I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and hit the call button on his name and heard the phone start to ring.
"Yes, Love? Everything alright?" Rickey soft voice finally answered.
I smiled before somewhat frowning.
"I just wanted to say I'm s-"
"ARE YOU NOT ON THE FUCKING CLOCK RIGHT NOW?" Jarred's loud voice came blaring through the phone.
"Shut the fuck up Jarred" Rickey responded irritated.
"Can we talk about this later? I'll call you when we're done. . ." he tried to distract from the situation.
"Mhm, later" and I hung up.
"Why is he with Jarred?" Jason looked at me confused.
I simply shrugged.
"Something about work, see it's good that I left"
He looked at me and raised an eyebrow before shaking his head.
"Can I ask you something. . ." I looked back at Jason.
"Always" he replied turning the page of the book he was reading.
"Did you read his file?. . . "
"Of course I did, why?" he responded not taking his eyes off the book.
"I just wondered, I didn't so. . . didn't know if you did."
He paused his finger for a moment closing the book on it looking over to me.
"Really? Why? unlike you to not take Alexander's info. . ." he raised an eyebrow.
"I just didn't want to have pre thoughts about him I guess. . . I mean Jarred already warned me which was more than enough. . ." I grumbled the end part.
"Oh did he now?"
I huffed.
"You know those two are close, of course he felt obligated to say something- even if I didn't wanna hear it"
He nodded.
"To be fair though, I can understand why he'd want you to tread with caution, you and I hadn't been with anyone else you know? for you to go with someone with such a. . . history is well kind of surprising" he watched his words.
"Yes, but in this day and age you know people date more. . ."
"I do, but I'd choose you over and over again." He smiled at me.
"And I you" I smiled.
"You know. . . I'm sorry I couldn't give you that wedding you wanted. . ." Jason put his book down on the nightstand and turned to me.
"It's fine, believe me after how this all started I think they terrify me at this point" I tried to let out a small chuckle.
He nodded frowning a bit.
The phone suddenly rang breaking the silence and I reached over picking it up.
"Ben? It's late what's-"
"Can I come over?" he quickly said sounding out of breath.
"Of course- is everything okay?" I looked over at Jason with a concerned look, I could tell he was listening because he too had the same look.
"I'll see you in ten minutes."
He quickly ended the phone call.
"What could be bothering him this late- or I guess this early in the morning?" Jason asked looking over to the clock that read 5AM.
"I don't know, but I'm worried. . ." I said sighing getting up and walking over to the closet to get some clothes on.
"Should I get Alexander?" Jason asked getting up behind me getting ready himself.
Hmm, if something is wrong he will need to know, but if it's something else then it'd just be a bother.
I thought to myself.
"Hold off for now. . . lets just see what's up and handle it accordingly"
As we approached downstairs we heard tires squeaking of a car turning into the driveway.
Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door and Jason answered the door to a pissed looking Ben who walked in.
"Can we do some training? I need to let off some steam" He said bluntly.
Jason and I looked at each other before nodding and started heading to the training room.
"So. . . you wanna talk about it or. . ." I started off as we neared the room.
"Not really, can I rematch you Luna?" I'm assuming he was referring to the last session we had were I had him pinned in less than a minute.
"Sure" I said simply as I opened the door walking in and turned on the lights.
"Keep them off."
My hand hovered over the switches, I could see in the dark no problem, but usually Ben hated this part.
"Okay then" I tried to sound sweet about it but I was rather annoyed with his attitude.
I could feel Jason's gaze upon me as I turned them back off causing the room to barely have any light minus the small amount from the few lights in the yard.
As soon as I turned around I was greeted by close grab at the shoulder from Ben who's eyes were suddenly an almost glowing yellow.
I swiftly barely dodged his attack as his fist his the wall making a crunching sound, he hissed in pain but quickly shook it off.
I could tell now that it wasn't Ben who wanted to fight, or at least it probably wasn't him who was angry. . .
Rushing around the other side of him I pulled his left arm yanking him to the floor.
Jason meanwhile went and walked over quietly to one of the chairs taking a seat resting his hand under his chin seeming bored.
"You want in on this Jason? or you gonna sit there all morning?" Ben huffed after hitting the floor.
I looked away from Ben over to Jason who had a grin on his face as he got up from the chair walking over.
"I'm down for a morning work out"
Suddenly my leg was pulled from underneath me and I was on the floor.
