Summary: Set in S1 between "Tangled Up In Blue" and "Fruit of the Poisoned Tree." What if human Kat got pregnant with Elijah's child? Read to find out what happens.499Please respect copyright.PENANAY77GaWCAHT
It was a dark night in New Orleans, as Katherine Pierce, a former 500 year old vampiress, walked the route to the Mikaelson place. It had been 400 years ago since she had been here, yet nothing had changed as far as she knew. She was back here to get Elijah's protection. She was human now and she knew everyone hated her in Mystic Falls. She was wary though, because she knew it could be worse here, considering Klaus was here. Hopefully, he was too busy to deal with her. She could only hope.
Suddenly, she saw someone approaching her.
She stopped on the desolate sidewalk.
"You really don't want to mess with me. You don't know who you're dealing with," she threatened, assuming he was a vampire that wanted to drink from her. She wasn't stupid.
"I'm not going to hurt you. Relax," he replied, once he stood in front of her.
A moment later, before she could stop him, he was vamped out and had sank his teeth into the side of her neck.
She took a small bottle of vervain out, as she kicked him off. And as he staggered back, she through vervain on his face, which burned his skin and made him scream in agony. She then grabbed a stake she had and grazed his heart with it, before running the rest of the way to the Mikaelson family home.
As she headed up the walkway towards the door, she felt a little weak from blood loss, but kept up the appearance that they had grown accustomed to. The only one she would should weakness from in this family would be Elijah. The other two hated her. Then, once on the porch, she rang the door bell and leaned heavily on the closest pillar.
"Who the bloody hell is that at this time of night?" she heard Rebekah say from just beyond the front door. Then she heard high heels and saw the Original sister, once she opened the door. "What the bloody hell happened to you?" she questioned, recognizing her, but not caring. She never liked Katherine. She despised her.
"Elena shoved the cure down my throat. Now I'm human. I came to speak to Elijah. Where is he?"
"He's in the Wolf Girl's room talking to her. It's the second room upstairs."
Rebekah stepped aside to let her in and then closed the door, before she watched her head upstairs, not caring about her. She never had cared about her elder brother's girl. She did find it interesting though, that the girl had been able to get past her backstabbing brother for 500 years. She thought it was amazing how she had escaped without being detected for 500 years, considering others he had tried to use to break his curse upon him had failed to do what Katherine had done the first time she was human.
Kat stopped at Hayley's room just in time to see Hayley give him a slap across the face.
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
Before Hayley even started to turn around and walk away, they heard a very familiar voice.
"Elijah," Katherine said, getting their attention.
They both looked at her.
"What are you doing here?" Hayley asked in a not so friendly tone.
"Rebekah said that Elijah was in here talking to you. I need to speak to him," she answered the werewolf.
"Wait for me in my room. I'll be in shortly, Katerina," he said, realizing that something was wrong. She smelled human and she was hurt. She wasn't even acting like the Katerina she had turned into over the centuries. She was almost like the old Katerina; the girl he fell in love with 500 years ago.
The human left the room to go to Elijah's, knowing where it was without directions; she had been here 400 years ago, after all.
Hayley watched him walk out of her room to go talk to Katherine, which Hayley most certainly hated. Sure, Katherine had directed her to New Orleans to find information about where she came from, but she still hated her.
As he walked into his room, she walked towards him and he closed the door for privacy. Every ear in the house didn't need to hear their conversation or what was happening between them.
He looked at her.
"What happened to you, Katerina? You're not who you were when I left town."
"You mean when you broke up with me. Something happened shortly after you left and after everyone graduated. Elena thought it would be grand to shove the cure down my throat. I came to ask for your protection, since I'm human and I have so many enemies. If word gets out that I'm human, my enemies will come for me. I'm asking you to do this out of kindness and to give us another chance."
"You have my word that no harm will come to you as long as I am here. Is there anything else you would like to share?"
