Summary: Set in 4x3.What happens when Kat suddenly appears in the woods after escaping the 1994 prison world and Kai? What will ensue? Will there be peace between her and Klaus after 500 years? Will she and Elijah get back together, or will she and Klaus get together, instead? After all this time without Kat and after finding out what happened after he left her, does Elijah still, to this day, love her, or has he truly moved on?500Please respect copyright.PENANAkyfhSHz4vQ
It was a dismal night, as a human Katherine suddenly appeared in some woods, having just escaped the 1994 prison world and Kai. She didn’t know why. Then, when she saw Klaus in the woods with a girl she could only assume was his daughter, she knew where she was. She stayed hidden, though. She may have forgiven him when she was on her deathbed, but that didn’t mean he’d forgiven her. She knew staying hidden wouldn’t work for long though, considering Kai had injured her. She knew that if he wasn’t smelling her injuries now, he would eventually. She also knew that Hope was a hybrid as well, considering she and Sophie had kept their friendship until she’d heard about Sophie’s sudden death. She knew Hope was special and Hayley was the mother, but she didn’t know much of anything else. After all, she’d been dead for a while, considering Hope wasn’t a baby anymore.
She silently watched from by a tree, Hope heal a butterfly’s broken wing.
When Hope had gone, probably back to the house she assumed was close by, she leaned against a tree, trying to stay on her feet. She knew it wasn’t much use, though. She needed help. Usually she’d be going to Elijah, but considering Klaus was the one in the woods and not Elijah, she couldn’t ask for his help. In that moment, she knew she didn’t need to make her presence known, because Klaus knew she was there.
“Come back from the dead, have we?” he inquired.
She limped out from behind the bushes, using the tree as support for herself.
“Yes, and I’m clearly human again. It’s not like I wanted to end up in the same place as you, though. I just escaped a prison world. I guess the ascendant thought it would be nice to send me here.”
He turned around to face her.
“I’m sure it had its reasons for bringing you here, Katerina, but I’d rather you not be here.”
“If you’re worried that I’ll do something to harm your daughter, I’d never do that. Let’s just say, when you’re dying, you start realizing what horrible mistakes you’ve made. I forgave you on my deathbed, so let’s just call a truce. Besides, Hope’s got nothing to do with our past and she’s just a child, no matter who her parents are.”
“Very well then, Katerina.” He approached her. “Can you digest blood?” He questioned, offering to heal her.
“I don’t know and I’d rather not chance it. Besides, last time I checked, you’ve got a daughter that can heal and a sister that, if she put aside her despisement towards me, she could help me,” she replied.
“By that I’m going to assume you don’t know about our other sister, Freya. She’s a witch as well. We thought her to be dead until a few years ago,” he informed her.
“I guess you best take me to your house then,” she replied.
He pulled the arrow out of her leg and tossed it to the ground.
“Then let’s go, luv,” he replied to her.
Suddenly, after she felt the pain from him pulling the arrow out, everything began to go black for her, which she assumed was from all the blood loss she’d received.
“Katerina,” he said, and caught her from hitting the ground, before gently picking her up in his arms, carrying her to the house so someone could heal her, since she hadn’t wanted to try blood, considering the last time she’d been human. The time only he and Katerina knew about, since he’d kept Elijah from knowing about it.
A few minutes later, Katherine lay in Klaus’ bed with Freya healing her wounds, Klaus inside the room, leaning against the wall, Elijah standing in the threshold, both watching, hoping that she’d be okay. Elijah still cared about her, even after all these years, and Klaus just didn’t wish for her to die again. He knew that nobody deserved to die the way she had the last time she’d been human.
Half an hour later, Freya had fully healed her and Elijah went to sit on her bedside, Klaus staying where he was, silently watching.
Soon, she slowly woke up to see Elijah on her bedside and Klaus also in the room.
She slowly sat up in bed.
She looked over at Klaus.
“Thanks. Even if you didn’t heal me, you still saved my life.”