"Fuck" I hissed quickly getting up as Ben ran towards Jason for his next move, but as soon as I had reached him he had turned around and shoved his hand forward into my chest and I felt a sharp sting.
"I win."
Ben said proudly.
I looked down to see a decent sized serrated knife plunged into a space between my ribs.
I blinked and looked at Jason who looked shocked.
"You did. . ." I said quietly and removed the knife from my chest dropping it on the floor and I felt my body start to close the wound.
"So now does that mean-"
Ben was cut off by a sudden flash of Jason grabbing the knife I had dropped and grabbing Ben putting him in a tight grip with the knife to his throat.
"It means you still have things to learn, like not giving someone a weapon" Jason spoke.
Ben swallowed.
"I see that now" Ben said through his struggled lack of ability to really breathe.
Jason released him shoving him towards the chairs clearly pissed off.
"Lets sit and talk"
"I don't want to fucking talk Jason" Ben grumbled his eyes were fading to their normal color now as he plopped in the chair.
"What's wrong? Mad because I stabbed your wife? We can do a one on one" Ben challenged.
The fuck is wrong with this boy all of a sudden?
"You better watch your mouth, now calm the fuck down" Jason countered.
I walked myself over to beside Jason.
"You have me on this whole new diet shit I'm not in the nicest of moods tonight either" he added.
He did have a point, maybe that was even why Ben had an edge on me.
"What's wrong, can't do it? You gonna quit already? You didn't let me quit" Ben snapped.
Jason stood up walking towards Ben and I could feel the air in the room getting thicker as their anger grew. My head was swimming, seeing both of them so out of character, Ben stabbing me. Everything was starting to be hazy.
"You think this is bad for me? I starved myself for a whole month the same year I was turned, fucking cake walk" Jason said through gritted teeth.
Should I stop them?
I thought to myself.
"Is that why Luna got the knife in her then? She seems to do most of the fighting I wonder why that is" Ben dug deeper his eyes starting to shift again.
Fucking Hell.
"You got lucky is all, why do you want to try and go for a jab at me next Ben?" Jason smirked.
Ben stood up and as he did I saw Jason's hand quickly shift as he threw the knife at Ben.
"I wouldn't press your luck with him Ben, I've seen him kill enough people to know the line in the sand" Alexander spoke as he suddenly appeared in front of the two of them holding the knife now in his hand.
He flashed me a quick smile.
So much for going to get him. . .
Ben lunged at Alexander but he flung him back to the floor making a loud thud.
Ben laid there groaning in pain.
"You two should have told me he was stopping by." he looked at us both.
I could see in Jason's face his blood was boiling, his jaw was clenched and he was heavily focused on Ben still.
"I need a fucking drink. . ." he grumbled walking over to the small bar grabbing out some animal blood and a glass.
Ben finally sat up cracking his back.
"We didn't tell you in case it wasn't something you needed to be bothered by" I said calmly.
"Well, good thing I listened in Ben almost got killed by you two- Jason rather" Alexander glared over at him.
Jason gave him an annoyed look taking a big gulp of what I could make out as some sort of cat blood his eyes still filled with it's angry inky color.
"I was aiming for his shoulder. . ." he placed his elbows on the bar swishing his drink around staring at Ben the whole time.
"How nice of you to only put him out temporarily that would help him so much" Alexander responded.
"Non riesco a credere che ti abbia davvero pugnalato, non il tipo falso l'ha completamente immerso" (Can't believe he actually stabbed you, not the fake kind fully plunged it) Jason looked over at me his eyes swirling with their normal color as if he was trying to calm down.
Ben got up finally and plopped himself in the chair also watching Jason the whole time.
I only nodded at Jason, watching as he gulped down more liquid.
"So Ben, what made you stop by in the middle of the night hmm?" Alexander questioned shifting himself so he was between them both.
"I almost got into a really bad fight at the pub, I was shaking I was so pissed- I walked out to cool off for a bit and they eventually went outside too and it was like a fucking switch turned on and I thought about how much damage I could do to them and how they would hardly be able to defend themselves because of how dark it was"
Jason let out a small chuckle.
"Sei corso qui e hai pugnalato mia moglie per una fottuta rissa in un bar, quanto è ricco"
(You ran here and stabbed my wife because of a fucking bar fight, how rich)
"You know it's rude to be speaking another language when someone else is around who doesn't speak it" Ben grumbled.
"And you know it's rude to talk down to someone of the-"
"Can all three of you just knock it off?" I shook my head.
