CH 1.
vs1-5: God orders chaos with just His voice. This is in stark contrast to other creation stories told at the time of Moses the transcriber. When God Speaks everything changes.
vs. 6-8: The first day was light, and the second day was heaven and earth.
vs. 7-13: Plants were made on the third day.
vs. 14- 19: God created the seasons and the sun and moon on the fourth day.
vs. 20- 23: God created swimming things in the water and flying things on the fifth day.
vs. 24- 31: God created land animals and man on the sixth day. It is important to note that this is the only time in the creation story so far that God proclaims something as very good. When God makes man and gives man dominion he looks back and says it is very good. (I feel like Stich. "I am good"😊)
CH. 2.
vs. 1- 3: We start this chapter with the seventh day of rest. God does all this work and then He rests. Honestly, if God takes a break why do we think we can run our bodies ragged with no issue? We all need rest.
Vs. 4-6: Reading about how the ground was watered without rain is wild. I love rain. Everything was watered with dew or at least that's what I'm Calling this mist. Man, no wonder the flood was such a big deal. I'd have been scared out of my mind.
vs.7-10: God formed man with his hands and gave us his breath. He spoke everything else but for us, he took extra care. Remember, there were two trees there. He never forbade them from eating of the Tree of Life.
vs. 11- 14: Crazy that the Euphrates River is still around although it's currently drying up.
vs. 15- 17: See? He gives them permission. They could have lived forever but no they wanted to know stuff. Guess that's why they say ignorance is bliss.
vs. 18-22: TBH I feel you Adam. I am also lonely when I am alone. God just said here go to sleep and when you wake up I will have someone here for you.
vs. 19- 25. They know no shame. sounds like your average kid.
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CH 3.
vs. 1: Sneky snake. Sounds sus. Was sus. Is sus. It even had legs at this point. crazy.
vs. 2-3 I've had it pointed out that Eve added to the instructions of THe Lord. He did not say they couldn't touch it. Only that they shouldn't eat it. Be careful with adding to God's word. It can be just as damaging as taking away from it. That's why it says not to add or take away on jot or tittle to the word of God.
vs. 4-7: When you start to listen to other people over God you think you know better than the creator.
vs. 8-10: They knew shame. God must have visited them often because He came looking for them at a set time. That's why you should never miss your appointments with God.
vs. 11-13: God asks them who told them they were naked. I have heard people compare it to a father who asks their child who told them a cuss word. Some things are harmful for you and it is better to never know them personally than to dabble. Looking at you drugs👀. Also, note how they keep shifting the blame. It was the woman who gave it to me, it was the snake who told me. They both knew it was wrong. Adam was with Eve when she was talking to the snae=ke. It says she turned and gave him the fruit. Remarkable how instead of repenting and asking for forgiveness we want to blame someone else. How would this story have gone if they just said sorry? We will never know.
vs. 14-15: He might bruise our heal but he's got a real big headache to deal with.
vs 16-19: There is a lot of commentary on the curse. I have thoughts. There is an interesting book called Imago Dei and it talks about the curse as a bad thing. Ie since we fight the thistles in the field we should also fight the woman aspects of the curse. Marriage should be about two people striving to support and live together just like before the curse. Eve was a helpmate to Adam.
vs. 20-21: Interesting to note that Adam just means man so Eve is the only one to get a proper name and it is related to her gift of childbearing. It was seen as such a blessing that they named her after this gift. Names hold a lot of significance in the Bible so when it points out a name it is always good to lean in.
Finally they got some good duds.
vs 22-24: SInce sin entered into man God revoked their privileges to the tree of life. God does not want sin to go on forever. When I think about evil in the world I remind myself that God will not tolerate evil forever but has a plan to eradicate it from the world and His children.
I think it is interesting to note this chapter because all sin is disobedience to God. If god ordains something it is for good reason. Who are we to say we know more than the creator?
Ch. 1.342Please respect copyright.PENANAoNE0z7yEAv
vs 1: BUckle up buttercup we got some genealogies!
vs. 2: Book of Genesis right there. Establishment of Abrahamic faith and the Israelite people.
vs.3-4 Book of Exodus through Judges. Establishing the tribe of Judah lineage of Christ.
vs, 5: The book of Ruth establishes David's right to Kingship and ability to be grafted into the people of Isreal despite his Moabite ancestry through Ruth.
vs. 6-10: The Book of Kings up until the exile. Several names are dropped here. Such as Amos, Soloman, David, Hezekiah, and the like. Jesus is a full-blown Jew. Maybe those curly-haired blond babies depicted are not quite accurate.342Please respect copyright.PENANA5H3kiF6SQH
vs. 11-16: So even though Jesus shared no DNA with his father Joseph. You took your father's lineage. This was a patriarchal tradition, not a matriarch. The reason was that the woman married into the husband's family and he was responsible for taking care of and providing for her. To continue your name you either adopted a boy or had one of your own.
vs. 17: Interesting that it was split into three sections of fourteen. I don't know the messianic significance of three sets of fourteen generations but I do know that Mathew here was writing intending to show Jesus's messianic fulfillment to the Jews and point out the genealogy and this number held great significance to that effort. Maybe one of you knows.
vs 18-19: Home boy thought she cheated on him but was still willing to take care of her and not shame her publicly. What a guy.
vs. 20-25: Clarified. She was a virgin. Joseph was not about to mess with the holy Spirit child. Man Mary must have been gangster because she had an angel backing up her words.
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That's all for today. TOmorrow will be Genesis 4-6 and Mathew 2!