Two months had passed and things had mostly returned to normal. Ben had eventually came back from England and said he felt better staying here for at least another six months or so to make sure he was fine. Rickey and I had taken another break, or rather he had broken up with me again for one so called reason or another but came back within a week or two so it was really hard to call it a breakup over a break. Jason wasn't thrilled about it, but Jarred had tried to explain to him it was difficult for someone like him to understand feelings like that, reminding him that he wasn't so much better after all. Zadicus had remained surprisingly neutral and hadn't ever made comment on Rickey to all of our surprise. When we met up for our one on one time he asked about Jason and him, but that was it.
"So do you think you're going to take that weekend trip still in a few weeks?" Jason asked Ben as he sat down in the chair in the living room.
"I was thinking about it, might be nice to see the family- what about Rickey? When are you two making the trip over?" Ben looked at me as I stopped scrolling through my phone.
"You mean if they stop doing these break u- these breaks of theirs?" Jason sighed.
I looked over to him and rolled my eyes.
"Uhh. . . yeah sure?" Ben said awkwardly.
"We haven't talked about it really to be honest. . ." I admitted.
"So uh, what is with you two breaking up so much?"
I shrugged.
"I wouldn't call it a break up."
"He says it's over. . . comes back a week or so later. . . he begs and pleads and the circle restarts" Jason mumbled before taking a gulp of his blood.
"How do you deal with that?" Ben looked back to Jason.
Jason snorted and placed his glass down.
"The healthy version or not healthy?" he sheepishly smiled.
"Uh both?" Ben questioned and I just glared at Jason.
When they got along it was great, but rightfully so Jason hated when we'd have our breaks. At first I was miserable with them, but they had become this odd routine thing, Rickey never wanted his addiction in the way of our relationship so I guess he was dealing with it in the only way he knew how.
"I spar with my brother, I go for runs, and on the fun occasion I call him a name or two"
"Which I think is very not okay, but considering Jarred and Rickey get physical when they fight I shouldn't complain" I added.
Ben shook his head.
"Don't you all like share a room though?"
"God no, listen not that I want to go into detail with you- but I love my wife, and that's great that she loves another man and all but I am not trying to be all in their business"
"So what you're saying is, you just don't want to be there when they have sex?" Ben laughed.
"Listen I like to make love to her by myself, I don't need or want someone else there" Jason's face twisted and I couldn't help but laugh too.
"He is such a prude sometimes huh?" Ben looked at me still laughing.
"I would like to say old fashioned you rude heathen" Jason smiled throwing one of the pillow at Ben and he just laughed as it hit him.
"I can agree though, I love them both dearly, but no I like our separate times"
Ben raised his hands.
"Not my business, but I just had to ask, because man seeing how Jason reacts to when I hurt you I could only imagine"
"Lots of control."
Jason huffed.
Somewhat at times I had wondered if it was my own control over him. There were times where I pleaded with every fiber in my body for him not to yell at Rickey even though I could tell he wanted to scream. Jason had seen me shed so many tears over this man in such a short amount of time. At least in our lifetime- he had seen me even once be told in front of him. That day was the day I surely thought he'd lose it. To say Rickey and Jason were on the best of terms would be a lie. Did they hate each other? No, but they certainly had their issues.
"It's so weird still being able to just come over now. . . I mean I know I was always able but we don't have training session every week kind of thing" Ben finally spoke again.
"Aww what's wrong you miss getting your ass kicked on the regular?" Jason chuckled.
"No, not at all I'm happy I can sometimes get a win in now and then finally because wow that was getting old"
"You used to get really bruised up" I reminded him.
"I think I spent the first few months laying on the floor more than on my feet"
We all laughed together.
"You would think Kaiden would have helped me out but he's very 'you should have your own choices and problems like anyone else' " Ben rolled his eyes.
"As much as I would love to say that's honorable I don't think many humans fight vampires on the regular" I pointed out.
"That's what I said!" he laughed.
"So how do you guys normally talk now anyway?" Jason leaned in looking at Ben.
"Usually when we meditate, sometimes in my sleep- usually just when we're in a perfect relaxed sort of state, it's all mental it's not like I'm talking into mirrors and shit anymore so that's good"
Parts of me felt bad for him because I'm sure it wasn't easy being what he was. I could only imagine growing up feeling like you're crazy. I may have had my own mental battles before this life, but I never had a string of doubt about my sanity. I knew and felt everything was real I just never knew when it'd happen.
"Sometimes I still don't understand why we have to fly over there, isn't that the point or Eric and Cassie?" I asked Alexander as Jason and I packed my things.
