He carefully reached out and pushed the hair out of my face.
"You still don't look too well. . ." he whispered.
"I need more blood and I'll be fine, just hard to move"
"Are you going to allow me to heal you, or are you going to continue to fight me?"
"No. . .though I have some questions after. . ."
He nodded before moving closer. I shivered, when I suddenly got hit with a familiar unsettling smell.
Pine and blood.
He had brought his wrist up to my lips and I quickly drank from the open wound. I stopped once I had my fill and quickly released him. His eyes were darkened crimson with a mix of grey. I could feel the pain, he was feeling from restraining himself from feeding me, but manage to stay in control.
"What did you want to know?"
He closed his eyes from a few moments, then reopened them to reveal his calm state.
"This house. . .it smells so. . ."
I nodded.
"My donor comes once a week, the rest well. . . I do."
I was shocked.
He could have anything being who he was. . . instead, he not only lived in quiet, but he lived with nothing.
"Oh, I see. . ." I responded softly.
"Is that all?"
"No. . . You, you could have found me that night. . . yet you let me go, why?"
"You're very right, I could have yet my blood bond to you made me feel false insurance of your trust."
Somehow, even though I knew that statement was meant to sound harsh, it somehow came out softly when it came from his lips.
"How is it that you and I have a blood bond? I never did the ceremony with you so how. . ."
"That's a story for another day,enough questions get some rest, I can already feel you pushing me out of your head so I know you're feeling well, but still."
Why was he suddenly dodging my questions?
I looked down at my legs and saw how everything seemed to be growing back at a way more faster pace than the last time I did this, which surprised me, but I was still by no means ready to get up or move yet.
"Are you going to tell me how this actually happened, or why?"
I shook my head.
"It doesn't concern you." I said sternly.
Just okay? Not even a snide remark?
I thought to myself.
Though maybe I forget who I'm talking to. . .
"At least you can stay awake now"
"Are you um, staying in here until then?"
"Only until I know for sure you're making a recovery,but don't worry I intend to sleep as well."
I looked at him confused.
"How can you sleep?"
"There are things you didn't get to learn from me, that I wish I could have taught you before you left"
I looked down, unsure of what to say.
Although he didn't really bring up that day, and although, I'm sure to some extent he resents me for that. . . He still acts as if I haven't done anything wrong. . .
"I don't resent you."
So much for not peeking into my head.
"I can leave now if you wish me to, or at least sit in the chair. . ."
Without giving him an answer, I had managed to make myself comfortable on his chest he didn't move or even move me, just became very quiet as I closed my eyes trying to relax in the silence; even if he read through my thoughts, I wasn't worried. I didn't even care anymore, I knew I was safe, I knew I was in the best place I could be right now, even though it pained me to be in this situation.
A full twenty-four hours and two more feedings later, I had made a sufficient recovery.
"Judging by you blocking me out again you're better, shall I tell Jason to come get you?" Zadicus was now in the chair in the corner ever since he felt I didn't need his comfort.
"No it's fine, I can walk myself back" I quickly replied before clearing my throat.
"Besides, I'm sure you have to get ready for the ceremony as well"
He quickly stood up as I began to get out of the bed.
"At least allow me to take you back then."
I shook my head.
"I am fully capable" I paused as I moved passed him.
"Though I am thankful for you healing me and respecting my wishes I want to leave and go home, you promised I could go as I please."
I stated straightening my posture.
He walked closer to me and I was quickly reminded of who had more power.
"Too bad for the both of you, I came myself."
Suddenly, Jason's voice filled the room and I couldn't help, but feel a smile creep up my lips and I looked around the room until my eyes fell onto his as he stood in the doorway.
"How did you find me? How did you-"
"It's not like people don't know where he is if you ask, and when he doesn't even have one guard even to keep watch it makes it fairly simple. . ."
Alexander walked in and stood beside Jason his eyes watched Zadicus carefully before quickly shifting to me.
"Yes, well as I told her I am not keeping her against her will. There was no need to disrupt my peace, now get out."
Zadicus said angrily.
"Zadicus, listen I-"
"You, are always welcome however, but I don't like rude unwelcome visitors." He cut me off before turning around to look out the window.
