A/N: I got this idea from pming with a writer that is also a TVD and TO fan, about how it would've been cool if Katherine was the one to get pregnant and come into The Originals, and for there to be a love triangle between her, Elijah, and Klaus. So, I hope you enjoy this.
It was a dark night in New Orleans, as Katherine Pierce, formerly known as Katerina Petrova, now newly human, walked through the woods.
Suddenly, she found herself surrounded by some witches. Then they started to chant something.
A moment later, everything went black for her.
When she came to, she was on a bed in a cave-like place.
She got to her feet and went into the front room of the cave-like place where a few witches were at; a less number than what there had been earlier.
They looked at her.
"What's going on?" Katherine asked, knowing witches, having lived 500 years as a vampiress. She knew witches didn't just kidnap people.
"My name's Sophie. We brought you here to keep you safe from Marcel. You could be leverage for him and we can't let that happen."
"Why would I be leverage?"
"Because you're pregnant; it's a special gift that I have."
"I can't be."
"You're wrong," Sophie said.
Katherine sighed. She knew that witches like Sophie were never wrong. How she could be so stupid that night in Mystic Falls, she didn't know. She hadn't known that this would happen, though. It was shocking to her.
"I've called the two Mikaelsons to meet us here," Sophie informed her.
When Klaus and Elijah walked in, Kat was in the other room.
"What have you called us for?" Elijah asked Sophie.
"I have a gift of sensing when a girl is pregnant. There's something you need to know," she replied, looking at both of them.
Katherine walked in from the shadows and stood in front of a wall, hand on her stomach.
"No. It's impossible. This is a lie. You are lying. Vampires can't procreate," Klaus said.
"But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original hybrid; the first of your kind. This pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes."
"You've been with someone else, admit it!" Klaus yelled at Katherine.
"I've been too occupied to be with someone else. It's your child," she calmly replied to him.
"My sister gave up her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm the pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us. We can keep them safe, or we can kill them. If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Katherine won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress."
Katherine looked at Elijah and then Klaus, afraid to die. She had something to live for. She had a daughter back in Mystic Falls named Nadia Petrova. She couldn't just get herself killed by witches. She knew Sophie, though. It was just something she said to get Klaus to consider helping them. But then again, she also knew that Sophie would do anything if she was determined enough to do it. This was very much new to her, getting threatened to death like this by a witch.
"Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself," Elijah said, not wanting any harm to come to Katerina. He had been there for her for over a century. He wasn't going to fail her; not now; not ever.
"No. We can't. Not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules."
Elijah looked at Klaus.
"How dare you command me, threaten me, with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weakness!" Klaus yelled at Sophie. He then said, "I won't hear anymore lies."
"Niklaus! Listen," Elijah said.
With hybrid ears, he heard a heartbeat within Katerina's stomach. He then looked at Katerina and then at his brother and the witches.
"Kill her and the baby. See if I care," Klaus said, before leaving.
"No one touches her. I'll fix this," Elijah said.
Sophie nodded.
They all watched, as he left, before Kat looked at the witches silently.
Klaus was running through a street, when Elijah caught up with him.
"It's a trick, Elijah."
"No, brother. It's a gift. It's your chance-It's our chance."
"To what?"
"To start over. Take back everything we lost, everything that was taken from us. Niklaus, our own parents came to despise us. Our family was ruined-we were ruined. And since then, all you have ever wanted all that we have ever wanted was a family."
"I will not be manipulated."
Klaus turned away, but Elijah sped in front of him a ways away to block his way.
"So they're manipulating you. So what? With them, she and her child-your child-live."
"I'm gonna kill every last one of them."
He shoved Elijah and turned away, but Elijah blocked him again.
"And then what? Then you return to Mystic Falls to resume your life as the hated one, as the evil hybrid? Is it so important to you that people quake with fear at the sound of your name?"
"People quake with fear, because I have the power to make them afraid. What will this child offer me? Will it guarantee me power?"
"Family is power, Niklaus. Love, loyalty-that's power. This is what we swore to one another a thousand years ago, before life tore away what little humanity you had left, before ego, before anger, before paranoia created in this person before me someone I can barely recognize as my own brother. This is us, the Original family, and we remain together, always and forever. I am asking you to stay here. I will help you and I will stand by you. I will be your brother. We will build a home here together. So save her. Save your child."
Elijah placed a hand on Klaus' shoulder.
Klaus brought his own hand to Elijah's neck in a brotherly gesture.
