Unexpected Love
Summary: Starts in Vampire Diaries season 5 "Dead Man On Campus", when she jumps off the clock tower, but then it will go on to The Originals show when Klaus takes her home with him. This will, after a while, turn into a Klatherine love story. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I have enjoyed writing this story.
A/N: Someone asked me to do a long chapter story of Klaus and Katherine falling in love pretty much, so here we go.
Ch.1: Introduction
From the moment that Katerina Petrova found out who and what Klaus really was and his intentions, she had ran from him and escaped. Though, it had resulted in her turning into a vampiress and Klaus slaughtering her entire village, including her family. And it had cost her her love and humanity she had once known. And from then on, she had seen in Klaus what every one of his enemies and allies had seen him as. Though, she did not know of his past; what had turned him into what she saw as a monster. To her, he would always be the monster she had to run and hide from. It kept her from having the life she knew she should have had. She saw him as a monster, incapable of love, compassion, forgiveness, and virtues. To her, he was not able to be saved, because he had no good in him left. But she never dwelled upon why this had happened to him or how he turned into what he was. She was in total darkness and unaware of why he ever did what he had done to so many people. He had slaughtered others and killed many, both human, vampire, hybrid, witch, and possibly werewolf species alike. And she knew that she would always be running. She would never be able to settle down or have a family or have anyone close to her. Her life was shattered, but she kept holding on. She always told herself that she was a survivor, but she knew the truth. She was innerly and utterly alone in the world and shattered. Everyone called her a monster, but Klaus was worse than she was or ever would be. What others thought of her was the opposite of who she truly was. But she couldn't show who she truly was, because she was always running and hiding. She had been doing that for 500 years. But then, one day, she stopped running.
The day she stopped running was the day that she could no longer run from the one enemy that she couldn't run from. And that enemy that she could never truly run from was time. It was catching up with her after the cure had been shoved down her throat. She was sorry now that she had screwed so many people over, but most of all, Elena Gilbert. If she hadn't done what she had done, she'd still be a vampire and wouldn't be dying of old age. But she knew that Bonnie could no longer help her and there may not be a way to save her this time around. But she knew she had to do something or she would utterly go insane being human and dying of old age, and to top it off, have a daughter that didn't like her much, as Nadia had proven already. And that is what brought her here to the present.
Many species of all sorts that had ever heard the stories of Niklaus Mikaelson, or anyone who had met him and had lived to tell the tale, saw him as a monster, he knew. He wasn't always a monster, though. Once, when they had all been human and when Klaus was just a mere werewolf, he had been an innocent victim. Because their mother had an affair with a werewolf which was how he had been born the way he was, his father always lashed out at him. He was whipped throughout his life before being turned into a vampire. His father had not been the father he should have been. But back in the day, it had not been such a crime to whip him. But there were times that his own siblings had to step in to stop their father, or who knows what could have happened to him. His father should have loved him, but instead, lashed out at him by whipping him and calling him an abomination and monster over and over for several years. And then came the day that they became vampires. And finally, that's when he and his siblings had left the New World and found themselves in New Orleans. They had made their home there but not for long. Mikael had come and they had had to run for their lives and leave Marcel behind, which made them think that Marcel was long dead. But then they came back to New Orleans, only to find out that they had to fight to get their home back from Marcel, whom was the King. They had won in the end, but it had resulted in Marcel and his followers having to be exiled.
Tonight, Klaus was on his way to Mystic Falls because of a witch named Davina. He was keeping it a secret for now of why he had temporarily left, because he didn't want his brother to come to the rescue of his dear Katerina. He wanted to see for himself if Davina's vision had been right or not. That she was dying of old age because she had gotten the cure shoved down her throat and time was catching up with her. And that's what brought him to the present.
Ch.2: A Failed Attempt At Dying
Klaus stopped walking, seeing a figure standing on the top of the clock tower. It wasn't a mystery to him of who it was, because he'd know her anywhere. Even from the top of a clock tower. It surprised him of what she was about to do, though. After 500 years of survival, she was finally going to do it. He couldn't let her, though. He wouldn't. His brother still loved her and he had enough decency that he'd save her if he had to. Where these thoughts were coming from, though, he didn't know. He had never loved her, though he had never taken the time to let anyone in; especially, her of all people. If he had let her in all those years ago, he was afraid that he would've fallen for her just as his brother had, and he wouldn't have been able to go through with the ritual to break the curse his mother had set upon him.
