched his eyes in mine for a moment before he spoke again.
"I'm gonna lie down and shut down for a bit. . ."
My hands slipped from his and he walked back inside the room, got into bed closing the curtains around the bed.
I sighed, walking back in shutting the balcony doors.
"I'll be downstairs watching some TV" I muttered before I left.
As I made my way downstairs I started to cheer up hearing that someone was already in the family room watching TV, which probably meant Jarred.
"Jarred! Just the-"
I stopped when I rounded the corner and realized it wasn't Jarred it was Rickey.
"Well hi to you too, that makes two of us waiting on his ass."Rickey grumbled irritated.
He moved over on the couch inviting me to sit.
Strangely he didn't address me in any formal manner. Which I was thankful to an extent. I sat beside him and noticed he was watching the news.
"So how long have you been waiting?" I laughed.
He looked at his phone.
"Half hour, what about you?" he looked to me.
"Haven't been waiting, just came down and assumed he was here." I shrugged and looked at the TV.
"So, you wanna talk about that argument I heard upstairs?"
"You have some guts to eavesdrop on the King and Queen you know."
I scolded him, he just smiled.
"Gotta live life on the edge somehow, so?"
He wasn't going to let this go, that was clear, but strangely I was okay with sharing it with him. . . Jarred trusted him to an extent.
"Marriage is a . . . very complicated thing. Have you been married before?"
He shook his head.
"Never met that kind of person I wanted to be with in that way. . ."
"Aw, I thought you and I would get over this hatred for each other and get married though babe!"
Jarred's voice suddenly filled the room and I turned my head around to look at him walking to the couch.
Rickey scoffed.
"Never, funny thought though."
"What are you doing down here sweetness? Thought Jason would be back by now" Jarred looked at me confused.
"He's upstairs resting." I spoke quickly and gave him a look to leave it at that.
"We'll talk when I get back. . . call me if you need anything" Jarred kissed my cheek and started for the door.
"Come on Rick, stop staring my sister!" Jarred said irritated.
I looked over at Rickey not noticing that he was staring.
He simply smiled before he spoke getting up;
"She's a gorgeous Queen how can you not?"
I looked at him as he got up and walked to Jarred.
"Yeah, yeah come on corny asshole."
Jarred grumbled as he pulled Rickey out of the house.
I couldn't help, but laugh to myself.
It had been hours since they left and I finally got impatient and went upstairs to my room. My head strangely felt like it was on fire. Jason quickly awoke when I laid down beside him.
"How long have I been gone?" he muttered, but then suddenly his eyes were focused on me.
"Are you okay? You look like you have a fever. . ."
Did I? Aside from my head being on fire I felt fine.
"My head feels like it's burning, but otherwise I'm fine. . . maybe it was bad blood I drank this morning or something." I shrugged.
He touched my forehead and hissed quickly pulling it away.
"You're forehead feels like I just put my hand in actual fire that's not normal. . . when was the last time you drank Kaiden's blood huh?"
"A month or two ago, the effects would have worn off ages ago, I'm fine really"
I argued.
He shook his head grabbing his phone and started tapping on it's screen before he put it away and started tying up the curtains around the bed.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting Ben here so him and Kaiden can fix this mess" Jason voice grew darker.
"I don't really think it's that big of a deal. . ."
"I'd rather be sure."
His voice was sharp and stern.
He went to the dresser and changed his shirt into a plain black T-shirt.
"You know you can tell me to come over after you get dressed next time" Ben said as he shut the balcony doors.
I laughed to myself and Jason just rolled his eyes.
"So what's the problem Luna?" Ben walked over to the bed looking at me.
"I feel like my head is on fire no biggie, however when Jason touched it he hissed in pain."
He looked at me surprised and looked over to Jason.
"May I?"
Jason only nodded and Ben touched my forehead. He didn't pull away of hiss, but carefully removed his hand.
"This is a Kaiden question. . ." he said resentfully rubbing his hand.
"Then get him!" Jason suddenly snapped.