"No," Klaus whispered.
Klaus walked away.
Back at the mausoleum, the witches were talking.
"Marcel and his vampires are out of control. Something had to be done," Sophie said.
"And the solution is to bring in more vampires?" Agnes questioned.
"These aren't just any vampires, Agnes. They're the Originals."
"What makes you think you can control the hybrid?"
Elijah appeared, leaning on the wall.
"She can't. I'm not entirely certain that I can, either. But now that your coven has drawn his ire, I have a question: What prevents my brother from murdering you instead of cooperating?"
Sophie took a needle and showed it to the Original, sticking the needle into her hand.
"Ow!" Kat said.
Elijah looked at Katerina. There was a drop of blood on Katerina's hand, exactly at the same point where Sophie hurt herself.
"What the hell?" Kat said.
"The spell my sister performed; the one that got her killed? It didn't just confirm the pregnancy. It linked me to Katherine. So anything that happens to me, happen to her, which means her life is in my hands. Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you. If I have to hurt Katherine-or worse-to ensure that I have your attention, I will."
"You would dare threaten an Original?" Elijah calmly questioned.
"I have nothing to lose," she replied. "You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind," she added.
Later that night, Elijah spoke to Rebekah on the phone.
"He's willing to give up everything," he informed her.
"Come on, Elijah. Does that really surprise you?"
"I already see it. He's spiraling. He's lashing out in blind rage. You know, the last time I saw him like this it lasted 200 years."
"Then leave him to his temper tantrum and come home. With any luck this misadventure will allow us a reprieve from all of his insanity."
"He was so close. When he heard the baby's heartbeat, I could see it in his eyes. He…he wanted…he could almost taste happiness. And now his temper has destroyed it. Even if I was to return him to sanity, he just lost Marcel's trust. So, I'm almost out of time to get her from the witches."
"Get her? Have you lost your mind? Are we running an orphanage now?"
"Say what you will about Niklaus, but on my life, I'm not letting anything happen to Katerina or that baby."
Back at the mausoleum Agnes, Sabine, and Sophie were speaking, as the church clock tolled.
"His time is up. What are you gonna do now, Sophie?" Agnes questioned her.
"I'm gonna do what I said I was gonna do."
"What? Kill the girl? Kill yourself?" Sabine asked her.
"Klaus doesn't care about the child," Agnes said.
Elijah appeared.
"I do." He came into the mausoleum, carrying the body of Jane-Anne. "And I bring proof of my intent to help you; the body of your fallen friend, which I procured from Marcel myself," he continued.
"Jane-Anne," Sophie said.
"May she be granted peace. Klaus will agree to your terms. I just need a little more time."
"You had your time. It's passed," Agnes said.
"Shut up, Agnes," Sophie said.
"For now, accept the deal. Katerina and the child remain unharmed, or Klaus will kill you all," he told them, before walking away. But then he turned around again and said, "And I will help him."
Klaus held a bottle in his hand, drinking from it, when he heard Elijah come in. Without turning around, he said, "Have I not made it clear my desire to be left alone?"
"Oh, you demand to be left alone at least once a decade. Your words have ceased to have impact."
Klaus through the bottle against the floor, which shattered the bottle.
"Why must you keep harping on about the baby?" he shouted. "That child will never be born. In fact, your precious Katerina is probably dead already."
Elijah sped up to Klaus, holding his hand around his brother's throat.
"You will not walk away from this!" he threatened Niklaus.
"Let. Me. Go," Klaus said angrily.
"I WILL NOT!" Elijah shouted angrily.
Elijah through Klaus against the floor and then heaved him up again, not letting go of him.
"Don't make me say it again," Klaus said.
"I will not let go. I will never let go."
Klaus grabbed Elijah and hurled him against an iron rod fence.
Elijah stood up fast and took one of the iron rods, before walking towards Klaus, holding the rod in his hand.
"Even if I have to spend eternity saving you from your own stubborn, petulant, vile self-" He sped up and hit Klaus with the iron rod. "If I have to beat you, to remind you of your own humanity-" He hit Klaus again. "to care about anything." He tried to hit Klaus again, but Klaus was faster and grabbed the iron rod and hit Elijah with it. Klaus then hurled him a few meters back, where he fell on the ground and stayed down.
Klaus breathed heavily and let the iron rod fall to the ground, before then walking a few steps towards Elijah whom was still on the ground.
"You're beyond pathetic, Elijah."
