It was a dark night, as Tyler Lockwood arrived in New Orleans, having found out where Klaus had gone to live at now days. Tyler had tracked down Klaus to get revenge, because Klaus had metaphorically ripped out Tyler's heart. Klaus had killed one of the people that was the closest to him; Tyler's mother, Carol Lockwood, also known as the Mayor of Mystic Falls. Tyler only hoped that revenge against Klaus would be the right way to go, because if not, then he had broken up with Caroline Forbes for no reason at all but to get his ass killed. Tyler knew that he only had a 50/50 chance of surviving a one on one encounter with Klaus. After all, like Tyler, Klaus wasn't very forgiving of others. Plus, even though Tyler and Klaus were both hybrids, Klaus was quite stronger and older; 1,000 years old to be exact.
Tyler Lockwood walking through the town square, when he noticed that something was up with the place. There were vampires and witches and the scents of vampires and witches all over the place. It almost reminded him of his hometown; Mystic Falls, Virginia. Then, a few minutes later, he smelled her. It was Hayley Marshall whom had helped him a few years ago back when he had to phase a million times up in the Appalachians to break the sire bond between him and Klaus. He had done it to protect Caroline from Klaus.
Tyler stopped by a huge, white house that had a mixture of the scents of the Originals and Hayley.
What's she doing in New Orleans? And with Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah? He thought.
As he listened in, he realized Hayley was alone in the house. Where the Originals were, he didn't know. But then he smelled the scent of vampire, but none that he knew.
"You must be Hayley," he heard the vampire greet to her. "We haven't formally met. I'm Marcel."
He caught the scent of some fear from her when he informed her who he was. Then he realized something. He could hear Hayley's heart and another one, which meant she was pregnant. That's when the puzzle pieces clicked into place. She was pregnant with one of the Originals' baby and this vampire was their enemy for some reason.
"Why don't you come home with me," Marcel said to her.
"Not happening," Hayley replied, before she closed the door on him.
Marcel put the hand on the door, stopping it from closing, and she stepped back some.
"Don't be like that. I just want to talk," Marcel tried to persuade her.
He opened the door and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her outside.
"Come on. Let's go," he ordered her.
At that point, Tyler came into view and came up to them.
"I don't think she wants to go with you, so why don't you just leave," Tyler said to him.
"And who are you?" Marcel questioned him.
"A hybrid. I don't work for him, but Klaus did sire me. Now leave her be," he ordered Marcel.
Marcel let go of her.
Hayley stepped back some.
Tyler stepped in front of Marcel.
"Now I suggest that you leave, before something bad happens to you. I may not know you or know of you, but you don't treat anyone like that. If she doesn't want to go with you, leave her be."
"Fine. I'm leaving," Marcel said, and walked off.
Tyler walked up to her.
"Are you okay?" he asked her.
"I'm fine. What are you doing here?"
"I came for revenge, but I guess Klaus isn't home right now. He killed my mother. I have to do what's right."
"You mean, what you feel is right," she corrected him.
"You never really had parents, so I don't expect you to understand," he replied.
"Well, I can understand that you're hurting because of what he did and you want revenge on that someone that ruined your life. If this is what you want, I'll come with you," she said, trusting that Tyler would never actually do anything to her. After all, he had just saved her from Marcel abducting her.
Once in a hotel room he was staying in, she sat down on one of the beds.
Tyler closed the door.
"Why are you so willing?" he questioned her.
"Because I'm pregnant with Klaus' child if you haven't already figured it out. I don't want this to happen, but it's happening anyway. Plus, you would never really hurt me. No matter what happens, I trust you, Tyler. So, metaphorically, Klaus ruined my life, too. And the witches think that I'm carrying baby Lucifer because of Sabine's vision."
"Then I'll help you. If Klaus doesn't kill me first."
"You're welcome."
He called Klaus whom answered a moment later.
"Hello, Klaus. Long time no see."
"Tyler. What can I do for you? To you, actually. I'm in the middle of something with the witches."
"Well, let's just say that I tracked you down. Nice place, by the way. Now, I'd like us to settle this score in a couple hours before tomorrow comes around. When you finished with the witches, meet me in the middle of the woods. Don't worry. If you're thinking about Hayley, she's okay. And now about the kid. See you soon," Tyler said.
Soon, Hayley and Tyler were in the middle of the woods waiting for Klaus to arrive.
A few minutes later, Klaus arrived.
"Okay, Tyler. Let's settle this. Leave Hayley out of it."
"Don't worry. I would never hurt her," he assured him, though he didn't know why since Klaus never cared about anyone but himself. As far as he knew, anyway.
They ran towards each other at hybrid speed, before crashing into each other. Then it was hybrid against Original hybrid.
Hayley stood in the woods by a tree and watched, hoping that they would both end it, but not wanting Tyler to get himself killed by Klaus. She cared about Klaus, since he was the father of her child, but she cared about Tyler because she knew him so much better and cared about him more than she did for Klaus. If she had to choose between Klaus and Tyler, she would choose Tyler. That was, if she was in love. Right now, she wasn't in love with either of them, but she figured all she'd have to do was wait and the time would come.
A couple hours later, as predicted, they were finished fighting each other.
They stood in front of each other and glared.
Hayley went to stand between them, back to Tyler.
"Enough. I think we've all had our fight for the day. Now can you both just let it go before you guys kill either one of you? Please. No one has to die tonight or anytime," she said, looking at Klaus pleadingly.
Klaus took a step back.
"Fine," he said. "You're right. I'll be at home if you come home sometime tonight."
They watched him walk off, before she turned around to face Tyler.
"You're right. I think I'm good now. I don't need revenge anymore, but he should pay one of these days for what he has done to everyone."
"If he pays, I'd say you can go ahead and dagger Rebekah. She's not exactly warm and cuddly and she's going to leave town anyway, so really, no one would miss her. Not even me."
They gave each other a smile.
"I'll take you home if you'd like," Tyler offered.
"Of course," she replied.
Once at home, she thanked him and then walked inside, closing the door behind herself.
Once the door was closed, Tyler walked off to go back to the hotel room he was staying in for the time being.