I wanted to finish, but I instead quickly made my way to Alexander and Jason.
Jason has extended his hand to me, I took his hand in mine as he led me out I heard Alexander's footsteps follow quickly behind. Jason had rushed us out so quickly I had barely caught a glimpse of my surrounding before I was brought out the front door to a limo with Luke waiting anxiously by the driver's side.
"Ready?" He spoke up.
"Since we stepped foot here." Jason muttered as he opened the door for me, I quickly got in nodding my head at him.
Alexander and Jason quickly got inside as they each sat beside me.
I could smell and feel the anger radiating off of Jason, I reached my hand out to gently placed my hand on top of his, but he quickly pulled his hand away.
"Not right now."
He snapped.
Alexander cleared his throat.
"My apologies, I wished to go get you sooner, but Jason insisted on waiting until he could hear your thoughts. . ."
I looked over at Alexander, he was dressed in the same clothes I had seen him in last, Jason had also been wearing the same clothes, but he looked just as disheveled as Alexander did, maybe even more.
"As you can see, I wasn't wrong she's perfectly fine. I know exactly what I'm doing" Jason growled lowly.
Alexander's shoulders slumped in submission and shifted his eyes away from me.
Jason jaw was clenched, his face looked tense and not it's usual soft looking. Though I could't blame him, he was in the dark for the past twenty four hours, but he knew that I wouldn't want him to risk facing Zadicus while he was in such a protective state. As much as it pleased me that Zadicus had kept his promise it unsettled me that he did this at the same time. . .
Is he planning something?
I looked over to see Jason staring out the window with his chin propped up on his hand. His eyes held no emotion. It was a rarity that he was this way, but he had looked like something was eating away at him, slowly stripping him of everything.
What is it though?. . .
Once we arrived home as we got out of the limo we were quickly surround by all of our guards and not just simply Alexander and Luke, I tensed and looked at Alexander.
"Is this necessary?"
He huffed.
"You were just carried out of here with only half your limbs not even 48 hours ago, yes a little extra security is needed"
"I want to get inside, no need for eyes to be watching. . ." Jason urged as he passed me walking into the house.
Alexander quickly followed him while everyone else awaited my next move. With a sigh I followed him into the house while the other's quickly followed me close.
As I walked through the door, I suddenly bumped into someone's chest and I quickly looked up to see who I managed to bump into. When my eyes finally met a familiar pair of blue and red eyes.
"My bad, I assumed you would be a moment and I was trying to sneak out, welcome back though" Rickey said with a smile.
"It's fine, you aren't staying though?" I questioned walking through.
"Well it is late, besides I know the ceremony is tomorrow so. . ."
"Stay, I insist really, I'm sure you've been keeping Jarred company through this whole lock down, besides leaving at this time with everything going on is quite dangerous."
I walked over to the couch and sat down and turned on the t.v
Rickey looked over at me with a confused look, the guards stayed in front of the front doors while Luke followed me over to the couch and Rickey followed.
"And why is that?" he asked.
"Well, let's just say it wouldn't be the first time someone's tried to kill me on a week like this, becomes quite cumbersome to have people come and go frequently."
"I thought they said you couldn't die unlike us?"
His eyes met mine as he walked closer and stood in front of the couch looking down at me.
I felt a smile creep up my lips.
"Why so curious hmm? Trying to see for yourself?"
To my surprise he didn't tense, he didn't even blink he was left un-phased by my intimidation.
Luke however tensed and watch the situation closely.
Though somehow I wasn't worried Rickey being a threat. . . He had taken me by surprise on many occasions now which only made me more curious. . .
"Luke; leave us please."
"It will be fine, I assure you have everyone go to their posts."
Luke quickly knelt and bowed his head before leaving the room.
"You're sure it's okay?"
I nodded.
"What about the king?"
I shrugged.
"I'm sure he'll be upstairs most the night, don't worry."
He spent no time sitting beside me once he heard that.
Suddenly, I could smell his warm vanilla mint scent that I didn't notice before. I looked over at the T.V as the show came back on. I was unsure of what I just did, if letting him stay was the right idea. Also I was wondering about why Jason was so angry. . .
