A Closer Walk With Thee (Klaus' dream)
Summary: Set in S1E20 "A Closer Walk With Thee." What if Kat saved Klaus from Mikael in Klaus' dream he had? Read to find out what happens.
"Greetings boy," Mikael said with a hand around Klaus' throat and a white oak stake in Klaus' stomach.
Klaus never dreamed that Mikael would one day come into his dreams, but he had now. He would never admit it out loud, but it scared him. Mikael was the only thing in this world that he feared other than a white oak stake. Right now, it scared him that Mikael was in his dream, because in his dream, Mikael could do anything to Klaus.
Mikael through him to the floor of the church and kicked him in his right side. It brought Klaus back to the days when Klaus was unable to defend himself against Mikael's beatings.
Suddenly, after several minutes, Mikael was thrown away from Klaus and there stood Klaus' least favorite doppelganger who was no longer a threat to him. She stood there between him and Mikael.
"You wanna hurt someone? Hurt me. But leave Klaus alone. He's your son."
"He's an abomination that doesn't deserve to live."
"It's not his fault he is what and who he is. He was born a werewolf. It's his lineage. When you made your family into vampires, it made him a hybrid. If it's anyone's fault, it's yours and Esther's."
"He deserves to die," Mikael replied.
"No, he doesn't. A real father wouldn't despise his own child. Now get out of here."
"This isn't over," Mikael said, before vanishing.
Katherine knelt down beside the hybrid and pulled the white oak stake out of his stomach, before tossing it to the church floor.
"Katerina," he greeted. "Why?" he added.
"Why save you from your own father? Let's just say that I know the feeling. We're more alike than even I want to admit; especially, when it comes to our fathers. They hated us, when they should've loved us."
"Thank you, Katerina."
"You're welcome. Don't let Mikael get to you like I let mine."
He got to his feet and watched her leave the church.
A moment later, he woke up from the dream, wondering what exactly Katerina had meant and why she would be so kind to him, as to protect him after what he had done to her.