"And so we took him and he's been with us since." I took a sip of my drink.
I looked over at Ben who had a shocked face that looked almost speechless.
"Zadicus was upset enough to do that to him? Because of you?. . ."
"Oh he was upset alright, and it was my fault. Surprised he doesn't hate me to be honest." I said bluntly.
"He went easily with you?" Ben looked at me surprised.
I only nodded in response, because I too never understood why fully.
"We were all he had left at that point, it was either that or be miserable. Though I wouldn't say he's truly happy." I paused.
"He shortly after he had started sleeping around each place we went we had caught on that he wasn't just feeding."
"Did he kill them?" he only mumbled.
"No, heavens no; he may have turned a few I'm sure, but no he did not kill them all."
"The drug dealing however, we aren't sure. . . that happened one day and we shrugged it off assuming it was out of boredom and he'd stop sooner than later, but that was not the case."
"And no one's worried about harboring a big drug dealer?"
"We're immortal after all Ben, plus at this point he's like a ghost. A silly tale told to get the others to do their job you see."
Ben cringed, unsettled by the idea as he moved uncomfortably.
"That's all, terrible."
I shrugged.
"Some Vampires choose to live big human lives, others simple human lives, there's also those who wish to just live as vampires." I stated.
"I see. . ."
"So, how are you feeling with your other half?"
"Abana has told me that he's been coming out more, although he has been kind to her it still makes me unsettled."
"She is your girlfriend, it would make sense."
"He also tells me things sometimes, you know?"
"Like what?"
"His past, ours rather. . . things you two do, what he wants, what we need, what you need. . . so many things"
I couldn't tell if he was scared or just confused.
"How does it make you feel though?"
"Strange." He said flatly, but he only said it as if hiding something.
Though it was a good fair feeling, but almost as if he were lying to himself in some way.
Jason's POV
"It's been weeks, you have to have some info for me, you said you would by the end of the month, now if you recall it is two days before the end of the month." I spoke strictly.
Matthew tensed and seemed to be nervous and if he could I know he wouldn't be looking me in the eyes right now, but he wouldn't dare not.
"Sir, it appears that, Ben. . . Ben does harbor Kaidan, he doesn't keep his blood promise."
"Meaning?" Matthew's eyes looked like they wanted to look elsewhere as I held his eyes making sure he wasn't lying.
"Meaning I suppose that if Ben, wanted to harm either of you, or Sir Casanova, then he could."
"Interesting, thank you Matthew. I have somewhere I need to be guard my wife while I'm gone please." I quickly got up from my office chair and headed for the door.
"Your highness, your Lady seems to resent so many of us doing so since she says she has no worries. . . I understand if it is your wish,but-"
I chuckled and it made him suddenly quiet and smiled turning towards him.
"Do it secretly then, either way Alexander is, I know. Don't worry she won't harm you if you're under my orders." I patted his shoulder.
"I will not have her unattended understood?"
He relaxed with my sudden touch and nodded quickly before clearly his throat.
"Where are you going in case she asks?"
I turned back around and opened the front door.
"None of your concern, make something up."
Before he could say anything I ran to my car and started it.
I was already running late to meet Zadicus. Although part of me knew he wouldn't really notice there was already a worry in me that he might this time.
He was growing impatient.
As I drove down our long grey stone driveway I thought about what he might say. I shook my head and turned on the radio and began to sing along as I prepared myself for the hour drive.
I took my jacket off as I walked to the door. Although I had been coming here for half a year now the fact that the home he lived in reminded me so much of how Luna's small house used to look gave me chills and somewhat good and bad memories, the kind that made my stomach swirl. I knocked on the door and quickly it was opened and Zadicus gave me a. . .not so charming smile.
"You're late, something more important?"
I shoved past him shutting the door, I don't know why he asks me such questions he already knows. . .
"You know what time of month it is, I had a meeting if that wasn't obvious enough."
I stated.
"I see, very well what do you have to tell me?"
I could smell the anger coming from him as he grew impatient.
"Not much to tell, she seems to have found some interest in someone at the ball if you care for her new possible romantic life."
"Well, that would I suppose mean I wouldn't have to get rid of you myself, you would be thrown out by her. . .interesting."
He looked me up and down and raised his eyebrow.
"For a King, you sure do look quite unsure of your state of well being. It's amusing."
He mocked.
I straightened up taking in a breath trying to brush away my uncertainty.
I was uncertain of Luna, but I was uncertain of what that made my worth to Zadicus more so.
"Oh believe me, I'm quite fine I have the woman of my dreams that I love and trust, and that everyone wants. A beautiful house with amazing people that stand by my side. While you. . . hide here."
"Just remember young one, trust is the very thing I gave her, and that ended with you taking my place."
He remarked with a devilish grin.
"And alas lets no forget that I hold apart of her being and that I am tied and bound to her forever."
I clenched my jaw, but kept my relaxed posture.
One day that might not be so true. . .
I thought.
"She doesn't wish to talk to you even if so, so how does that feel?"
He squinted his eyes looking irritated an in response his eyes shifted to more black.
"Get out." He pointed to the door.
"Nothing else then?" I asked surprised.
"Get. Out."
I smiled to myself as I turned around and walked out putting my jacket back on and getting in my car.
"Enjoy the bed you have for now, soon you might find yourself in a new one."
He shouted.
Will you be back soon? Ben left surprisingly soon. . .
I heard Luna's sweet voice fill my ears as I started the car.
In an hour or two at most, go ahead and do what you want I'll catch up and find you.
I replied.
I quickly drove away and started on my way home.
Luna's POV
I could tell that whatever Jason was doing he didn't want to be bothered to I stopped mind linking him and walked into Jarred's room.