He gave a smile at that. “You’re welcome, luv.” After knowing she was going to be okay, Klaus left the room and headed downstairs.
She looked at Elijah. There wasn’t much to say, considering the way they’d left things; Or rather, the way he’d left her.
“Katerina,” was all he could say.
“Don’t. I assume Klaus finally told you everything that he didn’t tell you before. Look, I’m alive and I’m not dying anytime soon last time I checked, so there’s nothing you can do. Besides, you don’t need to protect me anymore. I’ve learned that I’m descended from Travelers, so I’ve got a little magic in me. I can protect myself as a human, just like I could as a vampire. There’s nothing you can say to make you abandoning me any better. Let’s just move on. Forgive and try to move on,” she replied. She then got out of bed and headed for the exit.
Elijah was silent, as he watched her leave the room. She was right that there was nothing to say after he’d left. She thought he’d abandoned her though, when he didn’t feel that he did. He’d had every intention of leaving town once his siblings didn’t need him anymore. He was going to come back. How could he know what was happening to her? She hadn’t called him nor had Klaus told him any of this. He wasn’t exactly mad at Klaus though, because he knew where he and Katerina stood with one another, or where they used to stand. It seemed as though all was well between them, but Katerina didn’t really want anything to do with Elijah. He wasn’t surprised though, considering the fact that he’d be just as angry and upset if he were her.
Elijah left the room and went downstairs and into the living room, where he found Katerina being caught up with everything that she’d missed. Once she’d been caught up, though she was calm, he’d been with her long enough to know when she wasn’t happy deep down.
“I think it’s about time Marcel and I have a little chat then,” she commented. “He almost wiped out your family. Besides, Marcel wouldn’t hurt me if he knows what’s good for him. We sort of know each other from the 1970’s. And if Marcel even tries to harm me, I’ve learned that I’m descended from Travelers. He’ll get what’s coming to him,” she continued, speaking to Klaus.
“At least be careful, luv. His bite may not be lethal to you as a human, but he’s worse than myself,” Klaus replied, for once in his life, not wanting harm to come to her.
“Well, I survived you, didn’t I? I think I can survive Marcel, too.”
Elijah and Klaus didn’t want her to face Marcel alone, but Elijah didn’t have anything to say and Klaus knew that nothing would stop her from doing whatever she wanted. He and Katerina were too much alike, though he hated to admit it.
Katherine entered the compound, letting her anger show, and felt eyes on her that she knew were vampires. They probably knew who she was though, so whether she was human or not, they weren’t showing themselves.
“Marcel!” she yelled, as she entered the compound.
Marcel came into view.
“Long time no see. What can I do for you?” he greeted, playing nice, though he assumed what her anger was about. He knew she had to know what he’d tried to do to the Mikaelsons and he knew how much she loved Elijah. At the time though, he’d just been angry at them and hadn’t been thinking clearly. He knew he’d done wrong, but he didn’t exactly regret it. He did notice though, that she was now human, though she was more than human. She didn’t quite have the sensation of a witch, but it was something that was almost like a witch. He didn’t know exactly what she was other than human, though he sensed magic on her.
She magically through him against a wall and he got to his feet.
“I know what you did and tried to do, Marcel. But I assume you’ve already realized that. I’d punish you if I could, but I’m not who I was when we last saw each other. There’s only one way to punish and stop you, but luckily I don’t know the spell to turn you back to a normal vampire. If I did, I’d do it right now. You bit Elijah, kept Klaus from his daughter, and almost wiped out his entire family or what’s left of it. If you go after them again, you’re going to regret it. You almost wiped them all out. Now we will never be friends again. We are enemies now. I warned you centuries ago that if you went after Elijah and his family that there’d be consequences and we’d be enemies. I should kill you right now, but I won’t. I’ll let them decide what to do with you. Consider this a warning to watch your back, because we’ll be coming after you. This is something personal.”
He watched, as she turned around and left the compound.
After giving Marcel something to think about and threatening him, she returned to the house they were staying at. She needed to see if Freya knew a way to kill Marcel. If so, she was going to help Freya make a weapon to kill him and she was going to work together with them to take down Marcel.
