Taylor’s POV
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"So I have caught three, what's your total Gilbert-Scott?" I say using his second name. The sun is high today, beating down over the lake on a Saturday afternoon as Jay sits across from me looking down at his fishing rod hanging in the water. His glorious golden hair shining as he swooshes it back appraising me.
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"Real funny see you're enjoying this" he smiles over at me, his shirt off as he lounges back smoking and sulking. I gaze up at the tranquil sky noticing how there isn’t a cloud to block the sunlight, as I look over at him again watching how the light shines over his bare chest.
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"Patience" I smile hooking another fish and reeling it in.
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"One trip and suddenly you're an expert" he laughs glancing at me his ray bans on as I pull my own over my eyes.
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"You need more patience" I add continuing with what I had been saying before his interruption.
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"You have to wait" I laugh knowing that it will taunt him in an irresistible way. He snorts and splashes water my way.
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"Real mature" I retort splashing him back and laughing.
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Occasionally he glances at me when he thinks I'm not looking and like magnets our eyes focus and lock. His eyes watch me in a serious, I want you for the rest of my life kind of way. It’s a new development, and I’m entirely thrilled by the whole thing. Despite the fact that we are both still yet to meet one another’s parents, our intentions are set on forever.
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"Here" he remarks passing me a cigarette. Its unusual for me to smoke, but considering my high spirits I decide to enjoy one for a change. Seen as I have the upper hand on the amount of fish I've caught I sit back watching him focusing on his fishing rod chuckling.
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“What!? I can sense there is a big one on the end of it and I need to catch it, makes up for three small ones right" he laughs winking at me.
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“Depends on the size of it babe" I jibe back inhaling the smoke before breathing it out, it’s menthol and so it tastes just like mint to me.
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“Really that's funny, we're going there are we ?" He laughs pulling at the rod and baiting the imaginary fish under the water.
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“I just feel if you had to mention the size in the first place..." I smirk openly as I finish the cigarette and stump it in an ash tray. Jay splashes me with water again and I laugh.
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“So cheeky." He says grinning to himself before he pulls at the rod again. This morning, I had pulled on my bikini under my cami knowing that we would be near water. Establishing that he is clearly just baiting me and hasn’t caught an actual fish. I pull my cami top off and over my head before sitting back down in my jeans skirt and bikini top.
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“Hey look babe" he exclaims and my heart melts glimpsing a younger version of him. His tone of voice utterly different, filled with glee and innocence. Pulling the rod entirely out of the water to reveal a huge carp on the end. His eyes shimmering as he eyes the fish, a wide grin over his face which makes me imagine too many things that I should not let my heart want wander about. Like what our children will look like and whether we will have a boy that inherits his good looks and charming smile. Finally gazing up at me from his catch his mouth gapes as he takes in the bikini and he giggles.
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“Wow hot" he remarks in his sexy voice, the other Jay that I love, the insatiable one who never tires from looking at me.
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“That is big" I say and he laughs instantly.
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“I told you have faith in me babe" he remarks with a grin that he cannot hold in.
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“I didn't lack faith I was just teasing you" I reply nonchalantly as I lounge lounging back in my bikini top. Jay’s eyes sweep over my chest before he puts down his catch releasing it back into the water to be free again. Taking the seat next to mine in the boat and leaving the fishing rod altogether, he places an arm around my shoulder.
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“This is perfection for me Taylor, being here with you. Doing stuff like this." He replies and I turn to face him kissing him on his lips as our boat sways back and forth on the water.
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“Me too Jay" I say sighing as he breaks away.
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“Do you have the full bikini on too" he whispers in my ear and I grin helplessly. My cheeks flushing as his finger trails down my side.
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“I sure do" I smile up at him, his eyes meet mine and he looks away blushing. It’s a red two piece, I just know that he adores me in red and so I picked it out especially.
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“Fancy a dip" he smiles at me cheekily as I stand up in front of him attempting and successfully keeping myself steady on the rocking boat. I unbutton the jeans skirt and pull it down watching his eyes all the while. He gasps when I reveal the full bikini, watching me transfixed. I make sure to move off of the boat as carefully and gracefully as possible. Unbelievably I managed it as I dive into the water feeling it hit me, the chill hits me first but I refuse to shout out as that would be terribly unsexy. Instead I allow myself to acclimatise, finding that after a few minutes I feel utterly refreshed and at ease in the water.
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“Well are you joining me or not” I ask him as he smiles watching me before climbing in.
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"That is cold" he sighs dipping into the water and lowering himself in gently. I swim over to him and kiss his lips holding onto his jaw. Strong hands circle my waist holding onto me as I look up into his eyes.
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“There's no like crazy human eating fish in here right" I say laughing.
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“Babe no we're in a lake not the ocean" he laughs amused by my question before he kisses me again. The water drops down his beautiful face, his hair slick and wet making his gorgeous blonde locks appear slightly darker. I get lost in him and the feel of the water on my skin. He holds me close as the sun dwindles and begins to move from the central point of the sky.
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“I love you Jay, I want to be with you forever” I whisper whilst sincerely looking into his eyes. He looks at me with his trusting eyes; fervently kissing my lips over and over again. Before he pushes his wet hair back and I'm stunned by his handsomeness as he falters watching me, choosing his words carefully.
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"We should move in together, here" he smiles at me, the excitement in his eyes as if he’s imagining the whole entire thing. Our lives and our future together.
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"Here?" I say breathless as my heart practically lurches, my head shouting at me to say yes now.
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"Yes here, we can get to university just as easily as when we travel from the apartment, I’m a fantastic driver.” he smirks as I watch him.
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"Say yes" he says kissing me giving me no option but to chuckle as our lips entwine again.
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His hands go through my wet hair and he smiles. I'm wearing my earrings and necklace that he purchased for me as gifts, his eyes glisten as he looks at them.
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"Let's get you back into the boat" he whispers not pressing me for an answer right away, although my head practically yells at me that I need to take the opportunity of living at a lake house with him and run with it.
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Once we’re on board he retrieves some warm blankets from under the deck, powers up the speed boat and sets on getting us back safely. As the stars begin to make an appearance in the now darkening sky.