Ch. 4
vs. 1-12: This sounds messy. Also the fat is removed once again. God has a different sacrifice for sin than for peace. Interesting.
vs. 13-21: If the whole congregation sins the elders have to come out; not the priests. Note here that the different roles overlap in function and what we think should be handled.
vs. 22-26: Kind of cool that all the sin offerings are the same process just a tad different for who sinned. The priest does the same process but who kills the bull is different. I believe it symbolizes the ownership of guilt.
vs. 27-31: It it is a common person the offering is a goat. This makes sense because a goat would cost less than a bull. To make up the difference the goat has to be female. A female goat is worth more than a male because it produces more animals. You can always pair a female up with a neighbors animal and be guaranteed the offspring. Pluss the female produces milk as another source of income.
vs. 32-35: Here is the Lamb!
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Ch. 5
vs. 1: Not reporting is a sin in the Bible. "Whether He has seen or come to know the matter." Wow. Powerful principal to abide by.
vs. 2-6: Rash oaths. Do not promise to do something and not do it.
vs. 7-10: God makes provisions for the financially unfortunate.
vs. 11-13: Even as poor as not having a turtle dove or pigeon.
vs. 14-19: This is sin unknowingly.
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Ch. 26
vs. 1-2: Jesus just told them it would happen in two days!
vs. 3-5:The feast of the Passover. A time when they remember all the Lord did in Israel, including killing all the first born children. Jesus is the first born too.164Please respect copyright.PENANAAjr953C9ku
vs. 6-13: The Alabaster Box! Also isn't this Mary Magdalene? I think the other gospels name her but I'm not sure.
vs. 14-16: Betrayal.
vs. 17-19: Getting ready for the Passover!
vs. 20-25: Judas knew what he was doing right? I've heard some people say that he had a misguided belief that by cornering Jesus he would start the Messiah's reign on earth. I don't know but I find Judas a very heartbreaking man.
vs. 26-29: Wow, Jesus is trying His best to prepare them but I don't know if it has set in yet.
vs. 30-35: Jesus was right. Also the communion tradition was established.
vs. 36-46: Wow, I never noticed who Jesus took with Him to the garden before. However, it is interesting to see this play out.
vs. 47-56: Jesus makes a good point about the angels. How nice of Mathew not to say it was Peter who cut off that guys ear.
vs. 57-63: According to Levitical Law when the High Priest asks like this the person must answer truthfully or be struck by God.
vs. 64-68: The High Priest tore his robe because what Jesus said is true, but it would mean that they would have to reject God by their old teaching and they couldn't handle that. Jesus is claiming to be god.
vs. 69-75: Poor Peter, it must have felt awful in that moment.