"Well, who is more pathetic? The one who sees hope to make his family whole, or the coward who only sees the world through his own fear?"
"I haven't cared about anything for centuries. Why on earth do you?"
"Because I failed you. Because the first time our father laid a hand on you, I should have struck him dead. I made a promise to you; always, forever, family above all."
Klaus started to laugh and then reached his hand to his brother.
Elijah took Klaus' hand and stood up.
"You are a sentimental fool," Klaus commented.
"Perhaps. But I've lasted this long in spite of it, haven't I?"
Elijah walked off, as Klaus stood there, thinking.
Klaus was seated on a bench that night.
Elijah took a seat beside him.
"The bond of family blesses us with an immeasurable power. But we also must accept what comes with it. It gives us a responsibility to love without condition, without apology. We can never waver from the power of that bond, even if it's tested. The bond nourishes us, gives us strength. Without that power we are nothing," he told Klaus. And as he told him that, the witches began to put Jane-Anne to rest back at the mausoleum.
"This town was my home once, and in my absence, Marcel has gotten everything that I ever wanted; Power, loyalty, family. I made him in my image, and he has bettered me. I want what he has. I want it back. I wanna be king."
"So is that all this child means to you? A grab for power?"
"What does it mean to you?"
"I think this child could offer you the one thing that you've never believed you had."
"And what's that?"
"The unconditional love of family."
They looked at each other.
"Tell Sophie Deveraux we have a deal," Klaus said.
Later that night, Elijah went back to the mausoleum and promised Katerina the one thing that he had never promised her before.
"I will always protect you. You have my word on that."
The next night, Klaus changed his mind and brought Katerina to the plantation to stay with him and Elijah to protect her. He couldn't protect her if she was among witches; and that, Katherine was thankful for, since it meant that she wouldn't be around witches who were threatening her life. She was finally semi free of those witches. So, without having to be asked, she settled down in a guest bedroom and laid down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, and sighed in relief that she was out of there. She was beginning to think that this child was the beginning of Niklaus' redemption. Caroline Forbes had brought out his humanity back in Mystic Falls. Now this child of his was about to bring out his redemption that she knew Elijah had been hoping would someday come. Maybe there was hope for Klaus after all. Maybe he wasn't the monster that everyone thought he was. At least, not since Caroline had warmed herself into his heart. She would never fully understand Elijah's blind faith in Klaus, but she sort of did understand a little. He was Elijah's brother. Elijah would do anything for Klaus; anything. She didn't understand why, though she figured it had to have something to do with a long ago past she had no knowledge of.
She closed her eyes on the thought of thinking she might finally have peace and that Klaus might finally forgive her for running from him for 500 years.
The next day, she came downstairs and went in search of a kitchen, which she finally found. She had never been inside this house before last night, so she didn't know where everything was at yet. And once in the kitchen, she opened the fridge to see if there might be anything that she could have for breakfast. She wasn't surprised that there wasn't much, but she did find some milk and cereal she could have. She wasn't surprised, considering vampires were living here; not humans. Vampires didn't have to eat human food, but it couldn't hurt them to go shopping for human food, would it? She'd have to speak to them about that once she found where either Elijah or Klaus were at. She figured Klaus was probably plotting against Marcel somewhere, though and Elijah, she knew, could be anywhere.
When she had finished her bowl of cereal, she put it in the sink and then left the kitchen in search of one of them, which wasn't too hard. She found the parlor where Klaus was having a shot glass of what looked to be red wine.
"Sleep well?" he questioned her.
"Matter of fact, yes. Have you not noticed that I'm human and pregnant now? Someone really needs to go shopping for human food, unless you want us to starve to death," she confronted him without fear. She was beyond fearing him these days. The only thing she was afraid of was dying, her child being torn from her arms just as Nadia had been, and of what enemies out there would do to her; especially, once a war started between Marcel and Klaus. She'd be leverage soon enough, she was sure of, which meant that she had to do something to keep from getting herself into danger.
Katherine walked out of the room to go explore the house to get to know it better. If she was going to stay here for nine months, she might as well get to know her surroundings better. It wasn't too big, but who knows what was in this house. She knew Klaus too well. When it came to her, even though he had obliged in protecting her, he could care less. It was the child he was concerned for. Not her. If she died, he wouldn't grieve for her. It would be Elijah that would grieve for her, instead. And even though Elijah had broken up with her before he had gone to New Orleans to help Klaus, she knew he still loved her just like she loved him. They just couldn't totally be together, because then Klaus would do something to either her or Elijah. Klaus was more paranoid and controlling than she had been as a vampire. Whenever they got on his nerves one way or another, Klaus daggered his siblings and put them in coffins until he was ready to pull the dagger out. And because she knew Klaus better than Marcel did even, she figured that once the child was born, he would kill her.
