A/N: Got this idea from reading a fic where Kat gets pregnant with Elijah's child.
It was a beautiful day in New Orleans, as Katherine Pierce arrived in New Orleans to visit the Originals; mostly Elijah Mikaelson. She was well prepared, since she had asked some sources of hers what was going on in New Orleans, before actually entering the town. She didn't want to be caught off guard or get caught by someone or something for being in New Orleans after less than 100 years. Less than 100 years ago, she had been in New Orleans, but it had been different back then. It had been under construction; the aftermath of Mikael's wrath. So far, she was able to find out that Hayley Marshall, the wolf she had tried to kill once, was pregnant with Klaus' spawn. It didn't make her happy that it was Klaus' child, but she was glad it wasn't Elijah's, or she'd be royally peeved off. She also knew that all three Originals were living back at the compound now.
Once she had parked her SUV in front of the compound, she turned her car off and got out, before going to the door and knocking. There was definitely more than a few vampires here right now. She sensed a whole bunch of vampires and one wolf. That wolf had to be Hayley. She was the only wolf allowed in the French Quarter. Someday though, Kat was going to change that. She didn't care who was King of the French Quarter. The wolves had the right to live at peace in the French Quarter; not be banished for the rest of their lives out in the Bayou.
As soon as he opened the door, she had to swallow her pride and keep him from sensing her ever present fear of him.
"Katerina. What an unpleasant surprise. I'm afraid you've come at the wrong time. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
He started to close it, but she stopped him with a hand.
"I didn't come to see you, Klaus. Besides, I can always get someone else that owns this place to invite me in," she threatened. "Please, Klaus."
"No. Good-bye, Katerina."
"Let her in, Klaus," Hayley said from where she stood at the bottom of the stairs, realizing what was going on. "Don't be so rude. She came here all the way from who knows where. You can at least let her in."
"Fine," Klaus said irritatingly.
He opened the door.
"Come in," Hayley invited her.
Klaus stepped aside and Kat walked inside, leaving Klaus to close the door himself.
Kat looked at the wolf.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. What are you doing here?" she said.
"For once, I came to see if it was true, which looks like it is. Two, I came to see Elijah, since Klaus has a habit of daggering his siblings."
"Well, it's true, so you can go find Elijah. Our home is yours as long as you need a place to stay."
"Thank you, Hayley," she said.
Half way up the stairs, she looked down at the wolf.
"Oh, and don't be afraid to ask me if you need help with the pregnancy. Klaus may not approve, but I know a little something about pregnancies."
"Thank you, Katherine."
"You're welcome."
Hayley and Klaus watched her disappear up the stairs to go find the elder Mikaelson.
Half way down the hall, she ran into Rebekah coming from her bedroom.
"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" she demanded, as soon as she saw her.
"Hayley let me in. As I already informed your backstabbing brother, I'm not here to see you. I'm only here for Elijah. At least, one person has manners around here," Katherine replied, before passing her as quickly as she could, without using her vampire speed. She didn't want a confrontation with Rebekah.
When she finally found the Original she was searching for, he was in his room. She could tell by the scent from behind the closed door. Since she, like Elijah, believed in not entering someone else's space without permission, she knocked; Especially, when that person was an Original vampire of 1,000 years.
"Come in," he said from his bedroom.
When she walked in and closed the door behind herself for possible privacy, she saw that he was at his desk writing something down on a piece of paper.
He looked up and was surprised to see who it was.
"Katerina?" he questioned. "What brings you to New Orleans?"
"It's boring in Mystic Falls, so I came to New Orleans to pay you a visit. Hayley seems to be the only one with manners around here apart from you."
"So you've met the girl carrying Klaus' child," he stated.
"I have. I knew her back in Mystic Falls, but we didn't have the best relationship. I also came to see for myself if it was true, which I saw for myself actually is true. Klaus seems to have gotten more aggressive lately. I assume it's because he's going to have a child and he actually wants to be a father."