After returning to the house they were all staying at, she found out that Elijah had indeed moved on from her, but it hadn’t been overnight. While she’d been dealing with things back in Mystic Falls, he’d moved on to the mother of Klaus’ child. She didn’t blame him though, considering he’d abandoned her and she had asked him once to choose where they were going to go from there. Besides, she’d lied to him and she didn’t exactly expect him to stick around for eternity anyway. She knew there’d be a possibility of him moving on. She just didn’t expect it to be so soon.
She ignored them completely where they were on the porch and entered the house and came into the living room. She poured herself a shot glass of Bourbon and sat on the couch, slowly sipping it. She watched silently, as Hope sat at her child’s table and drew. It made her miss Nadia. She hadn’t been able to raise her like Klaus would get to do with Hope.
Klaus entered the living room and saw her. He then sat next to Katerina with his own shot glass of Bourbon.
“She’s quite talented, isn’t she?” he inquired of her, assuming that that’s what she was looking at.
She looked at him.
“I was just thinking.”
“What were you thinking about, luv?” he persisted.
“Nobody except myself and my family knew about her, but I had a daughter once too. I just never got to raise her. She was illegitimate so my father tore her from my arms and gave her up. When I couldn’t find her in 1498 I thought she’d either been hidden from me or hadn’t lived. I was wrong. Shortly after Elena shoved the cure down my throat and I returned to town, I didn’t know who she was until she told me. She was lied to growing up, so she seeked answers, thinking I’d abandoned her. When she grew up, she found a vampire that would turn her and she spent her entire vampire life searching for me. Finally, after I turned human, she found me and she protected me from Silas. We found out that when Elena shoved the cure down my throat, it made me the cure, which Silas had to drink to die a witch and be reunited with Amara. Nadia protected me to the end but there wasn’t anything she or anyone could do to stop me from dying of old age after Silas drank the cure out of me. Then Nadia told me what Tyler did. I never asked why he did it, but he bit her. I told her about the cure towards the end, but she just wanted me to be happy. She didn’t want me to have to give anything up just to save her life. Her name was Nadia,” she informed him. She hadn’t elaborated on Amara, since she knew he already knew the story from before he’d left town.
There wasn’t much Klaus could say, but he did say the one thing he could.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Katerina. At least she finally got to know her mother, though, and I assume she finally learned the truth.”
“Thanks, Klaus,” she replied. “Raise Hope well. I doubt Hayley will be sticking around forever, Hope’s mother or not.”
“So you’ve learned of their affections for one another,” Klaus stated.
“I have and I understand. He can’t trust someone that lied to him. Even after I handed the cure over to him and told him that I wanted to find out who I was when we first met, he didn’t stay. I tried to get him to choose me over you, since I never completely understood his blind faith in you. Now, after Nadia and I became like a family, I understand. He just wanted you to be redeemed and family always comes first, but I know that not everyone can be saved, no matter how much you want that person to be saved. All you can do is move on and try to let that person learn to be a better person. Even if it involves having a child first before that can happen. Elijah doesn’t need you now nor do you need him. I’m going to assume that he and Hayley will probably leave together and I’m betting even Kol and Rebekah. They have nothing here. Freya will probably be the only sibling that will stay here with you, but I’m a little unwanted after everything. I don’t have a place to call home, so maybe you could let me stay here. I can help take down Marcel and I can help raise Hope. I may not be her mother, but if Hayley leaves with Elijah, I can act as a mother figure when she needs it. I was a mother once, even if I didn’t get to raise Nadia. Hope may become a challenge when she grows up, but together, you and I can help her be a better person than you and I will ever be,” she replied and then offered him.
“I would be happy to let you stay, luv,” he replied. She was right. She’d been a mother before. She could help raise Hope. He’d never been a father before and had never had a father himself, so he didn’t know what he was doing. Maybe Katerina knew what she was doing. She could help him raise Hope and she could help take down Marcel; win back their home and the Quarter. He gave a smile.