Later that day, after Klaus had gone to meet with Marcel, Katherine left the house to go find an herb shop. She needed a stock of vervain just in case some vampires decided that it would be fun to compel her. She knew vampires way too well, seems how she used to be a 500 year old vampire. Another 500 years and she would've been known as an Original vampire herself; especially, when she was about to become a part of the Mikaelson family. It was like a bad reality TV show once she thought of it like that. The Mikaelson family was torn enough with centuries of hatred and revenge against each other. It didn't need a broken former vampire pregnant with a possible hybrid, too.
Once she had found the shop and bought some vervain, she thanked Katie and attempted to pay her, but Katie refused, saying that it was on her. There were enough supernatural creatures and enough humans got hurt. She didn't want Katherine to be one of those humans. Plus, the witches were supposed to protect her.
It was a dark night, as she walked through the French Quarter on her way back to the house, when she suddenly got a run in with a few vampires that wanted her gone. She had already taken some of the vervain, but had some to spare.
"I'd get out of my way if I were you," she informed the male vampire whom stood in front of her.
"No can do. Marcel's orders."
"Oh, right; because Marcel is such a good guy. Tell Marcel that I said for him to go to hell."
The vampire growled at her, before another arrived behind her.
She turned around to see the other vampire.
Suddenly, just as they were about to attack her, the vampire she had been looking at, dropped did, when Klaus arrived and ripped its heart out of its chest.
"That is no way to treat Katerina," he said, before turning to the other one.
Seeing him, the other vampire fled at vamp speed.
He looked at her.
"May I ask what you're doing in the French Quarter, dear Katerina?"
"I was heading home after buying some vervain to take just in case," she replied.
"Let's go home," he replied to her.
She agreed and they headed home.
Later that night, he disposed of the vampire's body, burning it just outside the plantation home a ways.
Afterwards, he joined Katerina inside the house.
"You should stay inside from now on, Katerina. At least while it's dark outside," he suggested to her. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you or our child."
"So, you're actually admitting that you're going to be a father?" she questioned him.
"Despite what everyone thinks, Katerina, I'm not a total monster. I would never wish harm upon my own child; our child. I don't care what species it is or if it's a girl or a boy. I will always protect you both."
"You and me both," she replied to him. "My first child was torn from my arms. I don't wish for that to happen again. I never even got to name or see her, before my father took her away, and I never saw her ever again. But when Silas came for me the first time, Nadia took me somewhere safe with her and told me who she was. She's a vampire now and I'm glad how she turned out. Whoever raised her up made her a very good person. I don't think she has a mean bone in her body. Unlike some of us," she replied to him, before heading upstairs and towards her bedroom where she was staying at.
He watched her, as she left, glad that if anything happened, she had Nadia to go back to. He hadn't killed her entire family like they had all thought. She still had someone, other than his brother, that she could count on if push came to shove.
The next day, Katherine went for a walk around New Orleans, when she saw Elijah fall in step at her left side.
"If you've come to make sure that I'm okay, I assure you that they didn't hurt me," she informed him.
"Actually, Katerina, I came to thank you for what you did. With your help, you got me back to my siblings. Thank you. I am forever in your debt," he replied to her.
"You're welcome, but anyone that knows you, would've done the same thing. I know how to deal with witches. I've been doing it my whole life. I know how to make deals with them and talk to them without getting on their bad side. It's not that hard. Vampires that don't know me, however, are a different story all together. That vampire deserved what he got. We're all lucky that Klaus got there in time," she replied to her lover.
"Niklaus has come a long way since this miracle happened. I think he sees something of himself in you. What that may be, I will probably never know. You're a good thing for him as well as the child."
"Thank you, Elijah."
"You're welcome, Katerina. Anything for you."
He gave her a kiss on her left cheek.
"I'll see you later. There are things I must take care of."