She sat down in a chair in front of his desk.
"Is that the only reason that you came?"
"I also came to make sure that you were okay."
"Thank you, Katerina, but I'm fine. We're just having a disagreement that should be resolved soon."
"What kind? Maybe I can help you."
"Niklaus thinks that war is the best way to go to win back this city that was once ours. I think otherwise."
"Well, maybe Hayley and I can speak to Klaus. Give him some reason to not start an all-out war. It wouldn't be in Hayley or the child's best interest. I should know. I've been there before and it's not fun."
"What do you mean, Katerina?"
"You don't know my past of why I came to England. My family banished me, because I had an illegitimate daughter. I never got to name or hold her, because my father took her from me and I couldn't find her anywhere. I went back for her when she was about eight in 1498, but I couldn't find her. Then, recently, she came to Mystic Falls. Her name is Nadia Petrova. She asked to be turned so she could find me."
"Then why aren't you with her now?"
"Because I told her to stay behind to make sure that nothing happens to Caroline or the others. She'll call me if anything happens. Besides, we have forever to do some mother-daughter bonding."
"Well, if you'll be staying, Katerina, you can either stay with me in here or sleep in one of our guest bedrooms we have available."
"If you'd like, I'd prefer to sleep in here with you."
"Welcome to the French Quarter then, Katerina."
"Thank you. I won't be a problem here."
Kat headed out of his room, closing the door behind herself, and headed downstairs with the sound of someone throwing something violently and Klaus and Rebekah yelling at each other. She could tell already that this was going to be a long eight or nine months, depending on how long she decided to stay and how far along Hayley was right now.
She walked into the parlor where they were having their spat and leaned against the entrance, watching for a few minutes, before taking about three steps into the room.
"Did you forget that some people need quiet around here? If you're going to yell this loud, you should take it outside so Hayley doesn't have to hear this constantly. I, for one, can handle it, but some people would love silence. Is that too much to ask?" she said to them.
They looked at her.
"And who appointed you boss?" Rebekah asked her with a glare and bad attitude.
"I hate to say it, but Katerina has a point. It's safe to say that I've won the argument. I'm going."
"And where exactly are you going?" Kat asked curiously.
"If you must know, I'm off to settle some business with Marcel."
"He's still alive? Last I heard he was a nobody until he magically became King of this city. Have fun winning against Marcel."
Without a reply to her, he headed out the door.
Rebekah looked at her curiously.
"What do you know about Marcel?"
"Just a few things. We were allies once, but all I know is that he was a nobody and he loved you and all, but got caught in between you and Klaus. I guess some time after Mikael burned the city to the ground, he became King. How he did that, I don't know. I was too busy with other things to pay attention to any of my allies."
"If you must know, Marcel wasn't just a vampire. He was once like family to Nik. He saved Marcel when he was a slave and raised him like he was his son. He made him like himself. Marcel and I were in love, but Nik didn't like it. No one was ever good enough for me in Nik's eyes. He took away every happiness I had. Just because we were in love, and to punish us both, Nik daggered me for a century, before he finally undaggered me."
"I'm sorry, Rebekah. I didn't know," was all Kat could say to that. She knew what it was like to not have any happiness. Klaus took that away from her when he slaughtered her village, including her family, and whenever he got between her and Elijah being in love.
When Klaus didn't come home later that night, and while his sister and brother were at home and Hayley was in her room asleep, Kat decided to go out and make sure Klaus was okay and wasn't going on a rampage or anything.
As the 500 year old vampire walked, she used her senses to locate Klaus, having known his scent after 500 years of running and hiding from him. She'd know his scent anywhere, no matter where she was. And right now, his scent was quite strong at Marcel's compound. So were Marcel's and other vampires' scents.
When she walked into the room, it was horror. He was chained up with eyes blazing the color of yellow like a wolf's in rage, but she knew he was unable to get free, no matter how much he tried. And beyond the rage, she knew that he was afraid that Marcel would win and that the child and Hayley wouldn't live to see another day. She knew she had to save him. She had to help Klaus, no matter what an ass he could be and was most days.
