Some of the guests, mostly the other vampires, new and old, had began to sit down in respect for Zadicus, or maybe it was both of us. I couldn't really tell anymore.
"Would it kill you to smile, cara mia?" he sighed pulling me closer moving with the music.
I gave him a big fake smile as I ran my hand up under his shirt, ever so softly.
"Why, of course Lord Zadicus."
His eyes slowly darkened and he kept my eyes in his.
"What are you up to hmm?" he whispered softly.
Quickly, I plunged my hand into his chest, wrapping my hand around his heart. I could feel his body already healing itself around my arm, as it threatened to keep me stuck there.
He coughed slightly, a few flecks of warm blood touching my face and I dabbed them away with my free hand and stood on my toes, moving closer to his ear.
"Oh why nothing, just enjoying the lovely beating of your heart in the palm of my hand."
He used his free hand to wrap around my arm.
"Calm down and let me go, we don't need a scene do we?" he whispered back.
I could feel the tenseness in his voice holding back a growl, but I could feel how nervous he felt.
Rightfully so, might I add.
As he tugged at my arm I forced my hand out of his chest, taking his heart with my hand and he coughed this time, more blood flowed out of his mouth.
Speechless he stood there, somewhat paralyzed by my actions, and I shoved the organ into his hand and wiped the blood on the inside of his black suit.
"Sorry, my hand slipped." I whispered back into his ear.
I shrugged, as I turned around quickly, watching what was mostly left of the vampires still here, rush to his side covering him from the rest of the humans sight. The colors of their dresses flashing past. They quickly tried to soothe him and keep him calm because they knew he was in pain even though he refused to show such things.
Could you blame him though?
As I was walking away and noticed Jason at the balustrade, I had noticed at the corner of my eye a man maybe early twenties was in a white suit with a red tie, seemed to be avoiding the crowd. I took the smell of the air around me in and he was indeed a vampire, but unlike everyone else who had seemed to rush to Zadicus's aid, he had seemed to ignore it. His dark chocolate brown hair came down to his shoulder, his hair was straight his skin was like butterscotch and his eyes were a bright blue with just a touch of red. From what I could also see he was definitely fit.
His eyes caught mine for a moment and I shifted my attention elsewhere as I quickly made my way up to Jason.
"Mmm, I could smell his blood from up here, surprise you pulled a stunt like that in public."
Jason said with a grin.
"I'll kill this whole fucking room at this point." I grumbled as I gripped the old black painted railing feeling it crack beneath my hands.
"You seemed to create quite the kerfuffle down there." Alexander chuckled standing beside Jason.
"Why aren't you helping?" I titled my head and looked over at him.
"Please about twenty or more people are helping him already, he's fine."
"I think our presence has been around enough for the night,don't you?"
I looked over to Jason.
"I think everything should be fine, right Alexander?" Jason asked shifting his eyes to Alexander.
"I can cover everything."
Who was that man though?
"Alexander, who is that man over there?" I asked pointing to the man in the corner from earlier who hadn't seemed to move.
His eyes followed my hand and he thought for a moment.
"He's a newer turned, Richard Aiden."
Richard Aiden. . . His name was something that sounded like it'd roll of anyone's tongue.
"Why? Did he do something?" Alexander asked concerned.
"No, more like how he didn't react like the rest of them. . ."
I paused, imagining the scene again.
Everyone's eyes widening, almost letting out a gasp, it was almost like everything went quiet and unnoticed, however when I looked at Richard.
"Lets go Jason, Alexander please bring a handful of Zadicus's lovely heroes to our office." I started walking to my office as Jason quickly followed shutting the door after he entered.
"What do you want to see the others for?" Jason looked at me puzzled.
"To teach them a lesson." I said bluntly pulling out a chilled glass and a bottle of fresh blood from the mini fridge from underneath the cherry stained wooden desk, I uncorked the bottle and a familiar scent filled my nose.
"Is this,your blood?" I asked looking at Jason and he smirked.
"I figured it'd be nice since you've been stressed out this week. So I snuck it into your stash"
I poured the bottle's contents into the glass and lifted up the glass to my nose and smelled the sweet warm scent before taking a big gulp and a small soft moan escaped my lips. I instantly felt myself blush realizing my actions.
Jason and I hadn't yet formed the blood bond, but his blood was still something that I enjoyed and cherished greatly for many obvious reasons, unfortunately sometimes I couldn't contain myself when I had it.
"See I was right, does just the trick."
He grinned.
Suddenly we heard voices of struggle and a few shouts. The door opened and a Lukas, Matthew and Alexander had shoved eight of the vampires from earlier into our small office, the walls almost seeming to bring them closer to us as if the walls were closing in.
"What is the meaning of this! We did nothing wrong!" Jillian yelled, as she fixed her dress backing away from Lukas.
"Sweetheart calm down, I'm sure the Queen and King brought us here for a good reason. . ." her husband Zac cooed.
Sarah and John had seemed a bit fidgety and refused to look at me or Jason.
"Sarah, John why do you think you all are here?" I asked setting my glass down on the desk walking towards them.
Their eyes stayed looking at the floor, but John slightly tried to make eye contact.
"Because we helped Lord Zadicus after you. . ." he swallowed.
"After you put him in his. . .place?" his words were unsure and his scent was starting to seem very nervous.
Sarah was also fidgeting and grabbing at John's hand for comfort.
"And Sarah. . . how do you think you all should be punished hmm?"