"Let's just say that New Orleans isn't the most welcoming when you're human on the way to your ex and his family's home."
"You've been bitten."
"Yeah. Some vampire thought I was an easy snack. I grazed his heart and through vervain in his face."
He was amazed that even human, she was able to fend off a vampire.
"Did you get his name?" he questioned, loving no more than to punish him for hurting his Katerina.
"No. I didn't stop to ask. I can only guess that he's a night walker and probably young."
He bit his wrist and held it out to her.
"You need to heal."
Without question, she drank from him until she figured that she had had enough. She then pulled away and his wrist and her bite wound instantly healed.
She looked up at him and wrapped her arms lightly around his neck.
"I don't have a place to go. Would you like me to stay here?"
"I would be more than happy."
"Thank you," she said, before kissing him.
A moment later, they were kissing and they ended up on his bed, going to third base.
The next day, she was still asleep when he woke up, so he gently parted himself from her embrace and silently picked his clothes and headed to his bathroom to get ready for the day.
When he was ready and had left his bathroom, he lightly kissed her on the forehead, before leaving his room to join his family downstairs. It would be best if his brother heard from him what was going on, instead of her being seen first. That is, if his sister or Hayley hadn't already told him.
He entered the parlor where Niklaus was seated in a chair with a shot glass of Bourbon, which was almost finished. And as soon as he spoke, he knew either Rebekah or Hayley had told Klaus about Katerina.
"Would you like to explain to me what Katerina's doing in our town and home, brother?"
He could tell that Klaus was upset and fighting against exploding in rage.
"It seems that she's in need of protection, which I've granted her. I didn't ask her as to why but Elena shoved the cure down her throat. She's human now. Promise me that you will not harm her. She's under my protection," Elijah replied.
"As you wish, brother. I promise that no harm will come to her."
"Thank you," he replied to his younger brother.
Elijah left the house to continue helping his brother get back their city. New Orleans was originally their city. They helped build it, after all.
"Is she coming down today? She's been up there all morning," Hayley commented to Rebekah who was seated at the bar reading a girlie magazine, as Hayley ate lunch at the bar in the kitchen. She hated her, but she also was starting to worry that something might be wrong with the newly turned human.
"Stop worrying, Wolfe Girl. It's bad for my niece."
"Could you at least make sure she's okay?"
"If it'll stop you worrying about her well-being, yes."
Hayley watched her leave the kitchen to check on Katherine.
Once outside her elder brother's room, she opened the door and walked in, heading for the window where the curtains were closed. She then opened them to wake the human up. She didn't feel like yelling at her to get up.
Katherine rolled over, back to the window.
"Leave me alone," she complained.
"Believe me, you'll be happy with me when you get up. So will the Wolf Girl. Do you know how long you've been in that bed?"
She rolled over onto her back and looked at the Original sister.
"How long?"
"It's noon, Katherine. Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine. I just haven't had the greatest sleep for the past week."
She got up and headed into the bathroom.
Knowing she had done what the Wolf Girl had wanted, she went back downstairs.
When Katherine finally came downstairs, Rebekah had gone and Hayley was putting her dishes in the sink.
"We didn't get a chance to speak much last night. Why are you living here, instead of with your pack in the Bayou?" the former vampiress questioned, as she opened the fridge to see what there was for human food.
"Because I'm going to have Klaus' child; Elijah made arrangements with the witches for me to stay here, instead of at the cemetery with them. If Elijah hadn't interfered, I don't even want to think of what could have happened. Sophie sensed somehow that I'm pregnant," Hayley answered, knowing how determined Katherine could be when she wanted to know something.
"Yeah. Sophie has a gift of sensing when young girls are pregnant. I was here 400 years ago. I know New Orleans pretty well and I knew Sophie when she was younger. Do they do this often? Leave you alone in the house?"
"They don't have a choice and I like it. It's the only time I have peace and quiet."
"I apologize if I'm asking you too many questions. I just didn't expect to see you under the same roof as Klaus."
