Summary: Set in 4x1, but revised. Katherine appears in New Orleans after escaping a prison world, only to find out what Marcel has done to Klaus. She rescues Klaus and takes him to where his family is to save his life and reunite them, because Alistair didn’t miss when he went to stab Klaus with that sword that had Marcel’s venom on the end of it. Katherine decides to help take down Marcel once Klaus and the others are cured. What will happen?500Please respect copyright.PENANA8c9irl1Hjh
Would you dance
If I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back?
Would you cry
If you saw me crying?
Would you save my soul tonight?
Would you tremble
If I touched your lips?
Would you laugh?
Oh, please tell me this
Now would you die
For the one you love?
It was a nebulous night, as Katherine, human, entered the compound after ending up in New Orleans. She’d been put in a prison world after she’d died and then had escaped tonight. When she’d escaped, she’d ended up in New Orleans. She didn’t know why she’d ended up here, so she’d come to investigate, going to the compound. When she did, she saw a crowd of what must’ve been vampires, around Marcel and a circle, which Klaus was in with shackles on his wrists. She realized that Marcel had bested Klaus and Klaus was his prisoner. She didn’t know who the vampires were, but she assumed they were Klaus’ enemies, when she saw Alistair in the circle with Klaus. She’d come across him before, so she knew who he was. Then she saw Alistair stab him with a sword he had in his hand.
Katherine went to stand in front of the crowd and speak to both the crowd of vampires, Marcel, and Alistair.
“Enough!” she yelled.
“Katherine,” Marcel greeted. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m going to get Klaus out of here. You wanna stop me? You’re gonna have to kill me,” she told Marcel. She turned to Alistair and magically through him out of the circle and then spoke. “I may not be Klaus’ favorite person in the world, but right now I’m saving his life, and nobody gets to do this to him. You think you’re all bad and nothing will bring you down? Guess again, Alistair. You’re going to learn your lesson the hard way to never mess with the Mikaelsons, no matter which one it is.” She then magically ripped his heart out, killing him. Then she turned to face the crowd of vampires. “Anyone else?” When she saw some of the vampires starting to back away, she gave a smile at that. “Good. Now leave New Orleans and never come back. If you ever go after the Mikaelsons again, you’ll have to deal with me. Now get the hell out of here before I kill every last one of you.”
All of the vampires vamp-sped out of the compound in fear, knowing who she was and what she was capable of.
She turned to Marcel once again.
“I’m going to get Klaus out of here and back home to his family. You won’t be able to stop me. I’m descended from Travelers and I’ve got full control of my magic. Try to stop me and see what happens.”
All Marcel could do was to watch her enter the circle. He knew better than to mess with her; especially, when she was very angry right now. So, he knew his best bet was to just stand there and do nothing.
Hold me in your arms tonight
I can be your hero, baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away
Klaus lay on his side in silent pain, weakened from both Marcel’s venom on the end of the sword and the five years he’d been in captivity by Marcel. He was quite weak from not being fed much. He hated to admit defeat, but he had definitely been defeated.
Katherine knelt down beside him and magically threw the shackles off his wrists and then pulled the sword quickly out. That’s when she saw how bad it was. She saw how weak he was and also realized that something had been on the end of that sword.
She looked at Marcel.
“What’s on the end of the sword?” she questioned him, hoping that he’d tell her the truth.
“My venom,” he replied. “I’m different than the last time we saw each other back in the 90’s. I took a serum, so now my bite is worse than Klaus.’ He’s got two hours and then he’s good as dead.”
She didn’t show it, but she was officially afraid for Klaus’ life. She hoped that a cure could be found in time to save him. No matter what he’d done, she’d forgiven him on her deathbed. She didn’t want him to die.
“If he dies, you will suffer severely,” she told Marcel, still looking at him. Then she looked at Klaus, kneeling down by him now so that he could see her. “Klaus?”
Klaus looked at her, when he saw her. He wasn’t sure if she was real or an hallucination brought on by the venom he now felt.
“Katerina?” he questioned, not knowing why she was here, but hoped that she was real. She needed her to be real, because if she wasn’t, he wouldn’t be getting out of here anytime soon.
“I’m here. It’s going to be okay. I’m going to get you out of here and you’re going to see your family,” she assured him.
She put an arm around him, helping him to his feet, and he put an arm around her shoulders, and together, they walked out of the compound at Klaus’ pace.
Marcel could only silently watch, as they left, not understanding why Katherine of all people would save Klaus. As far as he knew, she hated him and for centuries, had wanted Klaus dead. Why would someone like her rescue him and reunite him with his family? He didn’t see her as the forgiving type.