I asked almost soothingly as I walked closer to her and tilted her head up with my finger.
She swallowed trying to take her eyes from my gaze.
"I. . . I don't know my Queen, however you feel you we should be punished?"
I clicked my tongue on the roof of my mouth as I walked away from her and back to my desk and leaned against it.
"Hmm. . . you know, as much as I hate to have everyone have to clean up the awful mess, I really have no other choice of punishment. . ."
Before anyone could move, I had grabbed John by the shoulders, ripped off his head swiftly tossing it on the floor, his body going limp and slumped out of my hand.
There were a few gasps and Sarah had screamed with what seemed all the air in her lungs.
Thankfully, the music was blaring still downstairs, making anyone's noise unable to be heard by the humans.
A few scrambled to the doors,but the guards kept the door blocked, even if maybe regretfully and the few who didn't scramble knew there was no use in fighting what I had decided, accepting their fate.
One by one, I had quickly dismembered them, until there was nothing, but the thick smell of death and a pile of lifeless bodies.
I sighed, once it was finished.
"I really did like this dress. . ." I looked down as the red had covered the bottom of my dress and the blood dripped from my fingertips.
"We'll try and get the stains out sweetheart." Jason simply quietly mumbled.
By the scent in the room I could tell that even he, was feeling tense uneasy.
Possibly the most upsetting part about it, is I might have been the source of such feelings.
I looked at Alexander who had seemed unresponsive by the events that just occurred, then my gaze shifted to Joshua who had suddenly joined us.
"Joshua, can you please bring me Richard Aiden?"
"My Queen, but you said he didn't get involved I don-"
"Ah, you see Alexander, this is why he intrigues me."
Joshua looked at Alexander, seeming confused on what to do.
Alexander sighed.
"Do as she asks Joshua."
He quickly nodded and left the room.
"Handkerchief?" Alexander asked, stepping towards me looking at my hands.
"Thank you, Alexander." I smiled, as I was about to take the handkerchief, Jason quickly grabbed it and started to wipe off the blood.
"I got it Alexander."
I managed to catch Alexander at the corner of my eyes and saw a small smile.
Jason finished cleaning up my hands and placed a kiss on each hand softly before catching my lips in a sudden deep kiss.
I kissed him back taking in the sweet taste of his lips and putting my hands on the side of his face stroking his cheeks softly.
"Um, I can leave and come back if you two would prefer,but I was told you needed to see me?"
A voice I didn't recognize spoke and I broke the kiss and looked towards the door, almost with a glare.
It was Richard standing in front of Joshua, and I relaxed.
I turned away from Jason, taking in the scent in the room. He wasn't afraid, he wasn't confused he was just. . .there.
"Richard Aidan. . ." his name rolled off my tongue.
His eyes watched me curiously, but he did not tense.
He almost seemed like he was holding back a smirk with the look he had in his eyes.
"Why did you not help Zadicus tonight?"
I watched his movements carefully to see if he was trying to lie.
"Didn't seem like he needed help, plus any guy that has his heart ripped out by you must be lucky right?" he said with a sly grin, finally breaking.
His voice was covered in a British accent and was very modulated and silky and somehow, for some reason his voice made a me feel my cheeks feel flushed.
"I suppose. . . why are you here tonight, if I may ask?"
"Actually I was-"
Suddenly, there was shouting outside of the door and Jarred barged in his eyes slightly blackened as he looked at me.
"Luna! what have you done with-" his eyes suddenly shifted to Richard.
"Oh, good, she hasn't killed you Rickey, Luna what do you want with my friend?"
He came with Jarred? Rickey. . . I like it.
"Yeah he's. . .the reason." Rickey pointed towards Jarred.
"Rickey, is the one I happened to be around most when I leave, Rickey and I are each other's wing man, so if you wouldn't mind not killing him please."
I managed a small chuckle.
"You? Need a wing man?" I asked in disbelief.
"Okay, alright you caught me, we share girls and we hand off each other one's we don't want alright?"
Jason burst into laughter and I tried to hold in a giggle.
"Yeah, yeah laugh it up you two." Jarred scoffed and I slowly stopped my giggling.
"Oh calm down Jarrbear, I wasn't going to harm him."
Rickey's eyes looked at Jarred and you could tell he was trying to hold in a laugh.
"Jarrbear?" Rickey asked.
"Shut the fuck up, right now Rick." Jarred said sternly.
I started to hear the music fade, someone announce the night was coming to an end and I heard shuffling of people that were making their way out, I brought my focus back to the room looking at Jarred.
"So uh, what happened sis?" Jarred pointed to the pile of corpses he was try his best to avoid stepping on as they started to liquefy.
"Long story, you two can go. My apologies, Rickey." I smiled.
He smiled, stepping over John's body, taking my hand kissing the top of it.
"No need to apologize, my Queen."
His words and touch sent chills down my spine and when he smiled up at me releasing my hand, I practically melted. I could feel Jason's glare on us both as I saw Rickey look past me, at who I'm assuming was Jason.
"Come on Rickey, we have some girls to catch."
Jarred snapped and Rickey quickly stepped back over and followed Jarred out.
"Well, I'm going to start cleaning this mess up before it soaks through the floor. . ." Alexander sighed.
What do you think about what Luna did with Zadicus?
Do you think she was in the right with her punishment?
Do you trust Rickey?
How do you think Jason is going to react?
Let me know!!