Summary: Set in Originals 5x3 when Klaus tried to get Elijah to come home with him and so on. What if, after Kat appears after escaping a prison world, instead of having ever ended up in hell, she stumbled upon the scene that was happening between them? What will happen? Can Kat stop Elijah and get his memories back?
It was a dismal night at the empty club, as Elijah and Klaus stood in front of each other.
“We made a vow. Always and forever,” Klaus told him.
“You’re talking about someone else’s life,” Elijah replied.
“No! This is still your life! You have responsibilities! You can’t just abandon them for a fairytale playing piano in the French countryside!”
“Do you think I’m going to stand here and watch you destroy everything that I built here?” Elijah questioned him.
“You honestly think you have a choice?” Klaus questioned. He attempted to snap his neck, but Elijah through him across the room and Klaus landed on the floor after falling off a table. Klaus looked at him from the floor. “You have no idea the risk I’m taking simply being here. There are consequences to us being together. Don’t you see?”
“So, leave!” Elijah yelled at him.
“I would have never come if the circumstances weren’t dire,” Klaus replied to him.
“I don’t care. Your reasons don’t matter to me.”
“So, Hayley’s life isn’t worth saving? Hope’s life isn’t worth saving? Please, Elijah. Hayley is missing. Hayley. Even in your state, that name must mean something to you.”
“No more than the name Mikaelson,” Elijah told him.
Klaus pinned him to a table with a hand around his throat.
“We are your family! You love us. You love me.”
Antoinette snuck up behind Klaus and temporarily killed him with a piece of wood through his heart, but he quickly recovered. They were in a back room when he appeared and after threatening Antoinette, told Elijah, “Please. I’m begging you, brother. You may not think you know me or Kol or Rebekah or Freya or Hope or even Hayley, but we are your family.” Klaus approached where they stood, standing in front of Elijah. “Everyone you love needs you now.”
“Everyone I love is right here,” Elijah insisted. “Don’t waste your breath. I know exactly who I am. See, I ran into Marcel Gerard a few years ago in New York City. Did he tell you about that? I didn’t recognize him of course, but he did say my name, and that was all I needed to learn about my former life. I don’t have all the memories, but I know about you. Rebekah, Kol, Freya, Hope, and even Hayley. And I don’t care about any of you.”
“You may have a wealth of knowledge at your disposal. Facts, figures, names and dates, but you lack all the feelings. The love and the loyalty. A thousand years of family!”
“Elijah Mikaelson spent every day of his wretched life trying to save you from yourself. I mean, I can’t even imagine how miserable. From what I understand, that poor bastard was lucky to find even a moment of pleasure. That’s not me. That’s not who I am.” He turned around to look at Antoinette. “I love this life. I love it all. I love the quiet of the night. The taste of my prey when I embrace their true demise. I worship every single dawn I spend here. Here where I am truly, truly loved.”
“Such poetry, but it means nothing,” Klaus said. “Without family; without purpose. You were not unhappy. You were a king amongst men. We both were, standing shoulder to shoulder, through the ages. We had glorious times together. Please, Elijah.”
Before Elijah could say anything, a new voice spoke. She was human and had just escaped a prison world she’d ended up in after she’d died all those years ago. She’d overheard everything and was sad on the inside to hear him speak like that towards Klaus after so long of being at his side and being devoted.
“That’s not really true, Elijah,” she stated, and went to stand next to Klaus, not afraid of him. She then looked at Klaus. “I guess you thought you’d seen the last of me, didn’t you? Sorry to disappoint. I simply ended up in a prison world. Let me guess. Quite some amnesia?”
Klaus was for once in his life, happy to see her. At least he wasn’t alone, since it seemed that she was going to help him with Elijah.
“Quite. He let Marcel compel always and forever away seven years ago,” Klaus informed her.
“Well, I can fix that. I had a daughter too once. She and I reunited when I was dying of old age. Nadia told me that I’m descended from Travelers, so I learned a few things before I died and in the prison world, I learned some other things,” she informed him.
He was surprised at her confession, but didn’t show it.
“Do what you must,” Klaus told her.
“Well, first things first,” she replied. She magically snapped Antoinette’s neck.
“Who are you?” Elijah questioned.
“Someone that you will always love, no matter what. Not even Klaus could keep us apart for 500 years,” she replied. “I’m sorry that I have to do this, but it’s for your own good. You have to remember. Everything.”
She put her hands out towards him, using magic on him, reversing the compulsion on him. She hated that she had to hurt him, but it had to be done as quickly as possible. Klaus clearly needed Elijah immediately.
Half an hour later, she’d finished with undoing the compulsion. Being cautious, she approached him.
He looked at her and then got to his feet.
“What have you done?” he questioned her.
“I’m not going to fight with you. You can be mad at me all you want, but Klaus clearly needs your help. Besides, Klaus and I buried the hatchet years ago. I don’t know what the hell you were up to but while I was dying of old age due to getting the cure shoved down my throat since I was an idiot to take my anger out on Elena, Klaus and Rebekah both knew. He never showed up, but neither did you. I needed you and you weren’t there to save me or even to say your last goodbyes. You could’ve at least called to make sure I was okay, but you never did. And before I died, I learned that I’m descended from Travelers, so I learned some magic along the way while I was looking for a way out of the prison world. Now, you can be angry at me, but right now, Klaus needs you and so do the others. I overheard your conversation. I may not have been a big fan of the wolf girl when I was a vampire, but after everything I went through all those years ago and everything in the prison world, I’ve changed. Just because you’re mad or you wanted to run off forever doesn’t give you the right to abandon the quest to find Hayley. I may be able to help find her, but if there’s anything supernatural that did something to her, then I won’t be able to help much. We need everyone to find her. Nadia spent her entire life motherless. I won’t let that happen to another child, although for me it was against my will. Now, what do you say we all go to New Orleans and find Hayley?” Kat replied to him.
