Summary: Set in S1E3 "Tangled Up In Blue." What if Klaus had arrived in the woods in enough time to see Rebekah get an arrow in her? What if Katherine had helped with some of the vampires? What if Klaus had gotten rid of a vampire for Katherine? Will Klaus be alright? Will Rebekah be okay? Will human Katherine live, or will it be too late to save her this time around?
Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova
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It's a dark night, as I wander through the woods in New Orleans. I'm new here and looking for someone I can trust to kindly save my life. I prefer Elijah, but I wouldn't mind another friendly person, whether he or she is human or a supernatural being. It doesn't matter, as long as my life gets saved before I cease to live.
Suddenly, I stop, seeing Rebekah fighting what looks like a few vampires. Hayley has already ran off. Then one of them takes out an arrow.
I run towards the scene, hoping to help her. I'm only human, but I can do something. I have to, because she is my only hope in finding out where Elijah is located at. That, and she's Niklaus' only sister. If anything happened to her, Klaus would be peeved off.
When I get to them, the rest of the vampires have gone in search of Hayley, but one remains. He's standing by Rebekah whom has an arrow in her back and is on the ground on her stomach.
"Get away from her," I say in a warning voice to him.
"And you are?" he questions me.
"Katherine Pierce. I'm human now, but you probably already know that from my scent."
At vamp speed, he pins me against a tree a distance away from where Rebbekah lays temporarily dead. She's an Original. A white oak stake is the only thing that can permanently kill an Original.
"Enough talk," he says, before using vamp agility and strength to put his hand into my chest. That's when I know I'm gonna die by a vampire ripping out my heart. Then I feel pain and gasp, trying to breathe. I barely can, though, and my vision is halfway black.
Niklaus/Klaus Mikaelson
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I'm not far from the woods, when I smell the mixture of blood and Marcel's vampires. So, at hybrid speed, I run, following the mixed scents.
When I see one of Marcel's vampires with his hand in her chest, I know I must do something, no matter how much she and I hate each other for the past. So, at hybrid speed, I arrive beside him and grab his neck with a hand and he takes his hand out of her chest.
I growl at him.
He looks at me.
"Hasn't anyone taught you that you don't treat a lady like that?" I say.
"Klaus," he says.
I rip his heart out of him and let of him. It kills him and he falls to the ground. I then drop his heart on to his body.
I kneel down by Katerina where she's on her back on the ground.
I look down at her and realize that she's human. So, to save her life, I gently pull her into my arms and bite my wrist, before putting it to her lips, making my blood go down her throat to heal her.
A few minutes later, I take my wrist away and it instantly heals. I then lay her gently back down on the ground and get to my feet.
I walk over to my sister and pull the arrow out of her back, before tossing it to the ground and then, when I sense a vampire, turning around.
We slam into each other and roll on top of each other on the ground.
Katherine Pierce/Katerine Petrova
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When I come to, I slowly sit up and see a vampire stab Klaus with an arrow. Then Klaus is on his back temporarily dead.
I grab a long, sturdy stick and try to sneak up behind him, but he turns around to face me, so I assume he senses me there. We then fight one on one until I stake him with the stick through his heart. He then falls to the ground dead and I pull the arrow out of Klaus, before tossing it to the ground and falling to the ground, hurt from the fight with the vampire.
When I blurrily see Klaus' face in my field of vision, I realize that he's worried about me. I then feel a hand on either side of my face which I know are his hands, by knowing after so many years of what they feel like. I hear voices, too. One is Klaus and the other is Rebekah. The voices seem too far away, though, as my vision starts to go black.
Niklaus/Klaus Mikaelson
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"Katerina," I call, gentle hands on either side of her face, as she loses even more consciousness. "Can you hear me?"
She doesn't answer me, so I assume she either doesn't understand what I'm saying, or can't hear me.
Without looking away from Katerina, I tell my sister, "Go find Hayley."
A moment later, I hear Rebekah walk away. I then gently pull Katerina into my arms and force feed her my blood to help her.
Rebekah Mikaelson
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When I find Hayley Marshall, she's leaning against a tree to catch her breath.
"We have to go home," I tell her.
"What the rush?" she asks. "What's wrong?"
"I'll explain on the way," I promise her.
Niklaus/Klaus Mikaelson
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When I have her on a bed in one of the rooms at my home, I sit down at her bedside and watch her, waiting for her to wake up. I need answers to why the hell she's in New Orleans. I also need to thank her for pulling that arrow out of my back.
Half an hour later, Hayley and Rebekah walk in.
I look at Hayley.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," she replies.
I look at Katerina again.
Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova
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When I come to, I'm in a bed in an unfamiliar room with Klaus seated on my bedside, while Hayley and Rebekah are standing by the opened door.
"Katerina," he greets me with a friendly smile.
"Klaus," I greet, before slowly sitting up in bed. I then ask him, "Where am I?"
"Our home," he replies. "What has happened to you, Katerina? You're no longer a vampire. Did you take the cure?"