At vampire speed, she grabbed Marcel from behind, arm around his throat, other hand holding a piece of wood to the middle of his chest.
"Let Klaus go!" she yelled over the noise.
They all turned to see her.
"Let him go, or I swear I'll kill Marcel and then the rest of you lot. Unless you have a death sentence, I'd do what I tell you to if I were you. I'm 500 years old. You don't want to mess with me."
"Do it," Marcel said to them, knowing Katherine well enough that she wasn't bluffing about killing him just to save the Original hybrid.
She didn't let go of Marcel until Klaus was unchained.
Once he was unchained and she let Marcel go, she said, "Get out of here. All of you," in which they obeyed. Then she turned to Marcel and said, "This is for Klaus," before snapping his neck and then vamp-speeding towards the hybrid.
She knelt at his side where he lay on his back on the floor from everything he had just been through.
"Hey," she said gently. "Klaus, can you hear me?"
She rested gentle hands on either side of his face, being ever so careful and very cautious. He had just been through hell with Marcel and his vampires. She wasn't going to become his chew toy to get rid of the rage.
She looked down at him and sighed. He looked weak after the torment he had gone through today. Not only that, but he was out cold now, probably due to the adrenaline ceasing to exist at the moment. She had to get him home.
As she took her hands away from his face and put an arm around him, getting both of them to their feet, using her vampire strength and body weight to hold him up, she suddenly felt how warm he was now. And she knew it wasn't because he was half werewolf. It was because of something else.
As she headed out of Marcel's compound and on the route to the Mikaelson family home, she used her free hand to call his sister.
"What do you want, Katherine?" she asked.
"Your brother got into some trouble. I need you to meet me at the door."
"What kind of trouble?"
"Marcel and his vampires thought it would be fun to chain him up and torture him. I don't know if they did anything else or not, because that's all I saw. If Marcel asks where I am, it's because I threatened to kill him if they didn't let him go. He may be my enemy of 500 years, but no one deserves that; not even Klaus himself."
"I'll meet you there," Rebekah said, before hanging up. She'd be having some nasty words with Marcel tomorrow when she got the chance. No one messed with her brother but her.
When Katherine got to the door, Rebekah opened it and then went to his other side and put an arm around him to help her, as she closed the door. So, together, they got him to his room and in bed.
"I'll stay with him. You should get some sleep," Katherine said to her, before sitting on his bedside.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure. I'm the one that saved him. I should be the one that he sees. I'm pretty sure he saw me with Marcel before he collapsed. He was pretty peeved off enough that he was about ready to let his werewolf side out."
Rebekah closed the door behind herself and headed for her room.
Kat went to his bathroom and grabbed a couple wash cloths and a bowl she filled with cool water to cool him down. She didn't like how warm he was. It almost scared her.
When she was seated on his bedside again, she set the bowl down and gently layed the cool wet wash cloth on his forehead. She then damped the other wash cloth and used it for his face, being gentle and cautious still. He was out cold, but she didn't know when he'd wake up. She knew she was taking her chances in being so close to the one hybrid that would kill her if given a chance to do so.
A few minutes later, as she continue to damp the wash cloth on his face, he started to stir. She didn't stop, though. She had to cool him down and he was very warm. She was almost considering telling Elijah. She knew she'd have to, if Rebekah hadn't already.
"Katerina," he said softly. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. We may not see eye to eye, but I wouldn't wish you dead. Not anymore."
"You should go now. I'll be fine."
"No. I don't think you're fine, Klaus. You're burning up."
"You've done what you can for me already."
"I'm not leaving you like this. Did they give you wolfsbane?" she said, wolfsbane being the only thing she knew of that would cause him to burn up.
A moment later, a slice of pain went through him and he gripped the side of his bed with his right hand and clenched his teeth, as to not let her know how much pain he was in.