She turned around and looked at Klaus.
“I’ll meet you two at the compound. I’m pretty sure you two have a lot to work out along the way and I don’t want to get between you two. Besides, I’m quite capable of finding my own way there.”
As she began to pass Klaus, he put a hand on her arm, stopping her, and she looked at him.
“Thank you, Katerina. I knew if anyone could get through to him, it would be you. You two always had a connection I never quite understood.”
“You’re welcome,” she replied.
“You can come along with us. We’ll work out what we need to once we’re home.”
She gave a smile at that.
After Antoinette woke up and Elijah left her, the three of them went home to New Orleans. It didn’t take long for them to get home. Then, after filling everyone in, Kat searched around for where Hayley would be at, while Klaus took a car ride with Caroline to find Hope.
Kat was concentrating on doing a mental locator spell, as she walked through town, so she wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings. Because she was concentrating too much on locating where Hayley was instead of what was happening, she didn’t realize that someone was behind her. Then she did realize when the person pinned her against a wall.
“Well, aren’t you a familiar face,” Greta commented.
“I get that a lot,” Katherine replied.
“You have no idea what you’ve done, do you? The Mikaelsons can’t be in the same place without eventually ruining this city.”
“Well, if you let me go, I can fix that.”
“I have a better idea. Looks like my plan has just changed course. We’re moving things up a few notches.”
Kat concentrated and Greta’s hands began to smoke, making her let her go. Kat then kicked her away, but since Greta was a vampire, Kat couldn’t do too much to hurt her, and Greta retaliated on her by feeding on her, but she didn’t kill her.
When Katherine woke up, she was tied with rope to a wooden chair and saw a boy in the room with a girl whom had chains on her wrists and Hayley whom was chained herself. She could hear the girl and Hayley talking the boy down, as she adjusted her vision. She was weak from being fed on, but she wasn’t going to give up.
“This is going to be the only time I say this. Hayley is right. The only reason someone like your mother would want the wolf side of a person laid dormant would be so they can’t defend themselves. Your own mother played you. Now, rope tied to a chair or not, I’ve changed. I’m human but I’m also descended from Travelers, so I’ve got magic. I can get us out of here. I’m going to give you a choice, kid. Let Hayley and Hope go or else. I don’t want to hurt a kid, but if Hope or Hayley are harmed, someone’s going to pay the price. I’ve died before, so I’m not afraid to die. If you let them go, then I’ll stay behind. Nadia spent her entire life without me and then her vampire life searching for me until she found me years ago when I got the cure shoved down my throat. She was motherless because my father saw me as a no-good slut for following my heart instead of the rules of that time. I won’t let Hope be motherless too.”
“My mother wouldn’t do that,” the boy said, not wanting to believe it.
“Fine. You don’t want to believe either of us? Then how about you think about it?” she replied. Though tied, there was some slack so she could use her hands when she used magic. She did some magic to knock him out. Then she pointed her hand towards Hayley doing magic to make the chains start melting.
When the chains were melted and Hayley was free, Kat told them, “Klaus, Elijah, and Caroline are on a hunting trip to look for you two. They don’t know that I’ve been taken too, but go. Before his mother shows up.”
“Elijah?” Hayley asked her.
“Yes. I escaped a prison world and appeared when Klaus was trying to convince Elijah to come home with him. I undid the compulsion Marcel did on him, so he has all his memories. I don’t care what happens to me. You two have to go, though. I don’t want all of this to be for nothing.”
Hayley understood and got the chains off Hope. Then, when she was about to leave with Hope, Greta entered.
Kat watched the fight between Hayley and Greta. She didn’t know how long it had been since Greta had bitten her, but Greta hadn’t cared to heal Katherine, so she was still losing blood from the side of her neck. Watching the fight, her vision went blurry again. Then the door opened and she could hear Klaus and Elijah join what was happening. She couldn’t stay awake for long though, because of the blood loss, and everything went black before the fight had ended.
After Klaus did his thing and killed Greta for everything, he disposed of her body and Hayley and Hope went home. While they all did that, Elijah was more concerned for his Katerina. Although he’d left her, he did still love her even as he loved Hayley. Katerina, he loved much more than Hayley though. Plus, Hayley didn’t need him. Katerina did. Katerina was only human. She couldn’t protect herself, magic or not.
Elijah blurred over to stand in front of her. Then he broke the ropes in two, freeing her, and gently picked her up out of the chair. He knelt on the floor with her in his arms and, with crook of arm supporting her head, he bit his wrist and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat. He hoped she could digest it. He didn’t know if she could drink vampire blood after what she said that she’d gone through after he’d left.
“Stay with me, Katerina,” he pleaded. “I won’t lose you again. Forgive me, Katerina. I’m so sorry.”
When the wound was healed and gone, he gently picked her up in his arms and went home with her.
When Katherine woke up, she saw that she was in bed with Elijah seated on her bedside.
She slowly sat up in bed and gave a smile.
“You saved me.”
He gave a smile back.
“Did you ever doubt that I would?”
“Well, to be honest, I wasn’t sure if I knew anymore.”
“I had every intention of coming back when I could. I’m sorry you went through that,” he replied, a hand on the side of her face.
“Well, I think New Orleans is a good place to start if you’d rather start over with us. I know you’ll never leave this city and I once called this city a short-term home until I left, while you guys were off doing things across the world.”
“That would be marvelous, Katerina.”
It was such a moment, that they kissed, symbolizing that they were now back together again. This time for good.