The broken clock is a comfort
It helps me sleep tonight
Maybe it can stop tomorrow from stealing all my time
I am here still waiting though I still have my doubts
I am damaged at best
Like you’ve already figured out
I’m falling apart
I’m barely breathing
With a broken heart that’s still beating
In the pain
There is healing
In your name I find meaning
So I’m holdin’ on
I’m holdin’ on
I’m barely holdin’ on to you
519Please respect copyright.PENANAUJF66pSoX6
It was a nebulous night in New Orleans, as Katherine walked through the French Quarter in search of Elijah. She didn’t like to admit it, but for once in a very long time, she needed him; need his help; his protection. She was human, which meant that sooner or later, her enemies would find out and she wouldn’t be able to defend herself. Having an Original on her side would be a bonus for her. This wasn’t just survival though. She also wanted to win him back. If she was going to die human, she wanted to at least get her happy ending with him before then. It still hurt that he’d left her for his family, but after being reunited with Nadia, she understood somewhat. She didn’t want Nadia’s protection though. Nadia had spent her entire vampirism life searching for her. It was time for her to live her own life. It was best that she go to Elijah. He and his siblings were almost unkillable. She was doing this to keep Nadia alive and make the better choice. Even if that choice got her killed or once again, hurt. He’d never hurt her before like he had by breaking up with her, but then again, it was partly her fault for lying to him.
Elijah and Katherine were in an alleyway, Katherine standing in front of him.
“I was doing what I had to to survive,” she defended.
“Is that what I am to you? A means of survival?” he accused her.
“Don’t. Don’t let sweet little Elena get to you. She hates me. She wants you to turn against me and convince you that I can’t be trusted.”
“I asked you a question,” he said in an irritated and commanding tone.
“No,” she replied. “Of course you’re not a means of survival. You looked out for me when I had no one. You’ve given me a second chance now when no one else will. I love you.” She rested a hand on the side of his face. “Elijah.” He turned his face away and she dropped her hand. “You don’t believe me,” she realized.
“I want to,” he replied, looking at her. “It’s my disease. I just keep wanting to believe you, but how can I when at every turn you give me a reason to doubt you? I don’t know you. I don’t think I ever will.”
He began to walk away.
She caught up with him, a hand on his arm, stopping him.
He looked at her, then her hand, and then her again.
“Wait,” she said. Seeing him look at her hand, she knew he wanted her to let go. So she did.
“Goodbye, Katherine.”
She could only watch, as he walked away.
Elijah was walking down a sidewalk. When he saw her coming, he tried to pass her, but her words and her in front of him stopped him.
“Wait,” she said.
“What do you want?”
“To tell you that you’re right. I’ve spent so much time running and lying just to survive that I don’t----I’m starting to believe my own lies. I don’t even remember who I was when we first met. And I want to find out.”
She pulled out a black box from her purse.
“You have the cure,” he stated.
“Yes. And I could shove this down Klaus’ throat and try to kill him, but even if I managed to do it, I’d lose you. And I don’t want that to happen.” She put the cure in his hand, which was a vial of blood. “I need you to trust me. I want you to trust me. Just like I’m trusting you. You don’t owe me anything. I’m going to let you decide where we go from here.”
He silently watched, as she walked off. Then he looked down at the cure.
*Mystic Falls*
It was a dismal night, as they stood in front of each other at the Mikaelson mansion. He’d just told her that he was leaving to follow Klaus to New Orleans.
“Elijah, please. It’s our turn,” she pleaded.
“Katerina,” he said. He kissed her on the forehead. “Goodbye, Katerina.”
A moment later, he was gone, leaving her alone and hurt and ultimately abandoned. Without Elijah, she had no one to turn to.
Katherine had to stop in her tracks when she was surrounded by a few vampires.
“Who are you? You’re not local here, nor a vampire,” one said.
“Not telling,” she replied.
“Then you’ll have to come with us and Marcel will decide what to do with you.”
“Marcel, huh? Go ahead then. He won’t harm me. We’re old allies. Or were. Besides, he knows not to harm me. Unless he wants a certain Original on his tail,” she replied.
The vampire she spoke to looked quite irritated when she said that. Then she heard the sound of bodies drop and turned around to see a couple of the vampires dead. The remaining vampires sped off in fear, which she understood, because there stood Rebekah whom hated her for being able to escape Klaus for 500 years.