She set the wash cloth down on the end table and put gentle hands on either side of his face, looking down at him.
"It's okay. We'll find a cure. I won't let this continue to happen to you," she said to him, before letting go of him.
The pain slowly went away, but he still felt weak and warm. He was hungry too, but he wouldn't ask Katerina to do more than what she already was doing for him.
"I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't go anywhere," she said, before leaving him in the room to go over to her and Elijah's room.
She walked in.
"I was beginning to wonder if you were going to join me or not," Elijah greeted her, seated in a chair reading a book.
"We have to talk. Something happened at Marcel's compound with Klaus. I think Klaus was wolfsbaned. He's burning up and having some pain. I'm doing what I can, but someone needs to find out what the cure is for wolfsbane."
He set the book down on the table by the chair and got up to follow her to his brother's room.
She sat on his bedside and went back to damping the wash cloth onto his face.
"I'll stay with him, while you go do what you have to," she told her lover.
"I'll be back as soon as I can," he told her, before vanishing from sight.
She looked down at Klaus and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He was in so much pain, she knew. She also knew that he hated looking so helpless in front of her. She knew he was used to being strong and high and mighty; not weak and helpless and in so much pain like he was right now.
"Relax. Rest. You need to restore your strength and that won't happen if you don't rest," she said, being gentle.
As he looked up at her, he wondered what had happened to the old Katerina; the one that hated him so much that she wanted him dead. This was a new Katerina that he had never seen before. She was being kind to him in his time of need. Not wanting to ponder on it much longer, he closed his eyes to rest as Katerina had told him to.
When Elijah came back with the cure that Eve, one of Hayley's pack members in the Bayou gave him, it was dawn. Katerina was asleep in a chair in front of Klaus' bed, the bed being her pillow for her head, arms encircling her head. His brother was also asleep, but he had to give him the cure as quickly as possible.
"Klaus," he said softly, not wanting to wake Katerina up.
He sat on Klaus' left bedside with the cure.
"Klaus," he said again to wake him.
"I found the cure," he informed his younger brother
"Thank…you," he said, feeling weak and drained. He wondered if this was how Sweet Caroline had felt like when she had been bitten by Tyler Lockwood a few years ago.
Elijah helped him sit up and then Klaus took the mug and drank it.
While Klaus was drinking the cure, Elijah went to the other side of Klaus' bed and gently, without waking her, picked Katerina up in his arms and vanished with her.
When he was in their room by the bed, he gently layed her down in bed and tucked her in, before lightly kissing her on the forehead. Then, since he hadn't slept yet, he went to bed, knowing that his brother would be okay.
When Katherine woke up, she was in bed, but Elijah wasn't in sight. She could hear Rebekah yelling at someone in the hallway, though. She could tell that it was Klaus she was yelling at again, considering it was his scent she smelled. Then, realizing that she was feeling warm, sweaty and weak and her vision was dim, she took the covers off herself and set her jacket on the chair, before stumbling for the door, fear seeping through her, realizing that sometime last night, Klaus had unintentionally bitten her somewhere. And just as she got to the door, she heard Rebekah leave the house and couldn't smell Klaus in the hall anymore.
Once out of the room, she headed for the stairs, supporting herself by keeping a hold of the railing.
"Klaus," she said, hoping he'd hear her and pay attention. "Klaus," she said again, as she made it down the first step.
"What is it luv?" she heard him ask.
Just as she saw him come, her legs started to collapse on her.
At the sight of her, he realized that he had bitten her. She'd slept all day yesterday and until the middle of the afternoon today, so he made the conclusion that while he was unwell, he had bitten her without him knowing it.
As she collapsed, he blurred towards her to catch her.
He caught her just in time, as she blacked out. He then picked her up in his arms and layed her down in Elijah's bed.
"Stay with me, Katerina," he pleaded, hating himself for not being cautious around her, while he had been unwell.
Her skin became an unnatural pale color, as he gently sat on her bedside and sat her against him.
