Jarred's long night of partying for my birthday were finally catching up to me around five at night.
Jarred had made us watch movie after movie while playing pool and drinking games. Being around so many people for so long had drained me. Jarred of course was already ready for round two tonight. Jason and I were just slowly straggling along.
"Maybe I should just cancel the humans joining us, I don't feel like dealing with this mess tonight anymore."I groaned to Jason as I started taking out some makeup and putting it on the bathroom sink.
"Sweetheart we work very hard on this the past few months. . ." Jason walked into the bathroom putting his hands on his waist kissing my cheek.
His hair was still wet from his shower and he stood in nothing, but his boxer briefs that hugged him tightly.
"I know, I know. I will go." I shooed him away and he let out a soft chuckle.
I grabbed a brush and started applying some makeup.
Since we had moved to Ohio we had noticed that the winter weather would depend on that year weather it had snow by December. It would don't get me wrong, but it would sometimes be a very little amount. This year was like one of those. It was March and the snow was heavily coming down hence why we had the winter ball now.
Finishing up a light smokey eye with dark red lipstick I grabbed my dress that hung on the hook and slipped into it and slid on my white heeled shoes.
"Jason could you zip me up please?" I poked my head out from the bathroom as I watched him put on his grey suit jacket.
He turned to look at me, his eyes widened and a grin grew on his lips as he walked towards me.
"You look absolutely stunning as always, I like this one more than last years."
I smiled up at him and grabbed his silver tie and started to tie it and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"You're so handsome tonight I may have to keep the girls from being all over you tonight."
I laughed and he rolled his eyes gently turning me around and I shivered as I felt his hand caress my back before zipping me up.
I looked in my mirror. I had curled my long black hair half way. My hair reached halfway down my back and the dress had pulled in my waist just slightly to show some curves.
There was a small knock on the door before Alexander came in holding to covered pillows.
"No. . . is it needed this year. . . Alexander please." I groaned.
I knew what was under the fabric. It was our crowns.
I hated them. We only wore them when it was a very public event and even then I tried to avoid it.
Alexander put his hands up in the air in surrender and chuckled.
"Alright, alright no crowns."
He set them down on the small table against the wall.
"You both ready to be escorted?"
I nodded and looked over to Jason.
"As ready as we can be. . . someone partied too hard last night and is trying to get out of it."
Jason teased as he walked over to us and took my hand.
"And who was with you all night in on the chaos as well hmm?" Alexander chimed in.
"Alright okay you two had it rough too fair, I get it!" I laughed shoving them both.
"Let's get this show on the road!" I yelled as I opened the door and walked down the hallway hearing my heels click on the dark old worn wooden floor boards.
Lukas and Matthew quickly stood in the way of the hallway before kneeling down to me.
"Ahh, good job you two!" Alexander said behind me before waving them away and they quickly rose and stood at the side of the hallway.
"When you said you had security tight you weren't kidding, can't even escape you two." I scoffed as I started walking to the stairs.
I started to hear the music fill the hall as I got closer.
"I had no choice. We'll be watching don't worry. . ."
I nodded and took Jason hand and started to walk down the stairs into the ballroom.
Lukas,Matthew and Alexander followed not far behind and the music changed from slow to a bit more club vibe. The lights were flashing white and blue as we made it to the floor and we took a glass of blood.
"To a long night."
Jason raised his glass and we toasted to ourselves.
Thankfully we managed to hide for about an hour before we were approached. Jason and I were dancing together as we laughed quietly to ourselves as he spun me around when someone suddenly cleared their throat.
Our heads suddenly turned their attention to a shorter young man maybe seventeen or so. His hair was golden blonde and short with a light blue tux and a black bow tie. His hand extended towards Jason's offering a handshake. Jason took it with a smile. He was human.
"And you are?" Jason voice sounded like silk more than usual and I won't lie it made me melt.
"Jackson Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Casanova I presume?"
"Indeed we are." Jason answered.
I smiled.