"I know, I know but they're dealing with something in France and Jason has to stay here to deal with the other things- besides shouldn't this ease some extra tension between you and Zadicus?" he handed me my toiletry bag.
I rolled my eyes.
"You mean confuse people more about the men I'm around? Stupid why can't I just go myself. . ."
"You, out of all people know how things can be in Italy and you don't even like being there and half the time just sign off on whatever without even listening so you can come back." He pointed out.
"Okay so then make him, go" I challenged him.
"And he can after you introduce him"
I laughed.
I laughed so loud and hard I almost couldn't stop.
"The man is a God to them, what kind of introduction does he need? Everyone knows about him it's not like they thought he was dead." I finally managed to get out.
Alexander only frowned and Jason looked at him with a face of 'she's right'.
"Because it's formal, like I said you can use this for your other plan it'll be the same as always get you back home asap"
"I would appreciate it if you did" Jason piped up.
I groaned closing my bag and Jason stepped over to me giving me a small smile taking my hands.
"Come on, it won't be bad, besides it means you don't have to do any of the work- he does it all and you just sit there looking gorgeous as always"
I snorted.
"Okay, you have buttered me up" I smiled back at him placing a peck on his lips.
"Good! Because we are a bit behind and we have to meet him at the airport"
Alexander quickly moved around me grabbing my bag and flashing out the door.
"Don't worry, if Rickey comes over I'll make sure he feels at home and everything is taken care of. . ." Jason grumbled wrapping his arms around me.
"You sound oh so happy about that" I touched his nose.
"I'm still a little upset, I hate seeing you cry- but everything will be fine, have a safe trip call me when you land?"
I nodded.
The jet thankfully was all ready to go when we had gotten there and we were told Zadicus was already on board and ready to go so I quickly ran my way up into the cabin.
"You're late, everything okay?" he asked.
He was leaning his head on his hand next to the window seat in a nice grey button down with black slacks and shoes.
"Couldn't find my shoes" I shrugged moving to the seat across from him.
Alexander was talking to one of the pilots outside but it was too loud to hear either of them.
"You could just buy a new pair when we land"
I frowned.
"That's just wasteful of money"
He narrowed his eyes looking at me then around us.
"Yes, because clearly that is a worry for us"
"Maybe you should try being a bit more humble"
"Please don't tell me that suddenly you two aren't getting along again. . . we're gonna be stuck on here for a few hours" Alexander reminded us.
He chuckled and I just shook my head before giving Alexander a smile.
"No we're fine, she's just reminding me of something" Zadicus tried to calm Alexander's worry.
"Also, good morning Lord Zadicus" Alexander bowed his head.
Zadicus only nodded in response.
"I just can't believe we both have to go- I usually always do this solo" I muttered pulling my legs up to me and pulling out my phone.
"You uh, didn't tell her?" Zadicus sounded uncomfortable.
Tell me what?
I looked at both of them and Alexander scratched the back of his head.
"I mean not exactly. . ." he muttered.
"Least yet. . . figured we could wait till we got there"
Wait to tell me what? Now I was just getting annoyed. Why are they having this talk like we're not about to spend hours on this jet ride.
"Wanna fill me in?" I glared at both of them.
"Well, remember last time we were there you were all antsy and you walked out of that meeting and waved everything- and you uh were trying to listen?"
Alexander swallowed and you could tell he was trying to place his words careful.
"Yeah, I approved of everything and we left. So what? Why is that a bad thing? I don't see why Eric and Cassie couldn't handle it"
"Yeah well, that's because they proposed to you that you handle things there because of the language confusion sometimes they felt- and so you said you would handle it personally. . ." he dragged.
I blinked.
"I what now?"
Alexander raised his finger as he dug through his bag pulling out a folder and pulling out a paper handing it to me.
I looked at the paper.
'Queen of Crimson vows to take care of homeland once again' was at the top of the page.
I swore under my breath.
Zadicus cleared his throat.
"However, when Alexander explained what had happened and that of course it could be difficult for you to just fly over between our others I offered myself"
"Then again. . . Why, am I, here."
I spaced out my words hoping they would finally give me a simple answer.
"I needed you to do the introduction, it looks better that way"
"You're a God, you don't need anyone's permission- let alone mine" I rolled my eyes.
"Some of us don't want to spill blood every time we want to prove a point, and I'm sure it makes them a little uneasy I don't need to scare them even more" he rubbed his forehead sighing.
I glared at Alexander again straightening up and crossing my legs.
"Don't worry the trip will be tense now" I muttered.