“Now that is no way to treat a lady,” Rebekah said, before dropping the heart and looking at her. “What the bloody hell are you doing here and human? You took the cure, didn’t you? Tell me I saved you for a good reason, because I don’t kill vampires just for anyone.”
“I’m here for Elijah’s protection and maybe to win him back if possible. It’s not like I’d do this to myself on purpose. I didn’t know Elena had the cure in her pocket when I tried to kill her. Elijah’s my only option. Damon tried handing me over to Silas and I’m not putting Nadia, my daughter I had in 1490 that found me just to ask why I abandoned her, in danger by protecting me herself. I kept her a secret along with my villagers. She was illegitimate so I was banished. That’s why I was in England in 1492 in the first place. I went back for her in 1498, but couldn’t find her. I had to tell her what really happened. Apparently, she spent her entire life as a vampire, searching for me. I won’t have her killed trying to protect me. I’m giving her her life back,” she explained to her.
Rebekah was shocked that she had a daughter and, hearing about her human life, actually felt sorry for her.
“So Elena bested you,” she sated. “Sounds like a pattern. Marcel has bested Klaus. I can take you to the house, but Elijah’s not there. Niklaus daggered him as a peace offering to Marcel. Now we’re trying to find out where Elijah is.”
“I think I can speed things up. If he’s not at the compound, he’ll be with the witch Marcel saved. Her name’s Davina. She’d be a teenager now and she’s got a temper. She’s the only Harvest girl left alive. She lives in the attic of the church.”
“How do you know this?” she asked.
“Because we were allies and he told me about her years ago. I think it will be best if I go alone. Besides, Marcel knows that if he doesn’t do what I want, he won’t like the outcome. We made an agreement back in the 1950’s that he can do whatever he wants as long as he leaves Elijah alone. If he ever crossed the line, he’d answer to me and we’d be enemies,” Katherine answered.
“I’ll go with you until you get to the compound then,” Rebekah said.
An hour later, Marcel found her on a balcony, clearly waiting for him, looking down at the floor below.
She sensed a presence and looked behind her to see him.
Marcel stood beside her.
“It’s been a while, Katherine. How’ve you been? I see you’re human now somehow. What are you doing here?” he greeted her, playing nice.
“You know why I’m here. Where’s Elijah?” she questioned.
“With Davina, but don’t tell no one about her,” he answered.
“Too late. I’ve already told Rebekah. Now give back Elijah or I will be your enemy. I don’t care what you and Klaus are fighting about. Elijah isn’t just some peace offering. He’s the love of my life and you know it. So do whatever the hell you need to to get him back for me. Otherwise, I’ll do it myself and I know you wouldn’t want me going after Davina to do it in the first place,” she replied, that last part being a threat.
“Okay, okay. You don’t need to get testy. I’ll talk to Davina, but I can’t promise anything. She’s working on finding out a way to kill Klaus. Right now, she hates him,” he explained to her.
“Everyone hates him. I’m going to give you until tomorrow evening. Then it’s gonna go my way,” she said, before leaving.
Later that night, she entered the house with Rebekah and picked out a room to sleep in; Elijah’s.
Later the next night, Marcel gave Elijah to Katherine, much to Davina’s displeasure, and Klaus undaggered him.
The next day, she walked in to see Elijah and Klaus each reading a book, before Rebekah walked in.
“Is this what you do the first time we’re back together as a family? Vampire book club?”
“Reading edifies the mind, sister. Isn’t that right, Elijah?”
“Yes, that’s quite right, Niklaus.”
Rebekah got rid of the body and was tending to the rug that had blood on it from the dead girl, while Katherine left the room.
Katherine stood in front of the window of a guest room she’d chosen, looking out of it across the front yard.
A moment later, she felt a presence behind her and then he was next to her.
“I didn’t get around yet to thank you for returning me to my siblings, so thank you, Katerina. What has happened to you, though? You’re human.”
“I tried to kill Elena after you left, because I thought it was partly her fault. I didn’t know that she had the cure and she shoved it down my throat. I came here to ask for your protection and maybe, if I’m lucky, we can fix us,” she replied, looking at him.
“I’ll always protect you, Katerina. I won’t let anything happen to you, but I can’t promise anything. You lied to me.”
"I Know and I’m sorry. It felt like something I had to do at the time,” she apologized.
There was nothing else to say so he left the room.
