It was a beautiful day in New Orleans in the Bayou, as Klaus stood with his hand in Tyler's chest, Tyler up against a tree.
When he smelled her familiar scent, he greeted her without looking at her, saying, "How pleasant of you to join us. What brings you to my town? What do you want?"
Katherine stood a distance away, as she replied to the Original werewolf-vampire hybrid, saying, "I came for protection, since Silas wants me dead. I'm human now. Elena wasted the cure on me when I tried to kill her, since I was mad at Bonnie for not handing the cure over to me. Now I'm dying of old age. Time is catching up with me. You obviously won't protect me, so I was looking for Elijah. Then I heard you two."
"I'd love to help you, but I have a hybrid getting between me and my unborn child. He has complicated things and must be taken out."
"I see your point, Klaus, but I wouldn't do that. Think about this. What would Caroline think of you? The only reason he broke up with her was to get back at you for killing his mother. Please, Klaus, Don't make more enemies than you need to, because I know that Caroline will hate you forever if you kill Tyler. I can call her up even if you want me to. We're becoming quite the allies. After all, I helped her make everyone think that Elena's not a vampire."
Klaus gave a low growl, but took his hand out of Tyler's chest, letting Katerina have her way for the moment. He then stepped back and watched her walk up to the hybrid.
She looked at Tyler and he looked at her, as she spoke to him, not at all afraid of what he might do to her.
"Tell Marcel nothing and then go back home to Mystic Falls and stay there. Even if it costs you your life, help them defeat Silas and go back to Caroline. Right now, she needs someone there for her. Elena had to kill Jesse to save Damon's life. She cared about him and he's dead, Tyler. Now go."
She walked a distance away.
Knowing she was right, Tyler left to do as she told him to do.
Klaus looked at Katerina as did she with him.
"You're being brave. You know what I can do, yet here you are," he commented to her.
"I'm dying," she reminded him.
"Yes. So you said."
He started to walk towards her.
"Where's Elijah?" she asked him.
"I'm mad at him and the wolf carrying my child, so I bit him for punishment. Rebekah's not happy with me."
"Well, at least you're not going to let him die. He's your brother, after all. Without him, I don't know what anyone would do."
Suddenly, everything went dim for her and she felt something like ground under her.
The Original hybrid ran towards her, as she collapsed to the ground on her back.
Once at her side on her left on the ground, he rested a gentle hand on the left side of her face. He then looked down at her to assess her condition.
Seeing how pale she was and a few bleeding wounds, he bit his wrist.
"The cure won't let me keep vampire blood down. Ask Caroline. She tried to help me when my hand wouldn't stop bleeding," she whispered, as everything started to go black.
Her skin paled some more, as he contemplated on what to do, knowing she was slowly dying from both blood loss and what the cure had done to her.
She closed her eyes, feeling very weak and tired.
"Fight it, Katerina," was the last thing she heard, before everything went black for her.
He took his hand away from her face and gently pulled her into his arms, before getting to his feet and racing towards home to try and save her life.
Once in a bedroom, he gently layed her down in a bed.
When Hayley was heading towards her room, she stopped, seeing Klaus and one of the doppelgangers.
Hayley Marshall walked in and stood at the entrance.
"Klaus, what's going on?" she asked him.
"Katerina is dying and hurt, but she can't be healed. The cure made her human and she got hurt some time down the road. Because the cure made her human, vampire blood won't help. Her body just rejects it."
He turned around to face her, before getting a vial, biting his wrist, and making his blood drip into the vial.
A few minutes later, he put the cap on and his wrist instantly healed. He then came to stand in front of her.
"Take this to Elijah. It'll cure him from my bite. He'll want to be here for Katerina. He can't be here for her if he's dying. In the meantime, I'll be out finding someone that can help her. She deserves a second chance just as I have been given."
Hayley took it and then left without a word, knowing what he meant by Elijah wanting to be there for Katherine. He was hinting that Elijah was in love with Katherine.
Klaus went to stand at her bedside. He then looked down at her, before lightly trailing his fingers down the left side of her face. The way he acted towards her now, made it look like he cared about her.
"Stay with us, Katerina. Elijah is coming. Don't worry. We'll find a way. I won't let anything happen to you," he promised her, though he didn't know if she could hear him or not.
In the end, she lived after Davina did a spell to save her life and help her, and Kat was no longer dying of old age. So, everybody lived as happily ever after as they could with Kat and Elijah getting back together. After all, they all had enemies.