It's a dark night, as I stagger through New Orleans, searching for the one guy I will always love, hoping none of the supernatural factions will decide that I'm food. I'm hurt from the wreck I accidentally caused in Mystic Falls. If luck weighs in my favor, Damon won't follow me to New Orleans just to feed me to Silas.
When I see the plantation house, I'm overjoyed inside, knowing it's not much further. I'm so exhausted and I know I look like crap. All that matters to me right now though is that I get to Elijah. As far as I know, none of the Originals know what has happened. Hopefully, Klaus won't be ill-tempered when I get to the plantation house. He can be quite aggressive if he's driven to be. I'm human now because of Elena shoving the cure down my throat. I need protection and Elijah is the only one that will protect me and not break his promise to protect me. I should've known that Damon would break his promise to protect me after a few weeks. I don't know why he did it and I don't care to find out. I want to put as many allies and miles between him and me as I can possibly get.
When I get to the house, my vision blurry from my injuries and possible blood loss, I hear their voices.
"A witch," Klaus says.
"She's not just any witch. She's something I've never seen before, something beyond powerful, and because of you she has Elijah. Who knows what she could do to him," Rebekah says.
"Where is she?" Klaus asks her.
"That clever bitch. I don't know," she answers after a moment.
"What's wrong?"
"She wiped my memory of the location. Marcel possesses a weapon bigger and more powerful than an Original, and you handed our brother to him! How many times will Elijah forgive you? How long until his hope for your redemption finally dies?"
"I did what I had to do! Marcel took our home!"
"And our home is worthless without family. I am finding Elijah---whatever it takes. Are you going to help me?"
"Whatever it takes," he answers her.
I take a breath, realizing the two people that hate me most in the world are home, but Elijah won't be coming to my rescue anytime soon. I then knock on the front door, hoping Klaus won't be the one there to answer it and hoping that Rebekah won't kill me for getting the cure like she wanted.
When the door opens, there stands my 500 year old enemy.
"Klaus," I say. "This isn't the best time, but I was hoping to see Elijah. Apparently, that won't be happening anytime soon, though."
"Come in," he says.
I do so and lean against the wall.
"What happened to you, luv?" he questions after closing the door.
"Elena shoved the cure down my throat the night of Graduation. Now I'm human. I got into a crash back in Mystic Falls, when I was trying to get Jeremy to turn around. Damon wanted to take me to Silas to feed me to him. I did what I always do. I ran. I left Mystic Falls and came here to ask Elijah for his protection, since Damon broke his promise to protect me," I summarized.
"Well then. Welcome to New Orleans. Can't have you dying before you can say a word to my brother, so here," he says, before biting his wrist and holding it out to me.
I take it and drink, hoping that he won't kill me afterwards.
After a few minutes, I pull away and his wrist instantly heals and my wounds start to heal.
"Thank you," I say to him.
"You're welcome, luv. Now go make yourself at home," he replies, before walking towards the parlor, leaving me be.
I head up the stairs to find a spare bedroom and see that one room occupies a werewolf, which I knew would happen eventually. I'm friends with some witches and I know some wolves. That's how I know that she's pregnant with Klaus' child. I actually secretly hope it's a girl. Girls I hear are quite fun to bringing up. Maybe a girl will soften Klaus up like Caroline did back in Mystic Falls. One can only hope.
I decide to make myself at home in Elijah's room, hoping he won't mind. We may be broken up and all, but we're still in love. We've loved each other for 500 years. That love just doesn't go away on its own after just a short period of time.
When we finally get Elijah back after almost a month, we speak in his room and he agrees to give me his protection. We even get back together again.