"I think you should be able to admit your fault in this" Zadicus met my eyes again.
God I hated how I would block him out of my head, but he would still look into my eyes like he was able to see it all.
"I don't like being there, and I don't like being away from Jason." I shifted in my seat.
"Why? I'm here, it's not like I can kill him and be here at the same time."
I guess he was right. . .
"That's why isn't it? You're still worried?" he raised an eyebrow at me.
"I. . . I mean yes."
"Then everything is okay right?" he watched my carefully, still looking like he was searching for answers in my eyes.
I slowly nodded.
"Great! because I need a nap" he got out of his chair and headed for the back.
Alexander looked at me with wide eyes.
"Yeah. . . turns out we can sleep" I shrugged.
"So uh, why don't you?"
"He didn't teach me yet."
He looked behind him as if to make sure Zadicus wasn't coming back.
"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. . . I just, I know you don't want to look like- well I don't know I just know you don't like being there and clearly things weren't working out well with you going. . "
I nodded.
"I get it I just. . . I don't know"
"We have about a nine hour trip ahead of us this morning so feel free to get comfy"
The pilot said through the speaker and I brought my legs back up to my chest.
"Jerk. . . not even offering to tell me how to sleep while we have this long ass flight. . ."
Alexander chuckled at me.
We were just about an hour left into our flight as I made my way back to where Zadicus was sleeping. Instead I found him away and looking out the window in a chair in the back.
"Can we talk?" I closed the door behind me stepping forward a bit.
"Of course"
I went over and sat in the chair beside him.
"How was your nap?"
"It was fine, but I know that's not why you're here- unless if it's to ask me to teach you, but I suppose I should have offered that this morning huh?" he gave an apologetic smile.
Least he knew it was rude . . .
"I mean that would be nice, but no that's not what I meant. . ."
"Something wrong?" he looked at me as if he were suddenly worried.
"Is this something you really want to do? I thought you like being alone in your own little world?" I asked.
"I wouldn't say I like the alone part. . . but I get used to it. . . I'll be honest though- this past year has been the most eventful out of the past few centuries" he paused for a moment.
"Honestly? Time stops, then speeds up and then slows down repeating itself."
He shrugged.
"I understand what you mean. . ." I said quietly.
"Surely things are more exciting for you though, Rickey and all"
My eyes quickly moved to look at his.
To say I was comfortable would be a lie. Did I trust him more somewhat with Jason? Maybe. Rickey though? Not in the slightest- Jason had years of experience on him, I knew he had a chance in a fight. . . Rickey, I wasn't sure.
"Relax Luna. . ." he whispered softly.
I swallowed feeling my shoulders relax and my eyes started to feel lighter again.
"You really do care about him don't you?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Of course I do, that's a stupid question."
I turned my head.
He chuckled.
"You always surprise me"
"Everything okay back here your majesty?" Alexander looked at both of us as he walked through the cabin door.
"Actually- did Jen happen to drop off a cooler of blood to you before the trip? did you stock it somewhere?"
Alexander looked confused shaking his head.
Zadicus sighed putting his face in his hand.
"Well guess I won't be eating for a few days. . ." he mumbled.
I raised my brow at him hoping he'd explain.
I mean I know we can go without drinking, but why was he being so picky?
"I'll be fine, I don't technically need it."
"Are you sure I can get some when we-"
"We'll only be gone for two days at most I'll be fine" Zadicus cut Alexander off.
"Well. . . we'll be there in fifteen just as a warning" Alexander turned around to head out but stopped.
"I was already warned when we touch down there may be some press there. . ."
"Lovely, exactly what we needed after a long flight" Zadicus seemed annoyed.
Couldn't tell if it was because it was a reminder of last time or the blood issue he was probably trying to figure out how to handle.
"Thank you Alexander you may leave" he waved his hand.
"Why did you create that part of the community anyway?"
It was odd to me that he made such a publicly involved thing but he didn't like to be part of the public much. I suppose in some ways it made sense.
"Well. . . you figure after you came around- you started turning everybody, I use that word loosely, but there were so many and when I had made the monarchy it only made sense that our world also needed some form of communication across the globe"
He sighed.
"Thankfully, when I had placed the monarchy it became it's own machine; they didn't need to hear from me- well they did but very rarely as I'm sure you know."
If he would have tried to place the blame on me without Kaiden telling me about his feeding habits I would have said he was full of it for blaming me. Now I had realized, I really was the one who in a way really started the vampire race. . .
"I can't believe that all those people are a domino effect. . ." I whispered quietly.
