Summary: Set right before S2. A human Kat comes to Elijah for help after Damon breaks his promise to her to protect her. Can he find a way to reverse what the cure did to her? Can he save her? Is he too late this time around to save her life? Will he succeed where Damon failed? Will they ever find good enough standing to get back together, or are they forever broken apart?500Please respect copyright.PENANAjVFAYd7o72
Hearts beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow
It was a dark night in New Orleans, as Katherine walked, needing help after Damon had broken his promise to her to protect her from Silas, heading for the Mikaelson compound. Despite the fact that Elijah had broken up with her so he could follow and help Klaus here, choosing family over love again, she didn't have any doubt about whether he would help or not. She knew that he would do everything in his power to save her life, no matter the cost.
One step closer
I have died everyday
Waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more
Once at the door, she knocked, hoping it wouldn't be Klaus who would answer it. Elijah would always love her for eternity, but Klaus had no love for her. He would rather see her dead. She knew it was because he held 500 years of hatred and vengeance against her for succeeding in escaping from him and being able to always stay one step or more ahead of him; something others had failed to do in previous years before herself. She didn't blame him, because, just as she had admitted once, she and Klaus were the same. They were both great at vengeance, torture, grudges, surviving, and killing. More so than that, they were afraid of ending up alone.
A few minutes later, there stood her love of 500 years; Elijah Mikaelson.
"Katerina?" he questioned, surprised to see her human.
"Elijah," she greeted, before informing him, "I need your help. I screwed up. I'm human now. I need protection and I need a witch. I'm dying of old age."
They were both silent, but he did step aside to let her in. No matter what, he still loved her and would never wish death upon his Katerina, no matter what name she was going by these days or how much she had changed.
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everyday
Waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more
All along I believed
I would find you
Time has brought you to me
When he had closed the door, he finally spoke.
"How did this happen?" he questioned, but figured it had something to do with the cure for vampirism. It was the only thing he knew that could make her human again and more.
"I was angry and upset that you left and I thought Elena had said something to you that made you leave, so I took it out on her and tried to kill her and she shoved the cure down my throat. Now I'm human and dying of old age at a rapid pace. Time is catching up with me," she truthfully summarized.
He gave a sigh, realizing why she had said that she had screwed up. He still didn't want her to die, though. It would break him into a million pieces if she died.
"We can go see Davina Claire tomorrow and see if it can be reversed. Tonight you can sleep where you wish," he said to her.
"Thank you, Elijah," she said.
"You're welcome, Katerina."
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more
One step closer
One step closer
All along I believed
I would find you
Time has brought you to me
I have died everyday
Waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more
The next day, they did as Elijah said they would and the teenage witch said she would see what she could find out. So they left to go back to the compound.
A few nights later, on her way down the stairs, she had a heart attack. Luckily, Elijah came upon her in time and Davina used some magic, which saved her life; a lot like Genevieve did to save Hayley and Hope's lives.
In the end, they found a magical way to reverse the aging and though she couldn't become a vampire again, she lived, which Elijah was more than happy about. She and Elijah even got back together.