It was a dark night in New Orleans, as Katherine Pierce, newly human, walked through the woods, heading for the compound. She had lived here less than 100 years ago. It hadn't changed that much since then as far as it looked to her. She was heading for the compound, taking a guess that that was where they were staying at. After all, it was their home. The Originals built it. It was rightfully theirs.
Suddenly, she saw a place that had smoke billowing from it, which made her curious; especially, when she saw Marcel and a few of his buddies vamp-speed out of there and out of sight. So, being curious, she headed inside.
Once she saw someone in a room, she carefully made her way over, as debris and wood continued to crash down.
A few minutes later, after getting some wood off him, she realized that it was her worse enemy; Niklaus Mikaelson.
She sighed.
She set her fear of him and her hatred aside, knowing she had to get him out of there. If anything happened to his little brother, Elijah wouldn't be very happy. She was doing this for Elijah.
"Klaus? Can you hear me, Klaus? It's me," she called to him, not sure if she'd be able to drag him out of there on her own.
She rested a hand on the right side of his face, which she immediately took away, feeling his warm skin. This made her think that something was in the smoke. It had to be wolfsbane, since werewolf venom didn't effect hybrids; Especially, an Original hybrid like Klaus.
She sighed.
A moment later, he slowly came to.
"You're awake," she commented to him. "I was beginning to think that I might have to drag you out of here myself. What the hell happened here?" she added to him.
"Some humans through smoke bombs in here. What are you doing here? Why not just leave me here? I've caused you enough pain," he said, as he blurrily looked at her, fighting to stay awake.
"I was heading for the compound when I saw the smoke. I thought I'd investigate and that's when I saw you here. I'm going to get you out of here. I promise," she said.
"Why does everyone keep making promises that they can't keep around here? You should only make promises that you can keep," he replied.
"Well, this one I can keep," she assured him.
"Good luck with that," he replied to her.
As everything started to go black, he dimly heard her calling to him, trying to get him to stay awake, with the scent of her fear, which he didn't know the reason for. She had never felt any compassion for him before. And that was the last thing he heard.
As wood continued to fall from the ceiling and fire burst, she used all of the human strength she had to hold him up, as she walked with him, an arm around him, his arm around her shoulders, knowing she couldn't leave him here. She'd die before she let him die. He might be her enemy of 500 years, but she couldn't let him die. Everyone needed him. He was going to be the father of his child and his blood was the only thing that could cure a werewolf bite if a vampire got bitten by a werewolf.
Once she had him in a cabin in the Bayou and had given him the cure, she sat down on his bedside and looked down at him, relieved, knowing that he'd be okay. She did it. She saved him. For some reason, it delighted her that she had been able to get to him in time and save his life from the one thing that she didn't know whether or not could kill him or not.