It was a beautiful day in New Orleans, as Niklaus Mikaelson stood side by side with Marcel, a few of Marcel's followers in the room with them. They had just finished their fill of human blood from the human council members.
Suddenly, smoke bombs were thrown into the room, shattering the big window they stood not far from.
Klaus looked at one not far from where he stood, as one of Marcel's followers died by sunlight, since he had been standing in front of the big window and was a night walker. Before Klaus could say or do anything else though, smoke filled the room and an explosion erupted, which tossed the remaining vampires and Klaus a ways in opposite directions from one another.
Marcel didn't know what had really happened or why, as he coughed from the vervained smoke with a hint of something else he couldn't place filled the air, but he knew he had to get out of there. So, leaving Klaus to his own demise, Marcel sped out of the building at vamp speed and the remaining vampires followed him.
Katherine Pierce had been looking for Elijah, when she saw a building smoking. So, being curious as to if an Original was in there, she carefully made her way inside.
When she headed inside a room and saw Klaus, she rushed to his aid and knelt in front of his form.
She rested a gentle hand on the right side of his face.
"Klaus? Can you hear me, Klaus?" she called to him, trying to wake the Original hybrid up.
She coughed from what was left of the smoke, as she waited for him to wake up.
When he woke up, Katerina was there with a worried face.
"Katerina?" he questioned.
He felt her hand leave his face.
As he looked at her, his vision blurred.
"It's me," she assured him, as she looked down at him, assessing his condition. "I should get you home," she said to him.
"Very well then," he replied, not being in the mood to argue with her.
As he got to his feet, she helped him and put an arm around him.
Niklaus couldn't believe that Katerina was in New Orleans and helping him, but he took her help anyway, knowing something had been in the smoke.
As they headed for where he was staying at with his family, his vision got worst.
When Kat got him upstairs and in bed, he was barely conscious.
She sat on his bedside and looked down at her worst enemy of 500 years. She then rested gentle hands on either side of his face, as she thought of what to do for him, not knowing what had happened.
"What happened?" she asked him.
"Marcel and I killed some council members. Then some humans, I don't know who, through smoke bombs inside the room," he explained to her, before asking, "Why, Katerina?" He didn't know why she would help him after 500 years of running from him.
"Because one, you're Elijah's family and two, I need all the help I can get. The cure got shoved down my throat. I'm dying of old age faster than normal. My body won't even take vampire blood. It just rejects it. I'm out of options, so I was looking for Elijah when I saw a building that looked like it had been bombed," she explained to the hybrid.
"Thank you, Katerina."
She gave him a small smile.
"You're welcome."
She took her hands off his face and saw that he was starting to sweat.
"Klaus," she said, worried.
Feeling warm all of a sudden, he realized something.
"Wolfsbane," he said.
"Hang in there," she encouraged him.
"Caroline," he said.
She realized he was right and knew what he meant.
A moment later, everything went black for him.
Kat took her phone out and called Caroline Forbes, hoping she'd drop everything and come. Right now, the hybrid needed someone close to him, while Kat looked for a cure. Besides, if he woke up and started seeing things, Caroline could stop him better than Kat right now.
"Katherine," she greeted. "Did you get what you needed?"
"Not yet. I ran into a problem. Can you come to New Orleans? I don't know where Elijah and Rebekah are right now and Klaus got wolfsbaned. I need to get the cure to him and someone needs to watch him. Besides, you can do more than I can. Plus, he wants you to come."
The blond sighed.
"I'll be there soon."
They hung up.
An hour later, there was a knock on the door.
When the human opened the door, it was Caroline.
Sensing her and being barely awake, he said from the bed upstairs, "Come in, Sweet Caroline," before everything went black for him again.
Kat stepped out of her way and Caroline walked in. Kat then closed the door and led her to Klaus' bedroom.
When she saw him, he looked terrible.
Both girls walked up to where he lay, a wet wash cloth on his forehead.
"I'll be back as soon as I can," Kat promised her, before walking out.
A few hours later, she returned with the cure and gave it to him, which he thankfully took.
The next day, after Davina did a spell to help Katherine, Kat returned to the Mikaelson place, only to realize a few hours later, that something was wrong.
When she found Klaus and Caroline, they were in one of Marcel's rooms in trouble. Klaus was in chains, a werewolf about to lunge at Caroline if Marcel ordered it. Marcel held Caroline in a strong grip, threatening her life.
Kat put herself between the werewolf and vampires, ready to risk her life for Caroline and Klaus.
She looked at Marcel.
"Leave them be," she said in an angry tone, not wanting Caroline to die or anything to happen to Klaus. "I don't care what your game is, Marcel, but let her go. If you kill her, I'll kill you myself," she warned him.
"Well, if it isn't Katherine Pierce. The one that got away," Marcel commented.
"You know me. Good. That means you know what happens to those that upset me."
Marcel gave the wolf a notion for him to leave the room, in which the wolf obeyed.
Marcel let her go, throwing her to the floor.
He looked at Klaus whom still had yellow eyes, growling.
"This isn't over."
The human watched him leave, before checking to make sure Caroline was okay. After all, they were becoming friends. To her relief, the vampire was fine.
A few moments later, after Klaus was unchained and cooled down some, they entered Klaus' temporary home.
Soon after, Kat and Caroline left New Orleans to go home to Mystic Falls.