Ch 31
vs. 1-3: Laban must have liked Jacob before. However business spoils a lot of relationships.
vs. 4-16: They both have surrendered to the God of Javob here. Or at least appear to. They acknowledge that Laban no longer considers them kin but foreigners.
cs. 17-21: I don't understand why Rachel does this. IF she serves God why does she steal her father's household gods? It makes me think that unlike her sister she doesn't cling to God. This is why I like Leah more.
vs. 22-24: God be warning Laban. Don't mess with God's anointed.
vs. 25-32: See she did it without her husband knowing. He gave Laban permission to kill her without knowing.
vs. 33-35: So crafty. Why keep these household gods at all? What purpose did she have in stealing them?
vs. 36-42: Interesting phrasing, "The God of Abraham and the fear of Isaac." That implication is interesting.
vs. 43-50: Laban was worried about his daughters leaving home. At least there he is a good dad.
vs. 51-54: Note that Laban is kin to Abraham but does not serve the one true God solely. Also Jacob swears by the fear of ISaac. Why?
vs. 55: At least he's leaving on good terms.
Ch 32
vs. 1-2: God sent angel's to watch over Jacob.
vs. 3-5: Look those twenty years have softened Jacob towards his brother Esau.
vs. 6-8: Jacob thinks Esau will attack him. HE takes these percautions despite having seen the angels over the camp before.
vs. 9-12: Jacob turns to God but he also reminds God of the implications of the request towards God's promise. Sometimes your prayers are stronger because they are on the back of God's promise to you.
vs. 13-21: Jacob prepares a present to Esau. Ah, the good ol bribe. With siblings it works like a charm.
vs. 22-25: Jacob wrestles with this stranger. the translation is usually vague on if it is an angel or God. However it is interesting to note that this stranger touched his they like the servant making an oath with Abraham over Isaac's betrothed. I wonder what that practice symbolized at the time.
vs. 26-32: God blessed Jacob. Also we get the name Isreial! How cool. God does some amazing things right before what you think is going to be a harrowing experience. Some of God's coolest miricals come right before He dismisses the storm if you hold on and never stop.
Ch. 33
vs. 1-3: Right now Jacob loves Rachel more. Also his favorite is Joseph. Interesting that the servants and children are treated as such. We see that JAcob does not take care of his children equally like Abraham did.
vs. 4-11: Wonder what happened in those 20 years for Esau to change so much. ALso we see Jacob counteracting the blessing by calling himself the servant of Esau.
vs. 12-20: This interaction between the brothers is a bit complex but I don't think Jacob truly trust his brother yet. Also Jacob builds another alter. All of Abraham's descendants follow this scheme after an encounter with the Lord.
Ch 11
vs. 1-6: John has a bit of doubt but Jesus treasures him through the testimony of HIs disciples and reminds him that blessed are those who are not offended by HIs namesake.
vs. 7-15: I don't totally understand the violence part but JEsus validates JOhn's ministry in prophecy and scripture.
vs. 16-19: Wisdom is justified by her deads. JEsus is saying that HE calls to them but they will not answer no matter how He calls. THat is because they justify their own actions.205Please respect copyright.PENANAgoH1c27V2M
vs. 20-24: We see Jesus using Sodom as the epitome of sin even here. This reminds me of Ninevah and Jonah's message. They only needed seven words while some get signs and wonders and still don't change.
vs. 25-30: Come to Him and find rest. "For my yoke is easy and my burden light."