Taylor’s POV
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Cider grows on you once you’ve gotten used to its tangy after taste, I’ve been sipping for almost an hour, Rachel keeps reminding me to drink up. Not sure how she can tell how much I have drunk. Surely it's a skill for someone that intoxicated to count somebody else's drinks. The more I drink however the more I come round to the idea that she could be a lot of fun.
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"Pippa could you pass two more our way" Ross asks looking at the cans of white ace that are near the two girls. Where did they buy all of this alcohol? I wonder briefly.
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"Get it yourself" she laughs, the drink is really getting to her. Accentuating all of her worst qualities. I stand up before him and walk over to the bag and grab two cans, Pippa rolls her eyes at my legs as I pass her. Ross pays me a lot of attention as I walk back over to him. Kneeling in front of him and handing him the cans, he locks his eyes onto mine and I can feel the heat behind them.
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“Pippa” a tall guy admonishes her.
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“Oh shut up Ryan” she barks back and I notice how he has his arms around another girl with short dyed black hair.
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Ryan who briefly looked my way earlier curses her and shoots a glare in her direction. Rachel openly laughs at the drama. Ryan, Rachel informs me is Pippa's twin brother and I can't help but feel sorry for him having her hanging around with him. He too wears glasses, however his make him look somehow intelligent and quirky. He's wearing a nice polo shirt with some kind of brand logo on it, jeans and Chelsea boots. He looks stylish, like he takes care of himself. His dark brown hair is a shade lighter than his sisters and he has deep blue eyes.
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"Excuse me a minute" Ross says pulling his shirt off as I sit forward and off of his body for a minute.
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“Hot there are we Ross” Rachel sighs and I look down awkwardly.
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"Just a touch" he says as I pass him his can back.
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"What's the deal tonight then, Idon't think I'm above partying two nights in a row" Rachel says looking my way.
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She is eyeing Ross and his arm which is casually hooked around me. Ross has a flawless chest, perfectly tanned as if he’s sat on a sun-bed. His rugged blonde hair sweeps away from his face as I stare up at him briefly and he smiles openly.
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Just then Matty approaches our group. He sits just across from Ross and I. I notice that Rachel shuffles to sit nearer to him. Without saying a word to one another Ross chucks Matty his tobacco and smoking stuff and he too starts rolling up.
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"We could all go to mine." Matty suggests. Briefly looking up towards Ross. Matty eyes me and my evident proximity to Ross and quickly looks away and back down to his cigarette. The girls are taken aback, clearly this invite isn't extended often.
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Rachel practically beams at Matty, he doesn't notice. Is he oblivious? He pushes his tousled dark curls back and lights up his cigarette.
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"Pass me one of those would you" he says in the direction of the girls. They hand him a cider.
He sips and sets it's down on his skateboard. His top is still off and I can tell Rachel is enjoying the view. But I don't blame her really.
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"I think we should go to the shop on the way and get some more cider" Pippa announces.
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"Don't you think you've had enough" Ryan says under his breath coming to sit down next to her.
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"Just because you're my brother doesn't mean you can tell me what to do" she shuts him down. He sighs resigned, clearly they argue a fair bit. I briefly imagine what it would be like to have an older brother, or any sibling at all. I frown slightly, looking up and catching Matty’s eyes on me.
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"Are you going to be staying out Taylor?" Ryan enquires giving me an attractive smile. There's something very decent about him. He's not rugged and I haven't seen him so much as touch a skateboard. But he is nice all the same. He cares about his sister, who at the moment is acting like a brat.
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They all glance my way waiting for my reply.
"Count me in, Matty" Rachel blurts out as she spies him looking at me, taking a drag on his cigarette. He doesn't turn to look at her, I feel bad about that. And I know without turning to her that she will be giving me the jealous stare. I was beginning to like Rachel, I hope we can remain friends.
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"Rhea" I call over my shoulder. Trying to divert attention from myself. She saunters over to me and our group, Malachi in tow. She is her normal carefree self, lapping up the social atmosphere. She is slightly tipsy too I can tell. Malachi gladly holds her hand following behind her they are giggling at a personal joke. Feeling confident now that I've had a cider or two I look at them, so happy in each other's company and I lean into Ross' side.
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Ross is so warm, I can feel his skin touching my arm, he begins to move his hand up and down my arm confidently as if he always does this kind of thing. I hope he doesn’t, and that I’m an exception.
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Rhea eyes the gesture and smiles as she sits down next to me with Malachi around her.
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“What's the plan? Whatever it is I'm probably going to say yes." She informs me with a smile.
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Her eyes look different, more relaxed. It must be the drinking. I briefly wonder if my eyes look the same. I laugh at her then turn back to the rest of the group. Noticing briefly that Matty is watching Ross' every move on me.
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"If we're invited Matty we would like to come along with you guys" I tell him directly.
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Rachel scans from my face to Matty's . I smile genuinely at him, there's a definite tension as he eyes me back. I'm feeling very confident, this isn't me. The usual quiet, shy girl in my head begs me to look away from his gaze. I ignore her. I stare back at him, yes "Matty" you're hot but I will not let you intimidate me with your green mysterious eyes.
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"Yeah sure, sounds great" he says simply putting out his cigarette still eyeing me. I get the feeling a lot of girls are intimidated by both his looks and attitude.
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"We have two ciders left, I say we play a game to finish off the alcohol!" Rachel says breaking the silence. Opening both cans she unsteadily puts them in the centre of the group. My judgement is all out and I am suddenly all for this game. Whatever it may be.
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"What are we playing" I smirk at Rachel, and I love her energy. She’s playful and free.
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"Don't worry I haven't got a scrabble board with me!" Rachel laughs and I laugh my head falling back onto Ross’ chest.
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"We are going to play truth or dare. If you can't do your one then you forfeit and take a shot of cider" Rachel explains.
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Ross looks down at me reassuringly placing his hand back on my arm. Matty sighs and rolls himself another cigarette.
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"While you're all busy with that, I'll message the others tell them to meet us at mine" he says and I look away from him.