A reminder that I wasn't exactly upset about, might I add.
"Are you ready for today you think?" he asked grabbing his own cup and took a sip.
I swished my glass around and watched the liquid swirl as my eyes got lost in the crimson color.
"Depends on which part you mean. . ." I finally spoke.
"Both. . .you know I can push things around if you wish."
I shook my head and held the glass tighter.
"The sooner this happens the better and smoother it shall go. . .what's the status on Rickey joining us?"
Alexander looked regretful as if he'd prefer not to answer.
"Please don't be upset with me. . .I feel due to the circumstances of everything he should be left out of the ceremony and wait in your office or wherever Jason would prefer. . . "
I was hoping he wouldn't say that, but I should have known.
"Would you please escort him and stay with him yourself?"
I finished the liquid in my glass and set it on the counter.
"I-you're putting me in a bad position here you know. . ."
I nodded.
"I do, I know. . .that you're worried, but I would feel better if you did, or Matthew at least."
He tapped on his glass and thought for a moment before he spoke.
"I'll discuss this with the others. . . better get a move on, gotta get you dressed and back home."
"So are we driving separate or together?" Rickey said as he walked back in stopping the silence.
I could sense that he wanted to say something about it, but he kept quiet about.
As I went to walk out of the kitchen I could smell a very familiar scent and then suddenly the front door had opened.
"Slacker! You better have a damn good reason as to why you're late to meet up with me"
"Fuck. . ."
I heard Rickey grumbled as I heard Jarred's angered voice as he made his way into the kitchen and he froze as he met my gaze.
"Uhh . . . sis, what are you doing out?"
"I feel like the real question is, why are you out on lock down?"
"None of your concern. . . didn't realize you would be here,shouldn't you be getting ready for tonight?"
"I was actually just on my way back, you should come with me; don't you think Alexander?"
I looked over my shoulder to look at Alexander who smiled with what almost looked like a look of trouble in his eyes.
"I do think you should come with us, things to discuss after all"
"My car is-"
"I'll send for it, or Richard-I mean Rickey I'm sure can drive it back"
Jarred furrowed his eyebrows at Alexander.
"I'm seeing there's no way around this. . .fine lets get going"
Jarred turned around and started for the door, but suddenly turned around and looked at Rickey with angry eyes.
"We're having a talk after though,understood?"
Rickey scoffed and walked passed me and even past Jarred to my surprise without a word and out the front door.
"You didn't need to be so rude. . .but fine lets head out I still have to get ready."
"As far as I'm concerned he's my employee right now and more importantly when something goes wrong I need to find the issue so."
Jarred opened the door and held out his arm.
I walked to him and looped my arm with his and he bowed down his head and kissed the top of my head before walking us out and sighed.
"At least after today everything should settle, in at least this part of my life thanks to you."
"Hmph you make it sound like I'm a god or something"
He shrugged as we walked to the elevator.
"In ways you are for us, I mean you truly are immortal for instance."
"If I were to be honest he isn't wrong."
Alexander said as he walked onto the elevator and Jarred let go of my arm as we walked into it as the doors shut behind us.
"Even if it were true you both know very well that's not how I wish things to be. . ."
"Unfortunately it is the way the law was written."
I shrugged and walked out once the elevator opened and ran to the outside door.
Luke was patiently waiting outside of the of the silver mustang and opened the door for me and smiled.
"Have fun last night?" he wiggled his eyebrows and grinned.
I glared at him and put my finger to my mouth and hushed him.
"The tall one doesn't know" I whispered.
His eyes widened and he nodded.
"My apologies"
I nodded and got in and I heard Jarred laughing with his arm around Alexander's shoulders.
Which might I say was quite the sight since very rarely did Alexander usually share laughs.
Alexander shot me a quick smile and then flashed to the other side of the front seat and Jarred climbed in next to me.
"You know Jason never mentioned you being here. . .does he know?"
"He does indeed, aw was my big brother worried? Because I feel like you came over for another reason."
"I did, and Alexander was gone so I knew wherever you were he was watching so."
"How was Jason before you came over?"
"He was getting dressed and preparing his speech"
Jarred was fixing the cuffs on his suit and I realized I had now started my own hole of lies on why I was at Rickey's.
Jarred narrowed his eyes at me and then looked around the three of us.
"Why are you all nervous huh? Or which one of you"
Alexander looked at me to catch my eyes for a moment then looked away and I cleared my throat and moved up on my seat.
"As my brother in law. . .and well due to the other circumstances you should know that I do have interest in Rickey."
He scoffed.
I could almost instantly feel and smell the anger coming off of him and his eyes almost shifted before he spoke.
"You know I have discussed things with you. . .though just know I'm not going to cut him slack because he's with you."
I nodded.
Although his words seemed harsh his voice was soft.
"Well. . .he still has to make Jason's full approval so. . ."
"Mm pleasing the King's wishes should be quite the fun, oh how I'd love to put him to work tonight!"
I scolded him.
"No, tonight is too important- just today this exception because I don't know how much time they'll need"
He squinted at me for a moment almost as if he were irritated,but his face softened and then he nodded.
"Luke, buddy! You and I are going to have some fun tonight!"
Alexander started chuckling and I covered my mouth holding in my laughter.
"I feel. . .like I have much bigger things on my plate Sir?"
"Actually, you have the lightest load out of everyone."
Luke snapped his head to look at him and glared.
"Then perfect!" Jarred cheered as he clapped his hands.
"I don't think I want to know. . .I don't think I can even handle knowing tonight."
I shook my head and looked out the window.
"You seem nervous, why?" Jason said as he put on my necklace and kissing the nape of my neck just barely letting his lips touch my skin.
"There's a lot today. . .Zadicus is here for the ceremony, and well you're meeting with Rickey after so. . ."
"I trust you. So I'm sure everything will go smoothly. . . as for the ceremony you look-"
He spun me around and pull me into his arms.
"Like the someone who is going to make sure that their lives are better and fulfilled."
I sighed and took a deep breath.
"I hope you're right because I really don't wanna mess this up. . ."
So this is part one, I just really wanted to put up this chapter even though it's like only part one, I recently started putting 2 chapters in one so these next few chapters have been difficult to arrange and I also have been having a way more busy schedule so between all of that is my sore excuse and apology as to why I haven't posted. . .