"I don't care who did what, who said what I'm fine- and you know what Ben did a decent thing tonight- Hell he even managed to beat me and I'm kind of proud if I were to be honest." I admitted.
Ben just sat there seemingly annoyed in the chair, Jason's eyes were fixated on him and Alexander was just looking at me like I had just scolded him like a puppy.
"Fine, I will admit I was also rude and I apologize-if possible is it okay for me to at least cool off here? I don't want the girlfriend all freaked out. . ."
I nodded and looked at Alexander.
"Make sure he's comfortable please? Give him whatever he needs"
"Well I am certainly not staying to babysit" Jason huffed grabbing his glass and bottle.
"Babysit?" Ben grumbled.
I sighed following after Jason heading out towards the door.
"Have a good night Ben. . . I got this one Alexander" I said as left shutting the door behind me.
"I didn't think you two would be up and about downstairs. . ." Rickey's voice suddenly filled my ears and I felt a big smile on my face.
"You wanna have some drinks?" Jason offered holding up his bottle his accent and the slur of his intoxication starting to blend.
My eyes finally found Rickey who was now in a nice pair of black jeans and tight black shirt that was hugging his muscles.
"Do you have whiskey?" Rickey responded with a grin.
"Of course" Jason grinned back looping an arm around my waist walking us towards the parlor.
Jason started rummaging around in the fridges behind the bar looking for what I could assume was a specific whiskey.
"Hey gorgeous" Rickey whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.
"Aha found it!" Jason exclaimed and pulled out a bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle.
Rickey moved from beside me to take a closer look at the bottle as Jason placed it on the bar.
"This bottle is probably almost a hundred years old or there about" he continued.
Rickey took the small dark bottle that almost looked like a cologne bottle examined it before raising an eyebrow.
" One hundred proof eh? This is gonna be fun, so why are we drinking in the middle of the night?" Rickey asked as he put the bottle down.
"Middle of the night? Is there much of a wrong time for us to drink?" Jason clanked around a couple glasses and started pouring before motioning me over.
"Guess not just wondered- what happened to your shirt?" Rickey looked down at me examining the hole in my shirt where Ben shoved the knife in my chest.
"Training mishap. . ." I trailed off taking the cup of animal blood Jason poured me and took a sip.
"Got herself stabbed this time" Jason added.
Rickey was taking a big gulp of the whiskey when his face shifted as Jason spoke.
The strong scent of the whiskey was like pure rubbing alcohol burning my nose so it was rather hard to know which he was making a face over.
"I'm not going to lie to you. . . I've never had something just evaporate in my mouth like that" Rickey admitted shaking his head.
I giggled to myself before shifting my eyes to Jason who was busy making himself another glass.
"Maybe it'll get Luna's scent off of you for a bit" Jason shrugged.
"Well I didn't exactly have time to shower. . ." Rickey grumbled.
"Sounds like neither of you did- what are you doing here anyway?" Jason chuckled.
Jason's chuckle lightened up the mood a bit- at least on my end.
"Jarred needed me to do the weekly cash drops for him; I left pretty much after Luna left my place"
Jason nodded.
"Well I guess the three of us have had an eventful end of the night then huh?" Jason's words were slurring more again as he kept taking big gulps.
I felt bad, his lack of normal blood must have really fucked up his tolerance.
"Fuck you sound like you're a glass away from not speaking in English" Rickey laughed taking another gulp of his drink trying to keep up.
"I swear he's not normally like this, just new diet must have messed with his tolerance" I frowned at Jason touching his hand softly rubbing it.
"Ugh, I'd kill to just have a small taste of you right now; I did three bottles at the festival!"
"Well welcome to step one I guess" I giggled.
"Now we're also even" Rickey pointed out.
"What? was resisting drinking from her too hard for you?" Jason mocked.
Rickey simply shook his head taking a sip.
"It's just different, that's all; you're not drinking Love?"
I swirled the glass.
"Maybe, gotta watch this one though" I pointed to Jason.
He huffed in response.
"You got a temper there your highness?" Rickey joked.
I elbowed Rickey's side.
"No, though he does look extra menacing at times"
Rickey chuckled.
"I wouldn't laugh don't forget I could put your face through this thing" Jason muttered as he hit his hand on the bar then gave Rickey a playful grin.
I shook my head.
"Your workout must have gone well with your brother today; you guys stroke your egos enough?" I giggled.
