Storm 01 slowly opened his eyes to a blurry sight. His body was numb and he couldn't feel anything. The only thing he could make out was the faint voice behind him.
"Five of that wonder syrup and the shithead could still fight back."
"He's one tough guy. It's a shame, he would've made a great addition here."
Storm 01 looked around. Though his vision was not clear, he could tell he was in the middle of a warehouse with all the crates and boxes around. His senses start to return and he could now feel the rope around his hands and legs, he was seated on a chair.
The door to the warehouse made a loud creak as some men pulled it open. Storm 01 turned his head to see who it was but could only make out the figure as it entered the building.
Storm 01 tried to use his electrokinesis but nothing happened. Whenever he tried to use his powers, he feels a throbbing headache, and his body trembled. The person walked up to a table in front of Storm 01 and dropped a bag on it. "A-Asuncion?" Storm 01 mumbled.
She took off the hoodie she was wearing and turned to face him. Her medium-layered hair was now down to a crewcut.
"Is this because of… Ramsey?" He mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear.
"You remember his name," Asuncion smiled softly. She pulled a chair to the Storm agent's front and sat on it. "Here's something else about him. Just like me, Ramsey's 19. He loved rock music and horror was his favorite genre."
A lady with a red asymmetrical cut and tattoos all over her hand and neck walked into the warehouse. She had one of the latest laser rifles created by the Quantum Realm Corp. Asuncion turned to the lady and smiled. "We've gotten rid of the ship, they should end up with trash if they try to trace the ship you took," the lady stated.
"Thank you, Xin. You should get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow's meeting with the elders," Asuncion said.
Xin shook her head. "Nah, I want to watch. After all, it's my brother that was blown into pieces.".
Asuncion turned to face Storm 01 again. "Don't hate me for this. If it was my call, I would probably have forgiven you. You killed one of the most important people in the Meta family. It was either you, the entire Winter Weir, or a civil war," she revealed.
Storm 01's face falls. He let out a soft chuckle before cracking into a peal of loud laughter. "The Meta family? And here I thought I took an innocent life. Turned out I just erased one name from the list of criminals wanted." He turned to look at Xin. "How long has your family gone through without getting caught? How many people have you killed?"
"The Meta family never killed anyone. We take from the rich to feed the poor, to help the neglected, the people of the Underground," Asuncion uttered.
"Take from the rich...?" Storm 01 scoffed. "I've heard of what... No, I've seen what you did. 1817, you people kidnapped innocent citizens, kids included. You demanded 200 barrels of Pure fuel and threatened to kill if the terms are not reached." Storm 01 looked Asuncion up and down.
"The Meta family isn't that way anymore," Asuncion argued.
"In 1833, the Meta family, your Meta family attacked Quantum Realm Corp's extraction sight in the Underground. You robbed all the resources there and set the building on fire, no one made it out of the building in one piece. Do you have any idea how many people you killed…" Storm 01's words trailed off as Xin collided her fist with his jaw.
He fell off the chair to the ground with a low thud. Xin sat over him and held his collar. "You fucking idiot!" She channeled her entire strength and punched him in the face again. She punched him again. And again, and again, and again, until his nose and mouth were both dripping out blood.
Xin dropped her hand by her side and looked down at her handwork. Storm 01 spat out blood to his side and grinned. "I'll kill you. I'll kill every single one of you. All of you!" The red-haired girl raised her hand again but Asuncion stopped her.
"He is recovering from the syrup. Punching him now is not gonna kill him. Wait till I've flooded his system with more." Xin wiped her mouth before getting off the agent.
"I want to punch him to death."
Asuncion took out a syringe from the bag she brought with her. "You'll get to do that alright."
A scream from outside the warehouse made Asuncion stop and turned in that direction. "What was that?"
"I'll check it out." Xin walked towards the door with some men. "You do your thing."
Moment Earlier.
Miss Havishma rushed out of her spaceship to meet with Madeline Gurley. "Is this your plan to postpone the hearing and have the People pity you? It's not going to work Havishma." Miss Havishma ignored her and kept walking forward. She walked into the security station with Agent Gurley still following behind.
