Ch 35
vs. 1-4: So Jacob knew they held other god's in their camp? What a strange behavior from him. What does it mean that he hid them and did not burn them? Why would he not destroy them? Also God describes himself as the God who appeared to you when Esau sought to destroy you. He's recalling how he saved Jacob from Esau's wrath.
vs. 5-8: God protects Jacob even from the surrounding towns and shows him again that he is a protector.
vs. 9-15: God gives Jacob a new name and a promise with it. We also see Jacob building an alter. He give a drink offering. Back then food and drink were precious things. They did not come as easily as they do now/ When they gave food and drink it was a serious and great gift.
vs. 16- 21: Rachel dies before Leah and Jacob calls the name of their child Benjamin. Benoni meant on of my sorrow but Benjamin means so of the right hand. Jacob would not let his name remain there but chose to proclaim life over the boy.
vs. 22: Rueben laid with his father's concubine. Kinda gross TBH.
vs. 23-26: This listing is very interesting. Instead of listing them by birth they list them by mother and it's in order of presumed favor: Leah, Rachel, Rachel's handmaid, and Leah's handmaid. Its even shown through the handmaid being mixed up too. If it was just in order Leah's handmaid would go first as Leah was listed first.
vs. 27-29: Isaac died but just like his father both brothers came to burry him. Kinda sad how death bring everyone together but also a bit beautiful in the same respect.