"Not your fault- I mean it was bound to happen, just differently"
I knew what he meant. We were supposed to rule together, he and I both would have turned people and it would have stretched from there.
We felt a bump shake the jet and we sat up feeling us land.
"So much for a smooth landing this morning huh?" he laughed.
"Guess so"
I got up and made my way back to the front cabin to look at Alexander grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.
"Ready?" he asked.
"You know how I am. . ." I mumbled.
He smiled shaking his head as he led me out Zadicus following behind.
He took a deep breath in.
"Home sweet home!" he exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes so bad I thought they'd pop out of my head. Of course he'd still be thrilled and comfortable. . . He was still an asshole. Just a blissfully ignorant one maybe.
Alexander led us to a black car opening our doors before getting into the driver seat.
"I don't think I asked- are we staying at a hotel or?" Zadicus looked at me and then Alexander.
"I booked a hotel- they're two suites connected so this way I can easily reach either of you, but the whole floor is booked for us so. . ."
"In theory should make them back off more. . ." I grumbled as I gritted my teeth as he started to drive.
"You really hate the public right now don't you?" Zadicus chuckled.
"Well yeah. . . lets remember what happened last time we were together and around them- or I was afterwards"
He opened his mouth to speak then closed it nodding.
We had eventually arrived at the hotel after a short drive. Thankfully it looked like no one was around to bother us. At least for now, I trusted Alexander's intel it was hardly ever wrong on things like this. I just wish I had known about it that night. . .
The bell boy grabbed our things from the trunk bringing it inside as we walked to the front desk.
"Buonasera, maestà. Ho liberato il terzo piano secondo le tue istruzioni."
(Good evening, your majesties. I have cleared the third floor per your instructions.)
The man at the front desk bowed his head I looked at his nametag.
"Grazie Antonio, apprezziamo la tua ospitalità." I smiled.
(Thank you Antonio, we appreciate your hospitality.)
"Assicurati di chiamarci se hai bisogno di qualcos'altro durante il tuo soggiorno. Per favore non esitate a chiedere."
(Be sure to give us a call if you need anything else during your stay. Please don't hesitate to ask.)
He added as he handed us the keys.
I nodded.
I took out my phone and began walking towards the elevator. Both men quickly followed behind me after exchanging a few more words with Antonio. I just wanted to get to my room and get this trip over with. We had just about an hour before the meeting. I had already started mulling how I was going to do this introduction on the trip here. Unfortunately it all had seemed ridiculous, too formal, too informal, trying to introduce a man like him was almost impossible. Or maybe it was just because I couldn't stand him most of the time. Though I will say, he had been more barrable. He was also right, at least this trip would be a ton easier since he was with me and no where near either of my men.
I had made my way to the room and unlocked it stepping in.
"I'm going to take a shower to freshen up, I'll meet you in your room after" Zadicus said before he stepped into his own.
"You both are so awkward together in public. . ." you could tell Alexander was trying not to chuckle as he followed me in.
"We never know who should answer. . . it's hard to know who should even lead" I scratched my head as I looked around the big room.
There were two sets of big patio doors that led out to a nice balcony. A small little sitting area with a tv, a mini bar with a little kitchenette then what appeared to be some sort of living room area and another door which I assumed led to the bathroom and bedroom.
"This place is nice" I complimented.
"Thought it might be a nice change, has a great view of the ocean" he noted.
I walked over to the cream fabric couch and plopped down grabbing a pillow and sighing as I took in a breath of the ocean breeze air that was flowing in from the windows.
"So, do you know what you're saying in the meeting?" Alexander broke the silence after a while.
"I don't know. . . I'll have to go with the emotion they give me because it either seems to formal or too informal. . ." I bit my lip trying to think about it again.
"I agree that may be best, I texted Jason by the way- he said he would have called but he has his own duties to handle at the moment."
I nodded.
"Surprised you're not freshening up with a shower" he commented.
I shook my head.
I had taken one this morning and I had only sat in the plane so it didn't feel like I needed it, though I will admit sometimes they did make me feel pretty stuffy.
"I will when we get back, I wanted to focus on the meet up and worry about my own personal things later. . . This needs to be a priority this time."
Regrettably, I had failed somewhat. I had let my own demons affect what my duties were here. Though I knew perfection was not achievable, didn't mean I didn't try my hardest. After all I was pressured from Zadicus to prove him wrong all these years.
"You really know how to pick a place for traveling, these rooms are huge- I can't remember the last time I stayed somewhere with a view like this"
Zadicus walked in through the connecting doorway finishing buttoning his white dress shirt as he walked in.
"Thank you, I do try my best."
