Alexander rushed in looking at Jason I making sure all was fine before speaking.
"Is everything okay?"
Jason grabbed his coat and started for the door.
"Ask her, I'm taking Lukas and Matthew with me for the night."
"Jason I-"
And he was gone before I could finish.
Alexander stood before me his face looked unsure of what to do.
"He'll be back. . . just give him his space Alexander. I'll be in my room until his return."
He nodded and I walked out of the room and walked slowly up to my room.
As I reached my door I smelled a familiar scent, smiling to myself I opened my door.
I walked through looking over my room as I finally found him leaning on my desk.
I yawned and walked over to the love seat and sat down.
"What's up?"
He was in a plain zip up black jacket and a pair of blue jeans, his hair short chestnut colored hair was a mess from the rain.
"Where's the King?" Ben shifted his head to the side almost waiting for Jason to show up.
"Away. . ."
He let out a small chuckled.
Though I'm not too sure what he found funny at this time or amusing.
Ben you see is not only human. . . but he has a very interesting. Hmm How do I say this, other personality.
Though that personality isn't human. If you're scared of vampires, think about a huge black and crimson red dragon being within a frail human.
"Thought I smelt something vile when I came in through the front."
"Mm indeed. He came to a meeting for once."
His eyes widened and he came over and sat beside me.
"I thought you said he hasn't since you took over?"
"I did, he hasn't."
I got up and walked over to the mini fridge grabbing a bottle of animal blood and grabbed a glass and poured it into the glass.
"Drinking already? You gotta lay off. . ."
I rolled my eyes. I can drink whenever I want.
"Are you drinking with me or not?"
"Is there a way to turn down the Crimson Queen?" he asked and I could hear he was trying to hold a laugh.
I prepared his glass trying to ignore what he said and walked over to him handing him the glass.
"You know I would never order you to have a drink with me, I was just being polite." I scoffed taking a small sip.
"And also, it's not like I down a whole bottle or anything just a glass or two."
He smiled shaking his head taking a sip and scrunched his nose when he tasted it.
"I understand that Kaiden must enjoy this,but god is this terrible."
I laughed softly.
"He's a dragon after all what do you expect?"
"Him to be more human when I'm more. . .me I guess."
Although Kaiden was a part of Ben, they were very much different people. A dragon was only born every few hundred years or so, and only one at a time. Kaiden has lived multiple lives through humans, well not too many I suppose. He was on his third. Ben was stern at times yes, but he knew his place. Ben was still young, he was only 20, Kaiden had yet to make his full presence in Ben, although in the past 2 years since I have known Ben, Kaiden has been growing within Ben.
"You can add some normal wine or whiskey to it may help."
He shook his head placing the glass down.
"It's fine. . . "
I shrugged as I took another sip and swished it around in my glass.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door interrupting my peace.
"I need to go."
Quickly Ben got up as Alexander walked in and he walked passed him and nodded his head towards him.
"Everything okay Alexander?"
He was quite for a moment watching Ben as he left.
"Yes everything is fine don't worry. Just here for the night."
I nodded finishing my glass, got up, placed it back on the tray before I laid on my bed.
I heard the door shut and closed my eyes.
With Jason gone and Zadicus making his appearance earlier today I knew everyone was going to be on high alert and Alexander was going to make sure I was safe.
"You worry too much Alexander. . . I can't be killed. You can burn me, stab me, Hell decapitate me even and I don't die."
I felt his aura tense at my words and I opened my eyes.
"My Queen. . . as immortal as you may be I cannot let any harm come to you, fatal or not."
I sighed as I closed my eyes and envisioned a flashback.
I felt her body slowly turn into air as she let out her last breath and the crimson liquid coated her body from her once healed wounds.
With Queen Lilian now dead I was able to take my place as Queen. Now Don't get me wrong I understand why Zadicus had to make someone Queen and King, but someone as weak as these two?
"Alas I finally have the pleasure of meeting the Queen of Crimson herself."
I heard a voice and I quickly dropped the body to look behind me as a man spoke getting down on his knee and bowing his head.
He had blonde medium length wavy hair and a fair complexion he looked unharmed. Which surprised me since I knew Jason was going around slaughtering everyone.
His scent seemed anxious, but also prideful.
I shook the blood off my hand and walked towards him, his head was still bowed down.
"And you are?"
"Alexander Galloway. Head- well I guess only guard to well. . . what was Lilian and John."
He spoke softly.
I watched him carefully as I heard a few more yells and a sudden large crash came through the main doors of the throne room as a body landed beside Alexander and Jason walked through the doors covered in blood.
I smiled as his eyes sparkled as he looked into mine as he grinned.
"Mm I'm sorry I must have let one slip by me. . ."
Jason flashed up to Alexander,but Alexander remained to keep his head down and on his one knee, but spoke;
"My King if I may."
Alexander's voice was a little louder this time as Jason put his hand on his shoulder about to yank him up.
"You may, and you may rise. . ."
He stood and cleared his throat.
Jason removed his hand watching the guard.
"As it appears, it seems that you and Mr. Casanova are here to take back what was supposed to be yours my Lady,and if I may, I would like to offer my services."
End of flashback
"You've always been so loyal to us Alexander. . . Thank you for that."
I opened my eyes and looked over to smile at him.
"You two are my King and Queen of Crimson, and I shall die before I let any harm come to either of you."
He smiled softly pacing the room.
"You are our family Alexander. . . just remember that."
I put my arms behind my head and closed my eyes once more and called out to Jason.
Please come home. . . I miss you. . .
No Luna, not until his fucking scent is out of that house.
I knew he was angry I could tell by the tone in his voice. I knew this would only last the day, two at max. It still wounded me though.
I focused on a clear mind and let myself drift into my thoughts.
This one was a little more short. . .
What are your thoughts on Jason's reactions?
What about Zadicus's?
There's a glimpse of what happened when Luna took the thrown and about when she met Alexander, but don't worry this is NOT going to be the full story, that will be a whole chapter.
Though none of the can sleep. Royal Bloods (Luna, Zadicus and Jason) can empty their mind to the point where it is almost like sleep.
Ben is a character you will find out more and more about throughout. There are some characters that appear that have been around Luna and Jason for ages, but as you the reader comes in are new to you.