"Did you get her?" Miss Havishma asked.
A man behind a table, the head of affairs in the airport shook his head no. "The last ship that port here was yours and Chief's, I'm sorry ma'am," he said.
Miss Havishma turned her heel out of the place. She finally turned to look at Madeline. "Take me to Storm 01," her words came out as more of an order.
"You can't fool me Miss Havishma."
"This is not a joke Madeline," she started. "I'm sure you know the Meta family." Madeline nods yes. "Well, they were the ones that attacked Chief and me. They managed to get into Department H and killed a captive we had, and I'm certain they are after Storm 01. Now I have my agents searching for the ship but I need to know if he is safe."
Madeline stared at Miss Havishma for some moments before pulling out her phone. "Emerald? Is the boy still in your custody?" She asked.
Agent Gurley turned to Miss Havishma and shook her head disappointedly. Miss Havishma was getting furious. She tapped her comm to contact Electro 28.
"Got it, Klay. Stay put. I'm sending some agents to you with the location of the terrorist. You lead the men and get this… family," Madeline added before cutting the call.
Damiano entered the room Miss Havishma and Madeline were in with two bodyguards following behind them. He tuck his hair back and smiled as he caught sight of Miss Havishma.
Miss Havishma groaned irritatedly as Damiano approached her. "What are you doing here?" She queried.
"Havishma, I heard you are going against the Meta Family so I came to offer some info that may help." He took more steps closer to Miss Havishma before speaking. "Those terrorists attacked my transport ship," he said.
"What are you talking about?"
"They have some of the weapons that are still not out to the world."
"No," Agent Gurley chipped.
Damiano nodded. "Oh, it's true. Like the cold hands glove. It freezes the person and if not tend to immediately, they die."
Emerald dropped her phone on the table in the house where she was with Storm 01. She looked into the mirror and noticed the black eye on her face from the punch she received. She clenched her fist and her jaw tightened. Remembering that she was easily knocked out without putting up a fight pained her.
Her phone brightened with a notification. She picked it up to check, it was the coordinate of the spaceship from Madeline.
Emerald took off her suit top, leaving only the white shirt underneath. She pulled open a drawer and take out a belt that had a gun and grenades attached to it. She wrapped the belt around her waist and strode out of the building.
She rushed into a car that was parked behind the house, driving to the coordinates she received. A few moments later, she arrived at a rocky area covered in snow. Emerald stepped out of the car and walked the rest of the way to the location.
The agent take out her gun and placed her finger close to the trigger as she walked towards some rustling noise she heard.
She hid behind a rock and watched as three men poured gasoline onto a spaceship, the spaceship her tracker was connected to.
Xin walked out of the car with a man behind her. "let's put this baby down," Xin said.
Emerald immediately recognized the man. Though she was knocked out quickly, she still recalled the man and the famous chain that was wrapped around his neck.
The man slip his hand into his pocket and brought out a lighter. He turned it on and tossed it onto the ship, putting it on fire. The flames roared and the ship immediately exploded, causing the men to jump back with a loud chuckle.
Emerald's grip on her gun tightened as she stared at the men but she remained where she was. She stealthily followed them as they walked away from the burning spaceship. It was more than a minute of following, but eventually, they got to a warehouse near the main city of Zoda. There were damaged cars and generators all around the place with a large pole that had two ropes connected to it.
The man the ARCHER agent had her eyes on from the start addressed the three men that were with him before entering the warehouse with Xin.
Emerald raised her gun and aimed it at one of them. Without hesitation, she pulled the trigger and the man fell to the ground motionless.
The agent jumped out of hiding. "Heads up," she said while in the air before smashing her target's face with her knee. She rolled on the ground and shot at the last man before he could reach for his gun.
"Intruder! Help!" The man Emerald smashed his nose yelled at the top of his voice. She slipped her gun back into its holster and take out a stick the size of a baton. She clicked a button and it became as long as her height.
Emerald knocked the man out with the stick.
"Back for round two?"
She turned to the door of the warehouse and made her battle stance, placing the staff over her shoulder.
"Stand back Xin," the man said to the red-haired girl, refusing to let her interfere. "I'll put this one down."