"Um, sis I didn't think you'd just walk in. . ." he said scrambling to pull the sheets up and I looked up at the ceiling trying not to laugh.
"I take it that's why I smell Ashley all over your room, surprised she takes you back after all these times."
I started to smell the scent of roses and vanilla among the strong stench of arousal and smoke.
"You're fine now. You see it's because when two people find great joy in each other it general keeps them coming back." He smirked putting on a blue t-shirt.
"You mean two people who just enjoy sex and then one who loves the person while the other just loves sex?"
He frowned looking disappointed.
"Okay yes, but that's not the point. . . why are you here?"
I shrugged.
"Rickey, why did you bring him into my room?"
"Listen I didn't mean to I just panicked when I smelled the blood, for whatever reason everyone was reacting like nothing was wrong- I assumed the worst and I just ran. . ."
He started to move under the sheets I'm assuming to put some form of clothing on before he got up. I won't lie it did make me slightly uncomfortable, and I couldn't tell if it was because of the smell in the air or the way he was acting.
"Though I can tell you one thing, he wasn't sorry about seeing you in a robe; could see that smile when we got to my room."
He shook his head with a small grin before standing up in just a pair of loose fit pants.
"I'm forever grateful for that promise you've made. . ." he admitted.
I smiled.
It was in some ways rare for him to show such vulnerability but at that same time I was one of the few people who saw it often.
"You're family, the only problem is. . . no one was supposed to know about Kaiden, or Ben you know that. . ."
Jarred looked like a deer in headlights, but then suddenly calmed and let out a sigh.
"This is true, but I doubt you have to worry about him he has way more other things he'd rather care about."
Jarred sat back down on his bed gathering some of the ripped articles of clothing throughout the bed.
"You however seem to have quite the interest in him, this is the second time or so he's been mentioned- he is single."
You would think he would be trying to support his brother. I mean yes he knew that Jason was okay with us being in a poly relationship, but still.
"I'm sure you gathered that first night wasn't exactly the best. Then the next, you brought him into my bedroom while I had a robe on!"
Okay I didn't maybe need to yell, but I had by accident.
"I heard you two shared glances before he was thrown into your office, also I didn't know you were in a robe. Kaiden also so you in your robe." He looked over at me eyebrows raised like he was trying to make a point.
And he was making a fair one. . .
"That's why he was brought to me, Kaiden just showed up after my shower it wasn't my fault."
"Does Jason know?"
I looked at him confused, unsure of what he meant.
"About you and Rick."
"What does that mean?"
"Luna come on. . ."
"He's asked if I had feelings for him yes, and I told him no. Jarred I haven't really even talked to him if you can even count the two times I briefly have."
I was growing irritated with these questions. I didn't have much knowledge or feelings to be had with such interactions.
"Well, he's a player that's all I'm going to tell you and warn you on."
Ah, so that's why he cared so much. . . again big teddy bear.
"So that's why you care so much?"
He huffed and shook his head for what felt like the hundredth time.
"Listen, I know you two have an open relationship and that's your business, but if I know it's with a player there's no way in Hell I'm just gonna let that slide without mentioning it."
"Aw, you're cute sappy self, someone's not so big and tough huh?" I teased.
He got up and walked towards me.
Being that he was 7'2 and was well built he looked physically bigger and stronger than me.
"Oh am I not so big and tough?" he looked down at me as he towered me.
"Nope, I'm not one of your clients mister you don't scare me." I looked him in the eyes and pushed him away with just my finger tip.
He smirked and I turned around on my heels heading for the door.
"Goodnight Jarred."
I laughed quietly walking out.
"Goodnight short stuff!" he chuckled as I walked down the hall.
The guest room next to our bedroom open and I bumped into Jason.
"What are you doing in the guest room?" I looked at him confused and trying to peek in to see what he was hiding.
"Shh, I found Ashley outside passed out in her car so I put her in the guest room." he whispered as he shut the door.
"I just left Jarred's room he never mentioned her being tired. . ."
"I heard you two, she said she didn't want to bother him he didn't seem to be in the mood for her staying in his room so she slept in her car I guess." He shook his head before placing a kiss on my head.
"Lets go to bed shall we?"
I nodded, and before I could fully turn around I was scooped up into his arms and being carried to our bedroom.
"It's only maybe six feet away I can walk" I hissed glaring up at him.
"You could have" he responded and opened the door and walked in shutting it with his foot and placed me on the bed.
"Where were you today?"
He shrugged.
"Just in town, had some fun grabbed a snack and what not."
He kissed my cheek before going over to the dresser and changing into some lounging clothes.
"See anyone while you were out? Since we're supposed to be more sociable and what not?" I teased.
For some reason though he seemed off, I wasn't quite sure why, but I knew that if it was something bad enough he would mention it on his own.
"No, not really I mean I didn't go into the mostly vampire populated areas either though. Did something happen while I was gone?"
I shook my head as he got in bed beside me.
"Just was curious. You would however be interested to hear that Ben thinks he's going crazy?"
He propped the pillow up so he could sit up and turned the TV on and looked at me.
"Yet you sound so amused by this, why aren't we worried?" he looked at me confused.
"Because Kaiden has been speaking with him that's all and he keeps saying we to Ben and it confuses him and he doesn't always know how to feel"
"That seems like it'd be unsettling, but he seems in control still yes?" he looked at me with worry.
"Oh yes, and when Kaiden did come out he seemed at ease. . . calmer maybe." I said happily.
"Then I guess everything is fine." He smiled.
So what do you think Zadicus and Jason are planning?
Do you think Kaiden is still as trustworthy now that he speaks to Ben?
Heads up Jason's POV is very rare, I think i makes 2 appearances in the whole book.