"How much time does it take to drive there?" I asked looking at Alexander again.
"Well we should probably head out about now. . . you know I like to be a bit early."
He grinned.
"That I do."
I sighed knowing he was talking about this morning's tardiness.
Zadicus pushed back his dark hair straightening it back into place. He had managed to even dry it in the short time we had been here. The thought of him using modern objects sometimes amused me. It was silly really because I was after all half his age. . . He always seemed so overly old fashioned though. . . Which wasn't a bad thing, but it was amusing.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" he furrowed his brows at me.
"Like what?" I blinked looking at him.
"Like you're amused or something."
"Trust me it's better if you didn't know, well lets get going then"
He looked like he wanted to protest, but he also didn't want to have an argument so he nodded.
"You're here! And early at that, I am so very glad" Giovani clapped his hands together as he walked into the meeting room of his estate.
His wheat colored hair was cut much shorter than when I had seen him last. And his broad shoulders seemed almost straighter and more confident than normal. You could tell he was putting on a show of confidence though given the lingering smell of anxiety that was still in the other parts of the house.
"Sit, sit please!" he waved us over to the table.
His eyes were darting between the three of us, unsure of how to address the elephant in the room. I decided to let it be though as I sat down at the head of the table and Zadicus sat down beside me. It was so odd, normally he was on the other side, but this time he was beside me.
"Where is everyone else?" Alexander asked clearing his throat.
"Arnaldo is bringing them as we speak- we didn't expect you here yet so my apologies your majesty."
He looked down apologetically.
There was some mumbling coming from the hallway and the door opened while the men flowed in.
"Lucio" Zadicus finally spoke and I looked over to him and he had a big grin on his face his arms crossed leaning in his chair.
Lucio's once confidence face suddenly seemed worried but he forced himself to smile.
"Mio signore. . ." he responded.
Suddenly Giovani's honey colored eyes widened. I was a little confused as to why he seemed so shocked. I mean even I was surprised Zadicus had people he knew, but I don't think it was that surprising. . .
"Mi scuso, mio signore, non mi ero reso conto che tu-" Giovani's words stumbled as he tried to find the words.
(My apologies my Lord, I hadn't realized that you-)
Zadicus chuckled.
"Oh, prometto di essere vivo come sempre, sono qui come parte di una proposta in realtà."
(Oh I promise I am as alive as ever, I'm here as part of a proposal actually.)
The room's air shifted and I could feel the tension replace the once laxed feeling.
I glanced around the room.
"Tutti, vorrei presentarvi il Lord of Crimson. . . D'ora in poi gli affiderò i miei doveri qui."
(Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to the Lord of Crimson. . . I will be handing over my duties here to him from now on.)
I motioned my hand to him before straightening myself.
The room fell quiet and their eyes just stared for a moment before their heads fell down in obedience.
"Se ci sono problemi con questo nuovo accordo, parlane ora. La capisco e normalmente non sono dalla stessa parte, quindi questa transizione potrebbe essere difficile, ma ti assicuro che non è un test."
(If there are issues with this new arrangement speak now. I understand her and I are normally not on the same side so this transition may be difficult, but I assure you this is no test.)
They shook their heads once they finally looked up.
"Bene, perché come sono sicuro la maggior parte di voi sa, non mi piace essere disturbato per qualcosa che non vale il mio tempo. Anche se non mi importava del viaggio di ritorno a casa."
(Well, because as I'm sure most of you know, I don't like being bothered about something that's not worth my time. Even if I didn't care about the trip home.)
"È stato anche abbastanza gentile da offrirsi di rimanere nel tempo necessario." Alexander added.
(He has even been gracious enough to offer to stay in the time that it is needed.)
"Solo così sai che potrei avere Cassandra ed Eric forse a partecipare ai miei primi pochi proprio mentre mi stabilisco nel mio ruolo qui. Capisco che tu abbia i tuoi problemi con loro, ma ti assicuro che nulla andrà perso."
(Just so you are aware I may have Cassandra and Eric perhaps sit in on my first few just as I settle into my role here. I understand you have your issues with them but I assure you nothing will be lost.)
Zadicus put his hands together in front of him on the table and leaned in.
"Per ora, tuttavia, ci sono problemi che dobbiamo affrontare?"
(For now however, are there any issues we need to address?)
"I cambiamenti improvvisi sono dovuti ai problemi in America?" Ernesto spoke first.
(Are these sudden changes because of the problems in America?)
I gritted my teeth.
"Il motivo non è tuo, abbiamo trovato una soluzione alla tua richiesta e questo è tutto ciò che devi sapere. Quindi lo chiedo di nuovo: hai un problema?" Zadicus thankfully answered it for me.