He bit his wrist, as her breathing became too slow for his liking. He then gently positioned her head back and put his wrist to her lips, forcing his blood down her throat. They had all thought that she had just been exhausted from taking care of him all night. He didn't even recall biting her, but it was there on her lower arm not far from her left wrist. And as he fed her the cure from his wrist, it started to heal and disappear. Then he sighed in relief when her breathing and color started to return to normal.
When he was convinced that she wasn't gonna die from the bite, he took his wrist away and it instantly healed, as did her wound. He then layed her back down and stayed there, waiting for her to wake up.
When Katerina came to half an hour later, she was back in bed with Klaus seated on her bedside, looking down at her.
"You're awake," he greeted.
"Thanks," she said to him, sitting up in bed and looking at him.
"Let's keep this between you and me. My siblings don't need to know that I bit you, though I don't recall doing it."
"You're not the only one," she replied and agreed with him to keep it from them.
Later that night, when she and Elijah were in bed with the door closed, everyone else asleep, they had some intimacy and bliss. They needed happiness and to unwind after today's events and the events of the previous night.
A few days later, Katherine started to feel sick and kept having what felt like an upset stomach. So, she decided to test her theory of why she was feeling this way, though she knew that vampires couldn't procreate. If it was true, it would be a miracle to her. She'd be able to have a child and actually be that child's mother. It would be her second chance at raising her child. She knew who the father would be, since Elijah was the only one she'd had intimacy with. So, she got a pregnancy test and sure enough, she was pregnant.
She left it on the counter in her and Elijah's bathroom and stood outside their room.
"Elijah, I need to tell you something. Could you spare a moment?" she said, not needing to yell, since everyone except Hayley were vampires in this household.
Elijah came up the stairs to stand in front of her.
"What is it, Katerina?"
"I'll show you."
He followed her to their bathroom, wondering what she had to show and tell him.
She picked up the pregnancy test and showed him.
"I'm pregnant. I don't know how that's possible, but I am."
It was surprising to them both, but they were both very happy indeed.
They smiled at each other.
"What's all this about good news?" Rebekah questioned from their doorway to their room.
"You're about to be an aunt to two kids," Kat informed her.
"I'm happy for you, then," Rebekah replied, before walking away. She wished that it was herself getting pregnant instead of Katherine, but she knew that they both deserved to be happy after everything Klaus had done to both of them. She wasn't going to get in the way of their happiness.
"I think your sister is feeling a little left out," Kat commented to Elijah.
"I think you're quite right," he replied back.
"So, should I break the news to Klaus, or do you want to?"
"I have some things to do today, so you should break the news to him while he's in a good mood."
He gave her a kiss, before vanishing.
She hoped Elijah was right about Klaus being in a good mood. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't be very happy that his former doppelganger was also having a child.
She took out her phone and called him, since he was out meeting with some witches.
"Katerina," he greeted. "What can I do for you?"
"Elijah's busy today, so he said that it should be me to break the news to you. You know I've been feeling under the weather lately. Well, I remembered how it felt like before, so I got a pregnancy test. I'm pregnant with Elijah's child. I don't know how I got pregnant, since vampires can't procreate, but it happened. It's a miracle. It's my second chance to do the right thing."
"That's magnificent, but I didn't know you had a child."
"Yes; I did. Before I even met any of you Originals, I had a child out of wedlock. That's why my family banished me and disowned me. She recently found me. She's a vampire now. Even though I didn't raise her since my father took her from me just moments after she was born, I'm proud of her. She chose the right path. In most ways, she's better than I ever will be. She apparently asked to become a vampire to go find me. She's been searching for me for less than 500 years. Her name's Nadia Petrova."
"I'm sorry for what he did. No one should be separated from their child no matter what," he sympathized with her.
"Thank you, Klaus," she said, before hanging up.
The next person she called was Hayley who was on her way to the clinic in the Bayou. A witch, Agnes, the only living elders, was with her.
