Jay's POV
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Whenever I get on the boat my mindset changes, it transports me to time spent with my uncle as a younger boy. The way he would talk me through everything, chuckling when I got things wrong. An abundance of patience that I tested every single time he entrusted me with the boat.
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We still have light, barely. The weather is fine, water is calm. I'm mentally checking it all off in my head. I help Taylor on the boat to join the others who are sitting expectantly waiting for me to start it up. Everybody is looking out at the view, the way the sun sits on the horizon line. Except for Taylor who is watching my movements her eyes looking to the next piece of equipment before I've even got there. She has remembered from the couple of times I've been on the boat with her before. I tilt the propellers into the water submerging them fully, I hear Uncle Thomas' instruction in my ear each time.
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It's methodical, I go through the same stages each time. This time however Taylor is watching me and I want her but I must concentrate. I engage the kill switch, squeeze the primer bulb, stick it in neutral. Choke lever, ignition and then choke lever again and we are ready. Now it's just a case of steering. I sit by the wheel, glance at Taylor and she joins me. Sitting in my lap and I want her alone. I let her steer lounging back and letting her rest on me.
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"Oh you can drive it too" Rach laughs sipping her drink from the bottle. She just can't put it down.
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"Sail" I say smiling.
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Rach rolls her eyes and for at least 10 minutes everybody is peacefully quiet. Taylor is good at steering boats and I genuinely start to wonder whether she is just good at everything she puts her hands too.
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“Ryan’s party will be fun huh Ross and Matthew” Rachel teases them, they are single guys and I assume that she is insinuating that they might get lucky with another girl. It would be a relief if Matthew could look at anybody other than Taylor and truly I would be happy if he did.
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“It’s should be nice yeah” Ross says lounging back as Taylor steers the boat her long hair down her sides. I crack open my beer and sip it eyeing Matthew briefly. He pulls his eyes off of Taylor and looks at me slightly annoyed.
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“Will be nice” Matthew comments, he’s already almost drunk. I know him he doesn’t drink slow, he doesn’t sip like me.
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“Oh how I love Ryan’s parties” Taylor chuckles and I smirk remembering the amount of drama we’ve all experienced at Ryan’s house. Eventually I instruct Taylor, whispering in her ear instructions on how to stop the boat. My hands going over hers as she manages the boat magnificently well and with ease.
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"Perfect" I say standing up and going to retrieve the fishing rod. Specifically the one that is meant for her. My first proper one given to me by my uncle. It's black and still as shiny as it was when he first gave it to me. She smiles pleased and I hook the bait on.
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"No putting it in the water yet, fair competition and all that" Nate says hooking up another rod for himself and not his girl. He stares at Taylor briefly and I shoot him a warning glance. She’s beautiful, perhaps I’m paranoid but I’m sure all of these men would seize a chance to be with her. When everybody's ready Rach sighs. We place the rods in the water and wait. Taylor smiles over at me.
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"I can feel something tugging on mine already" she jokes as Matthew pulls his rod out and his first catch. It’s small and it makes me laugh ironically as he presents the small fish to Taylor and she smiles reassuringly before he throws the fish back in the water.
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"I'm cold" Rach says whining at Nate and I briefly remember when I had to contend with her whinging. I look at my girl, she's staring into the water and sipping on her drink. I pat her leg and stand up to retrieve blankets.
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I chuck one over to Rach and keep one for us. Tucking it in over her legs and mine she smiles cuddling up to me.
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“Looks like I was right" she says smiling and pulling in her rod.
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“Oh shit for real need to up my game" Nate smiles over at her as she pulls in a massive fish, looking pleased with herself.
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“Come on boys, where's yours" she laughs as Rachel cheers her on and Ross laughs.
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“I wouldn't talk so soon" I sigh pulling in my own rod and a large fish. She rolls her eyes and I kiss her. Taylor nestles into my neck and I sigh. I am incapable of control around her. She has me wrapped around her finger.
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“Just you now mate" I say to Nate eyeing my catch.
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“I'm usually better than this" he laughs smiling at me.
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“Prove it" Taylor says and I tickle her. She is a natural flirt, without a shadow of doubt. She doesn't realise but she is. He eyes her. I can just imagine what he's thinking. I can sense it from when I used to be the same as him. Watching her all the time. She pushes her hair back and I stroke her face lightly with my fingertips. Both Nate and Matthew look away, which was my intention. I need her now, on our own but I have to wait it out. I pull my arm around her and her body yields to mine.
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"I need you" I whisper.
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"Me too" she smiles back kissing me slowly as I get lost in her lips closing my eyes.
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"So last time you came out on the boat, was it warm?" Nate enquires breaking our moment with a sly grin plastered over his lips. I just knew he cottoned onto what I said earlier about it being too cold for that. By that I meant us in the water together, and only us. Last time we got in the water, I remember her hair slick to her bare shoulders glistening under the sun.
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"Yes we got in the water" Taylor smiles, and there it is she walks straight into his trap.
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"Well it's not that cold" he sighs looking over at her.
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"You're right it's freezing" she laughs as I giggle.
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"You're welcome to get in Nate, but you may get hypothermia by the time we get back" I laugh.
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“You think?" He stands pulling his shirt over his head as Taylor laughs and Ross rolls his eyes.
Rachel eyes him up and I figure I have to follow suit.
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"Okay I'm in" I sigh pulling off my shirt joining him. I notice Matthew pulls his off and so does Ross, not to be outshone by any of us.
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“Well hello” Rachel laughs as Taylor stands up reading the rod on the side. I lounge back watching her as she downs the rest of her Prosecco before silently taking my jacket off. My pale blue shirt is next as she unbuttons it and removes it before pushing her hair back and standing before me in a nude lace bra.
