Department H agents wearing armor and helmet over their heads dropped from their ships onto the Meta family spaceship. One of the agents pulled out a chip from her belt and tossed it on the ship before striding forward.
[Jesselyn, stay alert, they know we are coming after them and probably already prepared a counter. We need to be cautious,] Storm 05 said through his communication device to Jesselyn who was already straying away from the team.
The Department H's agents that dropped on the Meta family spaceship were; Rain 05, Storm 05, Rain 24, Storm 02, and some other Electro troopers.
Rain 24 and the other electro agents aimed their guns forward as they walked in a different direction from the other three agents to surround the spaceship. The spaceship the Meta family used was a kind that was built to carry other smaller ships during battles. It was huge and wide, enough for the agents to freely move on. Some men emerged from an opening on the spaceship and charged at Steve and his team.
Meanwhile, Jesselyn stumbled backward as Asuncion who just emerged from below threw her a kick. The latter grinned from ear to ear before placing her palm over her face and a mask formed around her head. "Back again for round two?"
Jesselyn groaned furiously before launching at Asuncion. She shoots her gun at her but Asuncion puts up an energy shield to defend herself. The moment the pink-haired lady puts down the shield, Jesselyn catches her face with the back of her gun before throwing Asuncion back with a heavy rig
Asuncion giggled through the mask. She shoots shards of ice at the Department H agents from the glove. While they were trying to defend, she charged at Jesselyn and sweep her off her feet. She pulled out a dagger from her belt and thrust it at her but Ada kicked the dagger out of her hand.
"I got you now, pink lady!" Percy said as he knocked her back with his right leg. Asuncion tried a right hook but he dodged the attack by taking a step back, giving way for Jesselyn to pick the pink-haired lady up and smashed her down on the spaceship.
Jesselyn sat over Asuncion and continued to rock her face with heavy punches. "Where is he?" She ripped the mask off Asuncion's face and continued to hit her with her fist.
Asuncion burst into a menacing chuckle that made Jesselyn stop. Asuncion's face was covered in blood and her chest pumped up and down continuously as she was struggling to breathe.
Her laugh immediately stopped and a wave of ice blasted out of her hand, sending Jesselyn back. Jesselyn stumbled back and the wind caused her to fly even farther back. She managed to hold a part of the ship to stop her fall.
Asuncion jumped at Percy with a right jab that caught him cleanly on the jaw. She turned to Ada and thrust her hand at her, but the ocean-blue-eyed lady was quick to react. She moved her head out of the way to the side, allowing the pink-haired lady's hand to fly past her head then she thrust her left hand towards Asuncion's face. Ada meet her target and she took down the pink-haired girl with the hand she had over her face.
The pink-haired lady yelped as Ada slammed her head mercilessly on the spaceship. Asuncion let out a low scream that instantly turned to a breathless laugh before using her hand with the glove to choke Ada. The red-haired lady gasped and her eyes widen in shock.
Asuncion turned it around, now pinning Ada to the ground, but Percy kicked the pink-haired lady off of Ada. He pulled out a dagger from his boot and lunged it at her, swinging the dagger along with punches that forced her back. Asuncion waited until he had thrust his hand forward before locking it under her arm. She froze one of his feet and hurled him away. Percy rolled off the side of the spaceship with the ice around his feet making him fall faster, but Jesselyn grabbed his hand before he fell off. "I got you," she stated, pulling him back up.
Khaland, the huge masked man rushed up some stairs with a massive machine gun wrapped around his back. The ground beneath his feet shook with every step he took.
He stepped into the room where they had assassinated Rain X but the only thing there was the chair and the pool of blood on the ground. "How?"
A spark of blue electricity flashed in front of him but disappeared as quickly as it appeared. The electricity flashed behind him and disappeared again. Khaland clenched his fist and stood in his battle stance, watching, and waiting for the next flash.
The spark appeared by his side again, he quickly lunged his hand and managed to grab Rain X by the neck before he could make his way through. Rain X held the man's hand and flipped him over, slamming him on the ground with a loud thud that sent sparks all around. The man lay on the ground, motionless.
The spark of electricity remained all over his body as he blasted his way to the top of the spaceship where the big fight happened. Asuncion froze in her tracks as she stared at the man who she vividly recalled putting three holes in his head.
Rain X descended in front of Asuncion.
The pink-haired lady grinned and turned to face him. "You should be dead. The syrup should have temporarily neutralized your powers and the gun kills you."
"Well, my body seems to evolve and get used to things, and with the way you flooded my system with the syrup back at the detention house, it's merely just liquid flowing through me," he revealed.
Asuncion nods understandably before tuning up the level of the coldness of the glove to the extent that it exudes vapor. "I'll just have to freeze your insides then."
"Get out of here guys…"
"I'm not leaving you here alone with that crazy woman," Jesselyn interrupted. "She may not look it, but she's really strong."
"Just go! I'd be distracted with all of you around. Go, help Steve," the dark-haired man stated.
Jesselyn attempted to walk forward but Ada grabbed her arm and pulled her back. "That's not a fight you want to get in the middle of. We, humans, should stick to fighting humans." Jesselyn finally agreed and retreat with the other Department H agents.
"All these would have been over a long time ago if your people hadn't interrupted. Now all of these people are going to die because of you."
Rain X sighed. "I don't know him, but I'm sure Ramsey wouldn't want all these. I'm sure he would have preferred saving lives instead. That must have been why he joined the D.H. and the reason he still climbed the ship to Moonfour. I'm certain he would have been able to leave Department H if he didn't want to go to Moonfour," he continued. "Please Asuncion, don't let this get worse than it already is."
