Ch. 22
vs. 1-4: There is no hesitation in Abraham's response recorded here. It was three days before Abraham even saw the place for sacrifice. It would have been easy to change his mind in between then.
vs. 5-8: I mean Abraham didn't technically lie. I just don't know how well that would hold up in family court.
vs. 9-14: During this whole altercation Isaac said nothing. That angel was coming in clutch there. Good thing God's always on time right? The Lord will provide.
vs. 15-19: "Your only son." Meanwhile Ishmael:👀 This is interesting though. TO Abraham Ishmeal and Hagar have left. Isaac is the only child he has and he was willing to give him up for God. What faith.
vs. 20-24: Just a little bit of family updates at the end of this chapter.
Ch. 23
vs. 1-9: Abraham's family will be carried here with Sarah. How sad to see here passing and how Abraham mourns for her. I wonder how long she had with Isaac before her passing. SHe was 100 years old when she conceived and died at 127. So Isaac must have been around 27 years old when she passed.
vs. 10-16: Ephron seems kind. Abraham still paid him though. Take note. if someone refuses payment and you have it it might be best to just pay them what is owed. You never know their circumstances and what that will entail. Worst of all you don't want to take advantage of someone's kindness.
vs. 17-20: This whole chapter was dedicated to Sarah and her burial. It is nice to see the Bible taking time to mention her and her passing like this,
Ch. 24
vs. 1-9: He swore by placing his hand under his thigh. Later that place is where the Lord touched Jacob when he restles with him. That must have a significant meaning to it for it to be mentioned in two places of serious covenant makings. Also if you are a single pringle, believe you me there is not only hope but an assurance that God has a divinely orchestrated person for you. Just follow His will and He will do the work.
vs. 10-14: Pray specific prayers and God will answer with confirmation one way or another. Don't be afraid to be specific in your request, just don't get mad at the answer He gives you.
vs. 15-22: God answers prayers! Also, this is Isaac's cousin. Small world.
vs. 23-28: Abraham's faithfulness inspired faithfulness in his servants. You never know what your walk with God will inspire. Continue in the way and watch God do amazing things!
vs. 29-32: Footwashing even here. See this tradition following through to the Last Supper.
vs. 33-41: The servant tells his oath before Labon.
vs. 42-44: HE even testifies before Labon of God's works.
vs. 45-49: Very straightforward. Will you marry my Mastor's friend or not? I need to prepare. Wish it was that forward today sometimes. I can be a bit dense with others.😅
vs. 50-51: No fight here. God worked it out perfectly. We shall see trouble from Laban later but not over Rebekah.
vs. 52-61: They tried to hold on to her longer but the servant was firm. Rebekah didn't seem to hesitate much either here. It is nice that the servant gave the family treasures too. 199Please respect copyright.PENANA4QR1BAL1xR
vs. 62-67: They seemed to hit it off well. We also see that Isaac was missing his mother. How sad.
Ch. 8
vs. 1-4: Jesus is still humble. The faith of the leper to say he knows Jesus can heal him.
vs. 5-13: How powerful. He knew Jesus could heal him without being there and the Centurian wasn't even a Jew. Jesus states that salvation is to all who come to Him hear. It's very cool to read this passage knowing the rest of the book and how He came to save and redeem us all.
vs.- 14-17: Peter's mother-in-law was healed and her first thought was let me serve Him. What hospitality. She definitely had a servant's heart.
vs. 18-22: There are some comforts of life we won't have here on earth serving the Lord. That is ok, our treasures are laid up in heaven and the Lord will supply all our needs.
vs.23-27: Jesus has His priorities straight. Naps are essential to a healthy and happy life. More seriously it displays how God views our situations. Jesus can sleep because He knows the word of provision and safety God gives all of us. Jesus knows that it may look like a storm but it will not prevail. The disciples are currently learning that and so are all of us.
vs. 28-34: Were they worried Jesus would kill all their flock or that He would vanquish the evil they relied on? Some people would rather have evil power than to be whole with God.