She smiled, as he walked off to go do whatever it was he had to do this afternoon. When it came to Originals, she didn't always know what they were planning, because sometimes they kept it a secret from her, no matter how much she asked to be filled in. She knew it was because they were just protecting her. They were protecting her and the unborn baby, which she completely understood. She, herself, would do anything to protect herself and her unborn child, too. And she'd die before she let anything happen to the Originals. They were her life line now days. Being human made it so much easier for her enemies to kill her. It made her nervous and scared just thinking about all the possibilities that her enemies could do to her. Being human made her weak, vulnerable, and ultimately useless. She hated that she kept having to rely on vampires and hybrids to protect her, instead of being able to rely on just herself to protect her. For her, it sucked being newly human after being a 500 year old vampire.
The next night, Agnes, the only living elder of the witches, drove her to a clinic out in the Bayou. She had informed both brothers where she would be, before doing so, though. Something about Agnes always made her cautious. She didn't trust her. After all, she had been betrayed by witches she didn't know very well countless times. What was stopping Agnes from betraying her, too? The answer to that question was nothing.
While Kat was seen to about how the child was doing, Agnes waited in the waiting room. But then, after the sea section and when the doctor tried to stab her with a syringe, she had to make a run for it. So, she ran as fast as she could through the darkness of the woods. And as she ran, she took out her IPhone.
I'm in trouble in the Bayou. Hurry, she texted Klaus, before putting her phone away.
Suddenly she heard footsteps of people looking for her, but she knew they weren't of Klaus or Elijah.
A few minutes later, she had to fight a few of them who had found and then attacked her, which she ended up getting hurt from, realizing they were vampires.
After a few more fights, she continued to run for her life blindly. Everything was happening so fast and she couldn't see anything but figures of people and outlines of trees and bushes. She had to buy time until Klaus got there to save her, though. The situation was like d`eja`vu all over again. This time, though, she wasn't running from Originals. She was running from mere vampires; vampires that if she was a vampire again, she could easily take on and win against.
Suddenly, she tripped over something that felt like a twig or small log and fell down a hilly section of the woods, before everything went black for her.
When he arrived in the woods, he immediately went to taking on and killing all the vampires that were after Katerina, before going in search of her. If anything happened to her because of that witch Agnes that he knew had taken her here, he'd see to it himself that she died for her mistake.
"Katerina!" he called for her, but kept getting nothing but silence. He then figured that maybe she wasn't answering, because she was probably hurt or something related to that.
When he found her on her back, out cold, he was immediately at her side. He then knelt beside her and gently pulled her into his arms. It looked like she had gone through some fights with those vampires the way she looked, which he figured most likely was true to the core.
He looked around the woods to make sure there weren't any other threats awaiting to try and hurt Katerina, before forcing some of his blood down her throat to heal her, before gently getting to his feet, with her in his arms.
"I've got you, love. You're safe now," he assured her, though he wasn't sure if she could hear him or not. He then sped out of the Bayou back home.
When she woke up, she found that she was in her bedroom and it was daylight outside. And not a moment afterward, Klaus came to lean in the doorway.
"You're awake. You were out for quite a while," he greeted her.
She slowly sat up.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, love. Though, it was you that brought me there."
"Well, you're a hybrid, so you're faster than a vampire and I need fast assistance. Did you kill them?"
"Yes. They deserved it for what they tried to do."
"That I can agree on."
"I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I," he stated.
"In most ways, we are, Klaus. We have father issues, family issues, and are afraid of being truly and utterly alone. And we're always finding danger, whether or not we're looking for it. And we always lash out with anger, rage, and vengeance. We a lot alike. It's almost like something wants us to end up together."
"How would you have father and family issues, Katerina? I killed your entire family," he said, taking a step into the room, curious of what she would say.
"You did me a favor in killing my father. He wasn't the best father in the world and I can tell that yours wasn't either, judging by how you react when your father's name is spoken. You don't know how many scars he inflicted, but I'm sure that yours was probably worse than mine. I was scarred way before I met any of you. You can't see my scars anymore, though, because they disappeared when I became a vampire, since vampires can heal so fast. I hope that he died horribly," she shared with him.
He sat down on the bed by her with sympathy. He knew how it felt like to be scarred by your own father, but to do it to Katerina made him outraged. It made him wish he had a chance to kill her father for a second time. In truth, after hearing this, he should've made him suffer before he killed her father. Just like he should've made his own father suffer, before he killed him.
"I can make the pain go away. Just say the words, Katerina," he said.
"No. Compulsion isn't the answer. I've lived with it for 500 and plus years. So, what did Mikael ever do to you?" she asked. "I never got to hear what your past was like with Mikael. I knew he hated you and all, but he never told me why. I was too busy hating you to ask why Mikael hated you so badly."
