Summary: Set in Originals S3. Katherine ends up in New Orleans after escaping from the 1994 prison world, as well as Kai. After Klaus finds out, what will happen? Will he kill her, leave her be, or welcome her to the compound? Will a bond more than friendship grow between them?502Please respect copyright.PENANACSYN2cqtzy
It was a dismal night in New Orleans, as an injured Katherine limped, heading for the compound, needing help. She had just come back from the 1994 prison world. She was injured and had lost a lot of blood because of Kai, but she was determined to get to the compound before she let the darkness consume her.
Upon finding the compound, she let herself in, not knowing what she was walking in on, but hoping someone would be home and help her.
When she walked in, Klaus was drinking a bottle of Bourbon and had his back up against a wall.
He looked at her.
"Well, well; look who's back. You're a sight for sore eyes."
"And you look terrible too," she commented, as she limped towards where he stood. "Look, Klaus, I know we've never seen eye to eye, but it looks to me like we need each other now. If you heal me, I'll help you in any way I can," she added, as she stood in front of him.
He was silent for a moment, before finally saying, "Fine, luv," and setting his bottle down on the floor.
A moment later, she found herself surrounded in darkness.
As she collapsed, he caught her from hitting the floor with an arm holding her up, a hand between her shoulder blades.
"I've got you, luv."
He gently picked her up in his arms and layed her down on the couch in the parlor. He then bit his wrist and put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat to heal her.
A few minutes later, after her wounds were healed, he took his wrist away which instantly healed. He then blurred to his room with her in his arms and layed her down in his bed.
He sat down at her bedside, waiting for her to wake up.
When she came to, she knew that he had healed her.
She gave a smile.
He smiled back.
"What happened to you, luv?" he asked, curious.
She slowly sat up in bed.
"I'll tell you if you tell me what happened here after."
"Deal," he agreed.
She told him the cliff notes and he told her his.
"I guess we're both alone then," she commented.
"That we are, luv," he agreed.
Because they were both alone in this world, they found an appreciation and understanding for each other now. They were both alike, whether they wanted to admit it or not, or wanted to be or not. It was like something was bringing them together.
It was such a moment they shared, that they suddenly found themselves making out on his bed, him on top.
A few months later, they had fallen in love. She had even become a mother to Hope and they were no longer alone.