"It's okay. I have an appointment today that Agnes, the last of the elders, set up for me."
"Be careful, Hayley. Not all witch elders are trustworthy and honest. I've dealt with a few of them in the past."
"Don't worry; I can take care of myself. If anything happens, I'll call Rebekah or Klaus."
She watched, as Hayley left the kitchen and heard the door, as she left the house.
Later that afternoon, she was seated in a chair in the parlor with a shot glass of Bourbon the Originals always left on the parlor table. She was enjoying being alone in the house. It meant she didn't get annoyed or bothered by Original siblings. She just hoped that the werewolf was out of danger.
At the moment, Klaus walked into the parlor and poured himself a shot glass of Bourbon. He then took a sip of it, before leaning against the wall and looking at her.
"I see you've made yourself at him, Katerina."
She looked at him.
"Well, what else am I supposed to do? Hayley's in the Bayou at an appointment with Agnes, Rebekah is I don't know where, you're plotting something, and Elijah's out doing I don't know what," she replied, being neutral.
"Well, if you must know, I'm trying to get my city back and my siblings have volunteered to help in a way."
"And while I wait for your unborn child's mother to return, I have to stay here and entertain myself and worry."
"And what has you worried, love?"
"A pregnant wolf carrying your child is in the Bayou with an elder. That's what. I don't trust her," she informed the hybrid.
"And you think we should all be worried," he stated.
"Yes; especially, you," she replied.
"I didn't know you cared so much."
"It's impossible not to when I've been a mother before. She was taken away from me. I don't want that to happen to anyone else; especially, Hayley. She's been through hell almost as bad as I have. Besides, if Elijah's right, which he usually is, this child will change you. I think it already has."
His phone went off and he answered it.
"Little Sister," he greeted.
"I lost the Wolf Girl. That witch has flown the coop and vampires went after the Wolf Girl. I stayed behind and got an arrow in my back. When I woke up, she was gone. Now I can't find her anywhere."
"Where are you?" he asked with an angry face.
"In the Bayou by the woods."
"Stay there. I'm coming."
He hung up and she got to her feet, empty shot glass on the table.
"What happened?" she asked.
She knew the face he had. It meant that something had happened and others would die because of it.
He grabbed her upper arm.
"You're going to the Bayou with me to find the Little Wolf. You're suspicions were right. That witch isn't around and vampires went after the Little Wolf. My dear sister lost here and can't seem to find her. You're going to help," he said with a growl.
That night, they all stood by an old house by the Bayou woods, talking.
"Tell me, Sister. How did you manage to lost the mother of my child?"
"I had an arrow in my back. She was gone when I woke up. What do you think, Nik?"
"If you would've been with her earlier, this wouldn't have happened."
"Have you ever thought that I'm getting tired of being the babysitter all the time?"
The human put herself between them and looked at them.
"Can you two stop bickering already? You're adding tension and stress to the situation that I don't want right now. I'm going to see if I can find her. Try not to kill each other."
With that, she headed into the woods in search of the wolf and checked everywhere, including areas that could be used as somewhere to hide.
An hour later, she found her out cold on her back on the ground.
As soon as she saw her, she ran to and knelt by the werewolf. And as soon as she knelt by her, someone came out from the darkness.
Feeling that someone was there, she looked up to see him.
"Not who I was expecting, but you'll do."
At vamp speed, he had her pinned, back against a tree, arm against her throat.
"Nothing will delight me more than to see the Originals suffer. I hear one has a thing for you. After this, Agnes gets to deal with the werewolf and the spawn."
"Go to hell," she said.
A moment later, he vamped out and sunk his teeth into the side of her neck. She knew she wouldn't be able to fight against this one, so she only hoped that Klaus and Rebekah would get there in time.