"Listen. . . between that and our little late night training I'm just. . . I'm peachy"
I looked at him weirdly as he used the word peachy while his words continued to slur.
"Fuckin' Hell this is gonna be a fun ride home- do you think- do you think one of your guys can take me home babe?" Rickey's accent was as strong and as slurred as Jason's was now.
"We have a room for you actually if you wanna stay here" Jason lifted his head off the bar raising his finger.
Rickey looked a bit surprised.
"Eesh you guys are trashed. . ."
"Sei bellissima però, proprio come un angelo" Jason grinned at me.
(You're beautiful though, like an angel)
I snorted smiling at him.
"Help the English one out aye?"
I giggled.
"He was giving me a silly drunk compliment, now are you staying or. . ."
"Mmm, I'll stay then Jarred can't bitch too much" he licked his lips before taking the last bit of alcohol.
"I'll. . . I'll walk myself upstairs I gotta talk to Alexander anyway" Jason struggled with his words, I could tell when he was too drunk because he'd speak his English sometimes much slower than normal.
Poor thing.
I nodded at him before grabbing Rickey's hand.
"Come on ya' drunk lets get upstairs"
"Mhm . . ." he mumbled as he followed me out.
He wasn't just quite stumbling but his eyes were very low and he kept getting a silly looking grin whenever I'd look over at him.
"What's so funny?" I asked as we approached his room.
"Mmm, nothing you're just pretty" he gave me a bigger smile.
"Well here you are, if you need-"
"You're not coming in?" he frowned.
I opened the door and let him walk in then followed.
"Bathroom in on the left side of the room and the-"
I was cut off suddenly by his lips suddenly being on my neck as he held me tightly against him.
"Rickey, what are you doing?" I asked putting my hands on his chest.
"Mmm nothing, am I bothering you?" he nuzzled my neck putting his hands down my waist.
"No, but you're pretty drunk so-"
"I can still fuck you just fine."
He answered bluntly before nipping my neck and looking at me.
I shivered before shaking my head.
"Not what I meant"
"Actually we didn't finish earlier"
His eyes started to return to normal as he gripped my waist.
"We need to talk about your limits- lack there of I guess I should stay"
I looked at him.
"Now I can list them or I could just guide you. . ."
I shook my head.
"Is sex the only thing you can think about right now?" I giggled.
He shook his head his hands moving under my shirt.
"Riiickey" I put my hands on his face moving his head down to my face to look at his eyes.
"Yes?" he bit his lip looking at me.
"We already got caught once today, I don't think-"
"Correction we were interrupted" he pointed out.
He wasn't wrong I did kind of just run off.
"Fine, I'll lay here with you a bit okay?"
And without me even being able to move he picked me up and flashed us to the big soft bed plopping us down.
He rolled around grabbing the pillow.
"Mm this bed is comfy"
I laughed to myself. He was so drunk.
"Why are you being so weird with me right now. . . you were less weird when my dick was in you" Rickey mumbled grabbing my leg towards him.
"I am no such thing"
He lifted his head up to look at me and raised an eyebrow.
"Did I do something? Did something happen with you two?"
I shook my head.
"I'm just not used to someone doing that"
"What making you have shaking orgasms? That's a fucking shame"
I blushed and his hand ran down the front of my pants.
I moved a little under his touch, he barely had to touch me to turn me on he was just so much more confident and dominant then I was used to. Jason was much more slower. . . subtle and just way different when it came to sex. I never really had the full idea just how different it could be till lastnight.
He leaned in to my ear.
"I could make you feel that way again you know"
His hand stayed over me making me almost want to rub myself against his hand through my pants. It was like one moment I was in complete control over my body the next I wanted him to just have his way with me.
I blinked realized I hadn't answered him and slowly reached down taking his hand and rubbed it against myself.
"Naughty girl, not even going to ask me first?" he pulled his head back to look at me his eyes shifting color as he smirked at me.
"Please. . ." I whispered quietly.
"What's wrong? You were all forward earlier" he rubbed his thumb in circles around my clit through the fabric and I let out a small moan.
"There's that sweet sound I missed" he moved his hand into my pants cupping my mound in his hand.
I bit my lip keeping quiet and just watched his face.
His eyes still were a bit drunk looking but they also looked extremely focused and as he moved his middle finger back and forth the slit as he pulled my closer I couldn't help but let out a whimper.
"You're already wet, what were you thinking about hmm? You haven't said a word- I'll stop-"
"No!" I swallowed.
