"I understand that it's your body, but this isn't you. Do you truly want to continue this way?"
Although it was troublesome to clean up and what not. The fact that it helped me control the other vampires without having to kill all of them did benefit me.
"You saw that things have calmed down again for the most part since the ball incident. . ." I said getting out of bed.
"It's worth the rest though? Including our marriage because you keep just doing things at your will?"
I froze.
"I'm not the only one doing things in our marriage, and I certainly do not need to tell you every detail of what I do." I snapped.
"I understand that, but we said we would on those issues. Especially King and Queen issues."
I got up and walked to the door.
"I think I heard Jarred come in, maybe I'll change my mind but we have more important things to worry about like new coven members."
I opened the door and walked out.
"I hold back so much. . . every second I am here, how cold it is to where I just want to slip. . ."
And with those last words I shut the door.
To be honest I didn't truly hear him, but I would take any way out of the conversation if I could. Lucky I heard some shuffling in Jarred's room when I got to the door.
"Jarred?" I knocked on the door.
The door quickly opened and he smiled walking back in.
"Yes my dear?"
"Nothing you just said when you came back we could talk" I came in and sat in one of the sofas.
"Alright so fill me in, what's going on?"
"It's hard to say anymore, we argue about anything sometimes now, but can I ask you something?"
He nodded.
"Do you think it was wrong what I did at the ball?" I wasn't sure if I truly wanted to hear the answer or not.
"Truly? I think you had to do something, I will give you that it was probably more people than you wanted in the fact that now you have to pick new members. . . none the less though it needed to happen."
He shrugged moving to in front of me.
"However. . . you killing your friend is another interesting manner, before you ask how I knew I went over to the orphanage."
"She was mad. What choice did I have?"
What was I supposed to do? She would have only scared everyone else. Even if she didn't I couldn't let everyone think because she was my friend I'd let her get away with that sort of thing. . .
"There were other choices, I suppose the thing he is worried about is you becoming too cold. . . Normally I would applause the person for doing what you do, but it's not how you would normally take care of things, understand?"
"We can't stay the same way for forever, plus you can't deny you see your brother's sudden lack of care towards death now"
I couldn't lie, he and I both had our problems, but the truth was is how were we supposed to deal with them when the one wasn't accepting his new self?
"You aren't wrong he is accustomed to it now, however I do think this will resolve; and if it doesn't I'll just have to steal you away"
He winked trying to lighten the mood.
"You're such an ass!"
I laughed throwing one of the red velvet pillows at his head.
He quickly caught it was he calmed down his laughter.
"Hey was worth the shot, speaking of carnage I hope you don't mind I brought some work home with me"
I looked at him confused not sure what that meant when suddenly a scream broke into my thoughts.
"You brought humans here?! Why are you insane?!"
"Hey, hey relax and no I am not I thought what fun would it be to bring everyone a bit of torture and a meal you know?" He shrugged.
Yet I'm the sadist?
"I had to get rid of them anyway so I flung them over my shoulder, thew them in the trunk and handed them off when I came in"
I gotta go down and see this for myself. . .
I sighed getting up and quickly made my way all the way down to the basement.
Jarred quickly followed bickering about how it wasn't a big deal and that we should go back to what we were talking about.
As I walked passed the holding rooms I started to hear faint screams and I was unsure if I was too late by now.
Quickly I opened the sixth door to see Joshua burying into a poor girl's neck. She had multiple bite marks on her neck and arms and her t-shirt dress was ripped on multiple places.
"Joshua! What on earth are you doing?" I snapped and he quickly pulled away and stood and bowed his head.
"I was taking care of Sir Jarred's problem my Queen. . ."
"And might I say you are doing quite the job, been a minute since you've had some human carnage huh Josh?" Jarred chuckled and I glared at him and growled at him.
"Did you really have to drag my guards into this?"
"No, but it seems to have given at least Josh some entertainment, where's Matt at?" Jarred looked at Joshua.
He cleared his throat.
"Next door, to be fair my lady I didn't harm her- her clothes were like this when she arrived believe me you know I can be cruel, but I'm no rapist."
I looked at Jarred and shook my head and shoved passed him and made my way next door. When I opened the door the stench of blood and fear filled my nose and I found Matt putting a machete on the now bloody steel table.
There was a man with dirty brown hair and his skin and hair were drenched in blood, an arm and leg were already missing I was quite surprised that I could still hear his heartbeat. . .
"Wow, Josh's little friend is still kicking, surprised yours is though. . . where's the other?" Jarred asked.
"Are you fucking serious there's another one?"
What was I going to do with Jarred? Part of our family or not this was abusive of his power. Or mine rather.
"Was. She's dead already, was delicious though I will say that, I couldn't drink this one though obviously so it took me quite some fun time to torture him. . ."
The man groaned in pain trying to ask for help, but he knew it was no use.