As soon as she jumped, he sped towards her to catch her before she could succeed in what she apparently wanted to do.
When she didn't feel the sidewalk or any pain, but instead, felt that someone had caught her, she opened her eyes, only to look up at Klaus.
"Klaus?" she questioned, not understanding why he would be the one to save her. She thought she was hated by everyone around her. Plus, she still saw him as the monster.
He set her on her feet and she looked at him.
"I'm here to see if it was true or not and I guess it is, considering you tried to kill yourself. Why would you do that, Katerina? If you need help, all you have to do is ask."
"If you knew what I was trying to do, why did you save me? Why not let me die?"
"Because your death would be the end of my brother and I personally enjoy you. Let's get out of here. Shall we?"
He took her arm, as he started to walk, making sure that she would go with him.
"Where are we going?" she questioned him.
"New Orleans. Where else? You'll be safer there than you are here," he assured her, though he couldn't promise her that. Not after everything that was happening in the French Quarter and at his home there in New Orleans.
She wanted to fight against him, but she knew that she was only human and he was a hybrid. She would be no match for him. Even if she was able to escape from him, it would never work out the way she would want it to. So, for now, she decided not to even try to fight him off. Besides, she was dying of old age. She wasn't herself like she used to be when she was a vampire.
Ch.3: New Orleans
It was a dark night, as Klaus and Katherine arrived in New Orleans. It had been over 100 years since she had been here, but Klaus didn't even know that. He thought that this was the first time she had been here for over 500 years.
As they continued to head for his home, they were silent until he finally spoke.
"I do wish for you to behave yourself while you are here, Katerina. I don't have enough time to be looking after you 24/7. So spare us all the trouble and try to behave."
"I won't be any trouble," she replied, not knowing if she was just saying it or if she was promising it. Whatever the case, she couldn't take those words back now. Plus, she knew better than to disobey in someone else's house; especially, when that someone was an indestructible hybrid of 1,000 years.
"Good," he replied to her, before they walked into the compound, Klaus closing the door behind himself. "Now then. We have a party being held tonight and I expect you to be on your best behavior. Try not to get into any trouble tonight. Wouldn't want this to become a habit. Now go find a room. You don't have to join the party if you don't wish to, but I'd be delighted if you did," he added to her.
Without a word to him, she headed up the stairs to go find a guest bedroom.
On her way to finding a guest bedroom, she had a run in with Rebekah.
"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" the Original questioned her.
"Klaus brought me here. I guess he came to see if it was true that I'm human and dying of old age because of getting the cure shoved down my throat. He got there in enough time to stop me from getting myself killed when I jumped off the clock tower."
"Welcome to New Orleans then," was all the Original could say to that.
She watched the Original head for the stairs , before Katherine went to go find a guest room and when she did, she walked in and closed the door behind herself for privacy. If she was going to be staying here with the Original Mikaelson family, she'd need all the privacy she could get, or she'd probably go insane. She knew that it would never last very long, though, what with all the yelling that came with the Mikaelson siblings. Well, except for Elijah. Elijah wasn't much for yelling or acting out of character. That's what she had and would always like about him. Elijah was a gentleman.
When night fell, she heard the noise of music, which made her think that the party had started. So, she went out onto the balcony that was connected with her room and stood there to watch it. She was human, but she could tell from where she was that all sorts of species were at the party. That meant that he was trying to salvage what peace there was left. Where Elijah was at, she had no clue.
After a while, she left the balcony, deciding to check out the party and maybe even New Orleans. She told him she'd be on her best behavior, but she didn't say that she wouldn't leave the compound. Besides, even though she was dying of old age and was human, she figured that she could handle herself if she got into any danger.
Ch.4: Danger
Katherine was alone, as she walked through New Orleans, being as careful as she could as to not get herself into a life and death situation. Klaus had saved her for a reason and she wasn't going to become a damsel in distress, unable to save her own skin. It wasn't like her to be that way. She was Katherine Pierce. She was a survivor. Though, these days, she didn't feel that way. She felt more like a worthless human.