"Just like yours, I was scarred too. It started when I was just a little boy. It was before we became vampires and before I triggered the werewolf curse. He continued it throughout my life. As a boy, Elijah tried to intervene, but stopped when he said that he'd be next if he intervened on my behalf. When we were older, Elijah and Rebekah were afraid one day that he might kill me, so Elijah and Rebekah pointed their swords at him and demanded for him to stop, which Mikael did. But it never stopped. Then, after I triggered the werewolf curse, Mikael made Elijah help him tie me down to make my werewolf side dormant. It never stopped, even after that. Finally, we escaped him for a little while when we made this city our home. But in 1918, he came for me. He came for us all. We only just managed to escape our father's wrath," he shared with her.
"That must be why Elijah has been so hell bent on finding your redemption. Because he still feels guilty for not standing up against Mikael for you. I'm sorry for what you endured. I had no idea what he did to you."
"You weren't there, Katerina."
"If I had been, I would've stopped him the moment he started doing that to you. No wonder you're so ruined. I guess we're both ruined then, in our own way."
It was such an intense moment, that they didn't know what possessed them to do so, but they found themselves kissing one another, him on top of her, her on her back on the bed. It was like they were kindred spirits that had found each other after, for Katerina, 500 years, and for Klaus, 1,000 years.
An hour later, though, he had to leave, so he bid her farewell and asked her to stay home today, while he and Elijah dealt with some things. She presumed the things they had to deal with involved Marcel, so she did what she was told.
That late afternoon, when she was in the parlor starting towards the chair to sit in, she started to feel light headed all of a sudden. Not sure why it was happening to her, she figured it had something to do with a witch or more. Pregnant ladies didn't get light headed. She knew that from experience from 500 years ago back in Bulgaria.
As the sensation continued and she started to feel really warm, despite the A/C going throughout the house, she took out her phone and called Elijah, hoping he wasn't too busy so he would answer.
"Katerina," he greeted.
"Elijah. Something's wrong. You need to speak to the witches," she said, before informing him of what was going on.
"We'll figure something out," he promised her, before they both hung up.
She put her phone away and leaned against the wall, but it didn't help much, since she was starting to get really blurry vision. On top of that, she kept getting small pains from her stomach, which made her fear for the child. She didn't want anything to happen to the kid, no matter who the father was. And as her vision started to go blurry, she saw Elijah there all of a sudden. Then, as everything started to go black for her, he was there by her, and the next thing she knew, she was in her bed.
"Klaus is dealing with the witches. You'll both be okay," she heard him assure her, but they both knew that Elijah couldn't promise anything.
That night, she was burning up, so she and Elijah made it to the outside pool. She knew that he was going to try and cool her down in the pool, which she knew should help. So, they both got into the pool where he put her in his arms and let the water cool her down. And as he did so, she felt the ever growing pain get worse, but then as she started to cool down, the pain started to ebb away. Then, a few minutes later, she didn't feel the symptoms anymore of what the witch, Agnes, had tried to do to her and Klaus' child.
Later that night, she was home alone, when she heard the doorbell. So, being cautious, she opened the door to reveal a certain hybrid. He wasn't Klaus, though, which made her think that he might be in New Orleans to cause Klaus as much harm as possible. After all, he had killed his mom and hurt many other people. The past, she thought, was behind them all, though.
"Tyler," she greeted. "What a surprise."
"Katherine," he said, though it wasn't a greeting.
Later that night, when Elijah returned and realized that Katerina wasn't home, he called Klaus to let him know. Then, when Klaus came home, he informed him that Tyler had been at their home and must've taken her.
It was a beautiful day at the Bayou, as Kat sat on the floor of a cabin, Tyler and another guy in there with her. Her hands had been tied with rope.
"What are you doing?" she questioned, when he headed towards her and knelt in front of her with a syringe.
"I'm going to show you something," he answered her.
"With that?"
He stuck it in her stomach and then pulled it out and used the syringe full of her child's blood, on the guy she knew as a werewolf. Then Tyler temporarily killed him.
"That child can make hybrids. You think Klaus suddenly wants to be a father? He wants that child so he can make hybrids," he said.
"Okay. So it can make hybrids. I don't care what Klaus wants the child for, because this will be me having a second chance to raise my child. I couldn't raise Nadia, but with this kid, I can be a mother like I always wanted to be," she replied to him.