Asuncion's hands fell to her side as she let Rain X's words sink in. "Look," the dark-haired man mumbled while using his hand to show the scene as the Department H agents exchange fire with the men from the Meta family. "Let's do what Ramsey would have done and end this."
Asuncion closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, they were filled with rage again. "Don't you speak about him like you know what he is like!" She angrily clenched her fist and charged forward. She throws a punch at the rain agent who swiftly dodged and take a step back. She tried another punch but the Rain agent defended with his forearm and pulled back again. Asuncion screamed and hurled a series of attacks his way but the dark-haired man dodged without countering. "Come on Asuncion, there's still time to end this madness."
Asuncion jumped high and knocked Rain X back with a series of rapid kicks before she blasted a wave of ice at him.
Rain X discharged a massive shockwave of electricity that shattered the ice and send the pink-haired lady flying back. Asuncion dragged herself up, it could be seen all over her face and body that she had been swallowed by exhaustion but the pink-haired lady persisted. She ripped out a part of the ship and swung it at the Rain agent who easily dodged and forced her down on one knee with a heavy punch.
"I tried." Rain X finally puts his hand up and made his battle stance.
The pink-haired lady spat out blood. She raised her head to look at Rain X before grinning. "I'm going to kill you?" Rain X clenched his fist and charged at her, he wanted to knock her out with one attack but Asuncion had a plan of her own. She waited until he was close enough before a block of long pointy ice formed around her hand.
She plunged the ice into his abdomen until it ripped out from his back. Rain X yelped in pain as the pink-haired lady broke the ice, leaving half of it in the agent's body.
Asuncion kicked the Rain agent down. She took off the glove and pulled out a bomb the length of a dagger from her belt. "Don't do this Asuncion."
"This is what Ramsey would have wanted!" She twisted the bomb and a thunderous explosion filled the air as it exploded, destroying anything that was 15 meters from the base. The wave of the explosion threw some of the agents and the Meta family off the ship.
Percy immediately pulled Jesselyn down and created an energy shield in front of them. The other agents also did the same to protect themselves from the wave of the explosion.
After losing almost half of its part, the ship began to fall back down on Winter Weir, causing the agents on it to lose their balance.
The spaceship that brought the agents fly closer to the falling ship and opened its hatch. "Come on, we gotta jump," Steve stated before jumping from the falling ship into the D.H.'s.
The rest of the agents followed suit and jumped into the spaceship. The Meta family's spaceship exploded with impact to the ground.
"No," Jesselyn cried as she looked out the window at the burning spaceship.
A hologram of Miss Havishma appeared in the middle of the room. "Is everyone okay?" She questioned before looking around the room. "Where is Rain X?"
There was a moment of silence in the room until Steve stepped forward. "He was caught in the explosion..."
"I'm sure he's somewhere around this region," Jesselyn chipped in. "He has regenerative abilities, he should be alive, right?"
"Where am I?" Rain X mumbled softly. He blinked and extended his hand up in the air, letting the snowflakes drop on it. He let out a deep breath as the cold snow-filled ground pressed against his bearskin. He lay on the cold ground, staring at the midday sky with nothing going through his head but the question; "Where am I?"
He dropped his hand by his side and closed his eyes again. A few seconds later, he opened them again. Though he lay naked on the ground under the snow, the Rain agent felt nothing but peace, something he hadn't felt in the last few months. He closed his eyes again, but the next time he opened them, he knew his environment.
The sound of a siren filled the air and a bright light flashed on his face. The dark-haired man quickly stood up from the ground. He could feel the intense cold in the atmosphere but it did nothing to him. He looked around his surrounding to find himself in the middle of a road.
The officer stepped down from his vehicle and approached the Rain agent with a long jacket in his hand. "Are you okay, young man?" The officer said while approaching him. Rain X immediately collected the jacket from the officer and put it on, still not able to talk.
Rain X looked down at the man's badge. The man was a patrol officer of Zoda. He felt a heft of relief with the knowledge of knowing that he was still in Winter Weir and not some other unfamiliar place. "Why don't you come with me to the station?" The dark-haired man nodded and stepped closer to the officer. "Okay then, get in." The two got into the car and the officer drove to a nearby station where they got Rain X some new set of clothes and a cup of hot chocolate. He sat in a small room that only had the chair he was sitting on and a floating vending machine.
The dark-haired man took a sip of his drink and sighed. He looked down at his wrist and let out a sigh of relief as he found his watch still wrapped around his hand. Somehow, it had survived whatever destroyed his clothes. He switched it on and tried to give Miss Havishma a call but it wasn't connecting.
The door slid open and the officer that brought the agent to the station walked into the room. He stood in front of the Rain agent and crossed his arms around his chest before speaking. "Can you tell me your name?"
"Err… I'm perfectly fine, officer. Thank you for helping me out, but I gotta go," Rain X replied.
"Of course, I'll let you go once I know you are sane and have somewhere to stay, not the middle of the road."
Rain X doesn't recall how he got to the middle of the road. The last thing he remembered was the spaceship and his fight with Asuncion.
"Do you have anyone you know that I could call?" The officer queried. "Family perhaps."
"Yes, Miss Havishma." Rain X stated before dropping the cup on the floor.
"Miss Havishma?" The officer repeated with a confused expression on his face. "Is that a friend or family?"
Rain X looked even more confused than the officer was. He had never met anyone who doesn't know Miss Havishma. "Miss Havishma, the head of the Storm squad of Department H," the dark-haired man revealed.
"There's a Storm squad in Department H?"
Rain-X's brows shoot into his hairline. "Hold on, it can't be possible… w-what day and year is it today?"
"Err, 15th February… Of 1808."