When they smelled the flow of blood, they stopped bickering and used super speed, following the scent. For Rebekah, it was vamp speed and for Klaus it was hybrid speed. Then, once they arrived, Rebekah went to make sure Hayley was okay, while Klaus took care of the vampire who didn't last long against him. He soon ripped out the vamps heart and dropped it, before looking at his sister.
"Get the Little Wolf out of here, Sister. I'll deal with the body and take care of Katerina," Klaus said.
As soon as Rebekah and Hayley were out of sight, he went over and knelt by an out cold and bitten Katerina. He'd be happy to just let her die, but knew it would shatter Elijah. What he saw in her, Niklaus would probably never know. So, knowing that for Elijah he couldn't let her die, he gently pulled her into his arms and bit his wrist. He then put it to her lips, making his blood go down her throat to heal her.
The next day, when she woke up, she was in her and Elijah's room in bed. She then saw that she was alone, so she figured that everyone had gone to take down the King of New Orleans. So, after getting to her feet, she went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Once downstairs and fed, she walked into the parlor where Hayley was sitting in a chair with a book in hand, reading.
"I see you're feeling better," the wolf commented.
Kat sat on the couch and looked at her.
"I am. I assume it was Rebekah?"
"Actually, it was Klaus."
"He probably felt guilty for putting me in that mess than. Serves him right. He shouldn't have drug me out to the Bayou with him. I would've been safe if he had just left me here."
She saw Hayley set the book down and look a bit on the pale side. So, not wanting anything to happen to her or that child, she approached the wolf.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know. It's probably nothing, but I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. It's probably just morning sickness."
She felt the wolf's forehead with a hand.
"You're burning up. You need to lie down while I let them know."
Hayley got to her feet, not knowing why Katherine had to call them.
Katherine helped her to her upstairs with an arm on her upper one and to her bed, before taking out her phone and calling Klaus.
"This isn't the time, luv."
"Well, you better make time or you're not going to be a dad. A witch did something. Now she's burning up. You better speak to Sophie."
She heard him growl, before hanging up.
That night, Elijah and Kat saved the child by getting her in the pool, while Klaus dealt with Agnes. Then, afterward, Elijah found Klaus and Agnes at the church and killed her for messing with his family.
The next day, when she woke up, Kat had an urge, so she rushed to the bathroom and closed the door, before kneeling in front of the toilet where she threw up.
A few minutes later, she heard a voice from the other side of the door.
"Are you okay? Talk to me, Katerina."
She figured he must've heard her.
"I'm fine, Elijah," she said, knowing why she was feeling this way.
She flushed the toilet and got to her feet, before cleaning up and getting ready for the day. She then opened the door to reveal her now boyfriend.
"I have to tell you something, though I don't know how this is possible. I haven't felt like this since I had Nadia 500 years ago in Bulgaria. I know vampires can't procreate, but I'm pregnant."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," she replied, before wrapping her arms around his neck and looking up at him. They then kissed.
They smiled, knowing that this was their second chance at a semi-happy life. Now to break the news to the family.
"Welcome to the family," was all Hayley said, after Elijah and the human told the family in the parlor.
"What is this? An orphanage?" was all Rebekah said, before leaving the room.
Kat figured that she was feeling left out, since she wasn't human and couldn't have kids like Hayley and Katherine were going to be doing. She kind of felt sorry for her, since she had barely had any happiness since becoming an Original vampire.
"Well, as exciting as this has been, I have places to be," Klaus said, before leaving the house.
"That went well," Kat commented.
"It could've been worse. Call me if you need me," he said.
They kissed, before he left.
Several months later, Klaus and Hayley's child, Hope, was saved from the witches trying to sacrifice her and Hayley was a new hybrid. Hope was with Rebekah and it was coming close to Katerina having the child, which they decided on naming Khadija Petrova Mikaelson.
When it was time, she decided to give birth in the Mikaelson family home. And after a few hours, she was born.
Kat sat up in bed with her in her arms and looked down at her.
"Welcome to New Orleans, Khadija Petrova Mikaelson."