I walked over to him slowly and took his bloodied face in my hands and stroked his cheeks.
"Shh. . . it's okay. . ." I cooed softly.
He tried to muffle out a few words, but before I could I had bitten into his shoulder and started to feel the almost cold liquid taste filled my mouth, it was quite bitter from what I'm assuming is because of all the drugs he was doing, before I could taste the rest his body had drained completed and his faint pulse had turned into nothing.
I spit out the remaining blood in my mouth and wiped off my mouth.
"Clean this mess up. . ."
The floor was such a mess it sounded like I was walking through a sticky puddle. The blood I'm sure was going to stain the pearl white tile, I couldn't help, but laugh at imagining Alexander yelling at Matthew and Joshua making such a mess.
I shook my head and opened the door and waited for Jarred to follow and went back to Joshua.
"Clean up the poor girl and send her home, or something keep her or whatever just god stop making such a mess. . ."
I said as I poked my head in then shut the door and made my way upstairs and suddenly I bumped into someone.
"Luna! what's going on downstairs? I smell a lot of blood and not vampire blood so who's downstairs?" Alexander smelled and sounded panicked as he tried to peek past me down the stairs.
I shook my head.
"Dumbass here decided to let Joshua and Matthew kill and torture a few people because apparently it was too much work for him." I pointed to Jarred behind me and rolled my eyes.
"Lovely, and why was I not informed?"
Alexander looked at Jarred.
"Didn't need three people, will say though it is quite the mess down there, though I will say Josh might have a new pet if ya' know what I mean"
Alexander looked speechless and just shook his head and moved past us without saying another word.
"You, need to apologize to him" I said to Jarred and starting walking to the kitchen.
"Yeah,yeah oooh can you make me pancakes?"
I swear he doesn't even listen sometimes. . . He was like a child.
"Alright, what kind?" I started grabbing a bowl and ingredients.
"Birthday cake please"
I laughed to myself as he sat down and began to mess around on his phone as I pulled the rest of the food out.
Now, the strange thing is, Jason and I, and even Zadicus couldn't seem to keep food down. However normal vampires, such as Jarred, Alexander,Joshua and so forth could.
I started mixing the batter and put the pan on the stove and he suddenly put his phone down and looked at me.
"See, I even got you to think about other things."
He paused.
"As I thought about it, I'll be honest you and Jason do need time apart maybe you haven't had enough this year you know?"
"Yeah if you haven't noticed he's been rather possessive" I scoffed.
"I will agree it's odd for him, and although you are both open for an open relationship you haven't ever acted on it I mean even Ashley and I need a break from each other from time to time"
I started pouring the batter into the pan and laughed quietly.
"I thought you were the sex God? what can she need a break from? Plus you two aren't even really a couple"
"Hey, hey I am and I hold that title proudly! To be fair I take her out and we snuggle sometimes okay and she loves me still" He says defensively.
I shake my head flipping the pancakes.
"Key word being she loves you" I pointed out.
"So, what did those three do that was so bad to end up here hmm?" I started putting together his plate and placed it in front of him.
"He got all smart and decided to shoot me" he simply only shrugged.
"Oh boohoo, he shot you so what?"
He cut into his pancakes and took a bite.
"In the heart."
I didn't speak, but my mouth made and "Oh" before I turned around and started cleaning up.
"Well, you've had quite the night I see, least you cleaned up well" I scoffed.
"You taught me that, I'll clean up the mess don't worry about it" he waved his hands at me as I grabbed the rubber gloves and shook my head and put them down.
"That's not true, you learned on your own" I walked over and sat beside him on one of the stools.
"I suppose, but if I were to be fair if it hadn't been for my brother being alive I don't know if I'd be alive, or well sane at the least"
I shook my head.
"Enough sadness for the night! you have a big day tomorrow I'm sure and I have a handsome date tomorrow so go on to your room" he quickly kissed my cheek and nudged me as he got up.
"A handsome date? I'm supposed to leave with that?!" I frowned getting up and followed him to the sink.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. . . it's no surprise really you know from time to time a man catches my eye." He shrugged.
"Well I'll have to meet this young fellow at some point you know! don't make me get Alexander to follow you and find out for me" I teased and quickly scurried out of the room.
I quickly made my way back to the bedroom.
"Then four more to go, think you can get it done in three days?"
Who is he on the phone with at this hour?
I quietly walked in as I listened for the other person's voice.
"I'm not used to doing this kind of work for God's sake, yes I can have it done by then. We'll have the ceremony the following day. . . now I said goodnight."
I was surprised when I heard Zadicus's voice on the other side, Jason quickly hung up and looked over at me and smiled.
"You caused quite the panic with Alexander I hear"
"To be fair it was your brother, but it's all settled now. The coven is being arranged I overheard?"
"Eavesdropping doesn't suit you. . ."
I shrugged.
"Let's go for a walk."
He reached for my hand.