Taylor's POV
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Three whole weeks have passed since the injury to my wrist. Jay and I have settled in at the lake house, avoiding most of the parties and spending lots of time with one another. Due to it being the weekend we had spent Saturday strolling around the lake in the sunshine, my pale cream dress he told me made me look like an angel. I had laughed pulling him into my arms, ruffling his blonde hair and smiling down at his white pressed button up shirt.
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We’ve vowed to one another, standing before the lake on our deck one slightly crisp evening. He had taken us out on the boat, and I giggled as he helped me out of the boat watching him. Wrapping me in his arms he halted me from walking up the wooden planks into our home, a broad smile lining his lips as he watched me with a questioning look over my face. He declared that he would be mine forever, he told me that our relationship surpasses anything in his life and that being with me is something he intends on for the rest of his days.
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Now though on a clear Sunday morning, I'm waiting at the dance studio for my chance. My opportunity to make it into a real dance company. Jay had dropped me off at the underground parking lot insisting that I’d already got the role before my audition.
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Dance companies I've decided, have their own original way of working. And this one suits me, everybody is walking around with no shoes on as if they're just ready to perform at any given moment. I've bought my ballet shoes along but something tells me I won't be using them.
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Everybody has been friendly and nice, there has been no atmosphere or no pressure and I feel good about this opportunity so far. This morning Jay made me a special breakfast which after researching online he decided would be perfect for somebody who needed to perform well at a dance interview. He's promised me he will pick me up after and that no matter the outcome we are going out for lunch afterwards. I smile to myself, just thinking about him makes me feel like he's close to me somehow.
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"Taylor right?" A soft voice says and I look up eyeing the guy in front of me wearing loose joggers and a tank top. Standing in my leotard and a dance skirt, I feel overdressed somehow.
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"Jacob" he smiles and extends a hand to me which I lightly shake.
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"I think you are going to like it here" he smiles at me leaving me confused as I’m still yet to audition. There’s an odd pause as he looks at me slightly bewildered before pasting a small grin over his naturally red lips.
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"Taylor" another voice calls from the studio door as I jump tearing my eyes away from his tan face and ruddy cheeks. Jacob winks at me and walks towards the studio as I follow him. I had thought he was my interviewer however I'm beginning to think he's another dancer, that works here.
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"Taylor I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, we are ready for you now. The dance teacher at riverbank has really been enthusiastic about you and how well suited you would be here so no pressure. You're in already we just need to see you dance a little" she smiles and I follow them both in.
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"Oh sorry my name is Malika. It's different I know. This is Jacob he's our male principal" she introduces him and he shoots a glance at me, one that lingers ever so slightly before he resumes his usual professional behaviour.
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Malika is petite with mousy hair, she is wearing dance shorts and a loose top. Her makeup free face utterly clear and spotless as she eyes me and the way I carry myself walking into the vast studio. Large windows line one wall and the other is covered with mirrors and barres.
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"We would like, if you don't mind to see how you dance with somebody. It's important that we all work well together and bounce off of each other if you will" she says smiling at Jacob. He has hair that is a light brown, streaked with highlights from the sun and grey eyes. He is built. Really muscular and naturally his body is much bigger than mine. He could probably lift me up and spin me around no problems. I imagine Rachel would be all over him like a rash as I laugh slightly to myself unable to imagine myself with anybody but Jay.
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"Okay sure I'm up for that" I say eagerly, if I say no then I'm out of the door.
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"Okay so ballet shoes or none we don't mind" she says eyeing my dance bag, a hint of a smile spreads across her lips as I place the bag over by the far wall. Opting to keep them off and go bare feet. I take my dance skirt off next so that I'm just in my leotard.
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"Your heights are perfection" she says eyeing myself and Jacob.
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"The pas de deux, swan lake the love duet please" she smiles at me and I’m sure that this is my first test. Whether or not I know the dance and the music, I imagine other dancers not knowing what she is asking for or worse replying that they cannot perform the routine. Not me, I’m experienced. Years of dancing has helped me to know almost all of the dances, my mother exposed me to a lot of ballet classes and I thank her for the professionalism that I have now adopted.
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Jacob guides me to centre stage without any discussion. He gazes at me as if he already knows me, I smile playing my part. Honestly I know what I'm doing by memory, and it’s put me in good stead to ace this audition.
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Its clear to me that Jacob also knows this dance by memory, more still I get the feeling that it means something to him. He feels the music, he extends every move. He knows what he’s doing and he is not principal for absolutely no reason or credit. He lifts me with ease like I knew he would. His spins are incredible and I match his abilities.
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As the dance and indeed my first audition ends I get the sense just at the end when Jacob holds onto my waist that he loves dancing with me. His eyes open slowly as he breathes out steadily. He gazes briefly into my eyes and I turn away looking toward Malika, slightly stunned by the intensity of his stare.
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Malika watches me surprised, an expression of knowing falls over her face as she wipes her eyes of tears.
