Coven meeting the following night
"Delilah Moreau and Seirra Roche." Jason placed down the paper and looked around the room.
"We agree. . ." everyone spoke softly as if not wanting to be heard.
"Not that I mind Zadicus. . . why two girls though?" I looked at him puzzled.
He honestly looked a mess, his light brown hair was neatly combed, but his outfit looked like he had grabbed it from a wrinkled pile of clothes which wasn't like him. . .
"They seemed to meet the requirements, although they are very young I figured you could teach them the way you wanted. . . and at any rate I'll be finding more men as well be patient."
"The rest of you are dismissed aside from Zadicus."
Everyone bowed their heads and left the room with haste.
"What have I done now? I am working as fast as I can truly" Zadicus rubbed his eyes.
"Lets be frank, you look terrible" Jason spoke bluntly.
"Straight to the point I see. . . what of it?"
Zadicus sat up more straight in his seat trying his best to put on a better look.
"We just need to know if we should take care of this matter ourselves is all." I spoke up.
He shook his head.
"I'll take care of it, I'll call if I need to."
He got up grabbing his grey coat and threw it on before walking out of the room.
"It's a shame we know he can't die hmm? otherwise I'd say he was dieing" I scoffed.
"I don't know if I'd want to joke lightly of that my sweet. . . that would mean you too, could fall."
"It would almost be a relief wouldn't you say? Even the others have ways they can parish. . . we, do not."
As grim as that whole speech sounded, it wasn't meant to. However if the three of us had ever wanted to quit living we had no way to do this. No switch, no organ, no fluid, or bone was needed for us. We couldn't enjoy the food like other vampires
"I'm sorry I did not wish to worry you, relax and don't be so serious" I patted his cheek and smiled before getting up.
"So are you going to be okay with the ceremony this year? given the circumstances. . . worst comes to worst Alexander I suppose could do it. . . "
I shook my head.
"It wouldn't be the same, believe me it doesn't worry me"
I understood why he was so unsure. However jealousy was not my taste. The ceremony was conducted by the King and Queen. There would be a cup of blood filled by the King and Queen's blood to give. Each female would drink from the King, and each male from the Queen creating a mind link bond. However, Zadicus intended this for him and I and he said that only he was allow to offer my blood to the rest, and although I did not live by his rules this for some reason seemed important for me to do so. So since this was the case we usually went with couples so they could share the link.
"Besides, you have the same freedoms as I do when it comes to being with another"
He got up as I started for the door.
"Well of course, but you know what I meant"
He quickly moved past me and opened the door for me and I smiled and walked through to be greeted to what seemed to be a very stressed Alexander.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing really, I suppose, we're on lock down until the ceremony though understood?"
I shook my head.
"Because of the lack in coven members and that things may be. . . of unbalanced nature I want precautions as well as it keeps this business all locked tight until the day of."
He said proudly.
I smiled at him and shook my head.
"Alright, as you wish. . . what does this mean for visitors?"
Alexander knew which visitor I meant specifically.
"I will be fair and loosen up, Jarred however only five visits a day and they must be signed in and checked."
Jason chuckled and patted his shoulder.
"Good luck with that one, is that all?"
He nodded.
"Then we shall lock ourselves away in our chamber until the sun sets!" I said dramatically as I clung to Jason trying not to laugh.
Alexander rolled his eyes smiling.
"Go on then, I'll check in on you both in a few hours"
"Oh no. . .he's going rogue Jason he's being sassy now!"
I laughed quietly as I tugged Jason with me upstairs and he chuckled quietly.
"What is with you today huh?"
Jason suddenly asked as his laughter slowed as we went up to the library.
"Just in a good mood- don't shame me for having fun in life" I nudged him as I opened the door.
"Hey, I gotta keep notes on how you're doing that's all"
I grabbed one of the books off of the shelf and put it on my desk and sat down.
"I know you do, I understand what you're doing and why."
He grabbed a book off the shelf and sat down in the big red velvet chair next to the fire place.
"But I am not a experiment or something."
"I-I know that Luna. . ."
It was quiet for quite some time, Jason barely said a word and when he did it was generally a smart remark at the book he was reading. I had finished my book and had started to read through the notes Zadicus had written down about the ceremony.
Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted, but the sound of yelling and I looked over at Jason who had also noticed and had the same confused look I'm sure I had on my face.
The door was thrown open and envelopes were thrown onto my desk and Jarred stood in front of me.
"You want to explain to me what the fuck this is about?!"
His eyes were smoldering and his face was beyond angered I heard Jason quickly get up and come by my side and I looked through the envelope that had our seal on it.
' Dear Delilah Moreau and Seirra Roche,
You are summoned by the Royal Family to be accepted into the Society Coven. You will have four days from now to prepare. You will be then picked up at eight o' clock sharp.
Alexander Galloway'
I looked at Jarred puzzled.
"Why are my ex girlfriends apart of your Coven now huh?!"
My eyes widened as I realized.
"I didn't choose them. . . even if so you know they won't be harmed."
I relaxed back into my chair.
"I don't care I want them out. Who the Hell did choose them then?"
Jason's hands were suddenly on my shoulders starting to massage them.
"Zadicus did for us, he's choosing almost all why is this going to be a problem for you?"
Jason kept his voice low and calm, but his brother still looked quite angry.
"The one is only a few months old, Sierra older yes; but is just a god damn psychopath!"
I feel like someone's exaggerating. . .
I thought to myself.
"It gives us a good human outlook, and Sierra? I highly doubt it. . .even if so she won't have that much power."
I leaned back into Jason's hands more as he began to stop massaging my shoulders.
Jarred's face calmed and took a deep breath.
"So then this isn't a punishment?"
I shook my head.
"No,trust me you'd know. . ."
"So then why are we on lock down?"
He pulled up a chair in front of the desk and looked back at me.
"Alexander said it would be best for all of us to stay in sight because we're putting in place new members" I shrugged.
"Lovely . . . to be fair I'm not even royal blood I shouldn't have to be trapped here."
Jarred huffed.
"Yes, but if you were taken then you could be used as leverage"
Jason spoke up.
"So what are you two going to do?"
"Actually I was just about to speak to your brother about that. . ."
I spoke quickly before Jason could answer.
Jarred looked at me then up behind me at his brother.
"Since we're all stuck here until this whole ceremony bullshit is done, I want to drain the blood out of my system."