When Hayley answered, she explained to her what she and Elijah had just found out today, in which Hayley congratulated her on. She was thrilled for them. She knew how much the child meant to them already. She didn't know them that well, but she was pretty sure that Katherine's child was a miracle child; much like her and Klaus' child was.
That night, when Hayley hadn't come back yet, Katherine decided to head towards the Bayou to make sure she was okay. And as she headed that way, she got a text from Hayley that said that she was in trouble.
On my way, the vampiress texted back to the werewolf.
As soon as she arrived in the Bayou, she could sense a bunch of vampires. And as she raced through the Bayou woods, she let her senses keen in on where Hayley was.
When she found her, she was being grabbed by a male vampire and Hayley was trying to get it off her.
At vamp speed, she was behind him and tore out his heart, which made him drop dead. She then dropped his heart by his body and turned to Hayley.
"You might wanna run. I'm gonna stay behind and finish these guys off. Just get to safety."
At that, Hayley ran for her life, as vampires started to come towards Katherine.
"Come and get me, morons," Katherine urged them.
A moment later, vampires were falling by the hands of Katherine, left and right. It wasn't hard, because she was 500 years old. She was much older than these vampires. She knew she'd have to stay away from Marcel after this, though. If he found out that she had killed his nightwalkers, he'd be searching left and right for her to make her pay for breaking one of his rules. She didn't care right now, though. All she cared about was making sure that Hayley made it safely back to the compound; preferably without Marcel's vampires coming after her to kill her or anything.
Suddenly, a few minutes later, she felt pain, as an arrow went through her, after all the vampires had gotten their hearts ripped out. Then she felt the ground beneath her and everything went started to go black for her.
"Katherine!" she heard someone yell, but couldn't tell who it was. All she knew was that it was either Hayley or Rebekah. They were the only ones in the family that ever called her by her present day name.
Rebekah ran towards her to help her, as she blacked out with an arrow in her chest.
She knelt down beside her and pulled the arrow out. She knew she'd be okay, since the arrow had just grazed her heart. The only reason Rebekah was there was because Hayley had informed her of the situation, once she had found the Original on her way back to the compound.
With Original vampire strength, she gently picked her up and vanished with her.
When Katherine woke up, she was in her room with Rebekah leaning against a wall, looking at her. She realized then that Rebekah had saved her tonight. She also realized that what had made her black out wasn't the arrow. It was what had been in the arrow. She knew this feeling. It was too familiar. She had been vervained.
Katherine sat up in bed and looked at the Original sister.
"Is Hayley okay?"
"She's fine thanks to you. You need to be more careful, or you're going to wind up in a worst case scenario."
"It's not my fault that Hayley's the one that told me that vampires were after her. She apparently wanted me to rescue her instead of you guys."
"I'm just saying to be careful, because now we have to dispose of those vampire bodies that you left us."
"I'm sorry, but what was I supposed to do? Snap their necks and leave them there to wake up and then tell Marcel that I was in the Bayou rescuing a pregnant werewolf? Yeah, that would've gone well."
"Well, it would've been better than having to burn a bunch of bodies all night."
"Just go away and let me sleep," Kat replied, before laying down again to sleep the vervain off.
"Fine. See it your way," Rebekah commented, before closing the door behind herself.
A few days later, when she was upstairs reading a book, the Original siblings gone to take care of something, Hayley in the living room, she started to feel some pains from her stomach and some light-headedness. That's when she knew that something was happening to her. She knew that this had to be the work of a witch or more. After all, she knew witches. Then, a moment later, she started to feel an urge and quickly went to the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet to throw up. Then, after she had cleaned up and flushed the toilet, she leaned against the counter and looked at herself.
"Hayley!" she called from the bathroom, as the light-headedness got worse.
A few minutes later, the werewolf was there at the door to the bathroom.
"What's wrong?" Hayley asked her.
"I think there's a witch trying to kill my child. I need you to call Klaus and Elijah, while I go lay down, before it gets worse. Believe me, I know witches. This is a spell," she said to her.