When the werewolf woke up and was in transition, Tyler had him bite her to complete the transition.
As he bit her, she wanted to fight; to push him off her, but knew that she couldn't succeed as a human. She had to try, though. She had to live long enough to be rescued by either Klaus or Elijah. If she was lucky, she'd be rescued by them both. So, as he bit deeper, she tried to push him off her with everything she had. That obviously didn't work, so she kicked him, which worked. Before she could get to her feet though, he lunged at her.
As he lunged at her to bite her again, Tyler grabbed him, holding him off, which gave her a chance to escape.
She grabbed the knife that was on the floor and made a run for it as Tyler told him, "Enough. You'll kill her. Just stop," trying to reason with him.
Once in the heart of the Bayou woods, she stopped, everything going black for her. Then she felt something hard and knew she was on the ground.
As everything started to fade, she heard someone she never would've thought she would ever be happy to see or hear in her life.
"Katerina!" she heard Klaus yell, before she felt a gentle hand on the right side of her face.
"What happened, luv?" she heard him ask her.
"Tyler. He used our child's blood to show me that she's the key to making hybrids. The hybrid got out of control. They're at the cabin," she said softly.
She felt herself being pulled into his arms, before she heard him say, "I've got you, luv. You're safe now." Then everything went black for her.
While Katerina was out cold in her room in her bed at home, Klaus dealt with the issue of Tyler and his mistake, while Elijah sat on her bedside and rested a gentle hand on her left one, before silently looking down at her.
When she came to, she saw that her hands hand been freed and she was on her back in her room in her bed. She then turned her head to see that Klaus was leaning against a wall. He had clearly been waiting for her to wake up. When he did realize she was awake, he sat on her bedside.
"Thank you," she said, looking up at him.
"Anything for you, luv."
"What happened to Tyler?"
"I sent him on his way. He's not worth killing."
"Good. I wouldn't want Caroline to hate you forever for killing him. Just so you know, I didn't believe a word he said."
"Get some rest, Katerina," he encouraged, before leaving the room.
She watched him leave, as a feeling came over her. She realized that he wasn't who he used to be, and that she was starting to care about him, no matter what he had done in the past.
It was a beautiful day, as Klaus walked into the compound to be face to face with Marcel. Then, a moment later, there were vampires too.
"What's this?" Klaus questioned him.
Marcel informed him of his intentions.
"You think you can subdue me with this!" Klaus yelled at Marcel, before addressing the vamps. "Vampires of New Orleans, as you know, I am an Original hybrid. I can not be killed! Now-"he took out a coin. "anyone that picks up this coin gets to live." He tossed it, but none of them made a move to pick it up. "Well then, come on!"
Suddenly, chains were thrown onto his wrists.
He looked at the vampires and then Marcel, as his vampire side tried to get free. All that he could was try though, because he couldn't free himself; not even when he let a little of his werewolf strength loose. And as he stood there, eyes yellow, glaring with hatred at Marcel, his mind raced with what he would do to him if he got out of this alive. He had lied to them that he couldn't be killed, because a white oak stake was the one thing that could kill him. They didn't know that, though.
Kat was wondering why Klaus hadn't answered her calls and hadn't come home for a while, so she went to investigate. And when she was about to pass the compound, she figured that he was probably there. So, being careful, she let herself into the compound, only to see the scene. He was definitely in danger.
As she made her presences known, starting towards him, she yelled, "Stop!"
Marcel turned around, only to get pinned to a wall with a knife to his throat.
"Let him go."
"And why should I do that?"
"Because when I'm determined, I'll do anything to get what I want. Let him go or I will kill you."
"No need to threaten me, you know."
She took her traveler knife away and headed over to Klaus, as Marcel told his guys, "Let him go."
They obeyed and she helped him get home.
It was a beautiful day, as Davina used her magic on Marcel, Klaus, and Elijah, angry beyond comparison.
"I'm tired of all your lies!" she yelled at Marcel.
"And you pretend not to be a monster. Why don't you show us what you really are?" she said to Klaus.
"And you act all noble and caring, but you lied to me too. You're a monster. Why don't you choke on it?" she said to Elijah.
As she used her magic on them, making Klaus start to phase wolf, Elijah choke on blood, and put Marcel in pain, Kat suddenly came down the stairs and stopped at the bottom of them.
"Davina, stop!" she yelled, heading towards them.
"Why should I? They deserve what they get."