She stopped in the heart of the woods, getting an uneasy feeling, which made her think that she was about to get killed by something after all.
"Who is it?" she questioned, not liking not being able to see her enemy.
A moment later, she was met with a guy that she figured to be a vampire.
She took a step back, anticipating what he was going to do to her. She had been a 500 year old vampire. She knew everything about vampires.
"You look like a feisty one," he commented to her.
"Matter of fact, I am; especially, when I'm backed into a corner."
"What's your name?" he asked her.
"Katherine. What's yours?"
"Well, at least I know the name of the vampire that's going to eat me," she commented.
A few minutes later, she was on the ground on her back with him feeding on her, but knowing he was much stronger than her, she didn't bother to fight him.
A moment later, she felt him stop and heard fighting, as she lay there. Then she had a sensation start to go up her right arm. She hadn't been bitten there or hurt, so she didn't know why. Then everything went totally black for her.
Once he killed Diego for biting her, the Original hybrid commented, saying, "You know, Katerina, when I said to stay out of trouble, I meant that you shouldn't go wandering around in the woods or New Orleans alone."
When he didn't get an answer or hear any movement from her, he turned around and was instantly at her side in a flash.
"Katerina?" he called to her, not knowing what was wrong. He knew she was dying of old age, but he wasn't sure how quickly it was happening. And he knew Diego hadn't taken much from her, so it wasn't blood loss. That meant that he had to help her before she died on him.
He gently picked her up in his arms and vanished, heading for the only hospital that New Orleans had left that was still being used.
Once at the hospital, he waited for them to do what they could for her, though he wasn't a very patient guy. Not anymore. Maybe he had been once upon a time in his life time, but he hadn't been a patient guy in who knows how long. He couldn't remember when he had ever been patient in his life time, apart from Sweet Caroline, of course. She brought out the good side in him, but he had to leave and when he did go back, he had promised her that he would "leave and never come back" to Mystic Falls. And as he waited not so patiently for news, he paced in the waiting room.
Half an hour later, he was finally informed that he could go see her and that she had had a heart attack. It made him realize that he had been very close to losing her to a mere human thing that could have killed her. In fact, he realized that if he hadn't found her missing and hadn't been there to stop Diego, she most likely wouldn't have made it.
Once inside the hospital room, he closed the door behind himself and went to stand at her bedside.
He looked down at her.
"Oh, Katerina," he said, unable to say anything else.
After several hours of sitting in a chair and looking at her, waiting for her to come to, he began to wonder if she was going to ever wake up.
When she woke up, she saw that she was back in her room at the house in New Orleans, but was hooked up to a couple machines and had an ivy in her arm. She then realized that she wasn't alone in the room. Klaus was seated on her bedside, worriedly looking down at her.
"I was beginning to wonder when you were going to wake up," he greeted her.
"What happened to me? Other than getting bitten by a vampire, of course."
"His name was Diego and I killed him for you. You had a heart attack, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"
"Thanks. I feel fine. Any chance that These machines can go now that I'm awake?"
"Of course. And I'll get you something to eat. You're probably hungry," he said, before walking out of the room.
As she watched him go, she wondered why he was caring about her now after everything he had done to her in the past.
Ch.5: Love At Last
It was a beautiful night, as Katherine and Klaus stood on the balcony. It had been a month since she had had her near death experience and everything was now peaceful. Everyone was playing nice with each other and there hadn't been any plotting as of late. Not that they knew of, anyway.
"It's getting late. We should probably be heading off to bed," Kat suggested to him.
"I couldn't agree more, Katerina. I hope you like it here now. I wouldn't want you to feel out of place here at our home."
"I am. Thank you, Klaus."
She never would have dreamed that one day she would be thanking Klaus for something. She had been doing that a lot lately. The first was when he had saved her life. The second had been after he had asked Davina to do a spell to keep her from dying of old age like she had been. The third was just now.
After a month of saving her life and watching her back, he had finally come to realize the feelings he had for her. He didn't know what she felt for him, though.
A few minutes later, they were on her bed, kissing.