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"Beautiful" she comments breathlessly as I shuffle slightly. Standing bare foot in the middle of the floor, feeling terribly small against Jacob’s huge frame.
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"So rehearsals are four times a week. You will have to liase with one another on days and times. Welcome Taylor you are now my female principal dancer" she extends her hand business like as she pulls herself together.
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"Principal" I say abashed, absolutely gobsmacked as Jacob nods happily clapping his hands. I look between him and her small face as she beams at me.
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"Yes we thought you would just be one of our dancers too but that. That was absolute perfection" she sighs hugging me briefly before she turns to face the windows looking out at the skyline and the bright sun peeping through the light clouds.
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"Absolutely made to dance with one another" she says eyeing myself and Jacob once more as she thinks presumably about choreography.
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“Are you happy?” Jacob says smoothly as I eye him perplexed, it’s a big jump from being an intern to the main female lead in a dance company. I nod more out of shock than anything else, unable to find the words I need to articulate my feelings.
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“It’s a paid position” Malika informs me as I smile genuinely. Once she begins to walk out of the studio we take that as our cue to follow her. For such a small lady she has a lot of energy and command.
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Jacob hangs about in the foyer and I realise I'm literally standing there in my leotard. I grab my wrap dance skirt from my bag and wrap it around my waist securing it by tying it up in a bow. He watches the gesture looking mystified.
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"I've not seen one before" he mutters and his grey eyes watch mine again.
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"Seen one what" I reply looking up at him and grasping at my phone.
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"The girls don't wear skirts here" he says slowly and I laugh.
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"Maybe I'll just come in shorts next time" I say my cheeks glowing red as I bite my lip uncomfortably.
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"No ugh" he sighs and I wait for him to form his sentence. After all we must get along, in order to be principal dance partners and leads of a company we must at least be able to communicate.
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"You're... it's I mean perfect. You are principal and you set the precedent. You wear a skirt and they will too" he says slowly as I begin to wonder whether he is always this odd around new people.
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"Anyways sorry my bad enough dance company talk. Here's my number" he hands me an actual card with his head shot on and all of his details. It's professional, it dawns on me that I may have just made it into being able to call myself a pro dancer without even intending to. However my mother always told me that you could say you’ve made it when you’re the lead, and look at me now lead female professional dancer in a company.
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"You ugh should make a card, you're a professional dancer now" he winks at me, an easy smile falling over his face.
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"Okay will do" I say watching his mannerisms keenly, the way his hands move delicately. As if he never switches off from being a dancer. He flows them through his hair as I put his card in my bag.
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"We can arrange the rehearsals because we're the principals. Also we have a few nights out with the others coming up in town they're a good laugh" he explains and I nod along.
I get the feeling Jacob is a ladies man, by the way he talks and the charm he attempts to put on me all be it that we are merely professional equals. Unlocking my phone I text Jacob my number. He eyes my wallpaper which is a picture of Jay and myself at the party a few weeks back.
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"Thanks" he says as his phone pings and he grabs it out of his pocket. Watching him save my number on his phone I notice that he has a very small tattoo on his forearm. It's almost too small for me to make it out. But when I do I let out a gasp involuntarily. He has a bass cleff. A small delicate one, the exact same size as my own one on my ribs. I gaze at it oddly wondering why he has one before looking up and meeting his eyes.
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"I ugh have a treble cleff" I stutter slightly weirded out by the sheer coincidence. He looks up at me equally weirded out by my new topic of conversation. I move my leotard out of the way and his eyes widen.
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"I have a treble cleff, what do you play?" I ask whilst showing him my tattoo on my ribs.
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"Bass" he smiles and it's genuine. He laughs a little rubbing his face as he places his phone away.
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"You" he asks softly, and this is him genuinely. No false charm or bravado.
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"Guitar, violin piano oh and I sing" I say back to him and his eyes widen, he pauses again and watches me curiously.
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"Wow, incredible. Jam sometime?" He smiles turning his charm back on as I pick up my dance bag and head for the doors.
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"Sure." I say and the air has changed between us, he’s grinning at me and I'm thinking don't mention it, it's weird. It’s somewhat odd that we have coordinating tattoos and that we are both principal dancers. My mind wanders to the day I got mine done and how I picked it out of a book without any forethought as Ross got his leg inked next to me. I wonder where Jacob was in the world when he got his tattoo, whether he planned it and what it means to him.
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"Kind of weird show of fate that we have coordinating tattoos before we even met and that we're both principal" he laughs before eyeing me confidently.
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“I wonder what else we have in common” he smirks opening the doors for me as I hide my face struck for what to say, he is confident.
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"Kismet I think they call it" I say and smile.
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"Nice to meet you" I add as he rubs his face once more, grinning.
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"You too congrats, make sure you celebrate" he says smiling back at me. He gives me an easy, open hug and then releases me and I am on my way out of my first interview. I find myself grinning from ear to ear.
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Principal. Professional. The words swirl in my head as I head down in the elevator to meet Jay in the car.