Hayley left the bedroom to go call the Original brothers, while Kat started towards the bed to lay down, as she started to feel quite warm. She almost fell, but caught herself by grabbing a hold of the end table. And at that moment was when Hayley came back.
When she saw her, she went over to her and helped her lay down in bed.
"I need you to get a cool wet wash cloth for my forehead. It's going to get worse soon."
Hayley went to the bathroom to do as she was told. She too knew what was happening, but she didn't say anything to Katherine about it.
That night, Katherine lay in bed burning up, eyes closed, hoping for the best. Hayley had informed her earlier that Klaus and Elijah had gone to ask Sophie about it who had told her that it was Agnes.
From outside the closed the door, she heard Elijah and Hayley.
"How's she doing?"
"Worse," Hayley replied.
"I'll take her outside. We need to get her cooled down as quickly as possible."
A moment later, she heard the door open and sensed him at her bedside.
"Katerina," he greeted her.
"Elijah," she said softly through the pain she was going through, though she could barely feel it now, which frightened her. She figured either the witch was succeeded in killing her and Elijah's child, or she herself was dying.
"I'm going to take you to the pool in the back. I need to get you cooled down," he told her," as he gently pulled her into his arms.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, as he did so. Then, a moment later, she felt air, as he vamp-sped out the back to the pool.
When she felt water under her, she opened her eyes and looked up at him.
"Ready?" he questioned.
"Always," she replied.
He gently and slowly lowered her into the water, her still in his arms.
She gasped in pain, as the pain came.
When the pain ceased and she felt like herself again, he set her on her feet in the pool and they both waded back to the edge of the pool. He was the first to get out and held out his hand, in which she took, helping her out.
"Thank you, Elijah," she said to him.
"You're welcome, Katerina. I'll see you later. I have a witch to put in her place."
She watched him vanish, before going to the door, in which Hayley and Rebekah followed.
Later that night, after Elijah had killed Agnes for trying to kill his child, Klaus and Elijah headed back home.
A few months later, after Klaus had succeeded in becoming King of the French Quarter, they had to figure out how the hell to kill Celeste without her jumping into another body. Then, after that happened, they had to find a way to save Hayley from actually dying, which ended in Kat being the one to help her back to her body, since Kat was descended from Travelers and knew the spell to do so.
A few nights later, Klaus was attacked by Genevieve in the bar. He was weak because of giving his blood for the Moonlight rings for the wolves, so he couldn't fight back. But Kat could.
Katherine walked into the bar and through Genevieve away from him and against a wall with her Traveler magic.
"How dare you threaten an Original; Especially, Klaus," she said in almost a growl to the witch, as she went to stand between Genevieve and Klaus so she wouldn't do any more damage to him.
"You of all people are protecting him? He slaughtered your entire family, Katherine. How could you side with him?"
"Because I've forgiven him. Now stay away from us or you'll die next time one of us sees you around," Katherine threatened her, before walking over to Klaus.
Even though Katherine was almost as pregnant as Hayley, she was still able to put an arm around Klaus, helping him to his feet, and help him out of the bar.
"Hayley," he said to her.
"She's fine. Those witches will never hurt her or Hope ever again."
"How'd you learn that?"
"I learned that I'm descended from Travelers, so I just started looking up Traveler spells and memorizing them."
"Thank you, Katerina."
"You're welcome," she replied to him.
The next day, since she was getting close to her date of giving birth, she phoned up Nadia to inform her of what was going on. Then, the day after, Nadia came to be with her mother, which didn't work out that well, since Marcel found out about Nadia and captured her to teach Katherine a lesson for one, threatening his life; and two, killing all of those vampire friends of his. At the end of the day though, Elijah and Katherine stopped him and rescued Nadia. Nadia then went to stay at the Mikaelson home and Marcel was never seen or heard from ever again.
One month later, on a full moon, Katherine Pierce gave birth to a baby girl, in which she and Elijah chose to name Kalina Petrova Mikaelson.