I want to lie to Klaus, but he's not the only Original in the room. If I lie to Klaus, I'll be lying to Elijah, too. I can't do that. I love him too much. I must tell the truth. Besides, I've been lying to everyone for far too long.
I look at him.
"Technically, no. I was mad that Bonnie didn't give me the cure, so I took it out on Elena and tried to kill her. So she shoved the cure down my throat. I was the cure until Damon fed me to Silas. It killed me, but somehow I came back. Now I'm slowly dying of old age and Dr. Wes Maxfield at the college says that it can't be stopped. Time is catching up with me, because it's trying to balance itself after what happened. Another thing I learned is that I can't drink vampire blood to heal, because I can't keep it down. My body just rejects it."
I look down silently.
"We'll figure this out," Klaus tells me, which I was not expecting. This makes me think that he had changed since Hayley came to town.
"Why don't you tell me what I've missed? It's only fair," I say, looking at Klaus.
I look at Hayley when she says, "I'm carrying Klaus' child and the witches think it's Lucifer and want it dead."
"I'm sorry," I say, looking at Hayley and then Klaus.
Suddenly, I start to not feel good, so I rush to the bathroom and close the door, before getting to my knees in front of the toilet and throwing up blood. When I see that I just threw up blood in the toilet, I realize that someone gave me vampire blood to heal me earlier when I was out cold.
Elijah Mikaelson
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I watch Katerina rush to the bathroom, before looking at Niklaus.
"You can go. I'll look after her," he says to us.
Trusting him, I leave the room with Rebekah.
Niklaus/Klaus Mikaelson
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I go to the bathroom and stand outside the closed door, as I listen to her throwing up my blood I gave her earlier tonight.
"Katerina, may I come in?" I ask her politely, for once in centuries, being a gentleman to her.
"You're going to come in here anyway, so you might as well," she replies to me.
I open the door and walk in, before kneeling down beside her in front of the toilet.
"I'm sorry, Katerina. I didn't know," I apologize to her.
"It's okay. You didn't know," she replies, sounding like she has forgiven me.
When she looks at me, she looks pale and weak.
"You should probably lay down," I suggest to her.
"Why are you being kind to me? Lat time we were in the same town, you wanted me dead."
"It's different now," I assure her.
"How? Because I'm human now?"
"No. Because Hayley's going to have my child and it might be a girl. The situation has changed me," I admit to my once upon a time doppelganger.
"You're being honest with me," she realizes.
"I am. I guess having a child changes people; even an abomination like me."
At that, Katerina rests a gentle hand on my left cheek and looks in my eyes.
I look back.
"You may be the first ever made hybrid, but you are not an abomination. You became a hybrid for a reason. You are who you are, Niklaus. That does not make you an abomination," she assures me.
I give her a friendly smile.
"Thank you, Katerina. I never would've guessed that you of all people would say that. You've changed just as I have."
"Well, it could be due to the fact that I personally met up with my long lost daughter. She kept me as safe as she could from Silas as long as she could. Whoever raised her named her Nadia. She's a vampire now," she informs me.
She gives me a smile.
She must trust me now to tell me about her daughter, though I never knew she had one. I must not have met her until some time after she had Nadia Petrova. If she had told me about her in the past, Nadia would most likely be dead. I'm glad she still has family. That means she had some closure. If all else fails, she'll have Nadia to go to for help.
She takes her hand away from my face.
"Katerina?" I say, as she pales some more and she starts to look like she's going to black out.
I look at her, not exactly sure what to do for her, as she closes her eyes. Then, as she collapses to the tile floor, I catch her from hitting her head on the bathroom floor, hand under her neck, arm on her back, holding her up. I then gently lay her down on the floor, before resting a gentle hand on her left cheek.
"Katerina," I say.
Katherine Pierce/Katerina Petrova
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When I come to, I'm in bed with Klaus seated on my bedside, an unfamiliar girl in the room with us, Hayley seated on the other side of me.
"Katerina, this is Sophie. She's a witch. She's here to help us," Klaus informs me.
I slowly sit up in bed.
"Nice to meet you," I greet.
"Thank you for coming. We appreciate it," Hayley says to her.
Sophie gives Hayley and I a friendly smile.
"You, too. You're welcome," she answers us both.
Klaus looks at Hayley.
"Why don't you go occupy yourself somewhere else, Little Wolf," he says to her as nicely as he can.
Hayley gets to her feet and silently walks out of the room, closing the door behind herself.
An hour later, Sophie finishes with her magic on me and I am thankful to her. What the cure did to me has been taken care of. I am healed with her magic, too. I do not ask questions as to how she can heal me with her magic, because I know witches. Witches can have immense power to them. Their power can sometimes be limitless, even.
Afterward, we all thank her and she leaves the house.
Even though I am back to human normalcy, Klaus lets me stay and I decide that I will accept his offer to stay. I also decide that I will help them take care of Hayley and the child, no matter what happens to either of them. I hope nothing happens to anyone, because I do have my humanity, so I do care for others, whether I show it or not.