"Well I just wanted to thank you myself for the lovely invitation to this honestly, pretty killer ball if I can say."
"You can, no need to worry about being formal. We're glad you're enjoying it, if you would excuse us my wife and I actually need to make a toast."
Jackson nodded and Jason took my hand leading me to the balustrade.
I looked around as the music had stopped and everyone's attention went up to us.
"I promise this will be short everyone." Jason spoke loudly as everyone hushed.
I scanned the room to find some of the other guards moving a little closer and as I was I had noticed the front door being opened by one of the free guards.
"My wife and I as you know do our best to throw this every year, and although it was later than any of us have planned. . ."
"But none the less we're both very happy you all could make it and are glad to have some new friendly faces to meet! Enjoy the rest of your night everyone." I chimed in.
Quickly I noticed Zadicus watching and I grabbed Jason's hand and the music started playing again and I rushed myself to the parlor room back downstairs and shut the door.
"What's wrong sweetheart? Quitting already?" Jason almost chuckled.
"No, I think she's avoiding me instead." Zadicus shut the door behind him and lifted an eyebrow at me and walked inside of the room more an leaned against the fireplace.
"Wasn't aware of you joining us tonight. . ." Jason said.
You could hear the annoyance in his voice.
Alexander quickly entered the room and sighed.
"Sorry someone else said they were on it. . . Lord Zadicus always a. . .pleasure."
"Did you need something?" I sighed walking over to Jason wrapping my arm around his waist.
Suddenly the door flew open and a what seemed drunk couple came stumbling in.
I was heated and honestly just wanted everything around me to stop. The music, the people's voice, the thudding of heartbeats everything.
Without thinking I grabbed the couple and before they could protest or move I had ripped their hearts out and their bodies fell to the floor. Blood starting to pool around their bodies.
I walked back over to Jason tossing their hearts into Zadicus's hands.
"Well then. . ." He dropped the hearts to the floor and called for Matthew.
Matthew quickly came in stumbling on the two bodies.
"Clean this." Zadicus ordered.
The smell of the sour blood filled my nose and I scrunched my nose.
"I came because I wanted a dance with my Queen, is that a problem?"
Jason scoffed and walked out of the room shoving past Zadicus and Matthew.
"Zadicus is this necessary?" I sighed walking over to the bar and started to shuffle through the drawers finding a towel and wiped off my hands.
"For your birthday,yes."
I growled and I felt my eyes shift to black.
"How fucking dare you say for my birthday! The birthday you made me have." I took one of the glasses from the bar throwing it at him.
I knew he'd catch it and he did and he sighed placing it on the bar.
"Luna I'm sorry, you knew that it was going to happen though, I saw it, so did you. . ."
He stepped closer to the bar and I moved back till my back was against the back of the bar.
"It doesn't matter because you could have let me go. I was human, I was the prey!"
I felt the tears and my vision start to blur I dabbed my eyes with the back of my hand.
"When were you going to tell me that you met me when I was a baby Zadicus?"
I managed to choke out and then straighten myself up and walked around to the front of the bar.
Zadicus stiffened as he watched me. His scent smelled no longer upset or amused,but worried,pained even. If it's possible for such a person to feel.
"One dance and I'll leave."
Alexander cleared his throat.
"I'll escort him out myself after if need be."
I nodded and walked to Zadicus and held out my hand.
He took it and smiled. His touch sickened me more than usual at this time. But I fought pulling my hand away as he led me back to the ballroom.
There were whispers about the two of us and the noises they heard from the parlor. The humans hadn't seemed to notice only the vampires, but they knew better than to say anything about anything while Zadicus was around. They quickly bowed their heads as we passed and he put his arms around my waist as I draped mine around his neck as I let him lead us to the music.
Anddddd end! Originally when I wrote this chapter is was extremely long so I have broken it up.
Wow, a lot happened in this chapter.
Some things may have been a surprise to you,other things maybe not.
So I guess that leads me for you to ask whatever questions and leave whatever comments you have for this one haha.