(It is none of your concern as to why, we have come up with a solution to your request and that is all you need to know. So I ask again- do you have a problem?)
Ernesto's eyes grew and he quickly shook his head.
"Rispondi quando parlo." Zadicus growled his words.
(Answer when I speak)
Even I was somewhat surprised with his new found kindness.
"No, mio Signore. . ."
(No, my Lord)
On another note. I had realized this was probably the most I had paid attention in one of these meetings. Alexander was right, I did tune most of it out. Today however, I wasn't really able.
"Voglio che tutti capiscano una cosa. Non mi ripeto capito? Non mi importa se dovevi registrare ogni riunione per iscritto o altro. Voglio che le cose vengano fatte la prima volta e nel modo giusto."
(I want everyone to understand one thing. I don't repeat myself understood? I don't care if you had to record every meeting in writing or whatever. I want things done the first time and right.)
He sat back in his chair watching over everyone.
"Si, mio Signore." They quickly responded.
(Yes, my lord)
I suppose I was wrong to doubt his ability to control and take care of things. After all it had been a long time since he had been so directly involved. Though he was in ours's back home it was still somewhat different.
"Bene, allora perché altrimenti siamo qui?"
(Good, so why else are we here?)
A few hours had gone by and finally things had come to an end. I didn't really speak the whole time. I hadn't found a reason. As far as I was concerned my part was over. If it hadn't been for appearances and manners I would have left him after that. Instead I had stayed the whole time even when he had finished dismissing everyone and we were being led out back to the car by Alexander.
"Well I think that went pretty well don't you think?" Alexander broke the silence on our way to the car as the servants opened the front doors for us.
However, before we could even respond we were bombarded by a bunch of loud talking people and cameras flashing a feeling I knew all too well whenever I seemed to be with this man now. There were so many questions being asked at once I couldn't even make any of them out really. Either way, after last time I had decided it was best if I just didn't answer at all and I kept walking.
However they were doing too good of a job blocking my way. Alexander had yelled at them to back off, but not enough listened and he was only one person.
"È stata una giornata molto lunga, vi consiglio di lasciarci tutti e forse possiamo parlare con voi domani" Zadicus warned.
(It has been a very long day, I'd suggest you all leave us and maybe we can speak with you tomorrow)
Why was he saying it like a threat? They only got louder and pushed more and he leaned in close to me when we reached halfway to the car.
"I need you to trust me. . ." he whispered to me and grabbed my hand.
I went to pull away, but as my grip loosened and the noise started settling down I had felt a familiar unsettling feeling of my loss of control.
I was panicked. I looked around and had noticed they were all suddenly tense, as if stone or in severe pain. Maybe both, it was hard to tell. As I slipped my hand back into his I felt it almost roll off my back.
Alexander was struggling to choke some words out and that's when my eyes widened and I swallowed becoming even more uncomfortable.
This is it.
This is where he takes me again. . . And who knows if I'll be able to escape.
"Sorry Alexander. . . it's a bit difficult" Zadicus reached out patting his shoulder and Alexander relaxed letting out a breath of air.
I struggled to let out my own shaky breath and Zadicus tugged on my hand towards the car as we got in and everyone had managed not to move a single inch. . . As soon as the door shut however that all changed and it was like someone had pressed play again.
I felt like shaking. I'm sure somewhat I was after he had let go of my hand, I pulled out my phone trying to keep my hands busy so it didn't seem so obvious. Alexander and Zadicus had continued where they left off as I tried to continue to calm myself down. When we had arrived at the hotel I had quickly excused myself up to the room and before either of them could protest I flashed my way upstairs.
My hand shaking I had put the keycard in and made my way into my room and headed towards the bedroom. The bed was neatly made with what looked like cream satin sheets and I went over laying on it curling into a ball. Don't get me wrong, in some ways I was thankfully he had gotten us out of that situation quickly, but how he did it made me a certain kind of unsettled. Just how well could he do that? For how long? Mine clearly wasn't used well enough because that night I used it on such a large group it had seemed to fade in and out.
He had warned me though, and had asked me to trust him before he did. So I suppose in some ways it was okay. There was a knock on the door and I jolted up.
"Who is it?" I called out.
"Just me, can I come in?" Alexander asked.
"Yeah you can come in. . ."
He opened the door slowly and walked in shutting it behind him.
"He's in his room, he was shocked at how quickly you ran up. Are you okay?" he leaned against the doorway.
"I should be asking you that, thank you by the way. . ."
