Summary: Set in S2-4. A human Kat finds out that she’s pregnant with Elijah’s child, because of the fact that she’s a doppelganger. Will Elijah let her stay with them at the compound? Will Elijah and Kat get back together again? Will Klaus and Rebekah accept the news and be nice for once? What will ensue?476Please respect copyright.PENANAT0mWr6SNp9
A/N: Got this idea by reading a recent fanfic on similar to this. Also, I’m pretending that Hayley and the pregnancy doesn’t exist.
It was a dismal night, as a human Katherine entered the compound. She had some news that would definitely benefit Elijah, the other Mikaelsons, and herself. She and Elijah had had a thing before he’d left her. Elijah never knew, because he’d left. That, and because she’d been a vampire at the time. She had just recently found out that she was pregnant. Apparently, being a doppelganger made it possible.
As she entered the compound, she didn’t know what she was walking into. No matter what though, she was there to let Elijah know. He was a good guy and she still loved him. He deserved to know that she was carrying his child. Besides, she hoped that there was a possibility that she and Elijah could mend what was broken between them.
“Katerina?” she heard a voice from behind her say.
She turned around to face him.
“Elijah,” she greeted.
Elijah suddenly realized that she was different.
“You’re human,” he stated. “What are you doing here, Katerina?”
“I need to tell you something,” she informed him.
“What is it?” he questioned, though he assumed it was probably bad news, as it usually was with her.
“After you left me for your brother yet again, I sort of tried to kill Elena. I thought she might have had something to do with you leaving. She shoved the cure down my throat, so that’s why I’m human. I recently learned from a witch that because I’m a doppelganger, it’s possible. I’m pregnant and It’s yours.”
He was shocked, but also happy that maybe they’d get their own happiness.
“Are you certain?” he inquired.
“I am. Listen.”
She stood just inches in front of him.
He listened with vampire hearing and heard a heart within Katerina. That’s when he knew that she was telling the truth. She was definitely pregnant. He knew that as a human Katerina most likely wouldn’t have been with any guy after their break up, so he believed that it was his.
Although he and Katerina both knew that Klaus probably would hate the idea of Katerina being here, Elijah accepted this news and said, “Welcome home, Katerina. You may pick any room you wish.”
“Or you could let me stay with you,” she added.
“Let’s not push it,” he replied.
“Fair enough. Thanks, by the way,” she replied, before heading up the stairs to pick a room.
After she picked a room, she closed the door and went to bed. After everything she’d been through after turning human unwillingly, she needed sleep. She was exhausted after all the crap she’d had to go through. Being human sucked for her, but thankfully she had Elijah still. Even if they couldn’t mend anything between them, she knew he’d protect her from danger, no matter what. They’d die for each other if it came down to it. Though he’d left, she knew he still loved her, as she did him. Besides, him leaving she knew was at least partly her fault. She’d lied to him a year ago, after all.
When Klaus returned from being at the bar, he immediately could smell Katerina’s scent.
Elijah stood in front of him, as soon as Klaus entered.
“What is she doing here, Elijah?” Klaus questioned, clearly unhappy.
“She’s here to stay as long as I allow it,” he informed his brother. “She’s pregnant with my child because of what she is. She’s also human, which means she’s a part of this family now, so I expect you to be on your best behavior.”
Rebekah entered, as Elijah explained the situation to Klaus.
“Bloody hell,” she stated. “This family is dysfunctional as it is. Now Katherine’s going to be a part of this family too?”
After saying that, Rebekah went upstairs to her room, not wanting any part of what was going on.
“Fine. I promise I won’t hurt her,” Klaus told Elijah, before going to his room, as well.
The next day, Kat woke up and went downstairs to find the kitchen.
After she’d had breakfast, she went to the parlor, assuming where she’d find Elijah or Klaus.
Upon entering, she saw Klaus having a drink and sitting in the chair. Elijah wasn’t far from the drinking table.
They looked at her, when she entered.