She smiled back.
Later that night, Klaus was in the living room once again, having a shot glass of Bourbon, Kat seated on the couch with her own shot glass of Bourbon, both sipping their Bourbon. That’s when Kol and Rebekah and Elijah entered.
After they’d said their goodbyes, they watched Kol be the first to leave.
Rebekah turned to human Katherine. She’d been filled in on what had happened to Katherine after Elena had shoved the cure down her throat and, though she’d once wanted it, she was happy she’d never gotten it. Otherwise, she probably would’ve gone through what Katherine had and she’d never want that for herself. Though she’d hated Katherine, she didn’t hate her anymore. She’d been through hell and back and had survived. She and Nik were even past what had happened between them all those centuries ago. Now they had warmed up together. She could tell that sooner rather than later, they were going to become friends and maybe something more. She was happy for that, because at least her brother wouldn’t be alone. Nik and Freya were too different to relate much. He needed someone like Katherine that he could relate to, when everyone except Katherine and Freya left town.
“We’ve never really gotten along, you know, but at least Nik has you for company. We’re leaving town and I don’t expect to be coming back anytime soon. Take care of them and try not to get yourself killed anytime soon. Goodbye, Katherine,” Rebekah said, being civil.
“Thanks for your concern. Don’t get yourself into trouble either,” Katherine replied.
Rebekah left soon after, following Kol out the door. They were planning on leaving town together; maybe go to Las Vegas or Los Angeles.
Katherine looked at Elijah whom looked back at her.
“If you want to apologize for everything, don’t. I’ll get over it. Just do me a favor and leave if you’re going to leave, but don’t be a stranger and come back someday. You’ve moved on and I understand that. Stay safe,” was all she could say.
“If you need anything, Katerina, don’t be afraid to call. Do stay out of trouble as well. I may have moved on, but you know I’ll always love you,” he replied.
She gave a smile at that.
“I’ll always love you, too. Now go on your adventure. Don’t worry about me. If I ever need help, I’m sure Klaus won’t hesitate.”
She watched, as he left.
Hayley whom had been standing at the threshold of the living room, looked at Katherine.
“There isn’t much I can say, but take care of Hope. If anything happens to her, I’ll hold you responsible.”
“I’ll take care of your daughter. If anything tries to hurt her, they’ll have to go through me first and obviously, Klaus too. Don’t worry. I may have tried to kill you back in Mystic Falls when I was a vampire still, but one, I’ve changed somewhat and two, I’d never harm a child no matter who the parents are. A person isn’t defined by who their parents are. A person is defined by who they are and what they’ve done. Go have your happiness with Elijah. Hope couldn’t be more safe.”
Hayley left, trusting Katherine with Hope. If what she said was true, then Katherine would die for Hope. She didn’t have anything to fear. All she had to do was go be happy with Elijah for as long as they stayed happy with each other. After all, she knew that Katherine and Elijah had once been together. It was somewhat of a miracle that Katherine was just letting them go without a fight and instead, giving them her blessing to be happy together.
After everyone had left, Katherine was the one that put Hope to bed whom asked for a story, so she told her a story. Once she was asleep, she left the room and silently closed the door, before going downstairs.
She reentered the living room where Klaus was.
“So, which room am I staying in?” she inquired, ready to go to bed herself.
He looked at her.
“You can pick whatever room you wish, luv. Or you may also stay with me in my room.”
“I think I’ll pass on staying with you for a while, but maybe next time,” she replied, before going upstairs and going to bed in the room between Hope and Klaus’ room. This way she’d know if Hope needed her and Klaus would know if Kat was in trouble one way or another. This way they could look after each other.
After a few months of being together, almost as a family, she and Klaus found love in each other. And so, they ended up together and his siblings, apart from Freya, left town and had happiness that they desired. Klaus and Katherine had happiness too and they moved back into the compound once it was fixed up and Marcel had been turned back into a normal vampire and killed. And so, they all got a happy ending. At least, for now.