He closed his mouth and grinned.
"Okay fine, then tell me"
Tell him? Tell him I want him to just flip me over and take me however he wants?
I thought to myself as I instead started grinding myself against his hand against letting out a small moan.
He quickly shook his head removing his hand.
"No, you tell me or I'll leave it like that."
"Part of me wants you to just take me and have your way with me and-"
My thoughts were cut off by him pinching the little bud causing me to let out a moan as he then rubbed against it softly giving it featherlike strokes.
"Oh no keep talking, don't mind me"
"Mmm but the other part of me knows your drunk, and so is Jason"
"You worried he's gonna bother us?" he raised his brow as he slowed his movements.
"No. . . I can hear his thoughts so it's not too bad-"
"That's kind of creepy not going to lie. . ." he admitted.
I giggled.
"I can turn it off"
"Mmm good because I'm keeping you on"
His finger slipped inside me and I squirmed under his touch.
"Rickey, I gotta get back to the room" I slapped his shoulder playfully as he started pulling me against him his body and hair still somewhat wet from the shower.
"Ugh why, it's been a few hours the house is still standing" he muttered against my neck.
He sighed and let go of me.
"Go on. . . I'll see you later today probably, thank you for laying with me for a bit" he laughed leaning back on the bed putting his hands behind his head.
I shook my head getting up putting on my clothes.
"Least I have my panties this time.' I said under my breath.
"Yeah and you got a shower" he snorted.
I rolled my eyes and put my hair up in a ponytail and headed for the door.
"Night Rickey"
"Night gorgeous"
As I approached my bedroom door I heard Jason groan. My eyes furrowed in confusion, it wasn't a sexual groan by any means but more of a discomfort.
I opened the door and peaked my head in to see Jason on the bed curled up in fetal position and I frowned.
"What's wrong. . ." I whispered as I climbed onto the bed next to him putting my hand on his back gently rubbing him.
"I got sick is all. . . now I'm sore and annoyed"
Though we don't normally get sick from drinking aside from maybe a headache being on this new diet really changed a lot of things for us it had seemed. Although blood was blood, drinking from someone who turned you or you turned was a lot different. Gave you comfort, what felt like extra strength and healing benefits, but it was harder to know for us behind that we weren't like the rest.
I kissed his forehead moving his dampened hair.
"I won't tell if you won't. . ." I whispered.
His eyes looked dull his faced drained.
"No, I told you I would do this" he clenched his jaw clearly uncomfortable.
"I know you did, but I can't have you like this either- you sure that blood was good?"
He nodded.
"I know how you are, and I know this should pass quickly but I hate seeing you like this. . . Jason please. . ." I curled up against his back putting my arm around him.
"I'm not gonna lie once I started puking I just kept hoping you'd stay out for the night. . . I thought I was in the clear but I guess I couldn't be that lucky huh?" he tried to laugh but I could feel him tense in pain as he did.
It was silent for a moment before he spoke again.
"I appreciate you taking a shower this time especially since the scent of whiskey would probably make me puke more"
I moved over so I was face to face with him and he gave me a weak smile.
"Was it that obvious? You said you were okay, you should have had Alexander get me or something. . ." I frowned at him.
"Well I heard you both, that room wasn't exactly sound proofed, don't worry I turned my ear away- I wouldn't be that rude"
I shook my head placing a kiss on his lips.
"Can't say I blame you, cutting us off like that is a little hard- let alone when we have sex avoiding it" he huffed.
I giggled to myself.
"Are you telling me you aren't sure how to have sex without feeding from me now?"
He sat up putting his head on his hand.
"No, I'm sure I can, it's just difficult and weird to think about- you two it's easier I'm sure given the situation"
For myself at least I could say it was somewhere on the line. . . part of me was so used to it, it seemed odd not to. Rickey was so much more rough and dominant in other ways though honestly if anything I'd offer myself up-
"May I ask why you were so strict about that?"
"I don't think it's a permanent thing, I just figured given the specialness of our blood we shouldn't give it up so quickly- to some extent it is of course my own selfishness as well"
"I think you're absolutely right, I guess I was just a little surprised"
"I wouldn't say it's something I'm set in stone about, but in the early stages at least I think it's safer"
I crawled up to him and straddled him looking down at him smiling.
"I am one lucky woman you know that?"
He smiled putting his hands on my hips.
"As much as I am a lucky man for having you"