“Good morning, Katerina. Sleep well?” Elijah greeted her.
“I did, actually,” she replied. “So, any enemies we have to worry about or plot against?” she asked them both.
“Not at the moment,” Elijah assured her.
“Well, I’m celebrating the defeat of Dahlia and for the second time, the fall of our parents. You’re welcome to join me, Katerina,” Klaus told her and offered.
“I think I’m gonna go out instead, but thanks for the offer.”
She left the parlor and compound. She’d heard about Freya and Mikael’s close relationship. Now that Klaus had killed Mikael, she knew Freya had to be upset. Since she knew Freya was a witch, she knew where she’d be.
She entered the cemetery and soon found her.
Freya sensed a presence, so she looked to see the mother of Elijah’s unborn child.
“You shouldn’t be here. You should go,” she told Katherine.
The human approached where she was. She saw some ingredients on the rock.
“Why would I leave? I came here to talk. I know what Klaus did to Mikael, but you need to look at it how Klaus and the rest of them do. They never knew Mikael as the kind father you knew. He was ruthless. He ruined their lives, just as Dahlia ruined yours. I’m not picking sides, but I understand what you’re feeling. I spent 500 years looking for a way to kill Klaus after he killed my mother. He slaughtered my village and family, but I was closest to my mother. I wanted revenge for what he did, but after I found out how to kill him, I let it go. Seeking my revenge wasn’t worth losing my vampire family I care about. Whatever revenge you may have planned, it’s not worth it. Even if you succeed, the three of them are thick as thieves when there’s a threat. You’ll lose one way or another. Take it from me. It’s best to grieve and move on. Live your life. I know Klaus as well as I know myself. He doesn’t take it well when family betrays him. I don’t like betrayal either,” she told her.
Freya watched her leave, and knew that Katherine was right. Revenge wasn’t the answer.
Kat was on her way back to the compound, when she suddenly started to feel not so good. She put a hand on the wall of the building to stay on her feet. Then everything went black.
An hour later, Elijah decided to go find Katerina. When he did and came upon her, he blurred to her side and pulled her gently into his arms. He then assessed her and realized that she was pale, though she wasn’t injured. That’s when he realized that it could be their child. She was human and he was a vampire. They didn’t know the species of their child yet. If it was a vampire or even half vampire, it made sense to him what was happening to her. If that was the case, he knew that this pregnancy was dangerous for her.
He got to his feet with her in his arms, and blurred home.
One he’d layed her down in his bed, he called Freya, hoping that she’d help him. He couldn’t bear to lose her.
Freya was on her way home, when she got a call from Elijah.
“Yes, brother?”
“I need your help. I’m afraid Katerina may be in danger. I found her on the street. She’s not injured, but yet something is wrong. I fear that our child has done this to her.”
“Stay with her. I’ll see what I can do,” Freya replied, before hanging up.
Once in the room, she realized what Elijah was talking about. She wasn’t injured, but something was definitely wrong. That’s when she realized that this child inside her wasn’t a normal human child. This child was at least half vampire, and it was feeding on Katherine’s human blood.
Freya approached her bedside and looked at her brother.
“I know she used to be a vampire, so how did she get turned back into a human?”
“The cure for vampirism got shoved down her throat,” he answered her.
“Do you know if she can digest vampire blood? She needs blood one way or another. Without it, this baby is going to kill her. It’s feeding on her blood,” she explained to him.
“I can try, but no one knows if there are any consequences with the cure,” he informed her.
He bit his wrist and put it to her lips, making a small amount of his blood go down her throat. He then took his wrist away, and the both realized that she couldn’t digest it, when it didn’t stay down.
“We’ll have to do it the old-fashioned way,” Freya commented.
After she’d told Rebekah what was happening and Rebekah had brought what was needed, Freya did the blood transfusion. She used her own blood, since she was the only Mikaelson that was human. She knew it was best to give her human blood, instead of vampire blood.