"I didn't mean to alarm you or offend you earlier with the whole dying thing. . . "
"It's fine, everyone usually asks at least once I've realized, but what's funny is if it weren't true I don't know why I would tell anyone I could die"
He chuckled.
His laugh was almost intoxicating somehow. . . I tried to hide my smile, and by his careful watching of me I could tell I was doing well, but he still smiled at me before looking at the T.V.
"So Jarred and you, I can't tell if you two are close or if you share a mutual hatred for each other. . ."
I will say I didn't really see them around much, but after I met him in person I remembered Jarred talking about him sometimes. They weren't evil things by any means, but they weren't always positive or nice either.
"Shared hatred."
I looked at him confused.
"Yet you hangout quite often. . .?"
"Well we make good wing men for each other I guess. Good business partners too."
"Care to share some stories then?"I asked smiling.
He smiled back warmly and I could feel myself relax again.
"As long as you promise not to tell him, he'll get a stick up his ass for days otherwise"he chuckled.
I smiled.
We had ended up talking for about and hour or so and I was trying to stop myself from laughing at Jarred and how "scary and serious" he was always trying to pull himself off to be.
"I will be honest through, all of the things you have told me I'm still not sure why you stick around"
I said as I slowly started calming my laughing.
Rickey was very close for quite some time, but he suddenly shrugged and leaned back into the couch.
"There's good money in it, that's for sure, helps deal with his grouchy ass"
He paused for a moment.
"Well I think I'm going to head up for the night" he said as he began to sit up more closing the small space between us.
I stayed still watching him closely as he watched me just the same.
"Just one more thing before I do;"
And suddenly his lips fell onto mine before I could respond.
They were soft and warm and slightly cinnamon tasted and I'd be lying if I didn't have the smallest feeling of pulling his lips closer, but then a very familiar growl filled the room sinking into my ears which made me hastily break away.
Quickly I stood up and shifted myself in front of Rickey as my eyes met Jason's darkened ink like eyes that were showing me he was indeed far from happy.
His eyes shifted trying to look around me at Rickey who was still seated on the couch.
"You, and I have to have a little talk about you over staying your welcome, now"
To my surprise there was more of a pride smell in the room then there was fear.
Rickey stood up walking around me to face Jason.
"Ya' know Jason it's kind of funny because you're the king, and of course I am supposed to obey your every wish. . . as well as respect both of you just the same."
He paused and moved next to me more.
I stilled and my eyes moved to look up at him.
"I know it may not have been respectful to either of you, but"
His eyes moved to meet mine.
"I'm sorry."
"Good then we have an understanding then."
I broke our gaze to look over at Jason as he glared at Rickey his eyes still an inky black color.
Although I could feel Jason's anger I could feel more of Rickey's Alpha demeanor of the situation.
Suddenly Rickey smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Oh, I'm sorry I just meant to her. Since she didn't really get the chance to respond."
"Don't touch her again. Are we clear? Because I will win every fight."
"I recall she can stop me herself if she wants and wanted me to."
I wanted to say something, anything but I myself was trying to figure out why I didn't push him away. I've had a few people try before and I had easily taken care of them. This time however. . . was different.
"You little-"
I stepped in front of Rickey coming close to Jason.
His eyes suddenly softened his normal color starting to show and his body relaxed.
"First ;yes my sweet, we are the highest power, but that doesn't give you the right to rub it in his face like you're a child. Second, I recall we had an agreement."
Rickey moved into our view and raised and eyebrow at us.
"Smart move Mr. Big Boss, looks like you also need to watch yourself."
Rickey tried to hold in a laugh.
"I'll deal with the situation. . . and you and I will have a talk when we get home."
I said to Jason softly before giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
You're sure you think him?
I heard his thoughts.
We'll have to see won't we?
I responded.
"Shall we leave then?"
I said as I faced Rickey who had a wicked smile on his face as if he had won a fight.
Little did he know. . .
"I think I have just the place."
