Taylor’s POV
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Sky blue shirts that are your boyfriends are made for days when the sun is shining, you've got your sunglasses on, your hair is out loose and you're wearing a mini skirt. The weather has been hot today, and even though the sun is beginning to set it’s still comfortably warm.
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I'm watching the lake through the window, the setting sun reflecting beams of soft orange light onto it as Jay cruises to the lake house. Rachel and Nate are following us and Ross is behind them. We had forgotten to take the food to the apartment for our party and Jay suggested we just all go to the lake house instead. Even though we were keeping his rather large property a secret, it seems he would prefer to keep me happy by hosting a party than keep his wealth under wraps.
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"Everybody will be there for your birthday anyways" he whispered. And I just loved his logic.
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Rachel is following us in Nate’s Chevrolet, most likely talking and exchanging glances about this affluent area. I glance at Jay, he looks at me and winks. His hand travels to my thigh and rests there. He indicates way ahead of time and slows down before the turning to our garage. Something tells me that Matthew knows exactly where the turning is as I look for his 4x4 in the distance.
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"Get ready for the inevitable questions, is this yours? Wow how many cars do you own?" Jay says sighing killing the engine on the Audi.
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"You never did any of that, because you are class" he laughs gets out and opens my door for me. Rach practically gapes at him. Matthew and Ross follow behind, Ross looking curiously over at the Harley Davidson’s.
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"Jay this is...?" Rachel stutters.
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"This is yours !?" She asks eyeing up the many cars and the automatic gates closing as he sets the alarm system.
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"Yep" he smiles turning to face her.
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"Nice place man" Nate says and they follow us in through the garage entrance. It means we don't have to take a step outside and we're in our home. Jay disarms the security system and we head in to the main property. The side door leads to the kitchen first. I hang my stuff up and head straight to the Prosecco. I pour Rach a glass and get the guys a beer each. I let them take in their surroundings whilst sitting in their high stools and I busy myself starting up the enchiladas.
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"Taylor what are you making this time?" Rach asks.
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"Enchiladas" I smile, I've taken off my sandals the floor is heated and I'm at home.
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"Ohh delicious" she replies.
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“I’ve never had your enchiladas” Ross smiles sipping his beer as Matthew and Jay talk quietly amongst themselves.
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"What a kitchen, I thought the apartment was nice but wow" Rachel sighs looking around the marble countertops, the white shaker cabinets with their side lights. The flat screen which Jay switches on to a radio station. Music flows out of the sound system and I smile over at Rachel sipping her Prosecco.
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"So this party over the weekend?” I say smiling. I want to change the conversation, anything but the lake house and its extravagance. I feel like I’m in a rags to riches story where the girl goes from a normal suburban home to living in a state of the art mansion. When Rachel see’s the living room with its floor to ceiling windows she will practically faint. Let alone the cinema or the spa.
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"It's a big one. Ryan's again. Messy" she laughs.
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"Oh nice better than dorms" I sigh smiling as Nate laughs.
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Jay vanishes briefly and I continue cooking. When he returns he's holding the iPad. He's also changed into a new white t shirt and shorts. I marvel at how he looks amazing, just in his casual clothes. He swiftly passes the iPad to Rach swooping his hair back and then comes to stand next to me.
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"Start looking for clothes" he smiles as she grasps the device.
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"Hey you could all come here first and then we could go together?” he says looking at me as I'm cooking. I feel his stare and I know what he wants. I remember him taking me over this very counter last night and I glance up at him. He winks at me and I sip my Prosecco eyeing Matthew briefly before turning back to the pan. Jay rubs my back affectionately. Something about the gesture, so familiar and yet new at the same time. I lean into his touch. He's rubbing me like he would if I had morning sickness, I glance up at him again smiling.
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I wrap up the enchiladas, I’ve made three batches. Jay produces the cheese from the chiller and grates a whole load of cheese on top before we place them in the large gas oven to bake. When I turn to face the others, Prosecco in my hand I watch Rachel flicking through clothes and Matthew and Ross chatting as Nate stands somewhat like an odd part to her side.
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"Ohh this is nice" Rach says eyeing up something on the iPad. She turns it around to show me. It's a white dress. It's very her, not something I would choose. I can’t help but to see Ross snicker slightly at the white ruffles and the sequins on the dress.
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"Get it" I say and she adds it to the basket.
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"Your go" she says passing me the tablet. I walk over with my Prosecco and take a seat on the stool next to Matthew. Flicking through the online catalogue I decide that I want something long. I'm planning on wearing some fancy underwear underneath.