He chuckled.
"Well I wasn't much help there was I? I'm sorry for that, I'm fine- it wasn't the first time I felt it, once he touched me the weight was completely lifted"
He shook his head in disbelief.
I tightened the blanket around me.
"Cold?" Alexander lifted an eyebrow.
"Something like that. . ."
"The sun will be setting soon- you should watch it from the balcony, might cheer you up."
He offered.
It was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.
"Have either of them texted you?"
I shook my head.
"Unfortunately. . . hopefully soon though"
"Well, I will be checking in on things back home- I'll be outside the rooms."
I nodded.
I looked around the room for my suitcase and got out of bed walking over to it on the chair grabbing it and setting it on the bed. I look through trying to find a more comfortable shirt and tied up my hair in a ponytail.
Maybe sitting outside would be a good way to relax. My biggest fear was Zadicus trying something while I was away so why was I still so tense? He was just next door even, I could know his every move. . .
I shook my head and left the room and walked out onto the patio.
"I was a little worried you had run off somewhere. . ." Zadicus voice startled me and I almost had jumped again.
I gripped the railing to try and calm myself.
"Nope, still here"
"I didn't mean to scare you, you know- I was just trying to help us" he kept his distance, there was a good seven feet between us, but he watched my from afar you could tell he was searching my face for anything.
"But that's not really all it was, was it? You've been weird since we got here, I thought we had fixed things back on the jet. . ."
I stared out into the horizon and watched the sunset. It was beautiful, a ocean view like this wasn't something I had back in Ohio. That, that I did miss.
"Luna. . ." Zadicus spoke softly again taking a few steps towards me slowly.
I didn't really know how to answer. I didn't have to really. I couldn't keep going hot and cold on him though it wouldn't help at all.
"Luna, what's really bothering you?"
I took a deep breathing and turned around leaning on the railing as I looked over to him. He had stepped just about a foot or so closer only trying to respect my space.
"I don't like coming home, because I can't help but think of how I had to run away the first time. . . how I am terrified that usually when I am here without Jason you could sweep him away from me, now there's two of those people in my life. . ."
His hands dropped and it almost seemed as if he had slumped somewhat.
"I didn't realize it had effected you so much. . ."
That made me angry. How could he possibly think everything was okay?
"You threatened him, you reminded me- remind me all the time, you even came back to kill Jarred's wife so I blame myself for it too. This whole place reminds me of blood and death."
I paused waiting to see a reaction from him, but he remained calm.
"So every meeting I have here I come and I leave, and usually I'm too spaced out or stressed to pay attention- I will admit this is my one weak area, clearly because of what I agreed to."
"Can I?" Zadicus motioned to the distance between us.
I was quiet for a moment before nodding.
He stepped closer so he was only about a foot away.
"You're right, I should have assumed it bothered you- even though you put up one Hell of a fight and a wall about it all. . . I suppose it only makes sense. . . for me it's the opposite, I forget that this isn't the life you wanted sometimes."
He sighed and I could almost see a certain flash of- regret? in his eyes again like that night at the club.
"Z! There you are, I'm so sorry I was late" a woman suddenly burst through the doors running to Zadicus and wrapped her arms around him.
"I had car troubles and the cab was late and I-" the brunette had unwrapped herself from him and paused looking back at me almost glaring.
I wanted to laugh. At the whole thing really. Seeing Zadicus have a woman wrapped around him, the fact that she was glaring at me, did she know where she was? The whole thing was nonsense.
"Who is this?" she finally spoke again looking up at him.
He looked beyond annoyed and his jaw moved as if he were gritting his teeth.
"Stop calling me that-Jennifer. . . this is Luna" he said annoyed before peeling her the rest of the way off.
"Really? Huh I always pictured the Queen a lot more evil looking. . . they sure do talk about her like that" she bit her lip and slightly grinned.
"I wouldn't tempt it. . . be respectful- now why are you here?" he snapped.
She looked down as if she were a scolded child and I almost let out a laugh but all that came out was a small cough.
Zadicus must have known because he shot me a look then too.
"Well. . . I did some digging to try and find out where you were- then one of the guards told me you were in Italy and they had me talk to uh that man outside? They flew me right over!" she exclaimed.
"I don't need you here. Go home."
He was saying he didn't but his reddened eyes said otherwise.
Who he fed from was never really my business. Let alone his perhaps love life. If anyone wanted to take him from me I would celebrate. If I could have auctioned him off for charity I would have, anything to get him away from me.
"But. . . look at your eyes. . ." she whispered.
He only growled as she went to touch his cheek.