Ben's eyes quickly closed and his body tensed as he sat up more straight his eyes suddenly opened.
"I will have to agree, but I didn't think you would have a long term effects. . . anything else going on? Mood changes, any changes?"
I shook my head, but Jason quickly interrupted.
"What are you our marriage counselor? If you must know she has killed quite the amount of people as of late"
Kaiden looked at me surprised, but yet his eyes almost sparkled with interest which made my stomach churn.
"Hmm, the Queen who wanted t rule without making everyone terrified of her has killed a lot of people and you don't think that's odd at all?"
"It had to be done. I couldn't have a large backlash, so I executed them before it could happen"
I shrugged.
"Give me your arm."
He reached his hand out and I scooted away and pulled the covers over myself.
"Fuck you! No, get out."
How dare the both of them for trying to call me not myself. I do one thing not to their liking and suddenly I'm a problem!
Jason to my surprise was not against Kaiden in this and stepped closer to the bed and looked down at me.
"Sweetheart, give him your arm, please"
Him too?!
"No! Why mine? why not yours huh?"
"Because you're the one with the problem?" Jason looked at me confused.
I shoved my arm over to Kaiden and mumbled under my breath.
"Stronzo. . ."
"Sii gentile, che sta cercando di aiutare" Jason responded.
(Be nice,he's trying to help.)
"Posso capire di non dimenticare il mio caro." Kaiden took my arm gently.
(I can understand you don't forget my dear.)
Before I could complain or attest his teeth were suddenly piercing my skin and I winced and he quickly withdrew his mouth, pulling my arm with it.
"Interesting, you still have some of my blood in you. . . not much, but some"
"So what the fuck does that mean? Can you fix it or not?" Jason snapped as he paced the room impatiently.
Kaiden was silent and I'm assuming because he was thinking.
Or at least I hoped. . .
"If it hasn't gone through her body by now, we'd have to drain it. . ." he honestly sounded regretful to say anything. Could have had me fooled for Kaiden having resentment.
"That's not that easy, you do know that right Kaiden?" Jason looked over at him.
"I do, I am assuming she doesn't die from that though, am I right?"
"Thankfully, no at least not that we've seen, but that's time we don't have"
"Then we should start the process now." Kaiden quickly spoke.
"Did you not just hear me-"
"The thing is, our body still wants to heal as it happens, we have to force ourselves not to heal and believe me for the amount of time that would take it would be difficult . . ."
"Not impossible though right?" Kaiden questioned.
"Wait, wait, wait I didn't agree to do any of that!" I yelled.
Do they think they can just talk about this like I'm not here?
I thought to myself.
"I understand that, but do you really want to stay this way?" Jason asked.
I shook my head.
"I don't want to be subjected to a day or two of torture either though. At least let me think on it, it won't get worse right?" I looked over at Kaiden.
"No it shouldn't, though I am not sure at the same time I don't see what harm it can be if we wait for a bit, a very short bit" Kaiden got up.
"And if she kills more people again?" Jason wasn't willing to give up I could tell.
"Well, I'm not going to just force her and torture the Hell out of her, sorry if that's a problem for you." Kaiden shook his head walking to the balcony doors holding onto the doorknobs for a moment.
"Maybe you should talk to a marriage counselor about that Jason, send for me if you change your mind." Kaiden opened the doors and shut them as he left.
"Luna are you serious? I mean yeah I understand it doesn't sound appealing,but-"
"It's my body. It's my body I have to shut off, that has to go through the torture so go ahead and try to change my mind."
I looked up at him.
Okay so the next few chapters are going to take me some time this one alone took me a day and a half. . . When I had written these down they were very short kind of weird plot and not focused I guess is the way to put it. So I am taking the main parts and things that make sense and trying to re-write and put them into one and divide them accordingly.
That being said!
Do you think Luna's choice to not let Kaiden fix her are right or fair? Or do you side with Jason?
Do you feel like Lord Zadicus should be a part in the meetings still? Or be able to choose the next Society Coven members?