After she finished, Elijah thanked her and Freya left the room, going to her bedroom to rest.
Elijah sat on her bedside, his hand on hers, looking down at her, waiting for her to awaken. He hoped that she’d be okay. He couldn’t bare it if he lost her. Yes, he’d left, but he was here now. No matter what, even if they were miles apart, he’d be there for her. She was his world. He’d only left, because he hadn’t wanted to choose between Klaus or her. He hadn’t given up on their relationship or her. He’d just needed spaced to decide what to do, and he’d had to help Klaus win New Orleans back as king. He’d promised himself that he’d return when it was all said and done, but Katerina had beat him to it, when she’d shown up, pregnant with his child, as well as human.
He rested his hand on the side of her face.
“Katerina, can you hear me?” he called to her, trying to wake her up. Though she looked find now, he had to know that she was truly okay.
When she woke up about an hour later, she saw that she was in Elijah’s room in his bed. She also saw that Elijah was on her bedside, worried, and she noticed that she was okay.
“How do you feel?” he asked her.
“Good as new,” she answered him.
“Katerina, we need to figure out what we’re going to do. Our child could kill you. It nearly did today. I can’t lose you. I won’t.”
“There’s nothing we can do. All we can do is take this one day at a time,” she replied. She knew there wasn’t much they could do. She was a human carrying a child that was at the least, half vampire. There was no telling what would happen to her after she came to term. She wouldn’t lie. She knew she had a fifty-fifty chance at surviving this pregnancy. There were no guarantees.
He looked at her silently, knowing she was right. All they could do was go one day at a time. He still didn’t want to lose his Katerina, though. She was his world and he was hers, no matter what.
“Get some rest, Katerina.”
He got up, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and left the room, closing the door behind himself.
She watched him go and then did as he asked of her.
Elijah was in the parlor, having a shot glass of bourbon, when Rebekah walked in and poured herself a shot glass of bourbon, too.
“How’s the original doppelganger with your bun in her oven? Not that I care or anything.”
Elijah looked at her.
“She’ll be fine,” he replied. He knew she despised Katerina, so he knew Rebekah was just playing nice.
The blond didn’t show it, but she was happy that Katherine was okay. She despised her, but she wouldn’t want Elijah to lose the love of his life or the child. She’d had too many lifetimes of her happiness being stolen away. She’d hate for the same to happen to Elijah. He sacrificed everything, instead of allowing himself to have happiness so that their family could maybe one day be redeemed. He deserved to be happy after everything he’d lost.
She sat down on the couch and began to drink her shot glass of bourbon.
It was a beautiful day, as the human went downstairs. She was ready for the day and had already eaten earlier.
Upon entering the parlor, she saw an old ally of hers. Marcel. They’d been allies after Mikael had burned the city to the ground in 1918, but they’d lost touch since then.
“Look who decided to become human. Long time no see, Katherine,” he greeted, when she entered.
She gave him a smile.
“It’s nice to see you, too.”
Klaus looked at them from where he sat on the couch with a shot glass of Bourbon.
“I was unaware you knew each other.”
“It’s been since the 90’s that we’ve seen each other, but yes. We know each other. I helped him get tourists back to this city. I knew about what Mikael did and wanted to help bring it back to life. When I found out how Marcel was controlling the witches though, I brought you to town so you could take back the city. If Marcel wasn’t controlling the city, the witches would be free. I don’t appreciate witches being controlled. One of them was a good friend of mine,” she explained.
“You could’ve told me, you know,” Marcel told her.
She looked at him.
“Why? Why waste my breath? You’re too much like Klaus. You never would’ve listened to me.”
Marcel was silent, knowing she was right.
The months passed quickly it seemed, and she gave birth to Elijah’s child. They named their child Kalila which meant dearly loved. Though Kalila was healthy, because the mother was human, she had to be tended to, since their baby was half vampire and half human. Kat did survive the birth, though.
It was a dismal night, as Klaus survived the art at the art gallery. There’d been a few murders recently that were odd, but he didn’t really care. They were only humans, after all.