"I am fine, Jennifer now if you wish to stay as a vacation that's your business and that's fine. I will cover it, but you will not fly home with me and you will not stay here with me."
She opened her mouth to protest but then closed it biting her lip nodding.
"How long will we be here?" she then asked.
"There is no we, Luna and I will be here for another day or so then we are heading back. I don't care what you choose now go"
He pointed towards the door and she dropped her head again as if she were sulking and nodded walking back inside.
"That was a little harsh don't you think?" I looked at him raising an eyebrow.
"She was rude, more importantly she had no business in being here" he shook his head.
"She was only trying to help Z" I giggled covering my mouth.
He rolled his eyes.
"I hate being called that she knows that. . ."
"So, who is she? Do you suddenly have a love interest?" I grinned.
He frowned.
"Don't sound too happy, no- she's my donor, very rarely blood though"
I looked at him confused.
"I usually just feed off her energy, we don't really need blood so." He shrugged,
"I was told that was only a blood bond thing?"
He chuckled.
"Yes, for normal vampires but not you and I- it's kind of like what I did today when we left just instead of stopping you pull. It doesn't kill them obviously even over time."
There was still so much I didn't know I guess. . . I thought by now I knew everything. . . Maybe there were more things I hadn't realized.
"You took that nap on the ride here- can you teach me?" I tried to change the subject,
He nodded.
"Trying to make the time pass?"
I gave a small smile.
"A little. . ."
"Luna. . ." he said softly.
I looked at him.
"I know it's hard for you-somewhat impossible, but hasn't this time together taught you anything? No one is dead."
Yeah, but I was still playing a game. . . and who's to say he wasn't trying to play me. Someone had to give.
"I can't help my instincts. . . or rather my newer ones. ." I mentioned.
"The sun's down" he frowned looking over my shoulder.
I blinked turning around noticing the change in the sky and the lighting now. I hadn't realized when Jennifer came out and then we had started talking again it had happened so quickly my eyes didn't even register the change in light.
I shrugged.
"You can go home tomorrow if you want"
I blinked.
"You can go home I said if you want tomorrow, I can handle things from here- no need for you to be bothered and babysitting me the whole time, go home to your men" he shrugged.
I never know how to react when he does things like this. . . and it was really starting to mess with me. My brain wanted to trust to some degree but deep down in my bones I was screaming and wanting to rip out his throat.
"What about your lack of blood?"
He raised an eyebrow.
"Are you offering?"
I swallowed.
I owed him anyway. . . but I wasn't sure how comfortable I was with the idea. However the deal we had just made with this as the cherry on top may just make him complete putty in my hands indefinitely. . . Until he was dead in the ground of course.
"Perhaps. . ."
He looked at me and was clearly searching for any doubt in my face.
"And everyone would be okay with that?"
Honestly, I had no clue. Rickey probably wouldn't care and what would Jason say? Especially when I explained why.
"It's my blood and I don't see why not if you really feel you need it" I offered.
"Using that amount of energy was a little taxing, but I should be fine."
He was saying no, but his eyes were saying another as they shifted in color. I knew he knew I could see it, but I didn't acknowledge it.
"Well then I'll uh, be in my side-make a few phone calls you know"
I turned on my heels and walked back inside. It seemed like he didn't move from that spot. When I walked through the door I noticed Alexander on one of the couches and he patted the seat beside him. I walked over sitting next to him.
"I heard Zadicus raise his voice at Jennifer. . . that's unexpected" he commented.
"If you think that was interesting you should have seen the way she was fawning over him. . . I get it he's a god but come on now" I rolled my eyes.
"Are you jealous?" he laughed.
My face twisted in disgust.
"Hardly, you know how I feel about anyone bowing down to any of the three of us like that"
He nodded.
"That is very true"
I looked at my phone it was only about noon back home. I should be able to call Rickey and Jason.
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna make a phone call" I said excusing myself and slipping into my room.
I quickly dialed Jason's number and waited for an answer.
"I was starting to get worried you were kidnapped or something- I just got out of a meeting, how are things?" Jason answered quickly asking questions.
I smiled when I heard his voice and relief quickly washed over me.
"I'm fine, uh well I handed over the things in Italy to Zadicus from now on, so I don't need to take trips here anymore. How was yours?"
There were some voices and laughter in the background, but there was a sound of a door shutting and it got much more quiet.
"What do you mean you handed things over? It was fine, there were more questions about you two than anything"
To my surprise he didn't seem upset by that, but almost relieved.
"It's a lot for over the phone. . . I'll explain when I get back- which may actually be sooner than I thought."