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I find a maxi length black dress with a slit down the side all the way up to the thigh. It's the best looking dress on this site. A strapless affair with a low cut chest and a deep v back that will have Jays hands on me all night long.
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"That's gorgeous" Rach says eyeing my choice as Matthew looks over it from my other shoulder.
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"Very you" she smiles as Jay strolls over and I hide it from him playfully. Declaring that he’s not seeing it until I'm in it. He laughs as I give Rach the tablet back instructing her to fill the basket with makeup, eyelashes and tan.
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"I hope you're hungry" I tell Jay his arms are around my waist, possessively. His lips almost touching mine as Matthew shifts uncomfortably and Rachel scoffs amazed at the total price of our items.
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"Very" he whispers and my insides catch fire.
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Reluctantly, I pull myself away from him and walk over to the cooker removing the food, it smells incredible. Feeling his hands brush my back as he walks past and begins rustling up a salad.
Once the food is ready I follow his lead taking the plates into the dining room and the others join us. Walking through the brightly lit hall as Rachel sighs looking at the high ceilings and the sweeping staircase.
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"Shit guys" Rach says looking at the ebony wood table. The dining hall is vast and the table seats twenty. The windows to the left look out over the lake and open the space up even more.
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"We usually just sit on this end" I say laughing. Once we've all started eating and everybody is silent which I always take as a compliment to my food, Jay places his hand over mine on the table.
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"So do you guys live here then" Rach asks, she's completely unfiltered, she just comes out with it.
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"Yeah Taylor moved in with me, after I begged her for around three or four months" Jay says stroking my hand.
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"It's your place ?" Rach asks as I almost interject, I don't want him to feel like he's being questioned or examined.
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"Yeah this is mine, and the apartment" he explains eyeing Matthew briefly before rubbing my hand.
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"So it made sense that we live here together instead of at the apartment plus Taylor likes the lake. And the views are incredible. For, I think, our second date..." he begins and I look up at him smiling. He's lost in thought, talking out loud.
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"We walked through the forest and I wanted it to be a surprise. I took her to the boat house the other side of the lake and she was looking at me like I was crazy, unbelieving that I owned the boat. Until I turned it on" he smiles.
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I laugh, remembering the way he had strolled up to the boat and imagining what my face must have looked like at the time.
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"How was I to know?" I say as Nate laughs and Matthew look down at his meal.
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"Wow can we all go on the boat someday" Rach laughs as I glance over at Jay. He smiles at me and nods.
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"Wanna go fishing ?" I say excited looking up at Ross and Nate.
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"I'm a good catch, I beat this one last time" I say laughing.
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"Oh I'm great at fishing, challenge accepted" Nate says grinning at me.
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"I will catch more than you" I say laughing.
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"Oh yeah" he laughs teasingly.
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"Okay, okay" Jay chuckles.
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"We will settle it tonight" Jay laughs looking at me.
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“Although Matthew is pretty good at fishing too” Jay laughs.
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“I’m pretty good” he smiles slightly as I stand up excited.
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"Ever gone fishing at night time" Jay looks at me his eyes sparkling as he stands up holding onto me.
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"And no the water is not warm enough for that this time" he smiles and I blush.
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"You two are so cute" Rach smiles. I look over at her assessing her relationship with Nate. His hand is rested on hers and I smile. That's a great sign. Maybe this is it? We could all be friends, going on double dates and eventually all growing up together. Nate smiles at her and she looks at him doe eyed.
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"So are you two" I say and she smiles back at me.
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"Don't drink too much until we get back or you will get sick on the boat" I laugh eyeing her nearly empty glass.
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I pick up the plates and head to the kitchen with Jay. He takes them off of me and loads the dishwasher. After washing his hands he strolls over to me and I realise I've been watching him the whole time. He kisses me delicately, I yearn for him. Wanting him completely.
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"You can use my fishing rod. And wear my jacket it may be cold" he sighs, his eyes watching mine. I can feel his need, I rest my head in his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It grounds me.
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"I love you" he whispers in my ear.
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"And I am going to be inside of you the second they are gone, all night long" he says as I kiss his chest.
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Retrieving his jacket from the cloakroom I pull the tweed over me and he smiles watching me under the lights in the hall. The others join us from the dining room as he kisses me slowly.
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“Let’s go fishing” he smiles heading over to the front door with a twinkle in his eye and my hand holding onto his.