Klaus looked up from a painting, suddenly sensing someone there. That’s when he saw an old friend whom he’d turned.
Klaus approached Lucien.
“What are you doing here?” he needed to know, afraid of whoever else may have come to town. Katerina had just had Violeta not long ago. Now was not the time for enemies to start showing up.
“Don’t worry. I’m here as a friend,” Lucien assured him. “I need to talk to you in private.”
Klaus’ interest was piqued.
“What’s this about?”
“Come with me and you’ll find out.”
Klaus accepted and followed Lucien.
Lucien entered the pent house suite he was staying at and invited Klaus inside. Then he grabbed himself a shot glass of Bourbon, took a sip, and sat on the couch, as he spoke.
“I have a credible witch on my side that has told me of a prophecy. We don’t know much, but it involves you and your family. It states that you will all fall. I’ve come to this glorious city to help you.”
Klaus became worried with this news. If his family ceased to exist, so would vampires. Katerina would be all alone to raise Kalila and have to fend for them both.
“I don’t want your help,” he retorted.
Lucien took a sip and looked at his sire.
“But you need it.”
Klaus accepted after considering. Then he headed home. He had to tell Freya about this prophecy. If she could find out more about the prophecy, she could shed some light onto this situation.
Katherine was in the parlor with Elijah, when Klaus came home and called a family meeting. Then everyone met upstairs.
After he informed them of what Lucien had said, Freya did a spell to find out more about the prophecy. And she did find out more.
Freya spoke.
“You will all fall. One by love, one by friend, and one by foe.”
Freya stopped the spell.
“We can prevent this, right?” Katherine said, not wanting anything to happen to the Mikaelsons.
“We can try,” Freya replied.
“Well, one thing is for certain,” Klaus commented. “I think we all know the last part of the prophecy is me.”
Katherine having already interpreted that, looked at her former enemy she’d come to know as a friend.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you or your family. And if it comes down to a fight, I’ll gladly fight at your side.”
They gave a smile at each other, glad that they were on the same side for once.
After finding out that Tristen and then Aurora were in town, and once Aurora found out what Katherine meant to Elijah, Aurora captured her and left her at the gym with a few guys that were in transition. This was Aurora’s game. She wanted to see if Elijah could find her in time. She was still mad at Elijah for compelling her when she was human. This was part of her punishment for him. She had more in store for him, though.
It was a dismal night, as Elijah searched for Katerina. He’d been looking since that afternoon once he’d gotten Aurora’s message.
Meanwhile, Katherine had staked two of the guys, but was now being fed on. She knew as a human, she couldn’t stop a vampire from feeding on her, so she could only hope to be found before it was too late.
Half an hour later, when Elijah smelled the mixed scents of human blood, Katerina and vampire, he followed the scent trail.
A few minutes later, he was inside the gym and saw a vampire feeding on his Katerina.
In an instant, he ripped his heart out and dropped it. The vampire fell to the floor, dead, and Elijah caught Katerina from hitting the floor.
“Stay with me, Katerina.”
He gently picked her up in his arms and blurred home.
Once he was home and had her on their bed, Rebekah tended to her upon his request and, a few minutes later, she was good as new.
A few days later, Klaus and Aurora fought after Freya had been rescued from the box Aurora had buried underground. When Aurora saw Elijah in a distance, she shot him, but Katherine was there to pull the bullet out, saving him from dying by a white oak bullet.
Soon enough, Aurora was taken down, as was Tristen and, soon after, when he turned himself into a weapon, Lucien was also taken down. The prophecy still remained, though.
Several weeks after the fall of Aurora, Tristen and Lucien, it was revealed that the prophecy spoke of Marcel. Marcel turned himself into a weapon against them after the death of Davina. Then the night of the showdown happened.
Katherine entered the compound to see Marcel bite Kol and Elijah and throw Klaus. Klaus hit a pillar, which broke half way with the force.