"No. They don't. Don't make me stop you myself. I'm descended from travelers, which means that I can stop you with my own magic. Now, stop. Please. I don't want to hurt you."
Finally, Davina stopped.
"Thank you," Kat said.
Davina gave her a glare, before walking away.
When Klaus woke up, still in torment from the knife that was inside him, he recognized that he was in the epidemic hospital from 1918. Why he had been taken there, he wasn't sure. He only knew that he was weak and hungry. That, and the torment was becoming unbearable. He didn't even know how long he had been out for, much less how long he had been in the abandoned hospital. And all he could think of besides the torment was one; how Katerina and the child would survive if he didn't get through this; two; what would become of Sweet Caroline if he wasn't around to save her life; and three; would Elijah be enough protection for Katerina and the baby?
"Katerina," Elijah called to her from a room he had taken his shirt off in.
She entered from the hallway, only to see him without his shirt on, for the first time in 500 years.
She walked towards him.
"What's going on?"
"Celeste is playing games with me. She has magically written witch names on my body, sine I'm so determined to find out from her where she had Niklaus at."
"Then let's get started," she commented, wanting Klaus back. That, and she was the most experienced when it came to witches. Plus, over the last month, she and Klaus had fallen in love.
Reading names of witches, she realized where Klaus was at.
"It has to be the 1918 sanitarium."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I know witches. Trust me."
"Stay here, Katerina. I don't want you to get hurt."
He put his shirt and jacket back on, before leaving.
Later that night, they had him home, knife out of him, and him in bed. It relieved them, because they didn't want anything to happen to him; even if he was a pain in the ass most days.
It was a beautiful day, as Kat and Klaus continued their search for Elijah. It wasn't good that he was MIA, because of all the killings of vampires they'd been having. They knew it was Papa Tunde doing it, because of the marks. He was bad news.
When they found him, he looked desiccated, but wasn't dead. He was an Original, so he was being Papa Tunde's endless source of power.
When they tried to get to him, they realized there was an invisible shield.
"Bite me," she told Klaus.
"I'm descended from travelers. My blood will let us through."
Seeing her point, he bit her and she let some of her blood drip onto the circle, before they tried again. It worked this time and they got him home.
Soon, Elijah was awake and went to get himself something to eat.
It was a beautiful day, as Elijah Kat, and Klaus walked, on their way to enjoy the festival. By now, she was showing and around five months. She never complained though, because she was familiar with the feeling from the first time around.
Suddenly, on the sidewalk and by a pole, she started to cough up blood. And she couldn't stop. And then everything started to go black.
As she started to collapse, Klaus was there and caught her. Then everything went black.
A moment later, she saw that she was at the compound where they all lived at now, but it was different. Mikael was there.
"No. I can't be," she said, realizing that she was dead, since she knew that Mikael was dead.
"Oh, but you are, darling," Mikael said.
He grabbed her roughly.
"You and that vermin?" he growled at her. "I thought you hated him just as much as I do."
"I did. I'm not sorry, Mikael. This is our chance for a new life."
"I don't think so."
"How could you be so cruel to your son? To your family?"
"He is not my son and that creature inside you isn't my family!"
He through her against a wall, but she was okay. He then grabbed a piece of wood and lunged at her with it, but she tapped into her traveler magic, magically throwing it out of his hands and throwing him against a wall.
"How did you do that?" he asked.
"I'm descended from travelers. Now stay away from me and my family."
Suddenly, she was pulled out of the Other Side and was suddenly gasping, revived. She then saw that both Originals were at her side and Genevieve, a witch, was at her other side.
Later that night, Klaus came into her room.
She looked away from the window to see Klaus.
"I want to show you something," he said.
She followed him into a room, which was a nursery.
"It's beautiful," she said, smiling, before it disappeared.
She looked at him.
"When I died today, I saw Mikael. He tried to kill me."
"What did he say to you?"
"Nothing that's true. You're different from what Mikael thinks of you as."
They gave each other smiles, before he left. She then went back into her room and looked up at the sky, wondering if her parents were watching her. She wondered if her mother approved or not.
There was a knock on the open door.
She turned around.
"Come in, Elijah."
She gave him a smile and he smiled back, as he entered.
"I'm glad you're feeling well," he greeted.
"So am I."
She wrapped her arms around his neck.
They looked at each other.
"I love you too much to lose you like that," he told her.
"I love you too," she said.
A moment later, they were kissing. And in that moment, she chose Elijah.