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“If you guys can pull moves like that then so can we” she laughs glancing at Rachel. I am transfixed by the moonlight shining on her skin as she unzips her skirt and lets it fall.
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"You're so beautiful" I sigh watching her in front of me.
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"I'm getting in" she sighs suggestively ruffling my hair.
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"You ready Rach ?" She looks over at her and I want her attention back on me. I dare not look at Matthew for fear of wanting to punch him for staring at my girlfriend.
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"Yes" Rach laughs, enjoying herself.
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Taylor jumps in on my side, making a small splash. I watch as she lifts her head back out of the water, her hair slick and shiny. I fall for her all over again. Piercing blue eyes assessing me. Biting her lip whilst the moon light shines over her. She swims out just a little so that I can jump in next to her. I lower myself into the water and Nate and Rach join us on our side of the boat. I head straight for Taylor, my girl, feeling for her waist and pulling her toward me. Briefly noticing Matthew and Ross climbing into the water too.
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“Bloody hell” Ross laughs shivering slightly.
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"It's not even that cold" Nate laughs. His eyes travelling over my girl.
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"It's pretty cold babe" Rach says pulling him back towards her and attempting to keep his eyes on her.
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Taylor glances up at the moon and I watch her expression. Full of wonder and questions. I bring my arms around her and she kisses me wholeheartedly. I want everything right now, with her. My hands moving over her hips in the water, she sighs. I look up to see her blue eyes opening and regarding mine.
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I kiss her lips again, feeling her familiar embrace holding me. As I'm enjoying the feel of her lips softly parting with mine, a splash of water comes over us. I hear a laugh and I know it's Nate. Thinking he can be playful and ruin my moments with her. She pulls away slightly and splashes him back.
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"Such a knob" Taylor says laughing. Turning back to me she kisses my lips again with intensity, her hands coming up to caress my jaw. I lean into her my hands on the small of her back. Eventually she moans and I want to take her right here in the water but not with the other guys around.
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“Oh by the way I wanted to ask” Taylor begins a curious expression over her face as she eyes Nate.
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“Justin” she begins and Ross is all ears.
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“He followed me to dance and was like I don’t know watching me or something” she begins as Rachel tuts.
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“He’s your friend, what’s his deal?” She says friendly as Nate shakes his head and Ross looks visibly annoyed.
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“He followed you” Ross asks softly as Matthew watches her.
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“I don’t know exactly, I just found him in the stage area in the dark” she explains.
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“You can see through the curtains were pulled too” she adds not wishing to mention his physical advances as I hold her in the water.
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“He has had girlfriends before, but they usually left because he’s too intense. Too needy and hmm I don’t know we used to rip on him for it but he falls in love hard” Nate laughs.
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“Right” Ross says sourly.
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“He’s an English major you’d know all about it” Nate giggles and Rachel smirks.
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“It has nothing to do with it” Ross says seriously.
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“Either way it’s all good I’m not starting anything just wished to ask” Taylor says softly as Matthew’s eyes bear down onto her protectively as I shoot him a glance.
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"Let's get you back in the boat" I tell her.
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"Don't want you getting too cold" I sigh.
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We swim after Nate and Rach as they get on board first, Rachel almost falling in the boat headfirst. I watch Taylor shimmy in and then I jump on board myself. Rach's teeth are chattering, Taylor is just standing there wet in her underwear and I forget all comprehension of what I'm doing. She rings out her hair, as I take the blanket and wrap her up. Once the blanket is around her I start up the power boat and head back.
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Taylor sits by my side, tucked into me in her blanket as I sail us home. She unhooks her bra and pulls it out from under the blanket as I gaze down at her momentarily mesmerised.
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"Really you expect me to sail a boat when you're next to me with no bra on" I sigh and smile at her.
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"Mhmm" she says suggestively and winks at me.
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Once we're back I shut everything down. Helping Taylor out of the boat whilst she holds the blanket around herself. I escort her back to the lake house my arm hooked around her waist. I glance at Nate, now's the time to take your girl home with you buddy. He gets my look and sighs smiling. I know he likes her but she's the love of my life. Matthew pulls Taylor in for a hug and it annoys me more than it should but I figure at least him and the blonde bear are leaving too. Ross, the blonde bear, engulfs her in his arms before strolling over to Rachel and Nate.
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After several pleasantries they all head around to the garage and we head through our front door. I lift Taylor up easily and she laughs. I carry her up to bed kissing her lips as I go thoughts of Matthew and his charm removed from my mind.
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I feel an overwhelming sense of nostalgia from when I carried her up here from the boat for the first time. I lay her down unwrapping her from the blanket. I take in her body, her breasts which I take in my mouth. She arches her hips and I softly push them back down. I'm taking my time on her tonight.
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I trace my tongue all the way down her body remembering how she looked in the moonlight. Feeling possessive over her and the fact that the others have practically seen her naked in her lace two piece.
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"I’ve missed your body on mine" she sighs.
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"Mmm baby" I tell her licking in between her legs
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"You taste amazing" I say and her hips arch into me I pull her closer into my mouth tasting her and licking her and she sighs saying my name.
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"I want to do you" she says and my erection doubles. I ease off of her.
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"Do me how?" I ask suggestively.
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"In my mouth" she says full of need.
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I lay next to her and she climbs on top. Instantly she has me in her mouth, and I pull her hips to meet my mouth respectively. I've never done this with other girls. It's new for me. It feels incredible, the way her tongue wraps around me.
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Eventually I want her so much that we change positions so that I am on top and shes under me her legs open. I push inside of her feeling her body accepting me and pulling me in.
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"Jay baby" she moans when she's close. I pull her in closer to me.
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"Come for me" I whisper in her ear.
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We both orgasm together. I hold onto her telling her that I love her. That I can't live without her. That she's mine forever, indefinitely.