Summary: Set in Originals S1. Just a Klatherine songfic.673Please respect copyright.PENANAP89OzHX2LW
*River In Reverse*
You’re the first face that I see
And the last thing I think about
You’re the reason that I’m alive
You’re what I can’t live without
You’re what I can’t live without
You never give up
When I’m falling apart
Your arms are always open wide
It was a beautiful day, as Klaus entered the compound, angry, having found out that Marcel had taken Katerina.
Marcel appeared and then gave a whistle. Then vampires appeared all around the compound.
“Nice for you to come by, Klaus. I’ve been expecting you.”
“Where’s Katerina?” Klaus asked him.
“You should be more worried about what I have in store for you,” Marcel replied.
“What is this?” Klaus questioned.
Marcel gave another whistle and chains were thrown onto Klaus’ wrists.
“I think you already know,” Marcel replied.
Klaus knew he couldn’t break the chains from his wrists with just his vampire half, so he released some of his werewolf half. His looked at Marcel with hatred and anger, eyes yellow like a wolf’s, before breaking the chains and ripping out vampire hearts and biting vampires too.
Marcel realized that Klaus wasn’t going to stop until all of them were dead, so he picked up the coin, much to his distaste, and told Klaus to stop, which Klaus did.
After that had happened, Klaus asked him, “Now where is Katerina?”
“One of the rooms upstairs,” he told him.
Klaus blurred upstairs to go find her.
Soon, he entered the room she was in to see that she was tied to a chair, quite injured and pale, head down. He blurred to her to stand in front of her, as soon as he saw her in that condition. He then broke the ropes in two, freeing her, and knelt in front of her.
He rested hands on either side of her head, lifting her head to make sure she was still alive.
“Katerina, it’s me. Can you hear me, luv?”
He didn’t get anything from her, so he put a hand behind her head supporting it, and took his other hand away. He then bit into his wrist, now on his feet, and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat to heal her. She was still alive, but was losing a lot of blood, so he had to heal her to save her life.
Once her wounds had healed, he gently picked her up in his arms and walked out with her.
He layed her down in his room in his bed at the compound.
“Welcome home, Katerina. Sleep well, luv.”
*Girl In New Orleans*
And you’re quick to forgive
When I make a mistake
You love me in the blink of an eye
I don’t deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can’t get enough
You’re everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It’s what you do
And I don’t deserve you
It was a dismal night, as Klaus searched for Katerina in the woods. He’d received her text that she was in trouble in the Bayou with witches after her for some reason. Her and their child were both in trouble. Klaus didn’t care what those witches were going to do, but if they harmed her, he would slaughter every last one of them, just as he’d threatened to do before. All witches were the same to him.
When he found her, she lay on the forest floor, but she didn’t seem to be hurt, so he simply just picked her up gently.
“I’ve got you, luv.”
He blurred out of the woods, before any harm could come to either of them.
*1492 Bulgaria*
You’re the light inside my eyes
You give me a reason to keep trying
You give me more than I could dream
And you bring me to my knees
You bring me to my knees
Your heart is gold and how am I the one
That you’ve chosen to love
I still can’t believe that you’re right next to me
After all that I’ve done
It was a dismal night, as Katerina Petrova knelt down by her mother. She’d just turned and just arrived to find her entire village and family slaughtered. She didn’t care much for her father, so she didn’t grieve for him, but she did weep over her mother. Her mother had her throat torn open. She knew only one person who could and would do this; Klaus. That was the moment that she began to hate him with a dark passion. Only a complete monster could do this to her family or anyone’s family for that matter. She hated him.
*Moon Over Bourbon Street*
I don’t deserve your love
But you give it to me anyway
Can’t get enough
You’re everything I need
And when I walk away
You take off running and come right after me
It’s what you do
And I don’t deserve you
It was a dismal night, as Katherine stood on the balcony alone, only for Klaus to join her. She’d just survived Mikael on the Other Side and come back to life with help from Genevieve earlier. Klaus felt lucky that he hadn’t lost her or their child. After everything that had happened throughout the centuries, they had put aside their hate and revenge against each other, once they’d realized that they would be having a child together. He wouldn’t wish any harm to come to either of them, nor for their child to be born in the middle of a war in this city. He wished there to be peace by the time their child was born, but knew that may not happen.