The broken locks were a warning you got inside my head
I tried my best to be guarded
I’m an open book instead
I still see your reflection inside of my eyes
That are looking for a purpose
They’re still looking for life
I’m falling apart
I’m barely breathing
With a broken heart that’s still beating
In the pain (in the pain)
Is there healing
In your name (in your name) I find meaning
So I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’ on)
I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’)
I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’)
I’m barely holdin’ on to you
I’m hangin’ on another day
Just to see what you throw away
519Please respect copyright.PENANAOLGAGjWfrS
She let him walk away, knowing that it would take time for him to trust her again. In the meantime though, she knew he’d protect her. She was thankful, because without him, she was sure that she’d give up.
That night, while Elijah and Klaus were off doing stuff, Katherine suddenly felt like she was burning up. She put a hand on the railing by the stairs to stay on her feet. She felt like she was burning up and was getting somewhat dizzy.
“Rebekah!” she called.
When Elijah and Klaus had left, Elijah had appointed Rebekah to watch over Katherine.
Rebekah came from the parlor and, upon seeing her, blurred to her side.
She looked at the original.
“I’m burning up. I think it’s a witch,” she informed her.
She put an arm around her and a hand on her arm, and then blurred them both to Elijah’s room.
“I’ll let them know. First though, lay down.”
Katherine layed down with her help and Rebekah put a cool wet wash cloth on her forehead, before leaving the room to call Elijah.
Katherine closed her eyes, feeling weak from the high temperature. She wondered if this was what it felt like when a vampire was bitten by a werewolf.
Rebekah came in a few minutes later and sat on her bedside.
“Do me a favor and don’t die. I won’t hear the end of it from Elijah if you die on my watch.”
“Well, I can’t promise anything,” she replied.
And I’m hanging on the words you say
You said that I will be OK
The broken lights on the freeway left me here alone
I may have lost my way now
Haven’t forgotten my way home
I’m falling apart
I’m barely breathing
With a broken heart that’s still beating
In the pain (in the pain) there is healing
In your name I find meaning
So I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’)
I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’)
I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’)
I’m barely holdin’ on to you
I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’)
I’m holdin’ on (I’m still holdin’)
I’m barely holdin’ on to you
519Please respect copyright.PENANAo92faypl3W
That night, when Elijah came into the room, she was so weak that she couldn’t go anywhere even if she wanted to. She knew it was Elijah though, when he gently picked her up in his arms, even before he spoke.
“We have to get you cooled down,” he told her. Then she felt wind and a few minutes later, felt water, which let her know that he was going to use the pool to cool her down.
He waded into the water, her in his arms, to cool her down while Sophie did a spell to counteract the spell Agnes had cast on her.
After a few minutes, the spell was broken through Sophie’s spell.
Elijah waded towards the end of the pool and got out with her still in his arms. After all, she was still weak from what had and almost had been done to her.
Sophie looked at Elijah.
“Agnes is our last living elder. Promise me that your brother won’t kill Agnes.”
Elijah looked at the witch.
“Normally I would promise you that Klaus nor I won’t kill her, but she tried to kill Katerina. I can’t promise you that. I will not let anyone harm Katerina. This will not go unpunished. I will not let Katerina be put in danger. Those responsible will be punished the way I and Klaus see fit,” he replied, before walking into the house to lay Katerina down in bed. He knew that she needed to rest.
Once he layed her down on her bed, he went to leave, but turned back when he felt her hand on his arm.
He looked at her.
“Thank you,” she said weakly.
“Anything for you, Katerina,” he replied, as he looked back at her.
She let go of him.
“You should go deal with Agnes. Rebekah can watch me,” she encouraged him.
“Rest,” he said, before leaving.
She gave a smile, before closing her eyes to rest.
Later that night, Elijah stood in the church with a hand around Agnes’ throat.
“Let this be a lesson to all of you what happens to those that come after Katerina,” he said to the other witches that were there.
A moment later, he snapped her neck and let her body fall to the floor.
“No one harms Katerina and lives. No one,” he said, before walking out of the church, heading back home.
Rebekah walked into her room.
When Katherine sensed a presence, she opened her eyes to see the blond standing in the threshold, clearly waiting for her to notice her.
“I’m leaving,” Rebekah told her. “I only came here to make sure Elijah’s okay. He’s okay so I’m going.”
“Then good luck,” she replied.
Rebekah left and Katherine went back to sleep.
A few days later, Klaus won back New Orleans and he, Elijah, and Katherine moved into the compound. Soon after, Elijah and Katherine got back together.