Katherine approached, as she yelled at Marcel.
Kat stood in front of Marcel.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I think you know what I’m doing, Katherine,” Marcel replied. “I’m doing the world a favor. Everything they touch, eventually dies. Besides, it’s Kol’s fault that Davina is dead and Freya’s fault that we couldn’t bring Davina back. This is their punishment.”
“I’ve had enough of you. You take over our home and turn yourself into a weapon against the closest people I have to a family and you bite a couple of them, knowing there isn’t a cure. If they die, I’m going to become your worst nightmare,” she threatened with venom in her voice. Then she walked over to Elijah and put an arm around him, helping him to his feet and he put an arm around her shoulders. She then looked at Klaus whom was now getting to his feet. “Get Kol. I’ll be right behind you with Elijah.”
Klaus went over and helped Kol up and together, the Originals and human left the compound and went to the pent house, where Kat had left Kalila with Freya.
Soon, they entered the pent house and with Freya and Katherine together, they tried to find a cure, or maybe even a way to save them, so Freya put them all under a sleeping spell to save her family and herself.
Later that night, Katherine left New Orleans with Kalila in her baby seat in the passenger’s seat of a semi-truck, the Mikaelson siblings in the back in their coffins, asleep, all of them except for Freya, with a dagger in them. This was the only way to save them from dying, and so, Klaus had given himself up to Marcel to keep Marcel from hunting his siblings down, and Katherine was searching high and low for a cure.
Three years later, she’d found a cure, so she left Kalila on the outskirts of New Orleans with an elderly werewolf named Mary, while she put the Mikaelson siblings inside a warehouse in an abandoned area of New Orleans.
Once she’d had them inside and she’d caught a certain werewolf so the cure could be created, she woke Freya up whom then began the spell, creating the cure. Then, once the cure was created, Katherine took a vial of it and gave it to Elijah first, before pulling the dagger out. Then she did the same for Rebekah and lastly, Kol.
Once they were cured and had fed, Katherine left the warehouse and headed to the French Quarter to save Klaus.
Klaus had shackles on his wrists and was weak from starvation, as he stood in a circle with Alistair, one of his sired vampires. He refused to show any weakness, though. He wouldn’t satisfy his enemies by letting them see how weak he was.
Marcel stood not far from the circle, as Alistair faced off with Klaus. Alistair had a sword in hand which, in secret, Marcel had told Alistair that the tip had his venom on it.
Klaus got ready for a fight, expecting one, but then Alistair was magically thrown out of the circle and the sword fell to the ground.
The sire line that was in the compound, looked to see the newcomer. Some were a little uneasy, knowing exactly who she was, even though she was a human.
“You’ve come back,” Marcel stated.
“I have. I’m ready to rescue Klaus.” She stood by the circle that Klaus was standing in and addressed the vampires. “Now, if any of you want to take a shot, I assure you that you’ll lose. Never mess with an angry mother; especially, me. If you value your lives, you’ll leave now and never return to New Orleans.” She was satisfied when they all left in a blur, and she gave a smile at that. She then looked at Marcel. “You wanna fight me on this? Go ahead. You’ll never win. In fact, I know exactly how to stop you.” She magically broke one of his legs, making him fall to the ground in pain. Then she magically turned him back into a normal vampire. When she’d finished with that and had killed Alistair, she turned to the circle and took the barrier away. Then she took the chains off of him and put an arm around Klaus. “Let’s go home.”
Klaus wasn’t in the mood to argue about anything, so he put an arm around her shoulders, letting her help him.
After he’d fed and had recovered, she brought him home and, though Klaus stayed at the house, Kol and Rebekah left New Orleans to travel together and Elijah and Katherine left New Orleans with Kalila to go explore together. She and Elijah wanted to go somewhere to start fresh where they wouldn’t encounter any enemies. And so, that’s exactly what they did and everyone had happy lives. Klaus even killed Marcel once and for all and got the compound back.