Without a word Jason was gone and Rickey stepped in front of me and took my hand into his and walked us to the front door. When we started walking down the front steps he let go of my hand and suddenly disappeared and I heard a car engine start and a black Lexus slowly pulled up. I tried to hold in a laugh as I noticed it was identical to Jarred's. I quickly got into the car and to my surprise Rickey didn't hesitate to drive away quickly.
"So what's this place hmm?" I asked looking over at him.
He only smiled and said two small words.
"My place."
It took us about a half hour to drive there; and to my surprise when we came to a group of three dark tall apartment buildings I was relieved somewhat that I didn't recognize them which hopefully meant no one else would find me here.
Rickey had been pretty quite most of the drive aside from his bickering at the radio. He lead us up to the sixth floor and to the end of the hallway as he fumbled with his keys I could hear yelling of an argument coming from the other side. Although with all the noises through the hall I couldn't really make out what they were saying, but there was a voice I could faintly recognize though I couldn't remember who's it was.
After Rickey finally unlocked the door and let me in I wandered my way through the door.
There was a sudden sound of glass breaking and my head quickly looked in the direction of the noise.
"You twat! Be more careful!" Rickey yelled as he quickly ran over to the broken glass cleaning it up.
"Luna?" Jeff asked as my eyes widened.
Rickey mumbled to himself as he picked up the rest of the pieces.
"Um, hi Jeff what are you doing here?"
"Well I actually-"
"He unfortunately lives here"
Rickey said as he quickly made his way back to me as he snaked his arm around my waist pulling me close to him.
"Why the Hell are you with my brother though?" Jeff looked at me confused as he passed us to shut the door, but suddenly a hand stopped the door.
"You ask quite a lot of questions Jeffrey." I heard Alexander's familiar voice come from behind the door as he walked in.
"You know Mrs. Casanova, speeding off while I have to follow you is quite the task. . ." He glared at me and I laughed quietly.
"To be fair, I didn't think you'd follow, the plan was to ditch all of you"
Rickey's arm didn't seem to shift when Alexander walked closer which relieved me.
"Why can't you jerks be quite?" A girl's voice suddenly filled the room as a small girl with long black hair walked in.
"Jerks that let you live here don't forget" Rickey scoffed.
"Ms. Roche a pleasure to see you again"Alexander nodded his head towards the girl.
"Ah, so you're one of the ones joining my husband and I tomorrow. . ." I smiled at her.
She was maybe about 5'3 and petite. A little on the teenage looking side, but not in a bad way. She had long black hair with a side fringe and light green red eyes.
"Um, yes sorry I didn't realize you-um I'm gonna head out. . ." She said awkwardly as she quickly bowed her head and made her way past Jeff and Alexander.
I wanted to leave this whole weird situation and just go back to being with Rickey so I could explain Jason and I's agreement.
I could tell Alexander either smelled my anxiousness or could see it in my face because he quickly chimed in.
"I've been informed of the situation, I'll be here until you wish to go back." I nodded.
"Good, then if you two don't mind I'm going to steal this beauty with me" Rickey whispered softly in my ear and I felt my cheeks warm up.
Jeff looked like he was dreaming and mortified all at the same time.
Rickey slipped his arm from my waist and motioned me to follow him towards the hall.
I followed him and as I did I looked around me to take in my surroundings.
His apartment wasn't really big or glamorous, but it was comfy and comfortable. Once we reached the end of the hall he opened the door.
"This can be your room for the night, if you wish anyway I'll keep everyone out"
I frowned. Was he really going to just leave me here without us talking?
"You aren't staying? I mean this is your room isn't it? I don't want to kick you out. . ."
"It is, but it's fine and no I was going to stay for a bit"
"Oh were you now?" I teased.
"It seemed like you wanted to talk, and who am I to have you over and not do so?" he smiled stepping closer closing the small space between us.
The room was small and had a Queen sized bed with simple black sheets on a bed unmade and a few feet away was a faux leather futon. The walls to my surprise were black and even almost made me laugh for some reason. Maybe it was because he didn't seem to be a very dark person or maybe it was something else. . . However the room felt. . . Cozy.
I walked over to the futon and moved some of the blanket that were placed on it and sat down and looked over to meet his eyes.
"Well, I have a proposition for you."