Would you swear that you’ll always be mine?
Would you lie?
Would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don’t care
You’re here tonight
As Katherine drove an SUV she’d hotwired, heading to where he’d told her that his family was, Klaus seated in the passenger side, she could tell that he wasn’t in good shape. She’d expected this to happen, since she’d seen a vampire after a werewolf bite before. That was why she’d high jacked a cooler of blood bags and was using a cool wet wash cloth to try and cool him down, driving with one hand.
“Hang in there, Klaus. We’re almost there,” she encouraged him, but knew it was futile. There wasn’t much she could do for him, descended from Travelers or not. All she could do was hope that his family had found a cure or would have a cure very soon.
I can be your hero, baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away
Oh, I just want to hold you
I just want to hold you, oh, yeah
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
Well, I don’t care
You’re here tonight
Soon, she pulled up at the warehouse and quickly got out of the SUV. She then opened the passenger side and put an arm around him, getting him out, and then walked him inside the warehouse. Then, when she got to the room, she saw a blond putting what looked to be a cure together. She also saw Hayley whom looked to be curing Elijah. Seeing that Marcel had bitten him, it made her even more angry at Marcel for putting them in danger, but right now she couldn’t do much.
As she entered the room, Klaus was barely awake. She was only human, so it was becoming difficult for her to hold him up.
“A little help would be nice,” she commented, to get their attention, which worked.
By now, Freya had finished with the cures, so she was the first there, since Hayley was curing Elijah. Freya didn’t know her, but right now it didn’t matter who she was. All that mattered was her brother. Together, they got him layed down on the table she’d been using for the cures.
“What happened?” Freya questioned her.
“Alistair, one of Klaus’ sired vampires, stabbed him with a sword that had Marcel’s venom on the end. I hope you have a cure.”
Freya didn’t say anything to her after that. She just took one of the vials of the cure and began to cure him with it.
I can be your hero, baby
I can kiss away the pain, oh, yeah
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away
(I can be your hero, baby)
I can be your hero
I can kiss away the pain
And I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away
You can take my breath away
I can be your hero
After Freya had cured Klaus, she turned to the girl she didn’t know.
“Thank you for rescuing my brother, but who are you?”
“You’re welcome. I’m Katherine Pierce, but Klaus and Elijah like to call me by the name I was born with; Katerina Petrova. I was a vampire until a few years ago when my doppelganger shoved the cure down my throat. I turned human and died rapidly. Since Elijah never showed up to say goodbye or to save me, I can only assume that he never knew about it. After I died, I was sent to a prison world, which I just escaped tonight. I didn’t know why I ended up in New Orleans, so I investigated by going to the compound, only to see what was going on. I may have hated Klaus for 500 years, but I forgave him on my deathbed. Besides, no one should have to go through what Klaus had to go through with Marcel. I wouldn’t wish that upon my greatest enemy in the world. I hated him for slaughtering my family and village just to get back at me for running, instead of letting him kill me in the ritual to become the Original hybrid, but if I hadn’t ran he wouldn’t have done that, so it technically is my fault for what he did. I can’t blame him for what he did. He shouldn’t have hunted me down for 500 years after that either, but he and I are alike in many ways; more than I’d like to admit. He only hunted me, because he was so angry at me for what I did, but I leaned to always be one step ahead of the enemy. The past is the past, though. You have to keep the past in the past, or you just keep living in the past instead of the present. I’ll help you take down Marcel. Before I died, I learned that I’m descended from Travelers. We just need a way to turn him back to normal so you all can do whatever you wish to do with him. He went after your family; not mine. It’s your decision what to do with him,” she replied.
“I’m sorry for what happened to you. I know how brutal my brother can be,” she replied.
“What’s your name? I’ve never heard of any Mikaelsons with magic, other than Esther,” Katherine said.
“Freya Mikaelson. I was thought to be dead, but in order for our mother to have children, she used Dark magic with the help of our Aunt Dahlia. The first child of each generation was to be brought to Aunt Dahlia and she would teach them magic. I was the first born, so she took me from our mother and our mother covered it up by saying that I died while our father was away. I searched for my family for centuries and finally found them and defeated our aunt with the help from our mother. She died for us all and it saved Hope and freed me from our aunt,” she summarized.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Freya. Together we will defeat Marcel, no matter the cost. I know his weaknesses, considering we were once allies in the 90’s,” Katherine replied.
In the end, they defeated Marcel and Klaus killed him. They even got the compound back as well as New Orleans back to being theirs. They never saw Klaus’ sire line again and Katherine and Klaus found love with one another.