"A proposition?" he questioned walking to me before sitting down beside me.
"I need to clarify the events of this evening with you so no one gets the wrong idea. . ."
No matter what I said- or anyone for that matter that could say something to cause tension Rickey was never effected. . . His face remained the same as he leaned back on his hands looking over at me waiting for me to explain.
"My husband and I. . . have always had the agreement that if we wished to be with someone else, but still cared for each other we would be okay with that. . ."
"Relax I don't need the whole story- I already knew about it, Jarred told me."
He sat back up catching my eyes with his.
Part of me was relieved, another part was angry, and a bigger part of me was still worried.
"I'm fine with it, believe me as much as I want to go into more details I'm sure you have things to do for tomorrow, you can stay in here like I said, I'll keep everyone out."
I nodded.
Did this mean he was just going to leave me alone? Talk about awkward. . .
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course" he smiled as if he were about to be told a secret.
"Even with knowing everything. . . given the way that I came home and I'm sure seeing how Jason has been the past twenty four hours. . . why did you kiss me?"
And as his face looked at me with deep concern his eyes turned a rich red like rubies and a grin crept up his lips.
"Because as sickening as it may sound- even to myself, the moment my eyes caught yours that night at the ball, I knew I loved you and that I was drawn to you for whatever reason, I thought maybe it was the whole you're our Queen thing-, but it's much more than that"
His eyes never left mine as he told me this, his back was straight and his shoulders back.
I don't think he's joking. . .
"I only say this because I know it's the truth now, and there was no way I was going to hide it, even if that meant grabbing you and kissing you in front of him."
I was unsure of what to say, I had thought it would be a much more simple answer. . . and somehow it turned into a very complicated one. . .
"Well, one thing is for sure, you're a gallant man; maybe you have a death wish even"
He rolled his eyes.
"Please you said it yourself, you two have an arrangement, killing me wouldn't prove anything really either."
He smirked.
He did indeed have a point, but also so did I. . .
"Making a insulting move like that however isn't wise so I'm glad it happened the way it did. . ." I sighed.
"To be fair also, you did say he would be upstairs for the night too" he said trying to lighten the mood.
"I know I did, but you never know when someone can change their mind" I shrugged.
I laid down on the futon closing my eyes.
"Do you want a change of clothes?. . ."
I opened my eyes and looked down and realized I was in the same bloodstained clothes and groaned.
"I didn't even realize sorry. . . god some fucking Queen I must look like right now"
Rickey chuckled shaking his head.
"Believe me, you still look just as mesmerizing"
Suddenly there was a soft knock on the door before the door opened.
"Speaking of clothes I did happen to bring you a set for tonight and tomorrow morning."
Alexander said as he walked into the room holding a few hangers with my clothes on them and a small bag I'm assuming which had my undergarments in.
"So that's the real reason you were a tad late coming here"
I laughed getting up and taking my clothes from him putting them over my arm.
He frowned.
"I had one of the others watching you should know that by now, but yes."
I smiled kissing his cheek.
"Thank you for today, not just for this but on the way home as well. . ."
He nodded and then shifted his eyes to behind me I'm assuming over to Rickey.
"What?" Rickey looked at him confused.
"I'm assuming she'd like to change." Alexander said flatly.
Rickey rolled his eyes and got up and walked out of the room, but Alexander stayed and simply turned around.
I grabbed my black leggings and loose black lace tank top off the hanger and went through the bag grabbing a new bra and a thong and started to undress.
"You never stop eavesdropping do you?" I muttered.
"Has Jason said anything to you yet?" Alexander asked softly.
"To my surprise no, but I think he's just giving me time right now until tomorrow"
"What are we going to do about Zadicus tomorrow and Richard?"
I tensed and held my bra in my hands looking at the wall.
"You know, you never mentioned Seirra living here" I said trying to distract the situation.
Alexander either picked up on it or decided to drop it.
"Well, there were many reasons you didn't know"
"Oh?" I finished putting on my clothes and turned around.
Alexander turned around.
"Well, you weren't dating him for me to tell you all the dirt yet- I mean I would have told you if I knew your interest had grown, though I did think you knew Jeffrey was his brother . . ."
I shook my head.
"Though I'm assuming it has something to do with the fact he works for Jarred and that he is apparently quite the man whore." I stated.
"If you want the file just let me know, I will leave you two be."
He nodded his head before leaving the room.
I looked around the room and noticed the walls were painted black and red, there were a few band posters, candles and a few random pieces of clothes scattered around the room. The room was decorated quite dark for the Rickey that I have come to know.
I walked over to the bed and laid down and curled up.
After about five minutes there was a knock on the door before Rickey walked in and sat on the edge of the bed.
I stretched out and looked at him smiling.
"So gorgeous, what's the plan for tomorrow?"
"Well I'm sure Alexander will usher me out early so I can get dressed and everything for tomorrow, however afterwards I'm sure Jason would like a word with you."
"That sounds. . .so serious" he chuckled laying on his side beside me looking down at me.
I breathed in his scent and looked into his eyes as he gently rubbed the side of my arm.
"Shall I let you rest?"
"Stay. . ."
His eyes and face smiled, but yet there was some part of him that looked concerned.
"You're sure?" he whispered.
I nodded.
"Unfortunately due to circumstances I must be in the room for now while she does." Alexander spoke as he came into the room.
I glared at him.
Jason's orders I'm afraid for now at least. . .
Alexander said into my thoughts.
I frowned at him, and he smiled softly in apology.
"I swear for someone who's had you for as long as he has he's pretty insecure about his relationship with you. . ." Rickey mumbled.
Alexander growled and so did I even, but quietly compared to Alexander.
"Remember who you are talking about still. . ." Alexander glared at Rickey as he spoke sternly.
Rickey simply rolled his eyes, but left it at that knowing that I too had growled at him.
"Buonanotte, signora Luna"
(Goodnight, Ms. Luna)
"Buonanotte." I smiled.
☾ ☾☾
I had woken up with a blanket over me and to the sound of arguing in another room.
Alexander, nor Rickey were in the room and I got up and headed for the hallway.
"Can't fucking believe you, you fucking twat do you realize what you're getting into? Sierra was bad enough! Now you too?!" I heard a Jeff yell as I reached the small tight kitchen where Rickey was standing in the small doorway and I stood behind him and kept quite.
"Hush now Jeffrey, her Majesty is with us now."
I heard Alexander softly speak trying to keep whatever they were talking about not for me to hear.
Rickey quickly spun himself around to look at me and brought me to him.
"Well hello there, rest well?" his voice was so soft if only it were just the two of us in the room.
"Fine, thank you."
I unwrapped his arms from me and move past him and walked towards Alexander as he handed me a mug of what I assumed was my breakfast.
"Thank you Alexander"
I inhaled the warm scent and I quickly realized it wasn't just my normal cup.
It was Jason's.
My eyes flickered to Alexander who only smiled sheepishly before speaking;
"I figured you'd like something from home. . ."
I nodded before taking a sip.
I let out a soft moan as the liquid touched my tongue, it was good to have a familiar taste back on my tongue after being stuck with Zadicus, but I also knew it was Jason's way of a poor subtle reminder.